Too Much Machinery
“There is a great work to be done in the day of God’s preparation, in devising and executing plans for the advancement of his cause. Our publications should have a wide circulation; for they are doing a great work. There is much missionary work to be done. But I have been shown that there is danger of having this work too mechanical, so intricate and complicated that less will be accomplished than if it wee more simple, direct, plain, and decided. We have neither time nor means to keep all parts of this machinery in harmonious action....COOD 143.1
“By obtaining a most thorough education in all the minutia, and leaving vital principles out of the question we become dry and formal workers. The hearts that God has made willing by the operations of his grace, are fitted for the work.... Less dwelling upon set forms, less of the mechanical, and more of the power of godliness, are essential in this solemn, fearful day of responsibilities.”-Testimonies for the Church 4:600, 601.COOD 143.2
In the Review of Aug. 7, 1894, we read: “The people of God have lost much by not maintaining the simplicity of the truth as it is in Jesus. This simplicity has been crowded out, and form and ceremonies, and a round of busy activities in mechanical work have taken its place. Pride and lukewarmness have made the professed people of God and offense in is sight.”COOD 143.3