- Contents- Preface
- Patterning After the Master Evangelist
- Planning an Expanding Evangelism
- Moving Forward by Faith
- Evangelism of the Highest Type
- The Evangelist and His Team
- Advantages of Two and Two
- The Evangelistic Site
- The Outpost Centers
- Planning Sectional and Suburban Meetings
- Planning for a Permanent Work
- Finance and the Budget
- The Business Management of the Campaign
- Our Present Truth Message
- Arresting Public Attention
- Successful and Impressive Advertising Methods
- The Evangelist in Publicity
- Avoiding Display and the Sensational
- Guarding Proper Approaches
- Platform Decorum, Announcements, and Preliminaries
- Interest-Holding Features
- Inquiry and Question Meetings
- Getting Acquainted With the People
- Printed Sermons And Literature
- The Debate
- Preaching for the Final Decision
- Appeals and Altar Calls
- Helping Souls to Be Converted
- Gathering in the Interested
- Methods of Clinching Decisions
- Meeting Prejudice and Opposition
- Baptism and Church Membership
- Binding Off Thoroughly
- Length of Effort and Closing The Campaign
- Determining the Success of Meetings
- Bible Teaching the Objective
- Personal Workers and Wise Counselors
- Searching for the Lost
- Women in Evangelism
- Both Men and Women Called to Bible Work
- The Gospel Visitor
- Women in Public Ministry
- Training and Background
- Bible Instructor's Qualifications
- Bible Work Techniques
- Lessons from the Master Teacher
- Results of Bible Work
- Adequate Wages for Women Workers
- Cautions to the Bible Instructor
- The Spirit of the Ministry
- The Graces of Culture and Kindness
- Application to the Work
- Concentrating on the Main Task
- Health and Health Principles
- The Voice of the Gospel Worker
- Personal Appearance of the Evangelist
- The Evangelist's Wife
- Maintaining a High Moral Standard
- The Internship Period
- Calls to and Transfers of the Evangelistic Worker