Proposals Regarding Centralization
During the year 1890, much thought had been given by leading men connected with the management of the Review and Herald Publishing Association, to a proposal for the consolidation of the work of the publishing houses under one board of control. The proposed union of the publishing interests was advocated as a means of securing unity, economy, and efficiency. At the same time the hope was expressed that at no distant day all the sanitariums might be brought under one ownership and control. By the same ones who advocated consolidation of the publishing houses and the medical institutions, the theory was advanced that the surest way to establish confidence in the work that Seventh-day Adventists were doing was to strengthen the institutions at headquarters, by providing them with large and substantial buildings and with ample facilities.LS 311.3
But those who were personally acquainted with the conditions existing in the home and foreign mission fields, felt that there was greater need for broadening the field work and establishing many centers of influence. They felt that already a disproportionate amount of means had been expended at headquarters. Moreover, the men bearing responsibility at the publishing house in California did not approve of any plan of consolidation which might result in the crippling of the work on the Pacific coast.LS 312.1