Opinions Instead of the Word
As this falling away is traced through the pages of history, there is seen in its growth a departure from the direct teachings of the word of God. Instead of cleaving to the Bible as their only standard of faith, and expressing that faith in scripture language, there came into their teaching a mystical principle of interpretation. Instead of following the advice of Paul to “consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things,” they were telling what the Bible meant, their interpretations often being contrary to what the scriptures in other portions taught. Those who adhered directly to “the word of truth” saw in this mystery-work a development of just what the apostle had predicted. As they proclaimed against this innovation there arose a direct conflict between those who taught plainly stated Bible truths, and those who adhered to creeds formulated by men. The teachers of the creeds being “high minded” and self-confident, soon lost the molding influence of the Lord’s Spirit in their hearts. And so the people who followed the creed-makers were rapidly corrupted from the simplicity of the gospel.COOD 75.4