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    February 9, 1882

    “What They Are Doing?” The Signs of the Times, 8, 6.

    E. J. Waggoner

    In accordance with our design to note the progress of the Sunday movement, we give below a few extracts from the Oakland Times report of a mass-meeting held Sunday, January 29, in the First Congregational Church of this city. The meeting was largely attended, and the leading ministers of the city were among the speakers. The animus of the movement is better shown by these speeches, than by anything else.SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.1

    “Mr. Whitney, President of the Home Protection Association, introduced Rev. Dr. Todd, who said that there is a law on the statute book requiring us to observe the Sabbath [Sunday] and it should be enforced. There is a law on the statute books which prevents the killing of game during certain seasons. The law is enforced, and recently a young nimrod was fined sixty dollars for shooting game. The movement in regard to the Sunday law is not transient, but is deeply rooted and the nation will prevail in that matter. If a stranger visits your house you are not required to break any of your household regulations. America established the Sabbath as a household regulation, and we should observe it.”SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.2

    “Rev. Dr. Sprecher was introduced and argued that the law is not contrary to the genius of our government. There is not a nation that can exist without a religion. It is necessary in the organization of a nation that the prevailing religion of the people should be recognized. People must be protected in the exercise of their religion. That is a part of the rights of the people. This is a Christian nation and the laws are made to respect and protect the people in the exercise of their religion. The Sunday law is in perfect keeping with the Constitution of the United States. This is a Christian country and the law was made for the protection of the Christian people.”SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.3

    No comments are needed on the above paragraph. They contain the same sophistries which the advocates of the Religious Amendment to the Constitution have always used. The following, however, is something of a new departure that is not new to the students of prophecy. After reading it, please turn and read Revelation 13:16, 17.SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.4

    “Dr. McLane delivered a brief address in which he said that home protection is going to be a power in politics. He had been dealing with a person who opens on Sunday, but he had paid him his last rent. He wanted the breeze to blow into the stores, and exhorted the audience not to deal with those who do business on Sunday. The politicians were handled without gloves and the reverend gentleman made an eloquent appeal in behalf of the Home Protection Association.”SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.5

    And this, they tell us, is religious liberty! If it is, may we be delivered from religious persecution. It will not be a difficult matter for any reader to decide whether this movement is in the interests of temperance or of the Sunday. Much enthusiasm was manifested at this meeting, and a large amount was contributed for the aid of the Association.SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.6

    As showing the feeling of the opposite party, the following account of a trial in San Leandro, Alameda Co., is in point. The proprietor of a hotel, together with twelve other business men, was arrested for keeping open on Sunday. His was to be the test case. An immense crowed attended the trial. Able lawyers had been secured by both sides. The jury, after a consultation of about five minutes, rendered a verdict of “Not guilty.” An uproar immediately ensued. The crowd threw their hats into the air, and cheered again and again. In their frantic joy, benches were kicked over, and the Judge was powerless to secure order. After adjournment the hilarity was kept up for several hours.SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.7

    It will be seen that the feeling is intense on both sides. The conflict will be a bitter one. We know from the word of God what the final result will be, and need waste no time in speculation. Our only business should be to spread the light of truth. Let us do this with our might. E. J. W.SITI February 9, 1882, page 67.8

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