(1) In order, even after vote to adjourn, if not stated by the Chair.
(2) Can be amended by altering the time.
(3) Becomes principal motion.
(4) May interrupt member if requiring immediate action.
(5) To be decided by Chair, subject to appeal.
(6) Can have any subsidiary motion applied to them.
(7) Special order requires two-thirds vote, and takes precedence of general order.
(8) Can be laid on the table.
(9) Previous question applies to, if debatable.
(10) May be reconsidered.
(11) Must be made when first introduced, before debate.
(12) Every member has right to have paper read before voting.
(13) Motion may be withdrawn, if no one objects.
(14) Removes the subject till taken from the table.
(15) Takes with it everything adhering to the subject except in case of an appeal, to reconsider, and amend the minutes.
(16) Takes precedence of all debatable questions.
(17) Applies to questions of privilege and all debatable questions.
(18) Member may offer resolution and move previous question on at same time.
(19) Must be seconded.
(20) Requires two-thirds vote.
(21) May be confined to amendment or amendment to amendment, if so specified.
(22) Can be amended by changing committee or giving instructions.
(23) Can be amended.
(24) Should be in writing, if requested by Chairman.
(25) Yields to everything except another principal motion.
(26) Must be made on same day as motion to be reconsidered.
(27) Must be made by one who voted on the prevailing side.
(28) Is debatable, and opens main question to debate.
(29) A vote on a subsidiary motion takes precedence of main question, yields to incidental and privileged questions except orders of the day.
(30) Is debatable, if question to be reconsidered is debatable; and then it opens main question to debate.
(31) Previous question applies to, without affecting other pending motions.
(32) Amended motion must be reconsidered before amendment.
(33) Suspends all action required by original motion till acted on.
(34) Incidental or subsidiary motion (except the vote to be reconsidered removes the whole subject) must be acted on at once.
(35) Takes precedence of everything except to fix time to adjourn or to adjourn.
(36) If adopted, places original question in same position as before voted on.
(37) The largest sum and longest time should first be put to vote.
(38) Suggestions to fill, made without formality of motion.
(39) Motion to adjourn may be renewed after progress in business.
(40) Any privileged motion, except orders of the day; incidental motion except suspension of the rules; and subsidiary motion except to amend; may be renewed after any motion altering the state of affairs.
(41) Requires only a majority vote in any case.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by Uriah Smith, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.KSDPR 2.3