“These have been greatly multiplied within the last four years. As already remarked, the first and most important work published, was Mr. Miller’s lectures. That volume may be regarded as the seed from which all the rest have germinated. The works of Miller, Ward, Hale, Bliss, Fitch, Storrs, Brown, Hervey, Cook, Whiting, Starkweather, Hawley, Litch, Fleming, Cox, Sabine, etc., constitute the Second Advent Library, and exhibit the views which have been presented to the public by the lectures. Other sheets and pamphlets have been published.LIFIN 147.1
“Some of the sheets which have been published and circulated have accomplished a vast amount of good. The ‘Clue to the Time,’ written by Bro. L. Hersey, a shoemaker in Boston, and a city watchman, with a diagram, has been the means of great good. Eternity alone will reveal the many precious souls who have been led to look for the Lord’s coming from the reading of one of those sheets.”LIFIN 147.2