A Sound Platform
Let an outside observer tell it. Some years ago the president of the International Association of Christian Workers wrote a book on erroneous cults and isms of the day. Some one asked him why he had not included Seventh-day Adventists in the survey. He replied:SPIAM 8.1
“There are no fundamental grounds of disagreement between the organized church of Jesus Christ and the Seventh-day Adventist.... On all the cardinal doctrines of the Bible—the miraculous conception, the virgin birth, the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the deity of Christ, the atonement of Christ, the second coming, the personality of the Holy Spirit, and the infallible Bible— the Seventh-day Adventist rings true as steel.”—“In the Cult Kingdom,” Dr. J. E. Brown, pp. 5, 6.SPIAM 8.2
Our pioneers, from earliest times, built on the foundation of Christ and Holy Scripture a structure of truth that meets the universal spiritual needs of all mankind, and stands foursquare against all the winds of error that can ever blow.SPIAM 9.1
And these gifts led our early builders to lay plans of organization for service that stand in principle to this day, needing only adaptation and expansion to meet a growth which the pioneers never conceived of in those first years. The Spirit, through whom came these gifts to the church, surely equipped those early workmen.SPIAM 9.2