In the Chicago Inter-Ocean of Sunday, March 20, 1898, is an account of a “flaming sword” seen in the sky by the people of New York City on the evening of Monday, March 14. It reads:—LDT 137.1
“Thousands upon thousands of people in New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, and neighboring places saw a wonderful sight in the heavens Monday night of last week. It was a sword of flaming fire, sharp, and well defined. None of those who saw it had doubt concerning its nature; what they asked themselves was, ‘What does it portend?’LDT 137.2
“The sword was first seen in the western skies, well above the horizon, at 8:10 P. M. Mercury was then descending, and as this was then the ruling planet, but on the wane, astrologers will have it that the flaming sword means war, and quick war at that.”LDT 137.3
So we see, as expressed by the apostle Peter, men seek to explain away—“all produced by natural causes”—those tokens and wonders the Lord has promised as reminders of His power, and evidences that the end approaches. The apostle affirms that in the last days the people would say: “Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” LDT 137.4