The Morning Star
p The night is wearing fast away,
f A streak of light is dawning,
Sweet harbinger of that bright day,
The fair Millennial morning.
p Gloomy and dark the night has been,
And long the way, and dreary;
And sad the weeping saints are seen,
And faint, and worn and weary.MILHA 68.1
p Ye mourning pilgrims, cease your tears,
pp And hush each sigh of sorrow;
f The light of that bright morn appears,—
The long sabbatic morrow.
ff Lift up your heads—behold from far
A flood of splendor streaming!
It is the bright and Morning-Star,
In living lustre beaming!MILHA 69.1
And see that star-like host around
Of angel bands, attending;
Hark! hark! the trumpet’s glad’ning sound,
‘Mid shouts triumphant blending.
He comes, the Bridegroom promised long-
Go forth with joy to meet him;
And raise the new and nuptial song,
In cheerful strains to greet him.MILHA 69.2
Adorn thyself, the feast prepare,
While bridal strains are swelling;
He comes, with thee all joys to share,
And make this earth his dwelling.
f Lift up your heads-behold from far
A flood of splendor streaming!
It is the bright and Morning-Star,
In living lustre beaming!MILHA 69.3