Who Changed the Sabbath?
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In a Roman Catholic work entitled, “The Shortest Way to End Disputes about Religion,” p.19, by the Rev. Robert Manning, approved by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Fitzpatrick, Coadjutor of the Diocese of Boston, Mass., we find the following: -WCS 12.2
“As zealous as Protestants are against the church’s infallibility, they are forced to depend wholly upon her authority in many articles that cannot be evidently proved from any text of Scripture, yet are of very great importance.WCS 12.3
“1. The lawfulness for Christians to work upon Saturday, contrary, in appearance, to the express command of God, who bids us ‘keep the Sabbath holy,’ and tells us the seventh day of the week is that day.WCS 12.4
“2. The lawfulness and validity of infant baptism, whereof there is no example in Scripture.”WCS 12.5