We see in the early story how Providence worked to bring these special features together-the Sabbath, the sanctuary truth, and the Spirit of prophecy. Let H. S. Gurney, the singing blacksmith and preaching helper of early times, tell how carefully some of the early seekers after light investigated every feature of truth before laying hold of it. They were proving all things. Of his experience at a time when he and Joseph Bates were studying and praying for light, H. S. Gurney told us many years later (in the REVIEW of January 3, 1888):HEVI 114.8
“Word came to us one day that a woman was to speak in the advent hall in New Bedford. She was to relate a vision, etc. I went to hear her. The vision was the same as has since been published as Sister White’s first vision. [See Early Writings, 14-20.] I could see no reason to find fault with her appearance or what she said. She appeared like a humble, conscientious Christian. I learned her name and address, but was slow to advocate her course. Fanaticism was appearing in some places, and I wished to prove all things, and hold fast that which was good....I thought, If this is something the remnant must meet, I must know where it came from. I therefore went to Portland, Maine, and inquired for Mr. Harmon (the father of this young lady). I found the family living in a humble cottage. I introduced myself, and was made welcome after telling them I had come to make their acquaintance, especially the acquaintance of Sister Ellen Harmon. I found them a humble, devoted, God-fearing family. I visited a number of places where she was known, and all testified to her devoted, self-sacrificing character. I spent a number of weeks with the family and in their vicinity, and became convinced that the fountain was good, and that God had called Sister Harmon to an important work. I found a brother who was willing to pay one half the expense of printing her first vision. We arranged with the printer, and I left for home.”HEVI 114.9
Thus, by early 1846, the truth of the Spirit of prophecy was being accepted by one, at least, of those who were to help publish the Sabbath truth more widely. Mr Gurney, it appears, shared the expense of bringing out the first “broadsheet” containing the first view given by the Spirit of prophecy, and he also helped to bring out the first Sabbath pamphlet issued by Joseph Bates. It was not until November, 1846, that Joseph Bates was convinced of the genuineness of this prophetic gift. In August of that year Miss Harmon had been married to James White, and in the autumn of 1846 they both began to keep the Sabbath. In this year also the light on the sanctuary question had come to this pioneer group that was being drawn together to lead out in the proclamation of the full advent message of the prophecy.HEVI 115.1
By all these intertwinings of lives and interests and investigations and exchanges of Bible truth the early pioneers were being prepared for the public launching of this advent movement, the special features of which had begun to appear in that year of prophecy and destiny-1844. W. A. S. The Review and Herald, December 21, 1939.HEVI 115.2