November 15, 1894
The Present Truth, vol. 10
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November 15, 1894
“Fanciful Bible Study” The Present Truth 10, 46.
Here we have a company of people gathered together, calling themselves a Bible class. A text of Scripture is read, and the leader asks the members what they think of it. “What is your opinion?” and, “Let us hear your mind,” he says to one and another. So they go about, each one telling what he thinks the text means, until they either arrive at some common ground, or the leader thinks that it is not profitable to carry the “investigation” any further.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.1
“Studying the Bible,” did you say? Certainly not. They imagine that they are, but they are only studying themselves.Their “investigation” is simply an investigation of their own minds, and not of the Bible. They meet and “exchange ideas,” as it is called, although it is rare that any real exchange is made, since each usually becomes more fixed in his own opinion; and the Bible is used as a support for their conjectures.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.2
Take another class, where the same class under other circumstances. The Scripture is read, and the leader proceeds to tell what it means. The members of the class may have been asked their opinion, but the leader closes the discussion with an ex cathedra utterance. If he be a man of repute, the class hang on his words, noting them down carefully for future reference, so that they may know what they ought to believe concerning this portion of Scripture. This also is called Bible study, but it is simply the study of a man.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.3
The same disposition is in men to-day that prevailed in the days of the schoolmen. Speaking of the time of Wycliffe, Wiley says:—PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.4
Philosophy then lay in guesses rather than in facts. Whatever could be known from having been put before man in the facts of nature or the doctrines of Revelation, was deemed not worth further investigation. It was too humble an occupation, to observe and deduce. In the pride of his genius, man turned away from a field lying at his feet, and plunged boldly into a region where, having no data to guide him and no ground for solid footing, he could learn really nothing. From this region of vague speculation the explorer brought back only the images of his own creating, and, dressing up these fancies as facts, he passed them off as knowledge.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.5
To read the Bible, and to search it carefully to find out just what God has said, is still thought scarcely worthy the name of Bible study. Men look into their own minds, and think that thus there studying God.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.6
This is of the very essence of the Papacy. It is the putting of the human above the Divine. It was thus that manifold errors crept into the Christian church, and it is thus that they are perpetuated, and new ones are devised.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.7
There is in many men an almost insane desire to discover something new and startling; to propound some new and startling theory. They are struck by the sound of certain words in the Bible, and without paying any attention to the connection, they forthwith take their “position,” and, if possible, rush into print with a statement of the result of their “study,” which is only a demonstration of the fact that they have not studied at all.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.8
“The right of private judgment,” against which Roman Catholics declaim so much, is grossly abused. God has given to every man reason, and expects each one to think for himself. If He had designed that the priest or the preacher should do the thinking for the labouring man, He would have given all the brains to the former, and none to the latter. But to every man He has given brains, as an indication that each one is expected to think for himself. But God is still supreme. The fact that no man should be lord of another, does not destroy the fact that God is Lord. The only reason why I should not go to another to learn what God means, is that man’s mind is so much less than that of God that he will certainly fail when he tries to interpret the mind of God. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can readily interpret the word of God to men. But when I say that I will not take the opinions of another, but follow my own opinions, I am no better off, for I am a human as well as they. I am simply making myself pope, and saying that my judgment is better than that of any other man.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.9
“God is Judge Himself.” The right of private judgment is not a right to set one’s self up against God. “Submit yourselves to God.” Let God teach you by His own Spirit, through His own word. And let the human teachers work be that of leading his class to the fountain whence he has drunk, that they may drink for themselves. Let God form the judgment, and direct the reason. We are not to put our ideas and construction upon the word, but to meditate upon the word until the light and truth that are in it reveal themselves to us, and mould us.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 721.10
“The Question of Authority” The Present Truth 10, 46.
This is one of the questions most frequently raised by an apostate church for the purpose of silencing those in whom she opposes. “By what authority doest thou these things?” The question brings to mind the chief priests and scribes and Pharisees, and their attempts to silence our Saviour and put an end to His work. It is not an honest question, asked for the purpose of obtaining information; but one raised merely to oppose the truth of God. That was the purpose of the Jews, and that has been the purpose of every other apostate church, in raising it. It is the only purpose the question is fitted to serve.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.1
Our Saviour spake “with authority;” that was evident to all who heard Him. Yet He had not received any authority from the chief priests and the others who sat “in Moses’ seat.” Therefore these chief priest and scribes and Pharisees sought to prove Him an imposter. They took the same course also with Christ’s followers, Peter and John. We read that as these disciples taught the people in the temple, “the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them, ... and they laid hands on them, and put them in hold until the next day.... And it came to pass on the morrow that their rulers, and elders, and scribes, and Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem. And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” Acts 4:1-7. There was no visible line of succession to which authority had descended to Christ or to His disciples: and therefore they were treated just as teachers of the truth are treated now who are not in the supposed line of “apostolic succession.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.2
To-day this same question is on the lips of the men who speak for the apostate Church of Rome. It has been coming from the same source since the days of the early Reformers. What is the authority of Protestantism? Recently a lecture was delivered in Liverpool by a Catholic prelate, to prove that Protestantism leads to infidelity, and that in spiritual things all Christians were dependent on the authority of the Catholic Church. This is ground upon which Rome feels very confident, as she sees how the principles of true Protestantism have been abandoned by the vast majority of those nominally ranged under its banner, and her own principles adopted, to a large extent, in their place. In the use of her own weapons Rome stands unequalled and fears no opponents who essay to employ them against her. If the appeal is to Church “fathers” and Church councils, Church creeds and decrees, to decide the question, the weight of evidence will be strongly on Rome’s side. But the question can be met to-day just as it was by Christ and His disciples, with the same discomfiture to the Pharisees and the priests.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.3
What was the authority of Christ? It was the authority of God; for His Father dwelt in Him and did the works. John 14:10. The authority of His disciples was the same. Peter said to the assembly before whom he and John had been called, “If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by Him doth this man stand here before you whole.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.4
The work which had been done through Peter and John for the impotent man was the work of the Gospel, and the Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.” Romans 1:16. He who had done the work was God Himself, and He it was whose credentials they in reality demanded. The Gospel is manifested through an individual only when God dwells in him, and when God dwells in a man, He doeth the works, and the words and works of the Gospel must appear in that man, in spite of every power in the universe.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.5
Has any church the right to say when or with whom God shall fulfil His promises of dwelling in man? Jesus said, “If a man love Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” John 14:23. Can any man or set of men deny to any man the privilege of loving Christ at any time he pleases? If so, then they have the right to deny the authority of any man to speak the Gospel because he did not derive it from the source and by the means which they prescribe.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.6
The word of God is its own authority; and wherever it is spoken there will be manifested “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth,” irrespective of the objections which men may raise over the question of authority. That question need never trouble the Christian, for he has first settled in his mind that he is nothing and can of himself do nothing, and that it is God dwelling in him who does the works. And the words and works of God constitute their own evidence, and as effectual an answer to the prelates who shout, “By what authority?” now, as they did to the like query from the scribes and Pharisees of old.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.7
“Studies in Romans. Union with Christ. Romans 7:1-7” The Present Truth 10, 46.
The seventh chapter of Romans is really all contained in the sixth. He who understands the sixth chapter will have no difficulty with the seventh. Let us therefore, before beginning with the seventh chapter, recall briefly the points brought out in the last few lessons.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.8
In the fifth chapter the principal thing is the gift of life and righteousness. Death comes by sin, and so life comes through righteousness, not our own, but that of Christ.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.9
By Christ’s obedience we are made righteous. This is because his life is now given to us, and he lives in us. The obedience of Christ which saves us, is His present obedience in us. And the obedience is to the law.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.10
This union with Christ we get by being crucified with Him. In that death the body of sin is destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin, or, in other words, that we should no more transgress the law. So closely are we identified with sin, it being our very life, that it can not be destroyed without our dying. But in Christ there is no sin, so that while we have a resurrection with him, sin remains dead. So, being raised with Him, we live with Him, a thing that was formerly impossible on account of sin; sin can not dwell with Him.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.11
All this is accomplished by the grace of God, as set forth in the third chapter: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” By grace are we saved from sin, which is the transgression of the law. Therefore being under grace, we are not under the law, but are freed from its condemnation; for it condemns only those who transgress it. With these points in our minds, we may profitably consider them inPTUK November 15, 1894, page 722.12
“Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law), how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law; for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.1
To whom does the apostle speak in this chapter?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.2
“I speak to them that know the law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.3
What are such expected to know about the law?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.4
“That the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.5
What illustration of this is given?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.6
“The woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long is he liveth.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.7
If while her husband was alive she should be married to another man what would the law call her?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.8
“An adulteress.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.9
But what if her husband be dead?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.10
“She is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.11
Why not?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.12
“She is free from that law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.13
What personal application is made of this illustration?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.14
“Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.15
By what means?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.16
“By the body of Christ.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.17
For what purpose?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.18
“That ye should be married to another.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.19
To what other?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.20
“Even to Him who is raised from the dead.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.21
To what end?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.22
“That ye should bring forth fruit unto God.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.23
What fruit was brought forth when we were in the flesh?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.24
“Fruit unto death.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.25
What was it that produced this fruit unto death?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.26
“The motions of sins,” “did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.27
What gave them that power?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.28
“The law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.29
But now what has taken place, since we are married to Him that is raised from the dead?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.30
“But now we are delivered from the law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.31
How is it that we can be married to another, and still be free before the law?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.32
“That being dead wherein we were held.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.33
What is the difference in the service now and then?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.34
“That we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.35
What shall we say then? Is the law sin?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.36
“God forbid.” Far from it.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.37
What proves that?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.38
“I had not known sin but by the law.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.39
What special commandment revealed the greatness of sin?PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.40
“I had not known sin except the law had said, thou shalt not covet.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.41
The Illustration.-It is a very simple one, and one which every one can understand. The law of God says of man and woman, “They two shall be one flesh.” It is adultery for either one to be married to another while the other is living. The law will not sanction such a union. For reasons that will appear later, the illustration cites only the case of a woman leaving her husband. The law unites them. That law holds the woman to the man as long as he lives. If while her husband lives she shall be united to another man, she will find herself under the condemnation of the law. But if her husband dies, she may be united to another, and be perfectly free from any condemnation. The woman is then “free from the law,” although the law has not changed in one particular. Least of all has it been abolished; for the same law that bound her to the first husband and which condemned her for uniting with another in his lifetime, now unites her to another and binds her to him as closely as it did to the first. If we hold to this simple illustration, we shall have no difficulty with what follows.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.42
The Application.-As in the illustration there are four subjects, the law, the woman, the first husband, and the second husband so also in the application. We are represented as the woman. This is clear from the statement that we are “married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead,” which is Christ. He therefore is the second husband. The first husband is indicated in verse 5:“When we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.” Death is the fruit of sin. The first husband, therefore, was the flesh, or “the body of sin.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.43
“Dead to the Law.”-This is the expression that troubles so many. There is nothing troublesome in it, if we but keep in mind the illustration and the nature of the parties to this transaction. Why are we dead to the law? In order that we might be married to another. But how is it that we become dead in order to be married to another? In the illustration it is the first husband that dies before the woman may be married to another. Even so it is here, as we shall see.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.44
“One Flesh.”-The law of marriage is that the two parties to it “shall be one flesh.” How is it in this case? The first husband is the flesh, the body of sin. Well, we were truly one flesh with that. We were by nature perfectly united to sin. It was our life. It controlled us. Whatever sin devised, that we did. We might have done it unwillingly at times, but we did it nevertheless. Sin reigned in our mortal bodies, so that we obeyed it in the lusts thereof. Whatever sin wished, was law to us. We were one flesh.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.45
Seeking a Divorce.-There comes a time in our experience when we wish to be free from sin. It is when we see something of the beauty of holiness. With some people the desire is only occasional; with others it is more constant. Whether they recognise the fact or not, it is Christ appealing to them to forsake sin, and to be joined to Him, to live with Him. And so they endeavour to effect a separation. But sin will not consent. In spite of all that we can do, it still clings to us. We are “one flesh,” and it is a union for life since it is a union of our life to sin. There is no divorce in that marriage.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 723.46
Freedom in Death.-There is no hope of effecting a separation from sin by any ordinary means. No matter how much we may desire to be united to Christ, it can not be done while we are joined to sin; for the law will not sanction such a union, and Christ will not enter into any union that is not lawful. If we could only get sin to die, we should be free, but it will not die. There is only one way for us to be freed from the hateful union, and that is for us to die. If we wish freedom so much that we are willing to be crucified, then it may be done. In death the separation is effected; for it is by the body of Christ that “we” become dead. We are crucified with him. The body of sin is also crucified. But while the body of sin is destroyed, we have a resurrection in Christ. The same thing that frees us from the first husband, unites us to the second.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.1
A New Creature.-Now we see how it is that we are dead to the law. We died in Christ, and were raised in him. But “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:17, 18. Now we may be united to Christ, and the law will witness to the union, and sanction it. For not only is the first husband dead, but we also died, so that, although alive, we are not the same creature that we were before. “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Galatians 2:20. We are one. The same law that formerly declared us to be sinners now binds us to Christ.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.2
A Different Service.-Now that the union with Christ has been effected, we serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. In marriage, the woman is to be subject to the husband. So when we were united to sin, we were in all things subject to sin. For a time it was willing service; but when we saw the Lord, and were drawn to Him, the service became irksome. We tried to keep God’s law, but were bound, and could not. But now we are set free. Sin no longer restrains us, and our service is freedom. We gladly render to Christ all the service that the law requires of us. We render this service because of the perfect union between us. His life is ours, since we were raised only by the power of His life. Therefore our obedience is simply his loyalty and faithfulness in us.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.3
Sin by the Law.-The apostle says that when we were in the flesh, “the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.” What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Far from it. The law is righteousness. But it is only by the law that sin is known. “Sin is not imputed when there is no law.” “The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.” 1 Corinthians 15:56. “Sin is the transgression of the law.” So there can be no sin but by the law. But the law is not sin; for if it were, it would not reprove sin. To convince of sin is the work of the Spirit of God, and not of Satan. He would make us believe that sin is right.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.4
“Thou Shalt Not Covet.”-It once seemed very strange that the apostle should have quoted only this one commandment as the one that convicted him of sin. But the reason is plain. It was because this one includes every other. We learn (Colossians 3:5) that covetousness is idolatry. Thus the law ends just where it begins. It is a complete circle, including every duty of every person in the universe. “I had not known lust,” or unlawful desire, “except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.” Now lust is the beginning of every sin, for “when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin.” James 1:15. And sin is the transgression of the law. But the tenth commandment is that one which forbids lust or unlawful desire. Therefore, if it is perfectly kept, all the others must be. And if it is not kept, no part of the law is kept. So we see that in quoting the tenth commandment as that which convinced him of sin, the apostle really included the whole law.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.5
Living with Him.-Before leaving this portion we must call attention to the force of the eighth verse of chapter 6.: “Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” We can see how apt this is when we know that it is our death with Christ that frees us from the union with the monster sin, and unites us in marriage to Christ. People get married in order to live together. So we become united to Christ in order that we may live with Him here and in the world to come. If we would live with Him in the world to come, we must live with Him in this world.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.6
“The School Board Controversy” The Present Truth 10, 46.
Some idea of the question involved in the approaching School Board election may be gained from a few statements made by parties concerned. The “Guild of St. Matthew” puts forth a circular which says:—PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.7
It is the duty of the Church in each parish and diocese to organise the teaching of the principles or doctrines of the Christian religion for the children: the attempt of a School Board to formulate a Christian religion, watering it down to two or three doctrines and excluding others, and ordering this religion to be taught to baptized and unbaptized children, is Erastian, and most unchurchly. The School Board has received no commission from the Church for this kind of work, and the Church cannot be satisfied with anything less than full, definite teaching.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.8
This is high language and shows that “the Church” proposes to rule.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.9
What the nature of this “full, definite teaching” will be, is shown from the fact that Roman Catholics are making common cause with the Church party. The Church Times refers to what the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London have said, but adds that “it is impossible to put the whole question in better words than those of Cardinal Vaughan,” which are these, “The contest will be between the friends and the opponents of Christianity;” are these, “If Catholics are well assured that the vital interests of Christ are at stake, and that upon their conduct in this crisis may depend the future religion in England, they will not fail to exert themselves strenuously, and to the utmost.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.10
We see therefore that it is really a question of whether or not Roman Catholicism shall prevail.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.11
Unfortunately there is no clear issue between the two parties. It is not a question of whether or not the Bible shall be taught in the schools, but of whose religion, and how much of it, shall be taught. Either party would be satisfied with the true teaching of the Bible, uncoloured by human opinions and traditions. The Church Times again says:—PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.12
The progressives and secularists are busy enough, and are not slow to utilise the printing press. A copy of one of the secularised documents before us, now being circulated in Hackney, is dead against religious teaching in Board Schools, but the writer has the candour to admit that the teaching of the Bible without explanation “is no better than the repetition of noisome-rhyme in Latin. Either use the Bible in a common-sense way, or not all.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.13
That there is power in the word itself does not seem to occur to the writers. Such zeal is not zeal for the Bible, but zeal for certain religious dogmas.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 724.14
The Church of Rome has always talked about Jesus Christ, but where it has had the power it has always persecuted those who really yielded themselves to the life of Jesus and followed in His steps. So too with others who have taken over the principles of Rome without the name. In the early church controversies men fought about their opinions of Jesus Christ, and shed one another’s blood in torrents; but they had no idea of really following Christ. They may have thought that they were fighting for His honour, but they were only fighting for their own pride of opinion.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.1
So nowadays it is quite possible for men to engage in bitter controversies about the Holy Scriptures, and all the time fighting only for their own opinions. In this way only can we explain how some on both sides of the Board School controversy which is now raging can talk so loudly about Bible teaching in the schools, while in their own work they have frequently used their influence to destroy confidence in the Scriptures.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.2
Thus the Church Times, which has led in the campaign in behalf of the majority of the Board, in a recent issue answered the query of a doubting correspondent by saying that all scholars know that the record of the creation in Genesis cannot be taken as a statement of facts. The way, then, to teach the Bible is to teach that it is not true, and that it has been left to the evolitionist to discover that God did not create the heavens and earth by the word of His mouth.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.3
But the controversy, as we have stated, is not over Bible teaching; it is merely to decide whose opinions about the Bible shall be taught. The confusion existing in the religious world about the Bible was briefly stated by Dr. Parker in a letter to the Times. After showing how it is contrary to the spirit of Christianity that men should think to enforce its teaching in schools sustained by compulsory rates, he said:—PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.4
We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that there is no Bible upon which all Christian parties can agree. One party says that surely the historical parts of the Bible might be read, to which another party replies that the historical parts of the Bible are especially to be avoided because they are ethically incorrect and in many instances glaringly contradictory. One party says read the Bible because of its Divine revelation to the human soul, to which another party replies the one thing that is to be distrusted is the claim on behalf of the supernatural or the ultra-historical. Some say read the life of Jesus, and others say that there is no trustworthy life of Jesus to be obtained. To some the Bible is historical; to others it is ideal.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.5
If there were more pulpits teaching the word as the living and powerful thing that is, able to do actual work in the lives of those who receive it, there would be less political controversy about the radical Bible teaching.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.6
It makes very little difference what name is given to religious teaching that ignores, or contradicts, or attempts to improve upon, the Bible. Call it Catholic or Protestant, the effect is the same. Now since neither party desires that the Bible shall be taught in its purity and simplicity, it is evident that in the end Catholicism will be the gainer whichever way the election turns.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 725.7
“News of the Week” The Present Truth 10, 46.
-In Russia glass coffins are coming into use.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.1
-The Spanish Cabinet has been reconstructed, with Senor Sagasta as Prime Minister.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.2
-The Chilian ministry is reported to have tendered its resignation to the President.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.3
-The weather in the Atlantic of late is said to have been the worst experienced for over a quarter of a century.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.4
-Queen Victoria is suffering from rheumatism, and is said to be contemplating a trip to Germany next summer to try its mineral waters.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.5
-A persecution has broken out in Korea against the native Christians, as a result of the breaking up of the forces which former held control. It is feared that much bloodshed will be the result.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.6
-The New Czar is 26; the King of Spain is 8; Queen of the Netherlands, 14; King of Servia, is 18; Emperor of China, 23.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.7
-The birth-rate of the United Kingdom for the last quarter was the Iowest on record, the proportion being 28 annually per 1,000 of population.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.8
-Temperance workers are to inaugurate a pledge-signing crusade in 1805, for which a preliminary conference will be hold next month in Exeter Hall.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.9
-There are fifty manufacturers of imitation butter in Germany. A factory in Mannheim produces daily 6,000 pounds from a preparation of cocoanuts.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.10
-The tumulus in Parliament-hill fields, near Hampstead, the supposed burial-place of Boadicea, has boon excavated without yielding any trace of the warrior-queen.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.11
-The Pope has sent an expression of sympathy to the director of the Moniteur de Rome, who was recently expelled from Italy for the expression of treasonable sentiments.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.12
-The French Socialists have determined to wage vigorous war upon President Casiraer-Perier and his supporters, on account of the anti-Socialist policy of the Government.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.13
-The Hova Prime Minister has replied to the French ultimatum by declaring that he will only yield to force. An expedition will accordingly be dispatched by France to subjugate the island.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.14
-Australian stock-raisers have demonstrated their ability to supply the London market with frozen beef and mutton which will compare favourably with American and Canadian competitors.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.15
-The Arctic navigator, Captain Wiggins, is said to be icebound in the Kara Sea. His vessel has been lost, and the Russians are sending out a relief vessel. He was endeavouring to open up a sea-route to Siberia.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.16
-While opinions differ as to the home policy of the new Czar, it is believed in the highest circles that whatever change may take place will be gradual, and that in foreign policy Nicholas II. will follow the example of his father, with a greater leaning towards England and Germany.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.17
-Serious fighting has taken place on the Afghan frontier in connection with the Waziristan-Punjaub delimitation. The British political officer’s escort have attacked in the north of the Spin country by the Waziris, who were repulsed with heavy loss. The British force also suffered severely.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.18
-The war in the East continues to go wholly in favour of the Japanese. Port Arthur has been invested and its capture is regarded as certain, together with twelve Chinese ships of war belonging to the Pin-Yang fleet which have been caught in the investment of the place. China meanwhile has addressed a note to the powers of Europe asking their intervention to bring about a peace, but as yet the latter have taken no definite action.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.19
-A young Danish doctor has invented an extraordinary cure for small-pox. He noticed that patients got the deepest and largest marks on the parts of the body that are the most exposed to daylight, viz., the face and hands, and it struck him that if the ‘chemical rays,’ of the sun-the blue-violet rays-could be subtracted the patients would have a better chance. He treated a number of patients on this theory, with results which seemed to fully confirm his view.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.20
-The American elections have resulted in a complete victory for the Republicans, who, it is expected, will have a majority of thirty over the Democrats in the House of Representatives, in place of the present Democratic majority of ninety-two. The Republicans will also have a majority in the Senate. Tammany, the synonym for corruption in New York, mot with a crushing defeat, not one of its candidates being returned. Mr. Wilson, the author of the Tariff Bill, lost his seat.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.21
-A serious riot is reported from Ruszt, in Hungary, arising out of the objection of the population to the order issued by the authorities that all persons dying from cholera should be buried in a separate cemetery. An excited crowd attacked the gendarmes entrusted with the maintenance of order, and endeavoured to disarm them. A conflict ensued, and the gendarmes were eventually compelled to fire upon the mob. One peasant was killed and many others wounded. Sixty persons were arrested, including twenty women.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 734.22
“Back Page” The Present Truth 10, 46.
The administrative authorities of Finland no longer offer any opposition to the work of the Salvation Army, which had added 1,500 to its ranks in the past year.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.1
The pilgrimages to Mecca cause the death of thousands of the pilgrims every year. Travelling amidst filthy surroundings, and drinking of the germ-laden water at the sacred well, about one in ten perish of the cholera. The British Consul at Jeddah estimates the deaths last year during the pilgrimage season at fully 24,000.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.2
The Church of England furnishes by far the largest number of soldiers in the regular army. Returns show 143,129 belonging to the Church of England, 36,878 Roman Catholics, 15,190 Presbyterians, 11,433 Wesleyans, and 1,802 Protestants of other denominations, 2,057 Mohammedans and Hindus.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.3
In Japan, says a missionary correspondent, the contagion of war has infected the Christian bodies, and native pastors are preaching the righteousness of the war with China, and urging the members to be ready to lay down their lives in prosecuting it. It shows how much Japan needs the real Gospel of peace when so many who profess to be following Christ are ready to join their pagan fellows in war, putting country before Christ, the flag before the cross.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.4
A good point which ought to be brought home to all ministers of the Gospel was recently given to the Bishop of Wakefield by a poor miner. The Bishop was on his way to a colliery village where he was to preach, and fell in with a miner, also on his way to meeting, to whom, in the course of conversation, he made known that he was the one who was to preach that day. “Oh, don’t preach; just talk to us,” said the miner. If there were less preaching at people, and more talking to them, there would be more conversions. As a matter of fact, “preaching,” as used in the Bible, is not sermonising, but is simply talking and teaching the word.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.5
In Roman Catholic Italy, where parochial schools have always held sway, fifty-three per cent. of the people, statistics tell us, can neither read nor write. In Roman Catholic Spain, seventy-two and a half, in Roman Catholic Austria forty-five, and in Roman Catholic Mexico ninety-three per cent. can neither read nor write. In Germany only three per cent. of the people are unable to read and write: in Norway and Sweden, three per cent.; in England, ten per cent. The facts speak volumes of the baneful influences of Roman Catholic rule.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.6
The Spiritualist paper, Light, has a very appreciative notice of Mr. Drummond’s book, “The Ascent of Man,” and gives “full welcome,” to his “final conclusion,” which is as follows:—PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.7
The Ascent of Man and of Society is bound up henceforth with the conflict, the intensification, and the diffusion of the struggle for the Life of Others. This is the further Evolution, the page of history that lies before us, the closing act of the Drama of Man. Kindled by this past, Man may surely say, “I shall arrive.” The succession cannot break. The Further Evolution must go on, the Higher Kingdom come.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.8
Light welcomes this as “the very essence of Spiritualism.” Of course it is, for Evolution and Spiritualism are but two names for the same thing, namely, the dethronement of God, and the deification of man.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.9
It is a very common saying among those who argue for the total separation of Church and State, that the only thing that civil government has to do with religion is to protect all alike in the practice of their religion. But even this goes too far. Its proper relation to religion is to let it alone. But in so far as any religion is a departure from the Gospel, it must have government protection. Being a human production, it must have human support. But the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it derives its support and protection solely from its Author, and asks no protection from human governments. Indeed, it has always flourished best when earthly governments have been in open opposition to it. And have persecuted it; because at such times its professors depend wholly upon their rightful protector-the Lord Jesus Christ. The time of “protection” to the religion of Christ and His followers by civil governments, is the time of carelessness and apostasy.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.10
In trying to find out the reason for the generally small proportion of men at church services, some one has discovered that the fear of spoiling their best hat keeps many away. It has been discussed in the papers, and the churches are urged to provide conveniences for preserving the silk hat from injury, so that many who now stay at home may venture to take their place in the pew. The trials and hardships of the man who really does not want to go to church, but does not like to say it, are truly great in these unheroic days.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.11
Napoleon is reported to have said, “Scratch a Russian and you find a Tartar,” and in the light of recent events it appears that the veneer of civilisation is not much thicker over the people of the most advanced nations to-day. How eagerly the barbarians’ practice of bull-fighting has been taken up in France! Serious disturbances over large districts have followed the attempts to suppress it, even in its infancy. And this only demonstrates that the soil into which this plant of barbarism was introduced was congenial for its growth. Man is by nature barbarous, wherever he is found; and unless his nature is changed by the grace of God, the polish of civilisation will but constitute a veneer over the savagery that is within.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.12
It is strange that people should make poorer excuses to the Lord than they do to anyone else; yet such is the fact. No one, for instance, ever thinks of offering to man the “any one day in seven” theory, for not observing the first day, or as satisfaction for a law demanding such observance; yet this very same theory is supposed to satisfy God! Is God less particular than men? Let those who would make this excuse to Him pause in their course and ask themselves if they can afford to run the risk.PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.13
“Counsel is Mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.”PTUK November 15, 1894, page 736.14