The seventh-day people began to print the truth, as advised. Soon the turmoil of the nations of Europe ceased. Of its cessation, however, the editor of the New York Tribune said, “It was a great wonder to us all what started so suddenly that confusion among the nations, but it is a greater wonder still what stopped it.” To the children of God all was plain. The Lord had a message to be given to the world. He commissioned His angels to hold the winds of war, so that the final conflict of the nations could not come until a people were sealed, and prepared to stand in the trying day.LDT 201.1
From 1848 to this day, though wars have been here and there, and such preparations for warfare made as never before, still the nations are held in check. Almost every year the politicians have foretold the bursting of the war-cloud which would involve all nations, and still they are restrained. Millions of soldiers in the various nations are “armed to the teeth,” and anxious for the encounter; yet the spirit of war only breaks out in limited places, and the final contest is kept in abeyance. And why is all this?-That the Lord’s last great and final message of warning, bearing the sign (seal) of the living God, may be heralded to the ends of the earth.LDT 201.2
Space is lacking to trace in these few pages all the interesting history of the rise of the third angel’s message. This is given more fully in larger works. But a few thoughts in reference to the results of the publishing work begun under such adverse circumstances, can not well be omitted when endeavoring to show to some extent theLDT 202.1