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    Chapter 16 — Medical Evangelism


    A. Read pages 513-551 in EVANGELISM.Ev-SG 44.1

    B. Test Your ComprehensionEv-SG 44.2

    Supply the proper words in the quotations below, and answer the questions in the spaces provided. The numbers at the end of each question indicate the page and paragraph where the answer can be found.Ev-SG 44.3

    1. “_____________________ missionary work is the right, helping __________________ of the ___________________, to ______________________ doors for the proclamation of the message. . . .” (513:2)Ev-SG 44.4

    2. Why is the medical missionary work called ‘the great entering wedge?’ (513:5-514:0 ____________________________________________Ev-SG 44.5

    3. “I have been informed by my guide that not only should those who believe the truth ______________________________ health reform but they should also __________________________ it diligently to others; for it will be an ________________________________ through which the truth can be presented to the attention of _______________________________________.” (514:3)Ev-SG 44.6

    4. “Medical missionary work gives opportunity for carrying forward successful _______________ work. It is as these lines of effort are ______________, that we may expect to _______________ the most precious _______________ for the Lord.” (516:2)Ev-SG 44.7

    5. While the medical missionary works upon the body, what does God do? (517:2) ____________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 44.8

    6. What exhortation and counsel is given to the youth? (518:2)
    a. ___________________________________________________________
    b. ___________________________________________________________
    c. ___________________________________________________________
    Ev-SG 44.9

    7. “The _______________________ missionaries who are sent to foreign countries should first ___________________________ a most ___________________________ education. They are Christ’s ____________________________, and they are to work for Him with all the _________________________________________ they have, _________________________________ fervently that the great Physician will pity and _______________________________ by His miraculous power.” (518:3)Ev-SG 45.1

    8. “___________________________ should remember that they will often be required to perform the duties of a _________________. Medical missionaries come under the head of evangelists. The workers should go forth _____________ _____________ ______________, that they may pray and consult together. Never should they be sent out ______________________________.” (520:1)Ev-SG 45.2

    9. “Never should a __________________________ be established as an enterprise _________________________ of the church. Our ___________________________ are to unite with the work of the ministers of the gospel.” (522:2)Ev-SG 45.3

    10. What precautions should be taken in the development of the medical work? (523:1)Ev-SG 45.4

    a. ___________________________ b.______________________________Ev-SG 45.5

    11. “Gospel ___________________ should be able also to give instruction in the principles of _________________________ living. There is sickness everywhere, and much of it might be __________ by attention to the laws of health.” (525:3)Ev-SG 45.6

    12. There is a great need for instruction on what subjects? (525: 4) _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 45.7

    13. “___________________________schools should be established, and house-to house instruction should be given in the art of cooking wholesome __________________________________.” (526:4)Ev-SG 45.8

    14. “Cooking ________________________________________ are to be __________________________ in ____________________________ places.” (527:1)Ev-SG 45.9

    15. “When the human ___________________________ moves in harmony with the ______________________________________ arrangements of ________________________________, as brought to light through the gospel, disease is _______________________________and health ____________________ ___________________speedily.”Ev-SG 45.10

    16. “Satan is taking the world _________________________ through the use of ___________________________ and ___________________, _____________________________and _______________________. The God-given mind, which should be kept clear, is perverted by the use of _________________________________. The brain is no longer __________________________ to distinguish _____________. The _________________________ has control. Man has __________ his reason for that which makes him mad.” (529:3)Ev-SG 46.1

    17. What subject should be strongly and clearly presented? (530:1) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 46.2

    18. “Let the teachings of ____________________ __________________ be brought into every _____________________ made to get the light of truth before the people.” (533:3)Ev-SG 46.3

    19. “The Lord has __________________________ me that there should be _____________________ near many ____________________ cities. . . .” (534:4)Ev-SG 46.4

    20. “It is the _____________________________ desire that renewed efforts shall be put forth in _____________________ places, and small ___________________________ (medical) be established. A work is to be done that is to ________________________________ the way for the advancement of the truth, and that will __________________ the faith of souls . . . .” (535:1)Ev-SG 46.5

    21. “Health ___________________________________________ must be ________________________ in many ________________________.” (536:1)Ev-SG 46.6

    22. “We are not to establish a _______________ __________________ institutions; for thus it would be impossible to give the patients the messages that will bring health to the soul. ___________________ sanitariums are to be ___________________________________ in _________________________ places.” (536:3-537:0)Ev-SG 46.7

    23. What is the one great objective for our medical institutions? (537:3) ______________________________________________________Ev-SG 46.8

    24. “____________________________ containing the precious truths of the gospel should be in the __________________________________ of the patients, or where they can have easy access to them. There should be a ________________________________________ in every __________________________, and it should be supplied with books containing the light of the gospel.______________________________ plans should be laid that the __________________________________ may have constant access to reading matter that contains the light of present truth. . . .” (538:2)Ev-SG 46.9

    25. What biblical example of the working together of a doctor and an evangelist is mentioned in these paragraphs? (543:4-544:1) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 46.10

    26. What social class must medical missionaries seek to reach? (545:4- 546:0) ___________________________________________________________________Ev-SG 46.11

    27. “The faithful physician and the _________________________________ are engaged in the same work. They should work in complete __________________________________. They are to counsel together.” (546:2)Ev-SG 46.12

    28. “The gospel invitation is to be given to the _______________________ and the ________________________, the _______________________ and the ________________________, and we must devise means for carrying the truth into new places, and to ________________________ classes of people.” (549:1)Ev-SG 46.13

    29. “As the _________________________ ___________________________ is to the body, so is the medical missionary work to the third angel’s message. But the right arm is not to ______________________________ the whole body. The work of seeking the __________________________ is important, but it is not to become the ________________________ burden of our _________________________.” (549 3)Ev-SG 46.14

    30. What advice is given to medical missionaries regarding becoming over-taxed with their work? (550:2,3) __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________Ev-SG 46.15

    C. For MeditationEv-SG 46.16

    1. Am I concerned about the way people are damaging their health by their wrong eating habits and other unhealthful practices? What am I doing for these people?

    Ev-SG 46.17

    2. Am I convinced that in order to attract souls to Christ a good example is more important than preaching?

    Ev-SG 46.18

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