The following description of a sight which appeared in connection with the sun in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 9, 1844, was published in the Hartford Courant of Sept. 12, 1844:—LDT 75.2
The rings around the sun on Monday, Sept. 9, 1844, for two hours before and after midday, appear to have been generally observed by our citizens with much interest, and have awakened an intelligent curiosity to learn more respecting appearances of the same kind and their character.LDT 75.3
“The present halo was remarkable for its duration, and afforded favorable opportunities for observation. About midday it consisted of two complete rings, one about forty-five degrees in breadth, encircling the sun at its center, and the other about seventy-two degrees broad, having its center in the zenith, while its circumference passed through the sun. The smaller circle was accompanied by an ellipse of the major axis and of small eccentricity. Directly opposite the sun, and thirty-six degrees north of the zenith, the larger circle was intersected by two other circles of nearly or quite the same diameter, forming at the point of intersection a bright spot, such as would naturally result from the combined light of three luminous rings. The ring that encircled the sun exhibited the colors of the rainbow, frequently with much vividness and beauty. The other rings were white, and fainter as they were more distant from the sun. Small portions of circles, however, with prismatic (rainbow) hues, appeared at different times, both in the east and west.... Such conformity of structure must depend on some law which regulates the formation of halos; but the nature of the law is not fully developed.... Not much difficulty has been experienced in accounting for the production of the ring that encircles the sun, since the cause is somewhat similar to that which produces the rainbow; but to explain the origin of the ring which has its circumference in the sun’s center, has been found more difficult.”LDT 75.4