April 15, 1889
The Signs of the Times, vol. 15
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April 15, 1889
“Front Page” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
Dr. Dix, of New York, declares that the growth of the Protestant Episcopal Church gives ground to believe that it will become the church of America. The Evangelist calls for a statistical exposition of his belief.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.72
The Churchman is authority for the statement that $100,000 has been subscribed to pay counsel to defend the Bishop of Lincoln, soon to be tried on technical charges of violating the ritual of the English Church.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.73
God’s promises are immutable; so also are his precepts. What is affirmed of the former is affirmed of the latter. And is it not reasonable, more than this, is it not absolutely necessary, if we would truthfully rely upon God’s promises, to regard his precepts? To depend upon his promises while violating his precepts is presumption, not faith.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.74
It is stated that although the $1,000 license fee in the city of Omaha, Neb., reduce the number of saloons to 250 and there has been no diminution in drunkenness and crime. Omaha has a population of only 110,000, yet there were last year in that city 11,910 Omaha, Neb., reduced the number of saloons to 250 there has been no diminution in drunkenness and crime. Omaha has a population of only 110,000, yet there were last year in that city 11,910 arrests. Surely Nebraska ought to wipe out the disgrace of such a record by adopting a constitutional prohibition.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.75
In the course of a recent debate in the English Parliament, the fact transpired that in Wales, where Sunday closing has been in force for two years, the law has signally failed to materially reduce drunkenness. Those who want to drink on Sunday lay in a supply of liquor on the previous day. The only practical solution of the liquor question is absolute prohibition seven days in the week. Of course there will always be some violations of prohibition laws, just as there are of other laws, but that is no argument against prohibition.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.76
The Christian at Work, of March 28, remarks concerning the Jesuits’ Estates Bill, that the Protestants do not find fault so much because of the money to be paid, but because of the stipulation connected therewith. The bill provides “that any agreement made between the Government of the province and the Society of Jesus will be binding only insofar as it shall be ratified by the Pope and the legislature of the province.” It also provides that “the amount of compensation shall remain in the possession of the Government of the province as a special deposit until the Pope has ratified the said settlement and made known his wishes respecting the distribution of such money in this country.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.77
The Protestants are exasperated, says the Christian at Work, because of these clauses. We do not blame them. The Pope has no business with the affairs of Canada whatever.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.78
The Presbytery of Italy has issued a circular letter to English-speaking Protestants on the continent, containing a list of Presbyterian churches in which worship is conducted, and urging professors of religion who are traveling to observe Sunday strictly, “and thus make their example tell for good and not for evil in European countries.” A significant feature of the circular is that it asks those to whom it is addressed to keep Sunday as well when traveling as at home.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.79
It is thus that the Voice refers to the London edition of the Sunday Herald not long since:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.80
“The New York Herald has introduced its Sunday edition into London. Now this isn’t fair play, Brother Bennett. It reminds us of the Southern doctor who baled yellow fever rags, and shipped them to Northern ports during the war. The English public has enough moral diseases to contend with without giving it the seven days’ itch.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.81
Will the Voice please tell us where in the Sunday London Herald is the “seven days’ itch”? Is it because the Herald is intrinsically bad? And if not, why is the Sunday edition worse than that of the other days of the week? We wait the explanation.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.82
Says the Lutheran Observer March 1, in referring to the Prohibition Amendment to be submitted to the people Pennsylvania June next:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.83
“It is stated that Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ryan, of the Catholic Church, will be neutral in this contest, and that Catholics will be free to vote as they please. Some priests have already declared themselves in favor of the amendment, and others against it.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.84
What a pity it is that the liquor party cannot get the vote of Archbishop Ryan and count in that vote all the Catholics of Pennsylvania. Of course, it cannot be done, and it would be criminal if it could, but if it could be and were, it would be no more immoral than the act of the American Sabbath Union which will supply the signature of Cardinal Gibbons in favor of the Blair Sunday Bill by over 7,000,000, though the Cardinal signed it merely as an individual.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.85
If the question were that of a Sunday law, and the American Sabbath Union could count in one man’s vote for the whole, be assured they would do it. The whisky men will do all in their power to defeat the amendment, but they can hardly surpass in trickery and fraudulent methods that body of which Col. Elliott F. Shepard,*The original publication had the spelling “Shepherd.” of the New York Mail and Express, is president, and which the Lutheran Observer, with many other religious journals, indorsed. We hope, however, whatever methods may be used against it, that the prohibitory amendment will carry in the Keystone State by a decisive majority.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.86
“Only a Jew” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
It will do no harm to remember, when our feelings against people of other religions becomes strong, that Christ, and John, and David, and Paul were Jews. Whatever his belief may be, every man is one of God’s children, and should be treated as a brother. A scene which actually occurred in Russia, and was reported in a New York paper not long since, carries with it a powerful lesson.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.87
“Let him sink; he is only a Jew,” was the exclamation of a crowd of people in a Russian town recently, as they beheld the struggles of a poor wretch in the river. Just then a young man broke through the crowd, which tried to hold him back, and, plunging into the river, brought the drowning man to the shore. As the crowd began to jeer at him for saving the life of a mere Jew, it was discovered that the man whose life was saved was a Gentile, and that his brave rescuer was a Jew. The cheering at once ceased, and the crowd slunk away.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.88
“The Divinity of Christ. (Continued.)” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
We come to notice some of the works which Christ does as God, and in this we shall find additional proof of his divinity. In one talk with the Jews, he used the following language, which shows his position of equality with the Father:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.89
“For neither doth the Father judge any man, but he hath given all judgment unto the Son; that all may honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father which sent him.” John 5:22, 23, Revised Version.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.90
The first way in which God is revealed to us as demanding honor, is as Creator. Paul says that the heathen who know not God are without excuse, because God has revealed unto them that which may be known of him; for ever since the creation of the world, the invisible things of God, that is, his eternal power and Godhead, are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made. Romans 1:19, 20. Now since Christ is to be honored by all, just as they honor the Father, it follows that he is to be honored as Creator; and so, according to Paul’s words to the Romans, the visible creation affords proof of the “eternal power and Godhead” of Christ. Let us note a few texts which speak of Christ as Creator. John 1:1, 2 has already been quoted, showing that Christ is God. Verse 3 says: “All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.91
In Hebrews 1:8-10 we have the record of language which the Father addressed to the Son. The first, in verses 8, 9, in which the Father addresses the Son as God, we have already quoted. But in verse 10 we are told that he said further to him: “Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thy hands.” So whenever we look abroad upon the earth, or view the shining heavens, we may know that they show the power and love of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Without him was not anything made. The apostle Paul makes this most emphatic, in his epistle to the Colossians, of Christ, through whose love we have redemption. He says:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.92
“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature; for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him; and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:15-17.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.93
From the words, “the first-born of every creature,” some have argued that Christ himself is a created being. But that is not only a hasty conclusion, but one directly opposed to the text itself. Note the following points: 1. The same thing could not be both creature and Creator. But this text affirms in the most emphatic terms, what other texts teach, that Christ is Creator. 2. Verse 16 shows that he was not created, for, “by him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,” etc. Says John, also, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3. This excludes Christ from the list of created beings; for everything that was made was made by him. In Revelation 5:13, also, it is stated that “every creature which is in Heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth,” gave honor and glory to him. 3. The term “first-born of every creature” cannot by any possibility indicate that he is a created being, standing related to other creatures simply as first, and highest in rank, because he is “the only begotten Son of God.” There is none other in the universe that stands related to God the Father as he does. The term first-born does not in this case, at least, imply that others were born after him. It only shows his pre-eminence above all things, as stated in verse 18. 4. Verse 17 says that “he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” This again separates him from the creation, except as creation’s Lord; and this is what the text teaches. In him creation had its beginning, as stated in Revelation 3:14. Creation existed in him, in embryo, as it were; “for it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.” Colossians 1:19. No language could more perfectly show the pre-existence and the creative power of Christ, than does the language of Colossians 1:15-17.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.94
“By him all things consist.” Literally, “by him all things hold, or stay, together.” This is equivalent to Hebrews 1:3, which speaks of him as “upholding all things by the word of his power.” He brought all things into existence, and he preserves them in existence. His word caused them to exist, and his word upholds them. In all these things he acts, not independently, but conjointly with the Father. Said he: “I and my Father are one.” John 10:30. Not a thought does one have that is not the thought of the other. Their unity in creation is shown in the words, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Genesis 1:26. This union of the Father and the Son serves to explain why the Hebrew word which is rendered “God” is in the plural number. “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18. All that we know of God, we learn through Christ. Let no one, therefore, say that in exalting Christ we are in danger of lowering our ideas of God. That is impossible, for the more exalted ideas we have of Christ, the more exalted must be our ideas of the Father. W.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.95
“Aggressive Adventism” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
The above is the heading of an article in the Western Christian Union of March 22, a paper edited and published by the Rev. G. W. Bothwell, D. D., pastor of the Second Congregationalist Church, Oakland. We give the article entire, that the readers of the SIGNS OF THE TIMES may see what “Aggressive Adventism” is defined to be, and how it is to be dealt with. The Sentinel referred to is the American Sentinel:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.96
“Our neighbor, the Sentinel, has worked itself into a feverish state of excitement lest the Blair Sunday-Rest bill may become a law. If this bill should become a law it will be the formulated sentiments of nine-tenths of all of the evangelical churches of the country. It will be indorsed by the faculties of all of the leading colleges and universities in the land. Intelligent Christian sentiment throughout the world, ever in sympathy with every step toward conformity with the oracles of God, will cordially approve all the main features of this bill.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.97
“Against these majorities, constituted as they are, why are our Adventist friends continuously protesting? We are weary of Ishmaelitism in theology and upon questions of public morals. The methods employed in securing many of the 31,000 names of alleged citizens of California, recently presented in Congress, were not creditable to any people calling themselves religious. We refer to their practice of button-holing unsuspecting citizens in the railroad waiting-rooms and on the street corners-not a few of whom were wholly unfamiliar with the question, and of inducing them to sign a narrow sectarian protest under the specious plea that the Constitution of the United States was threatened. We had entertained a high opinion of this people until we were forced to observe how they secured signatures to their recent petition. We will charitably suppose that the Sentinel did not know the methods resorted to by some of their over-zealous canvassers, but that does not affect the fact that they have placed the leaders of the church in very bad company. Every infidel, every dram seller-all desecrators of holy day-will applaud them for what they have tried to do, for reasons too obvious and too ignoble for mention.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.98
“This continuous discussion of the Constitution-this hiding behind it-is one of the most transparent guises we have ever known a professedly religious people to resort to in order to gain other ends.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.99
“The treatment, or the disrespect, shown the framers of the Sunday-Rest bill, recently presented in Sacramento, affords a large class of lawless and immoral people an opportunity for gloating over the defeat of a bill urged and petitioned for by a great majority of the best people in California.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.100
“Again, the Sentinel, by its rejoicing, is in bad company. We have no desire to persecute our neighbor, but we think it should look a little more closely after the injudicious people who support it and advocate its interests. It should read them some lectures upon their peculiar methods of proselytism, and then, perhaps, if it did not find favor in the sight of all of the people, it would, at least, have the respect of a worthy conservative class who heartily second every effort to secure fair play.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.101
“Most of the States make provision for the exercise of the peculiar tenets of belief which are entertained by the Adventists. They can worship on Saturday and call it the Sabbath if they choose, but there let their privileges end. Instead of thankfully making use of concessions granted them, and then going off quietly and attending to their own business, as they ought, they start out making unholy alliances that they may defeat the purpose of their benefactors. None of these bills are aimed at them, but if they fail to appreciate the fact they may yet call down upon themselves such a measure of public disfavor as that legislation embarrassing to them may result.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.102
Although the American Sentinel is the paper specially referred to, inasmuch as the article deals with Adventists, and is directed against Adventists, we will notice its various points in order. In the first place we will say for the Sentinel, that it has not worked itself into a feverish state of anxiety lest the Blair Sunday-Rest bill may become a law. It certainly cannot, but another similar one may; and from the lordly tone of those who are working for such a law, we think a little anxiety becomes those who love liberty. The statement that such a law would be “the formulated sentiments of nine-tenths of all the churches of the country,” shows that there is danger ahead, for, as Hon. Richard M. Johnson well said: “Extensive religious combinations to effect a political object” are “always dangerous.” “Among all the religious persecutions with which almost every page of modern history is stained, no victim ever suffered but for the violation of what government denominated the law of God.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.103
As to the method employed in securing the signatures to the petition asking Congress not to pass any Sunday law; the canvassers went in person to the persons whose names appear; those persons were invariably adults, capable of judging for themselves; and they always signed the petition with their own hand. Besides, special pains was taken to let everyone know just what the petition called for. Why, then, do the Sunday-law workers cry fraud? Simply to turn the attention of people away from their own course in securing indorsement to a Sunday-law petition which was marked by fraud at every step. Following are a few of the crooked steps taken:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.104
1. Instead of obtaining individual signatures, they counted the indorsement of the petition by the vote of a few representative men, as the indorsement of an entire denomination or society.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.105
2. Although the petition specified that each petitioner should be “21 years of age or more,” they counted in whole churches, children and all, and in some instances obtained the indorsement of Sunday-schools.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.106
3. Persons that had been counted once in the membership of their local church, were counted again with the membership of the entire denomination, and sometimes still again with some other society; so that some persons were counted no less than six times, as favoring the bill.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.107
4. A letter from Cardinal Gibbons, expressing his own personal approval of the measure, was counted as the indorsement of 7,200,000 Catholics, each one of whom was there certified to be “21 years of age or more.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.108
In view of these things, it is no wonder that they wish to divert attention from themselves. But a more manly, not to say Christian, way would be to acknowledge the fraud, and bring forth works meet for repentance.SITI April 15, 1889, page 201.109
Now as to the final paragraph. We doubt if many of our readers have read any recent utterance that savored more of Russian despotism or the Inquisition than it does. Notice that Mr. Bothwell does not say that Adventists should be content with the privilege of being exempt from the penalties of a Sunday law. No; he does not contemplate anything of the kind; but he thinks that they ought to be very grateful to their “benefactors,” the Sunday people, for allowing them to rest on Saturday. He thinks that they ought to be so grateful that they would not say a word by way of exhortation and warning to those whom they regard as in danger because of disregarding God’s law. And he intimates that if they do not show a proper sense of gratitude to those who permit them to live in this land of the free, and to worship God as he has commanded them, even this privilege will be taken away. In other words, he plainly intimates that if Seventh-day Adventists do not stop telling the people the truth about the Sabbath and the Sunday, they will soon be deprived of the privilege, not only of preaching the word, but of keeping the Sabbath.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.1
That the Sunday-law movement will yet develop into this, is becoming quite evident. In Arkansas an effort has been made to repeal the amendment that was made to the Sunday law in 1887, exempting observers of the seventh day from the penalties of the law. Previous to that they had been greatly persecuted, and that amendment gave them as individuals equal rights with others. But now it is proposed to take this away. The framer of the bill acknowledges that it may drive the Seventh-day people from the State; but he says that they are too “aggressive,” and his people are getting tired. That is, they are preaching what they conscientiously believe to be truth, and the people don’t want to hear it. Well, if the movement is successful, it will not be the first time that “the church” has made use of the civil power to put an end to “heresy” which it could not silence by Bible arguments. The end is not yet, but the signs of the times indicate that it cannot be far off. W.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.2
“The Would-Be Arbiter” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
“There is almost always,” says the Advance, “some nature of truth and pertinence in the Pope’s ‘allocutions.’ In one of the latest of these, speaking of the relations between Russia and the Vatican, and more generally of the position of the church in the modern world, the Pope’s remarks that it is now more than ever necessary for the Governments to make common cause with the church by reason of the perils by which they are surmounted. The progress of military science, he says, and the perfection of weapons of destruction, are insufficient. The surest defenses of the nations will, after all, be found neither in gun-boats nor in battalions, but rather in the development of the character of the people, and by each being careful to render unto each what belongs to the other, and closely adhering to the dictates of justice.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.3
The evident meaning of all this is that the nations should make the Catholic Church, in the person of the Pope, the arbiter of all their differences. And it is now more than ever necessary that they should do this, since the progress of military science and the perfection of weapons has made so much more destructive than formerly. The events are rapidly taking place which will cause all nations to “wonder after the beast which had the wound and by the sword did live.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.4
“Back Page” The Signs of the Times, 15, 15.
We call the attention of our brethren in Pennsylvania to the article by Brother Chadwick in another column. Every vote will count in the coming struggle, and on such a question all Christians ought to be found on the right side.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.5
Pursuant to a request by postal card, we stated last week that the Upper Columbia camp-meeting would be held May 14 to 21; this it seems is a mistake. That meeting will be held at Colfax, Washington Territory, May 22 to 29. The North Pacific meeting will be held at East Portland, Oregon, May 14 to 21.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.6
Mr. D. M. Canright has been in Oakland laboring in the interests of, and supported by, the Pastors’ Union. He preached against Seventh-day Adventists and three times, much in the same way as it is taken up in his book, “Seventh-day Adventism Renounced.” Mr. C. was replied to in four discourses, three by Elder Healey and one by Elder Waggoner. These sermons were published in full by the Oakland Enquirer. If any desire these four numbers, they will be forwarded for fifteen cents, post-paid. The office has only a limited number, so “first-come, first served.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.7
The Christian Cynosure says that the “report that the petition of the Seventh-day Adventists against the Blair bill is signed by about ten times as many persons as that church reports, is attracting attention.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.8
Did the Cynosure but know it, the petition referred to is not “the petition of the Seventh-day Adventists” but of liberty-loving American citizens, of the various churches, not excepting Catholics, a number of whom have understandably signed a petition. Seventh-day Adventists are, we are happy to say, not the only people in this country who love liberty and justice.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.9
The chaplain of the Arizona Legislature writes to us that the Sunday bill recently before that body has failed to become law because of the failure, or rather refusal, of the Governor to sign it. The first Sunday bill introduced was defeated, but the matter was not allowed to rest there.The women of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union had another bill introduced, for which they worked so diligently that it passed both Houses, but failed to meet the approval of the chief executive of the Territory, and, as our correspondent says, “The people of Arizona are still free to worship according to the dictates of their consciences.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.10
The building of Christian character must be erected upon Christ Jesus our rock through faith and repentance. The stability of that building will depend on the thoroughness and depth of the repentance. He who looks back upon his sinful deeds of alone and counts them not very bad, will surely fall again and again till he either turns away from the truth or accomplishes a deep and thorough repentance. But he who looks at his past sins as the evidence of a sinful heart, a corrupt and unregenerate nature, who realizes that his sins would have been tenfold more numerous and greater had opportunity offered and the Spirit of God not restrained him, who truly sorrows for sin,-such an one is laying the foundation for a stable and permanent character. Rather, he is getting down to the foundation. He is meeting the conditions set forth by our Lord. He is digging deep that he may lay the foundation on the Rock. Luke 6:48. The foundation cannot fail, neither that which is built thereon, through a living and true faith.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.11
One so-called orthodox poet writes:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.12
“Where are the dead? In Heaven or hell
Their disembodied spirits dwell,
Reserved in bonds of clay
Until the Judgment day.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.13
While another sings of being by death “released from cumbrous clay.” Now if the latter be true how can the first be? for while both agree that the dead go at once to their reward, the one has “their disembodied spirits” “reserved in bonds of clay,” while the other has them released from clay. Which is right? or are both wrong and the Scriptures right when they teach, as they do in every part, that the only hope of a future conscious existence is dependent upon a resurrection from the dead?SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.14
A correspondent of the New York Evangelist writing from Washington, D.C., says:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.15
“Besides convents, parochial schools, and collegiate institutes difficult to number, the Catholics have in this district three establishments for higher instruction, the Georgetown University, the Gonzaga College, and the New Catholic University. The institution in Georgetown is the largest and best endowed center of learning in America founded and owned by the Jesuits.... Meanwhile there is not in this city of magnificent resources a single Protestant female college, and the only male institution is Columbia University, poorly endowed, crippled all along the line of instruction for want of means.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.16
Only those who know little about it imagine that the rapid growth of Romanism is not a menace to this country.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.17
An example of modern luxury and extravagance rivaling the far-famed oriental splendor, is the mansion now building of Mrs. Mark Hopkins-Scarles, near New York City. Various and valuable marbles from both continents, costly carved wood, ivory, silver, and gold, are the materials which enter into its construction with lavish profusion. The side walls of the main reception room, or atrium, are composed of fifty onyx panels, through which electric lights illumine the costly parlor with the softness of sunlight. Even the servants’ bath-rooms and the kitchen are floored and wainscoted in marble. The organ is the largest house organ in America, height forty feet, case of English oak, with pure gold mouldings. The cost of the largest chimney above the roof is said to be $10,000, while the cost of the whole building, with its surroundings, is estimated at $2,500,000. And all this to gratify pride (for it does not add to comfort), while thousands of the world are starving!SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.18
The Independent, some time since, in commenting on the address of the cardinal and bishops of the United States to the Pope, said that “the most intelligent Catholics do not want the Pope to have temporal power.” And this sentiment is often heard from Protestants who are endeavoring to persuade themselves that there is no danger. But is it true? Referring to this utterance of the Independent the Catholic Review of March 9 says:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.19
“Will the Independent kindly tell us who are ‘the intelligent Catholics’ of the country? Are they the spiritual rulers of the church, who have told plainly in their letter the wrongs the Holy Father has suffered at the hands of the invading Government, and thus voiced the sentiments of the many millions of the faithful and educated Catholics of the republic, or are ‘the intelligent Catholics’ restricted to the writers whose pens are at the service of the enemy, through the columns of the Independent!”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.20
Every true Roman Catholic is in favor of the restoration of the Pope’s temporal power, and when crucial test comes, they will fall into line and shoulder to shoulder oppose any power that opposes the Papacy. “Be not deceived;” “Rome never changes.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.21
The Occident in speaking of the union of churches recently, remarks that “the thing which seems to be so hopeful, in the realization of the near future, is the blending in one of the bodies of like faith and the co-operation of the remainder. The former seems only a question of time for accomplishment in the foreign field, and the latter is being hastened by the broader minds on all sides.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.22
It refers to the coldness and selfishness manifested by some as chilling, but the “leaders” and their “characters and surroundings” show that these “possibilities” of union are not out of range. And then the Occident gives us one of the compelling forces of unity in the following:-SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.23
“In fact, at the pressure of providences that necessitate the combination of the forces of Christendom, and the most unbelieving can hardly look to the need of more than ten years to bring into willingness the most unwilling.”SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.24
Among these so-called providences is the demand for religious legislation. True union would be, not mere co-operation, but blending. “Pressure of Providences” united Pilate and Herod, and Jesus was crucified. Politics is bearing too large a share in the unifying of those denominations for the union to be safe or to be looked upon as a thing of good. The Sunday law is one of the essentials, and its consequences are oppression and persecution.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.25
The New Hampshire Prohibition Amendment was defeated by about 5,500 majority. Only 55,000 votes were cast of 90,000, the usual vote of the State.SITI April 15, 1889, page 231.26