Need for an Aroused Conscience
There must be an awakening among us as a people upon this matter. There are but few men who feel conscience stricken if they neglect their duty in beneficence. But few feel remorseful of soul because they are daily robbing God.CS 318.3
If a Christian deliberately or accidentally underpays his neighbor, or refuses to cancel an honest debt, his conscience, unless seared, will trouble him; he cannot rest although no one may know but himself. There are many neglected vows and unpaid pledges, and yet how few trouble their minds over the matter; how few feel the guilt of this violation of duty.CS 318.4
We must have new and deeper convictions on this subject. The conscience must be aroused, and the matter receive earnest attention: for an account must be rendered to God in the last day, and His claims must be settled.—Testimonies for the Church 4:468CS 319.1