March 26, 1891
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THE ninth meeting of the International Tract Society was called Wednesday, March 25, at 9 A. M. Prayer was offered by Elder S. N. Haskell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.1
The resolutions found on page 209 of the BULLETIN, after discussion by C. Eldridge and Elders Johnson and Shultz, were adopted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.2
The Committee on Constitution and Plans reported, suggesting some further changes in the constitution. The following constitution was adopted:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.3
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THIS society shall be known as the International Tract and Missionary Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.4
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The objects of this society are, (1) to publish and circulate religious, temperance, and educational literature; (2) to disseminate information in regard to home and foreign missions, and raise funds for their support; (3) to organize, assist, and have the oversight of national, state, and colonial auxiliary societies.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.5
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Persons may become life members of this Society by the payment of ten dollars; or annual members by the payment of one dollar. Both annual and life members shall be entitled to certificates of membership.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.6
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SECTION 1. The officers of this Society shall be a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, a recording secretary, two or more corresponding secretaries, and a Board of nine directors of which the president, vice-president, and recording Secretary, shall be members. All of whom shall be elected at the biennial sessions of the Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.7
SEC. 2. It is the duty of the Board of Directors to carry out the decisions of the Society; to furnish publications and employ agents as they may see fit; to audit all accounts, and to fill any vacancies that may occur in their number.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.8
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This Society shall be represented at its biennial sessions, by the delegates to the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference, the officers of State, colonial, and national auxiliary societies, and by life and annual members.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.9
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The funds of the Society shall consist of receipts for life and annual memberships, and donations from societies and individuals.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.10
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SECTION 1. This Society shall convene biennially for the election of officers and the transaction of necessary business, at such time and place as the Board of Directors may appoint.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.11
SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Board of Directors at such times and places as they shall deem necessary for the interests of the organization.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.12
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This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any biennial session.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.13
The following constitution was recommended for State societies:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.14
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THE name of this Society shall be————Tract and Missionary Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.15
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The objects of this Society shall be, (1) To publish and circulate religious, temperance, and educational literature; (2) To secure subscriptions for periodicals, and to provide for supplying the same to the worthy poor; (3) To disseminate information in regard to home and foreign missions, and to raise funds for their support.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.16
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All persons in regular standing in a Seventh-day Adventist church, or who may be recommended by the church, who contribute regularly to the funds of the society shall be members.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 247.17
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SECTION 1. The officers of this Society shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, General Agent, and a Director for each District, who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.1
SEC. 2. Each local society shall elect a Librarian, at the quarterly meeting in January of each year.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.2
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The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Agent, and the Directors of Districts, together with the Executive Committee of the Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, shall constitute a Board of Directors, who shall have the general management of the work of this Society, and shall have power to fill any vacancies in the offices of the Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.3
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SECTION 1. President. - The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Society, and of the Board of Directors, and to have the general oversight of the work of the Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.4
SEC. 2. Vice-President. - It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to act in place of the President in his absence, and to work in connection with the President.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.5
SEC. 3. Secretary. - The Secretary shall keep the records and documents of the Society, conduct the business correspondence, have charge of the publications of the Society, and fill all orders for the same.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.6
SEC. 4. Corresponding Secretary. - The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the missionary correspondence with Directors, Librarians, and individuals; submit plans to the local societies for the circulating of literature, and assist by correspondence or otherwise in organizing and conducting weekly missionary meetings, and in carrying forward other lines of missionary work, following such general plans as may be approved by the President and Secretary.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.7
SEC. 5. Treasurer. - The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Society, and shall render an account thereof annually, or oftener if requested to do so by the President or Board of Directors.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.8
SEC. 6. Directors. - It shall be the duty of the Director to labor for the promotion of the objects of the Society, in his District, and to visit the several local societies as often as practicable, to encourage, assist, and instruct them in their work, and to hold such general meetings in his District as the interest of the work may demand.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.9
SEC. 7. State agent. - The duties of the State agent shall be to have charge of the subscription book business of the Society. He shall select, appoint, and instruct agents, and contract with them for territory in which to work.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.10
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This Society shall convene annually for the election of officers and the transaction of other necessary business, at such time and place as the President may appoint. Special meetings may be called at such times and places as the Board of Directors may deem necessary.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.11
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The funds of this Society shall consist of moneys received from free-will offerings and sale of publications.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.12
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This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members present.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.13
The Chairman called on Capt. Eldridge to state why the Executive Committee had not carried out the recommendation made at the last session, to buy a small boat for the use of our missionary in New York harbor. The Captain stated that a sub-committee was appointed to consider the proposed purchase with power to act. The sub-committee had carefully looked into the matter, but it was not their judgment that the funds of the Society would as yet warrant the purchase of such a boat as our missionary in New York thought he must have. Brother Eldridge said, however, that he still thought a boat was needed in the harbor.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.14
Elder W. C. White offered the following resolution touching the matter, which was adopted:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.15
Whereas, At its last session this society authorized the purchase of a launch for the use of our ship missionaries in New York harbor; and, -GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.16
Whereas, The cost of a suitable launch is considerable, and the funds of the society are limited; therefore, -GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.17
Resolved, That we refer this matter to the General Conference, and request that body to take charge of this enterprise.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.18
At the first meeting of the society, the Southern District and Montana societies applied for admission. On motion of W. C. White, action on this matter had been deferred (See page 15 BULLETIN) till the advisability of organizing tract societies in mission fields could be discussed. Elder White withdrew his motion and the above named societies were admitted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.19
The Committee on Nominations presented a report which was referred back to them for further consideration, since some of the persons proposed said they could not act as officers of the society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.20
The meeting adjourned till 3 P. M.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.21
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THE Conference was opened at 11 A. M., March 25, by singing hymn No. 136. Prayer was offered by Elder J. N. Loughborough. Followed by the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.22
Article IV of the by-laws of the General Conference was amended by substituting the word “twenty-one” instead of the word “five,” making the number of trustees to be elected twenty-one.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.23
The rules were suspended so that any business introduced during the day might be acted upon without delay, this being the last day of the Conference.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.24
The following resolution was introduced by D. T. Jones and adopted:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.25
Resolved, That we hereby instruct the board of trustees of the General Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists (the incorporated body) to appoint a general canvassing agent and such district canvassing agents as they may deem necessary to the interests of the canvassing work.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.26
The report of the Committee on Resolutions, page 235 of the BULLETIN, was taken up and adopted without discussion.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.27
The report of the Committee on Transportation (page 236) was taken up. It was explained by the chairman of the committee that the resolutions under consideration were intended to follow the preamble preceding Resolution 2 on page 161 of the BULLETIN.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 248.28
The discussion on these resolutions and previous discussions on the same point, brought out the facts that there are some who are willing to accept reductions in fare, on railroads, who are not entitled to it. The object in the appointment of the Committee on Transportation and the passing of these resolutions is to clear the General Conference of all responsibility in such cases.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.1
The first resolution was amended to read:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.2
Resolved, That the Committee on Transportation issue a certificate to every minister, Bible worker, and missionary employed and paid by the denomination, stating that they are entitled to the courtesy of clerical rates on the railroads.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.3
As amended, the report was adopted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.4
The report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses (see BULLETIN p.237) was taken up and adopted as a whole.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.5
The Committee on Nominations reported that they were unable to make any changes in the nominations first presented for Executive Committee of the General Conference. They therefore returned the same report found on page 218 of the BULLETIN.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.6
At the request of Brother L. C. Chadwick the Committee on the Distribution of Labor presented its final report, which is as follows:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.7
24. That Elder J. H. Durland go to California, and make that his field of labor.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.8
25. That Elder R. D. Hottel labor in the Atlantic Conference.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.9
26. That Elder R. A. Underwood labor in Michigan, and take the position of president of the Michigan Tract and Missionary Society, and the place on the Executive Committee of the Michigan Conference made vacant by the absence of Elder Olsen.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.10
27. That we ratify the plans of the Foreign Mission Board, recommending Elders O. A. Olsen and E. J. Waggoner to visit Europe and hold biblical institutes in England and Scandinavia.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.11
28. That Luther Warren go to New York and make that his field of labor.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.12
29. That Elder A. J. Breed labor in Minnesota.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.13
30. That Elder G. B. Starr spend the summer in the interest of the Bible work in Michigan.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.14
31. That Elder M. G. Huffman make Illinois his field of labor.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.15
32. That Elder S. J. Hersum labor in the Atlantic Conference.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.16
33. That Brother M. Streman of South Dakota, go to Iowa and labor among the Scandinavians in that State.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.17
34. That Elder E. W. Farnsworth be requested to labor in District No. 1, especially in the large cities, as the way may open.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.18
35. That we all confirm the appointment of Allen Moon to labor in Chicago.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.19
36. After further consideration, we confirm the recommendation that Elder R. C. Porter go to South Africa.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.20
We recommend, That all other vacancies and appointments be turned over to the General Conference Committee and the Foreign Mission Board.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.21
Conference then took a recess till 4 P. M.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.22
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THE tenth and last meeting of the International Tract Society convened as per adjournment, Wednesday, March 25, at 3 P. M. Prayer was offered by Elder O. A. Olsen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.23
Elder H. E. Robinson raised the question of discounts on certain of our publications, stating that the discount on some is so small that it hardly meets the expense necessary in handling them. On motion of Elder D. T. Jones, the matter of discounts was referred to the Executive Board of the Society.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.24
The Committee on Nominations presented the following report:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.25
For President - L. C. Chadwick.” Vice-President - L. McCoy.” Treasurer - Miss M. K. Byington.” Recording Secretary - A. O. Tait.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.26
Corresponding Secretaries - General Secretary Home Office, Mrs. S. L. Strong; Chicago Office, Miss Jennie Thayer; Health and Temperance Department, Miss Laura C. Bee; National Religious Liberty Department, Miss Mary Simkin; Scandinavian Department, Miss Tena Jensen.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.27
Executive Committee - L. C. Chadwick, L. McCoy, O. A. Olsen, D. T. Jones, S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, A. O. Tait, C. Eldridge, J. N. Loughborough.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.28
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The report was accepted, and the persons named elected.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.29
The meeting adjourned sine die.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.30
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THE Conference was called to order promptly at 4 P. M. The congregation joined in singing hymn No. 1331, after which Elder S. N. Haskell invoked the divine blessing on the Conference and its all work.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.31
The minutes were read, after which the report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor presented at the forenoon meeting was circulated on a slip printed for the occasion.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.32
The Chairman announced the committee called for in the report of the Finance Committee (see BULLETIN p.218) as follows: D. T. Jones, S. N. Haskell, U. Smith, L. C. Chadwick, W. C. White.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.33
The report of the Committee on Nominations was taken up where it was left at the close of the preceding meeting. The portion of the report under consideration, was the election of the Executive Committee.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 249.34
Elder W. C. White spoke on the point of loading men up too heavy so that they must either overwork and break themselves down or neglect a part or all of their work. Follow out the principle laid down, he expressed it as his opinion that a man should not be a district superintendent and president of a Conference at the same time.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.1
The name of R. A. Underwood was substituted for that of A. J. Breed and as amended, the committee was elected. The portions of the report which were referred back to the committee were returned with some changes, and adopted as it appears on page 238 of the BULLETIN.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.2
The final report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor, page 249, was amended by striking out recommendation 26 to correspond with the previous action of the Conference in putting the name of Elder R. A. Underwood on the General Conference Committee, with the understanding that he should be District Superintendent for District No 5.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.3
The report as amended was adopted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.4
Elder Underwood, the chairman of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, presented the name of D. A. Ball for credentials, and that of L. C. Chadwick for ministerial license, both of which were granted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.5
On motion of L. C. Chadwick, amended by W. C. White, the Conference voted to request the Executive Committee of the General Conference to publish as soon as possible the minutes of the Conference and other societies which held their annual meetings at the same time in condensed form, that all may have it in convenient from.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.6
Elder W. C. White offered the resolution which follows:-GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.7
Resolved, That we recommend the Executive Committee to publish a smaller Year Book with a view to a more general circulation.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.8
The resolution was adopted.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.9
The chairman of the Committee on Resolutions stated that he had several resolutions which had been handed in late, which he wished to refer to the Executive Committee of the Conference.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.10
The Conference adjourned sine die at 5:45 P. M., March 25, 1891.GCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.11
The Doxology was sung, after which the benediction was pronounced by Elder Haskell. REVIEW AND HERALD EXTRAGCDB March 26, 1891, page 250.12