Prayer of the Church [Page 6 has a score with the first verse, which is also listed on next page. See page 7.]
How long, O Lord our Savior,
Wilt thou remain away?
Our hearts are growing weary
Of thy so long delay.
O when shall come the moment
When, brighter far than morn,
The sunshine of thy glory
Shall on thy people dawn?MILHA 7.1
How long, O gracious Master,
Wilt thou thy household leave?
So long hast thou now tarried,
Few thy return believe,
Immers’d in sloth and folly,
Thy servants Lord, we see;
And few of us stand ready
With joy to welcome thee.MILHA 7.2
How long, O heav’nly Bridegroom,
How long wilt thou delay?
And yet how few are grieving
That thou dost absent stay!
Thy very Bride her portion
And calling hath forgot,
And seeks for ease and glory
Where thou, her Lord, art not.MILHA 7.3
O wake thy slumbering virgins;
Send forth the solemn cry,
Let alt thy saints repeat it,
“The Bridegroom draweth nigh!”
May all our lamps be burning,
Our loins well girded be,
Each longing heart preparing
With joy thy face to see.MILHA 7.4