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New Heart English Bible

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    Job 23

    1 Then Job answered,NHEB — Job 23:1

    2 "Even today my complaint is rebellious. His hand is heavy in spite of my groaning.NHEB — Job 23:2

    3 Oh that I knew where I might find him. That I might come even to his seat.NHEB — Job 23:3

    4 I would set my cause in order before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.NHEB — Job 23:4

    5 I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would tell me.NHEB — Job 23:5

    6 Would he contend with me in the greatness of his power? No, but he would listen to me.NHEB — Job 23:6

    7 There the upright might reason with him, so I should be delivered forever from my judge.NHEB — Job 23:7

    8 "If I go east, he is not there; if west, I can't find him;NHEB — Job 23:8

    9 He works to the north, but I can't see him. He turns south, but I can't catch a glimpse of him.NHEB — Job 23:9

    10 But he knows the way that I take. When he has tried me, I shall come forth like gold.NHEB — Job 23:10

    11 My foot has held fast to his steps. I have kept his way, and not turned aside.NHEB — Job 23:11

    12 I haven't gone back from the commandment of his lips. I have treasured up the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.NHEB — Job 23:12

    13 But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? What his soul desires, even that he does.NHEB — Job 23:13

    14 For he performs that which is appointed for me. Many such things are with him.NHEB — Job 23:14

    15 Therefore I am terrified at his presence. When I consider, I am afraid of him.NHEB — Job 23:15

    16 For God has made my heart faint. Shaddai has terrified me.NHEB — Job 23:16

    17 Because I was not cut off before the darkness, neither did he cover the thick darkness from my face.NHEB — Job 23:17

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