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The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement

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    Chapter 1—Spiritual Gifts to the Church

    Any one who has lived for a series of years with this advent movement—as we call the work that Seventh-day Adventists are doing in all the world today—might set down many experiences in which we have continuously seen the abounding tokens of God’s special care and guidance through the gift of the Spirit of prophecy in the church.SPIAM 7.1

    This small book will afford space for only the merest outline of facts and experiences in our history, serving to picture the wondrously helpful and constructive side of the working of this special gift in the everyday development and progress of our cause.SPIAM 7.2

    For that matter, other spiritual gifts bestowed upon the New Testament church have been in evidence all along in this closing gospel work. Along with the special message of the prophecy (of Revelation 14:6-14), the Lord gave to the church of the prophecy the gifts to equip it for carrying the gospel message of the judgment hour to all nations.SPIAM 7.3

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