Chapter 7—The Temperance Work
Revive the Temperance Work
Messengers should be appointed who can present the Word of God from city to city upon the subject of temperance.—Manuscript 52, 1900.CME 37.3
The tame way in which the temperance question is being handled by our people is not in harmony with the necessities of the times. The work of making known our belief in matters of temperance should now be entered into most heartily.—Letter 302, 1907.CME 37.4
In the advocacy of the cause of temperance, our efforts are to be multiplied. The subject of Christian temperance should find a place in our sermons in every city where we labor. Health reform in all its bearings is to be presented before the people, and special efforts made to instruct the youth, the middle-aged, and the aged in the principles of Christian living. Let this phase of the message be revived, and let the truth go forth as a lamp that burneth.—Manuscript 61, 1909.CME 37.5