The reader will not find in this book any effort to prove that the Bible is inspired, and that it is the word of God. It is the office of the Scriptures themselves to convince of their own origin and authority. To those who read them reverently not a word is needed to prove that they are divine; while to those who do not read them, or who read them carelessly and without reverence, no manner or amount of proof can be given that can cause them to realize their divinity, their importance, or their beauty. To be appreciated, the Bible must be studied with an earnest desire to learn the truth.FEE 3.1
And yet it is our hope that this work will increase the regard of every reader for the sacred Scriptures. In this age of skepticism, when the Bible is so often treated as a book that everyone may criticise, and many think they can improve, the lovers of the word of God will hail with joy and gratitude every effort to exalt its truths, and to lead its readers to cling more closely to the blessed Saviour, who died to open a way of pardon for the rebellious race, and to vindicate the covenant of his Father.FEE 3.2
This book contains a brief exposition of some of the most interesting portions of the Scriptures, both historic and prophetic. One object kept constantly in view, has been to point out the unity of the divine plan from the creation; to show that the central idea of all dispensations has been the same, and that the truths revealed in the beginning were the same that have been constantly impressed upon the minds of the people of all ages, and that the object of all revelation, and of all God’s dealings with the children of men, has been to restore what was lost in the fall, and to fulfill the original purpose in the creation of the world, and of man.FEE 3.3
Although very brief for a work covering, as it does, the entire period of the world’s history and the consummation of the plan of redemption, yet the important truths which enter into this plan are so connected in their presentation that the thoughtful reader cannot fail to see the relation of each to the others, and to realize the necessity of each as a part of the whole, brevity being rather a help in this direction than otherwise.FEE 4.1
While, in respect to subject matter and methods, it will be found unlike any other book treating on the same subjects, it is hopefully trusted that its scrupulous conformity to, and recognition of, the plain testimony of the Scriptures upon every point, will commend it to the attention and consciences of all who sincerely love the truth.FEE 4.2
With the earnest prayer that this book may be a benefit to the reader, and serve to glorify the Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer of man, it is sent forth to the world. J. H. W.FEE 4.3
Basel, Switzerland, 1889.