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    AA The Acts of the Apostles《使徒行述》BLJX 384.1

    AUCR Australasian Union Conference Record《大洋州联合会记录》BLJX 384.2

    BC The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments《基督复临安息日会圣经注释》1-7卷BLJX 384.3

    BE The Bible Echo《圣经回声》BLJX 384.4

    CD Counsels on Diet and Foods《论饮食》BLJX 384.5

    CH Counsels on Health《健康勉言》BLJX 384.6

    CS Counsels on Stewardship《给管家的勉言》BLJX 384.7

    DA The Desire of Ages《历代愿望》BLJX 384.8

    CD Counsels on Diet and Foods《论饮食》BLJX 384.9

    CE Christian Education《基督化教育》BLJX 384.10

    CG Child Guidance《儿童教育指南》BLJX 384.11

    COL Christ’s Object Lessons《基督比喻实训》BLJX 384.12

    CTBH Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene《基督徒节制和圣经卫生》BLJX 384.13

    DG Daughters of God《神的女儿》BLJX 384.14

    Ed Education《教育论》BLJX 384.15

    Ev Evangelism《布道论》BLJX 384.16

    FE Fundamentals of Christian Education《基督教育原理》BLJX 384.17

    GC The Great Controversy《善恶之争》BLJX 384.18

    GCB The General Conference Bulletin《总会公报》BLJX 384.19

    GH The Gospel Herald《福音评论》BLJX 384.20

    Good Health《健康》BLJX 384.21

    GW Gospel Workers《传道良助》BLJX 384.22

    HM The Home Missionary《家乡布道》BLJX 384.23

    HR The Health Reformer《健康改良者》BLJX 384.24

    HS Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists《基督复临安息日会国外布道史》BLJX 384.25

    KC The Kress Collection《克雷斯选集》BLJX 384.26

    LP Sketches from the Life of Paul《使徒保罗传》BLJX 384.27

    LS Life Sketches of Ellen G. White《怀爱伦自传》BLJX 384.28

    LUH Lake Union Herald《湖畔联合会通讯》BLJX 384.29

    MB Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing《福山宝训》BLJX 384.30

    MCP Mind, Character, and Personality《心理、品格与个性》1,2卷BLJX 384.31

    MH The Ministry of Healing《服务真诠》BLJX 384.32

    MM Medical Ministry《医疗布道论》BLJX 384.33

    MR Manuscript Releases《文稿发布》1-21卷BLJX 384.34

    MYP Messages to Young People《给青年人的信息》BLJX 384.35

    PK Prophets and Kings《先知与君王》BLJX 384.36

    PP Patriarchs and Prophets《先祖与先知》BLJX 384.37

    PUR Pacific Union Recorder《太平洋联合会记录》BLJX 384.38

    RH The Review and Herald《评论与通讯》BLJX 384.39

    SC Steps to Christ《拾级就主》BLJX 384.40

    SG Spiritual Gifts《属灵的恩赐》1-4卷BLJX 384.41

    SJ The Story of Jesus《耶稣的故事》BLJX 384.42

    SL The Sanctified Life《成圣的人生》BLJX 384.43

    SM Selected Messages《信息选粹》1-3卷BLJX 384.44

    SMC Spalding and Magan Collection《斯波尔丁和马根选集》BLJX 384.45

    SP The Spirit of Prophecy《预言之灵》1-4卷BLJX 384.46

    SpTEd Special Testimonies On Education《教育特别证言》BLJX 384.47

    ST The Signs of the Times《时兆》BLJX 384.48

    SW The Southern Watchman《南方守望者》BLJX 384.49

    T Testimonies for the Church《教会证言》1-9卷BLJX 384.50

    TDG This Day With God《今日偕主行》BLJX 384.51

    TM Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers《给传道人的证言》BLJX 384.52

    TSA Testimonies to Southern Africa《给南部非洲的证言》BLJX 384.53

    TSB Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, 《论婚姻危机》BLJX 384.54

    TSS Testimonies on Sabbath School Work《安息日学工作证言》BLJX 384.55

    UL The Upward Look《举目向上看》BLJX 384.56

    YI Youth’s Instructor《青年导报》BLJX 384.57

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