Chapter 15
Pages 215-226
1. On whose side of the great controversy is the person sitting on the fence? (LDE 215:2)
LDE-SG 38.1
2. What principle forms the basis for judging each individual? (LDE 216:3-217:2)
LDE-SG 38.2
3. How is it possible for someone to be saved who knows very little about God’s law? (LDE 218:4-219:1)
LDE-SG 38.3
4. How are God’s people sealed? (LDE 219:4-220:0) Is this different from the Sabbath being the seal of God?
LDE-SG 38.4
5. Who from among God’s people will be sealed? (LDE 221:2, 4, 5)
LDE-SG 38.5
6. What is the mark of the beast? (LDE 224:1, 2)
LDE-SG 38.6
7. When is the mark of the beast received? (LDE 224:6-225:0; 225:4-226:0)
LDE-SG 38.7
8. What constitutes the worship of the beast and his image? (LDE 226:1)
LDE-SG 38.8