Europe’s Big Publishers Said, “Impossible!”
No one thought, at first, of carrying this plan of work into other countries than North America. But when Mrs. White visited Europe in 1885-87, she was shown that the same work could be successfully done there. The men in charge of the work consulted publishers in Basel, Leipzig, and other great centers of the book trade. “Selling books in Europe by subscription would prove a failure,” was the universal answer by the men who knew the book business and knew Europe.SPIAM 76.2
But a Christian sister, Mrs. White, who had been used in the movement in a wonderful way, said that she had been shown by the Lord that the plan would work. Acting on this counsel, the leaders launched the effort. Almost at once B. L. Whitney, in charge at the Basel headquarters, began to report encouraging success with the first book, a French “Life of Christ,” by Mrs. White:SPIAM 76.3
“We feel,” he wrote, “that we cannot praise God enough for this prospect of a means whereby our publishing work can be made self-sustaining, and remunerative employment be furnished to many who desire to labor in the cause.”—The Review and Herald, November 29, 1887.SPIAM 76.4
Sixteen years later a delegate from Europe to the General Conference told of the experience through the years as the workers had gone forward in the counsels of the Spirit of prophecy. He said:SPIAM 76.5
“I well remember, sixteen years ago, when Sister White was in Europe and spoke of the great work that might be done in that country by the circulation of our literature. Surely the Lord spoke at that time, when He said that more could be done in Europe by the circulation of our literature than here [in America or elsewhere]; but it was a matter of faith for us to see it, because wherever we turned there were so many seeming obstacles in the way that it seemed that it was not possible in that country to do what had been done here. But even if every man be a liar, the word of God is true, and it has proved true.SPIAM 77.1
“We have since that time seen the canvassing work begin to increase and grow in all parts of our field. I well remember that when we first began, the publishers said, ‘Why, it is impossible in this country; you can’t do as in America; you can’t sell books by agents, and they can’t make their living in that way. You will have to work on a different basis.’”SPIAM 77.2
As they went forward in faith, said the delegate, they saw this “impossible” thing being done. “Now we knew,” he said, “that the Lord had spoken the truth.”—L. R. Conradi, The General Conference Bulletin, April 8, 1901.SPIAM 77.3
In the published writings of the Spirit of prophecy, many pages are devoted to the fostering of the publishing work. The instruction and encouragement through this gift have been a strength to the bookwork in all lands. In the land of Chosen, years ago, workers of another church watched our Korean colporteurs with deep interest to learn the secret of their devotion and success. These observers at last came to our mission headquarters, saying: “We have been studying the work of your colporteurs. We find that one secret of their success is in a little book that the leaders carry and study. Could we get copies of that book?”SPIAM 77.4
The little book is the smallest volume, I think, at the top of that monument of books pictured on an early page of this survey. It is entitled, “The Colporteur Evangelist,” a real strength to the great army of colporteurs.SPIAM 77.5