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    Excitement at Lystra

    Driven from Iconium, the apostles went to Lystra and Derbe, in Lycaonia. Among these mostly heathen, superstitious people were some who were willing to accept the gospel. The apostles decided to work in these places.4TC 92.7

    There was no synagogue in Lystra, though a few Jews were living in the town. Many of the inhabitants worshiped Jupiter. When Paul and Barnabas explained the simple truths of the gospel, many wanted to connect these doctrines with the worship of Jupiter.4TC 92.8

    The apostles tried to give the people a knowledge of the Creator and His Son. They first directed attention to the works of God—the sun, moon, and stars, the order of the recurring seasons, the mighty snow-capped mountains, and other wonders of nature, which showed a skill beyond human understanding. Through these, the apostles led the minds of the heathen to think about the Ruler of the universe.4TC 93.1

    After making plain these fundamental truths, the apostles told the Lystrians of the Son of God, who came from heaven because He loved the human race. They spoke of His life, His rejection, His trial and crucifixion, His resurrection, and His ascension to heaven to act as humanity’s representative.4TC 93.2

    While Paul was telling of Christ’s work as a healer, he saw a cripple looking intently at him and who believed his words. Paul’s heart went out in sympathy toward the afflicted man, whom he now saw “had faith to be healed.” Paul commanded the cripple to stand. The sufferer had only been able to sit, but now he obeyed instantly, and for the first time in his life stood on his feet. Strength came with faith, and he “leaped and walked.”4TC 93.3

    “Now when the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying in the Lycaonian language, ‘The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!’” Their tradition said that the gods occasionally visited the earth. Barnabas they called Jupiter, the father of gods, because of his stately, dignified bearing, even temper, and kindness. Paul they believed to be Mercury, “because he was the chief speaker,” active and eloquent.4TC 93.4

    The Lystrians persuaded the priest of Jupiter to honor the apostles, and he “brought oxen and garlands to the gates, intending to sacrifice with the multitudes.” Unaware of these preparations, Paul and Barnabas had been resting. Soon, however, they became aware of music and the shouting of a large crowd who had come where they were staying.4TC 93.5

    The apostles “tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude” in the hope of preventing anything further. In a loud voice that rose above the shouting, Paul said: “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them.”4TC 93.6

    In spite of Paul’s efforts to direct the people to God as the only object worthy of worship, their belief was so firm that these men were indeed gods, and their enthusiasm was so great, that Paul and Barnabas could “scarcely restrain” them. The Lystrians had seen a cripple who had never been able to walk rejoice in perfect health and strength. Only after Paul and Barnabas had carefully explained their mission as representatives of the God of heaven and of His Son, the great Healer, did the people give up their plans.4TC 94.1

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