By W. A. Spicer
(Two morning studies given August 19, 20, 1937, at the World Educational Convention, Blue Ridge, North Carolina)HEVI 90.1
ONE can never tell-that is, I know I never could tell-the full story of the wonderful things we have seen in this advent movement. The aged apostle John wrote of the ministry of Jesus and that early experience of the church: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the word of Life.” 1 John 1:1.HEVI 90.2
We can apply the principle to this living movement led by the living God. This movement is not based on fine-spun philosophy. It is something concrete and substantial. It is something we have seen with our own eyes and handled with our hands-a movement of life and salvation growing into all the world. The living God has all along revealed Himself in doing things in our midst. He has been leading the movement; for in our day God has “set His hand again the second time”-this time “to recover the remnant of His people” from the four quarters of the earth. And they are coming at the call of His message-coming from the north, the south, the east, and the west by many thousands every year. If we could see it as the angels see it, we would see the world alive with the activities of this advent movement.HEVI 90.3
Stop the classes for a minute in any one of these 2,600 schools of ours, and with the ear of faith the students may hear the steady tread of the advent movement passing swiftly on to meet the coming of the Lord. Day and night it is going forward. You must let the students hear that march. The important thing in all our schoolwork is the preparing of those young people to hurry out and join the march to the finishing of the work, and to meet the Saviour when He comes. And God pity the teacher who does not hear this joyful sound all the time, the steady march of the advent movement swinging on toward the end of the way. Every lesson and every class recitation is to connect up with the work we have in hand.HEVI 90.4
In the first vision of the Spirit of prophecy, in 1844, this movement was pictured. There was a bright light set up at the beginning of the path, we are told, that shone all the way to the city of God. Dear friends, we have a history behind us, as well as a work before us. There was an experience in the forming of this advent movement that shines with precious light all the way to the end. We must not forget the way in which God has led His people, for now it is no time to forget how we came to be here. To forget this, and lose the light of past experience, would be to make the mistake of the airplane pilot who loses his radio beam and does not know where he is going in the dark.HEVI 90.5
God has been doing wonderful things in this advent movement. Not as one of the pioneers am I telling these things, but as one who, as a boy, grew up with these pioneers, whose heart was caught by the power of the message as pioneers told it in my childhood. We who heard these things many years ago can say we have never seen a failure in the work of God. There has never been anything wavering or uncertain about the movement. God has led the movement by the gift placed in the church. In Ephesians 4, the apostle speaks of these gifts-“some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying [building up] of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11, 12.HEVI 90.6
All these gifts have wrought in the building-up process. But I speak this morning again of the work of the Spirit of prophecy in the movement. It is wonderful to watch what God did by the testimony that was borne through that gift. You see it in the very beginning, from the days of 1844 on, when a young girl of seventeen was called to go out, her heart almost failing at the thought that she, a young girl, must stand before the people. God promised to be with her, and her godly old Methodist father said, “If God has called you, He will be with you.”HEVI 90.7