WHOSE heart, among us, does not thrill at every thought of what we have seen in this advent movement? It is a living, marching, moving cause, doing the work foretold. Every year, every week, every day it has presented new features all the way along, showing the attending power of God that raised it up and that has led it onward.HEVI 97.1
This advent movement has an entity of its own, an individuality. It came into being by the power of God, as the time of the prophecy came, just as the exodus movement of old was brought forth and organized and led by the hand of God. Of that ancient movement the Scripture says:HEVI 97.2
“He brought forth His people with joy, and His chosen with gladness.” “That they might observe His statutes, and keep His laws. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 105:43, 45HEVI 97.3
This phrase, “brought forth,” is used in Scripture of the birth of a child. That exodus movement was brought forth, born of God’s providence and power at the very time of the prophecy which the Lord had foretold to Abraham. The phrase, “brought forth,” is not repeated of this work today; but equally this advent movement came forth by the power of God as the time of the prophecy came in 1844. This people were called out-“that they might observe His statutes, and keep His laws. Praise ye the Lord.”HEVI 97.4
The prophecy of Daniel 7 gave a view of the scene in heaven when Christ appeared before the Ancient of days, as His closing priestly ministry moved into the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. Then “the judgment was set, and the books were opened.”HEVI 97.5
The prophecy of Daniel 8:14 was explained by the angel in Daniel 9. It marked the time when the closing ministry-the investigative judgment hour-would begin. In 1844 that judgment hour was to open in heaven above.HEVI 97.6
Later, the prophet John, in the Revelation, was shown what would come on earth as the judgment hour opened in heaven. In the vision of Revelation 14, the picture is made as clear as any painter could make it on canvas. As the hour of God’s judgment came, in heaven above, on earth the people of the prophecy were to come, keeping “the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” And forthwith they were to go to every nation and tongue, crying the message, “Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come.”HEVI 97.7
In 1844 the hour of His judgment opened in heaven. In 1844 this definite advent movement began to appear on earth. And we who believe are all in it-with the people keeping the commandments, with the very message foretold, with our prayers and gifts and efforts joining the symbolic angel of the movement represented as flying swiftly with the everlasting gospel “to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” And how swiftly the work has spread to the ends of the earth.HEVI 97.8
When this advent movement was “brought forth,” in 1844, all the surroundings of it were as unpromising, from a worldly point of view, as the manager and the stable of Bethlehem. But the prophecy had marked the movement for the uttermost parts of the world. The first view that came to any of the pioneers of a really world-wide work was given to Ellen G. Harmon (later Mrs. E. G. White) in 1845, in that vision of the jets of light spreading north and south and east and west, lighting the darkness of a whole world. But those views of a world work were little understood in the early years.HEVI 97.9
It was in 1869 that our “man of Macedonia,” James Erzenberger, landed in America, from Europe, bringing the call, “Come over into Europe and help us.” A group of Sabbathkeepers in Switzerland had sent young Erzenberger to voice their call. In response, in 1874 our first foreign mission was opened in Basel, Switzerland, by J. N. Andrews. Some of the children of those first European believers are still active. Through a long life, till 1920, James Erzenberger continued his labors in the French and German languages. His was a thrilling silvery voice, as he preached, that always reminded me of the voice of James White, pioneer leader in our cause.HEVI 97.10
In 1874 we numbered 7,000, all in North America. Since then continents and islands have responded to the message, until now the membership is reaching on toward the half-million mark, and the Sabbath school enrollment is well beyond the half million.HEVI 97.11
The language list is this year running on toward 800, a new language being added, on the average, every eight to ten or a dozen days. It is as though that prophetic phrase, “every tongue,” were continually set before the movement. It has not been so much by definite planning everywhere, as by the impulse and impetus from within the message itself. It is according to the promise: “Thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left.” Isaiah 54:3.HEVI 98.1
The like situation was never seen on earth before-practically all countries now within reach, and the closing gospel message of the prophecy sounding overland and sea. And wherever it goes, the people of the prophecy spring up, keeping the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. That is the very picture revealed in Revelation 14. No wonder that the Spirit of prophecy cries out:HEVI 98.2
“The message of Revelation 14 is the message that we are to bear to the world. It is the bread of life for these last days.”-Testimonies for the Church 8:27.HEVI 98.3
It is the whole “everlasting gospel,” the daily bread for every believer. Though we tell it a thousand times o’er, it is fresh and new every time. It is the bread of life for these last days. We must turn to the prophecy to note the momentous events of 1844. W. A. S. Review & Herald, OCT. 12, 1939.HEVI 98.4