Relation of the Spirit of Prophecy to the Bible
The position of the denomination on the relation of E. G. White writings to the Bible has been stated many times and in many ways. James White, in his initial 1847 declaration on the Spirit of Prophecy, spoke clearly. Nor did he ever find occasion to move from this position.EGWW 55.3
The Bible is a perfect and complete revelation. It is our only rule of faith and practice. But this is no reason why God may not show the past, present, and future fulfillment of His word, in these last days, by dreams and visions; according to Peter’s testimony. True visions are given to lead us to God, and His written word.—A Word to the Little Flock, 13.EGWW 55.4
Four years later Ellen White in the closing words of her first book penned:EGWW 55.5
I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and practice. By that Word we are to be judged. God has, in that Word, promised to give visions in the “last days”: not for a new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth.—Early Writings, 78.EGWW 55.6
And George I. Butler in 1883 speaking for the denomination declared:EGWW 56.1
We do not hold them [Ellen G. White’s writings] to be superior to the Bible, or in one sense equal to it. The Scriptures are our rule to test everything by, the visions as well as all other things. That rule, therefore, is of the highest authority; the standard is higher than the thing tested by it. If the Bible should show the visions were not in harmony with it, the Bible would stand, and the visions would be given up. This shows plainly that we hold the Bible the highest, our enemies to the contrary, notwithstanding.—Review and Herald Supplement, Aug. 14, 1883.EGWW 56.2