Truths Indelibly Traced by the Holy Spirit
One point is crystal clear. Ellen White understood that the books recounting the great controversy story embodied what the Lord had revealed to her. Repeatedly she spoke and wrote of this fact. Of the Conflict books before Prophets and Kings and The Acts of the Apostles were published she said:EGWW 135.5
How many have read carefully Patriarchs and Prophets, The Great Controversy, and The Desire of Ages? I wish all to understand that my confidence in the light that God has given stands firm, because I know that the Holy Spirit’s power magnified the truth, and made it honorable, saying: “This is the way, walk ye in it.” In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a “Thus saith the Lord.” The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God, upon the tables of stone.—Colporteur Ministry, 126.EGWW 135.6
Writing specifically of The Great Controversy she declared:EGWW 136.1
I was moved by the Spirit of the Lord to write that book.... The Lord has set before me matters which are of urgent importance for the present time, and which reach into the future. The words have been spoken in a charge to me, “Write in a book the things which thou hast seen and heard, and let it go to all the people; for the time is at hand when past history will be repeated.” I have been aroused at one, two, or three o’clock in the morning with some point forcibly impressed upon my mind, as if spoken by the voice of God.—Colporteur Ministry, 127, 128.EGWW 136.2
This is the simple record of the portrayal of historical matters in The Great Controversy. Her writing in this area parallels much of Ellen White’s seventy years of active ministry—and of the production of books read by millions in the leading languages of the world.EGWW 136.3
The writing of her own life story and the biographical references in her books and articles are historical writings of an entirely different nature and are dealt with in Chapter 1.EGWW 136.4
Through the presentation of the Conflict of the Ages story tracing the great controversy story on the backdrop of history of events in the world, we are indeed made “children of the light and children of the day.”EGWW 136.5