The Christian and the Cross
I’m not, ashamed to own my Lord,
Who lives by angels now adored;
That Jesus who once died for me,
Who bore my sins in agony.MILHA 41.3
I’m not ashamed to own his laws,
Nor to defend his noble cause,
The way he’s gone, is lined with blood,
O may I tread the steps he trod.MILHA 41.4
I’m not ashamed his name to bear,
With those who his disciples were:
Christian, sweet name! its worth I view,
O may I wear the nature too.MILHA 41.5
I’m not ashamed to bear my cross,
For which I count all things but dross;
Whate’er I’m bid to do or say,
When Christ commands, I will obey.MILHA 41.6
I’m not ashamed to be despised,
By those who ne’er religion prized:
Nor will I prove to Christ untrue,
For all that men can say or do.MILHA 41.7
This world’s vain honors will I shun,
The narrow way to life I’ll run;
That this at last my boast may be,
My Savior’s not ashamed of me.MILHA 41.8