ADDISON, MICH., DEC. 19, 1863
Dear Brother and Sister White: Permit me to offer a few words of consolation to your stricken hearts. The language of our Saviour comes with such force to my mind that I feel at liberty to make an application. “What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou salt know hereafter.” Happy thought! When I heard of your affliction tears flowed freely, and scarcely now will they cease.APYO 89.1
Very dear sister, how much have I thought of thy aching heart the past two days. And oh, how many bereaved mothers have wept for their sons the past three years. Very few of them have thy consolation, my dear sister. How much I have desired to see your face again, if it could be so.APYO 89.2
To-day is a day of mourning in the church, and may it be blessed to us, is my prayer. I had hoped your little family might remain unbroken until the Life-giver came again to this earth to reward the righteous; but, dear sister, God’ ways are not our ways. He knows the end from the beginning. He has not willingly afflicted you, but has suffered it in love to you and yours.APYO 89.3
I bless God in my heart that he does not grant our request, when he sees it will not be best for us. And when “thy will, O God, and not mine be done,” is continually the language of our hearts, what a calm, waiting, trusting in the Lord we realize. More to be desired is it than all the gifts this world can bestow.APYO 89.4
In conclusion let me say, May this affliction cause us to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, that we may be sanctified by virtue of Christ’ blood, and meet our departed again by virtue of his resurrection.
In much love,
Cynthia C. Aldrich.APYO 90.1