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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    A False Revivalist Defeated

    This vision was first published in Connecticut, in the year 1849. A minister was working very earnestly there to secure converts, even professing to have the gift of tongues. He was striving to gain an influence over the little company of Sabbath-keepers at Rocky Hill. One of these he called a “dear saint of the Lord.” In his presence Mrs. White had a vision showing the deceptive nature of his work, and that his “dear saint” was taking a course not in harmony with the seventh commandment. This lady “saint” denied the charge, and the minister made a strong plea, seeking to gain sympathy for the “poor saint of the Lord,” as he called her. In the night following, this young woman had an attack of cholera morbus, and thought she was going to die. She sent for Mrs. White, and confessed that what had been shown concerning her was true; that she was guilty of just what Mrs. White had stated. So this false worker failed in deceiving that company, and the nature of his work was exposed, which suddenly closed his efforts in that place.GSAM 229.3

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