We now call the attention of the Bible student to the following important fact.BSA 36.3
The word “soul,” or rather the Hebrew and Greek from which it is translated, occurs in the word of God eight hundred and seventy-three times - seven hundred and sixty-eight times in the Old Testament, and one hundred and five times in the New. Also the word rendered “spirit” occurs in both Testaments eight hundred and twenty-seven times - four hundred and forty-two in the Old Testament, and three hundred and eighty-five in the New. Their aggregate use is seventeen hundred times.BSA 36.4
But notwithstanding the frequent use of these words, they are never once qualified by such expressions as “immortal,” “deathless,” “never dying” etc., which so much abound in modern theology. Though the Bible speaks to us eight hundred and seventy-three times of the soul, it never once calls it an “immortal soul;” and though it tells us eight hundred and twentyseven times of the spirit, it never once tells us of a deathless spirit.”BSA 37.1