The Everlasting Covenant
- Preface
- Announcement to the Shepherds
- “The Desire of all Nations.”
- Unsatisfied Longings
- None but Christ can satisfy
- The Power of the Gospel
- The Power of Creation
- Creation and Redemption
- Creation by the Cross
- The Mystery of God
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- The Life of Jesus Reproduced in Men
- The Gospel Proclaims an Inheritance
- Heirs of all Things
- The Purchased Possession
- Man’s Dominion
- The Dominion Lost
- The World to Come
- God’s Purpose not Frustrated
- Crowned with Glory
- The Curse that Christ Bore
- The Time of Restitution
- The Beginning of the Inheritance
- The Spirit the Surety
- A Thing of the Present Time
- Who are Heirs?
- The Promise of His Coming
- Some Plainly Revealed Truths
- The Grand Climax
- The Lord not forgetful
- The Shortness of Time
- A Thousand Years as One Day
- God our Portion
- What we Inherit from God
- Children not Servants
- A Sure Foundation
- Building on God
- Jesus Christ the “Amen.”
- To Abraham and to his Seed
- A Time of Waiting
- Waiting in the Grave
- The Promise of Resurrection
- To be fulfilled after the Resurrection
- The Ground of Faith
- Time Given the Amorites for Repentance
- A New Name
- Abram and Abraham
- No Change in the Promise
- All the Promises are in Christ
- What the Covenant Contained
- The Covenant is the Gospel
- A Covenant of Righteousness
- The Blessing is Forgiveness of Sins
- Abraham was Blessed through the Cross of Christ
- The Seal
- A Seal of Righteousness
- A Grant of Land
- Canaan and the Earth
- The Sign of Circumcision
- What Real Circumcision is
- Sealed by the Spirit
- Circumcised and Sealed in Christ
- Not a New Thing
- Why the Outward Sign?
- Only a Reminder
- The Sign Perverted
- All Heirs
- All Strangers and Sojourners
- King David a Stranger in the Promised Land
- A City and Country
- Only an Heavenly Country good enough
- Isaac an Illustration
- No Reason for Self-Defense
- Going to Law
- God our Provider and Protector
- The use of Carnal Weapons Prohibited
- “Be Patient.”
- Esau’s Infidelity
- Esau an Infidel
- Jacob’s Worldly-minded Belief
- Esau’s Case a Warning
- Esau’s Followers
- God’s Promise
- God’s Choice
- Why God Chooses Men
- No Partiality with God
- Jacob’s First Lesson
- The Gospel Proclaimed to Jacob
- Christ the Ladder
- Applying the Lesson
- Nothing ever really Gained by Fraud
- The Final Test
- Esau’s Implacability
- Wrestling with the Angel
- Praying and Wrestling
- How Jacob prevailed
- Strength in Helplessly Clinging to God
- A New Name
- Power with God and with Men
- Who are Israelites?
- Israelites are Overcomers
- Egypt and Assyria
- What Egypt Signifies
- Egyptian Idolatry
- Nature Worship
- Egypt—a Synonym for Religious Oppression
- The Object of Delivering Israel from Egypt
- Still in Egyptian Bondage
- Egypt, the Corruptor of Christianity
- Neo-platonism
- Clement of Alexandria
- Pagan Philosophy in the Church
- Influence of Origen
- Scripture Interpretation
- Taking the Bible from the People
- The Result
- Paganised Christianity
- The Reformation Unfinished
- The Darkness of Egypt
- Meekness a Necessary Qualification
- God Remembers His Covenant
- The Meek do not now Possess this Earth
- The Story of the Call of Moses
- God’s Servants only Instruments
- The Spirit gives Utterance
- Preparation not Disparaged
- The Credentials of Moses
- The Self-Existent, Coming One
- The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
- Tribulation Necessary
- The Value of Persecution
- God’s Explanation
- The Gospel of Deliverance
- Preaching to Pharaoh
- The Promise to Abraham included the Egyptians
- God’s Long Suffering
- Pharaoh’s Heart Hardened
- Hardened by Mercy
- God’s Purpose with Pharaoh
- To Declare the Name of the Lord
- A World-wide Gospel
- The Work Still to be Done
- Short Memories
- Denying the Lord
- The Story of the Manna
- Written for Our Sakes
- The Test of the Law
- The Sabbath and Law before Sinai
- The Sabbath a Definite Day
- Not a Seventh Part of Time, but the Seventh Day
- The Seventh Day of the Week
- Hear and Live
- The Word is Life
- Life Through the Word
- The Law of the Spirit of Life
- God Taking the Responsibility
- Living Bread
- Feeding the Five Thousand
- The Source of that Bread
- Spending money for that which is not Bread
- Christ, the Bread from Heaven
- A Lesson of Equality
- A Miracle of Grace
- The Grace of Giving
- Faults and Virtues of Ancient Israel
- ” Are We Better than They? “
- The Beginning
- Sowing the Word of Life
- The Curse Not an Arbitrary Thing
- Effect of the Curse
- Beasts Share the Curse with Man
- Vicious Plants
- The Advantage of the Plant World
- Christ is the Life
- Christ Present in all Creation
- Christ Present in Man
- The Difference between a Sinner and a Christian
- The Confession of Faith
- Man’s Life Depends on the Food which he Eats
- Food is a Blessing from God
- Why God Blesses Us
- Eating to no Profit
- Eat ye that which is Good
- How to Get a Living
- How to Eat Christ’s Flesh
- The Lesson of the Lord’s Supper
- Nothing Unreal in the Religion of Christ
- No Magic or Priestly Incantation
- For Remembrance
- Eating and Drinking Damnation
- Acknowledging that all Life is Christ’s
- Consequences of not Recognizing the Life
- A Necessary Consequence
- In Remembrance of Christ
- A Matter of Health
- Eat Ye That Which is Good
- Water is Life
- The Lord our Rock
- Christ the Fountain of Life
- Men should be more Discerning than Cattle
- Drinking in Righteousness
- The Fountain still Available
- Who May Drink
- The River of Life
- The Water of Life Flows from Calvary
- The Holy Spirit the Water of Life
- Christ Crucified set forth before the Israelites in the Wilderness
- No Excuse
- Rivers of Pleasure
- The Covenant the Giving of the Water of Life
- The Ever-present Cross
- Sin and the Law already Existing
- Nothing New at Sinai
- The Majesty of the Law
- Some Comparisons
- All the Angels Present
- God’s Law Set Forth
- “The Trump of God”
- The Voice of God
- God’s Presence—Visible and Invisible
- The Quaking Earth
- The Ministration of Death
- The Law makes Sin Manifest
- Relation of Sin and Death
- The Law worketh Wrath
- The Broken Law Slays
- Why the Law was Given
- To Reveal Super-abounding Grace
- The Comfort of Conviction
- The Need and the Remedy
- The Gospel in the Old Testament
- An Ever-Present Crucified Christ
- The Hearing of Faith
- Faith Means Obedience to the Law
- The Father of the Faithful
- The Curse of the Law
- The Law not a Curse
- The Blessing and the Curse
- All Under the Curse
- Redeemed from the Curse
- The Gospel in Isaiah’s Day
- The Blessing of Abraham Through the Cross
- The Covenant Unaltered
- How the Covenant was Confirmed
- Our Hope Also
- Abraham saw Christ’s Day
- No Change at Sinai
- The Law in the Covenant with Abraham
- A Pertinent Question
- Christ the Mediator
- Why Israel Failed
- Content with a Shadow
- A Representation of God’s Throne
- The Throne of Grace
- God’s Law as Enduring as His Throne
- Awfulness of the Throne in Heaven
- We May Come with Boldness to this Awful Throne
- Made Nigh by the Blood of Christ
- The Law at Calvary the Same as at Sinai
- Sinai, Calvary, and Zion United
- No Covenant with Gentiles
- Who Have a Share in God’s Covenant?
- The Covenants Contrasted
- How Much Better the Second was than the First
- The Difference
- Why the Promises of the Old Covenant were Never Realized
- The Covenant with Abraham Sufficient
- Its Scope
- Its Surety
- God’s Reference to His Covenant with Abraham
- All Things of God
- The Lesson of Trust
- The Covenant at Sinai not Designed by God
- The People’s Mistake
- A Covenant with Death
- God’s Patience
- The Divine Compassion
- Christ, the Living Law
- Weakness and Power
- In a Book, and in Christ
- Law of Death, and Law of Spirit of Life
- Condemnation and Righteousness
- “Yoke of Bondage,” and “Law of Liberty.”
- A Sacrificial Service Fitting the Law
- What the Levitical Sacrifices Indicated
- What would have been far Better
- How Forgiveness Comes
- True Sacrifice
- “Ready to Forgive.”
- The Old Covenant Valueless
- The People’s Promise Ignored
- Bold Reliance on God’s Promise
- “Salvation Belongeth unto the Lord.”
- God Changes Not
- Works of Supererogation
- The Use of a Likeness
- Christ “the image of the Invisible God.”
- God’s Purpose
- Effect of the Preaching in Egypt
- God’s Solicitude for all men
- All Israel to be Priests
- Their Work as Priests
- The Way all Prepared
- No Fear of Molestation
- A Thorough Work Provided for
- Evidences of God’s Impartiality
- Abraham Himself of Gentile Origin
- Gentile People the Lost Sheep of Israel
- Israel to be Separate
- Union with the Nations means Separation from God
- Rejecting God by Choosing a King
- Desiring to be like the Heathen
- The True Israel not one of the Nations
- Israel the Church of Christ
- Only One Church
- The Church the Kingdom
- Ancient Israel not a Theocracy
- What a Theocracy is
- Christ’s Church the only True Theocracy
- An Important Distinction
- The Papacy not a Theocracy
- A Theocracy does not Exercise Power
- A Separated People
- No Earthly Model
- The Church’s Interest in the World
- God will yet Manifest Himself among Men
- Proof of God’s Presence
- Rest and Inheritance Inseparable
- The Rest was Given with The Land
- The Heathen Not All Driven Out
- Yet God’s Promises Had Not Failed
- A Seeming Paradox
- Peace in the Midst of Tribulation
- Warfare already Accomplished
- Lessons from the Psalms
- The Strong Man Overcome
- They Could not Enter In
- Our Position
- Physical Force Always Fails
- The Commandment from the Beginning
- The Promise of Canaan
- A World-Wide Kingdom
- The New Earth
- A Heavenly Country
- A Heavenly City
- The City Brought Down
- Restoration of Israel
- The Inheritance Future in David’s Time
- Old Jerusalem Signifies Bondage
- The Promise Still Sure
- “He Abideth Faithful.”
- Only One Day
- To-day is the Time to Find Rest
- Rest in Faith
- The Rest All Prepared
- God’s Work and God’s Rest
- A Perfect and Complete Work
- The Rest into which Adam Entered
- God’s Work Gives Rest
- Rest in Activity
- Sin and Weariness
- Keeping the Rest
- Rest in the New Earth
- A Bit of Eden Still Remains
- What the Sign Signifies
- The Sabbath Not a Work
- God’s Word the Basis of Faith and Rest
- A Blessing not a Burden
- Spiritual Rest
- The Poor Man’s Friend
- The Blessed Day and the Blessed Man
- Doubt and Unbelief, not Rest
- The Cross of Christ
- God’s Invitation to Sabbath-keeping
- Glorious Promise:
- Solomon’s Idolatry
- Ruined by Idolatry
- ” Worse than the Heathen. “
- A Record of Iniquity
- Not Inheritors, but Slaves
- God’s Faithfulness
- A Victory of Faith
- A Model Prayer
- The Prayer Answered
- The Song of Victory
- The Result
- Reinforcements
- The Lesson for us
- What might have been
- Rejected Promises
- The Test of Obedience
- The Judgment Threatened
- Fulfillment
- Israel Under Babylonian Sway
- Zedekiah’s Perjury and Rebellion
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Right to Rule in Judea
- End of Israel’s Temporal Dominion
- Universal Dominion
- A Brief History of the World
- Medo-Persia and Greece
- Roman Rule
- The Last Revolution
- The Gospel Work Outlined
- “Thy God Cometh.”
- The Scattered Flock
- Saved from Unfaithful Shepherds
- One Shepherd
- Gathered by the Resurrection
- The Whole House of Israel
- God’s Judgment upon all Nations
- The Time of Deliverance
- Ransomed from the Grave
- The New Covenant
- The Old and the New Covenants
- When the New Covenant will be Entered Yuto
- The First Dominion Restored