The following is an account of a phenomenon which appeared at Newark, N. J., on the evening of Feb. 15, 1843, and was reported in the Midnight Cry, of New York City. The scene was witnessed by hundreds of spectators with thrilling admiration. The article reads:—LDT 118.2
“It was first observed between eight and nine o’clock in the evening, the moon being about at the zenith. It was surrounded by three concentric circles, beautifully marked with all the varied colors of the rainbow, of the most brilliant hue, the center space within the circumference of the lunar circle being of beautiful silvery whiteness.LDT 118.3
“The opposers of the speedy coming of Christ seem to have been somewhat agitated by the phenomenon, and anticipated an application for us. A clergyman at Newark, on seeing it, said, ‘I suppose the Millerites will see something of Miller in it,’-probably he ‘supposed’ we were not philosophers enough to SEE GOD IN IT! An elderly lady, who despises ‘Millerism,’ on seeing it, made the following beautifully prophetic observation: ‘The Lord has promised that He will not drown the world withLDT 118.4
water any more, and He has set the rainbow in the clouds for a sign. But now He has closed the bow, and is going to burn the world with fire.’”