We again call attention to the parable of the ten virgins, for the purpose of showing that while the wise virgins were learning the nature of the event that was transpiring after the coming of the Bridegroom to the marriage,—going in with Him, by faith,—and the lights of the foolish virgins were going out, another feature is presented, found in these words:—LDT 186.1
“Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” LDT 186.2
Here is brought to view a movement representing a class of persons who went forth to meet the Bridegroom, but failed to go in with Him to the marriage; a class who, not seeing the light as to the true events to take place at the close of the twenty-three hundred days, were setting time for the Lord’s return; for the Master says to them, “Ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” The class to whom this text refers professed to know that which they are told they do not know.LDT 187.1
This language represents a movement, not after Christ’s second coming, but after the true time proclamation-after the announcement of the coming of the Bridegroom, and the going in with Him to the wedding. The query arises, What has been done since the close of the twenty-three hundred days? While light has been obtained and has spread concerning the present position of the Bridegroom, a class of people has arisen who are almost yearly setting the time for the Lord to come. Those leading out in this work were persons who were in the advent movement previous to October, 1844, but who did not follow Christ in to the marriage at the close of the midnight cry.LDT 187.2
The admonition of the Saviour is to “watch.” And this is the attitude of Seventh-day Adventists. They believe all prophetic time closed Oct. 22, 1844, with the closing of the twenty-three hundred days; hence they have had no part in time-setting. Their position is, and ever has been, that of “watching,”-watching fulfilling prophecy, watching the signs of the times, watching the advancement of the third angel’s message, which is to lighten the earth with its glory, and ripen the harvest of the earth.LDT 188.1