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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    —A Special Time in History

    The years of the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist work was one of the special times in history. At least three criteria of such come to mind.GSAM 8.2

    (1) When a major prophecy is being fulfilled. Usually such an event is not widely nor fully discerned at the time. It is therefore particularly important and helpful to look back with the perspective of hindsight to understand the dimensions of the prophecy—the messages the Lord planned as present truth for that period in earth’s history.GSAM 8.3

    (2) When foundations are being laid for a special work the Lord plans to do. In understanding such times it is very important to see the way the pillars were laid, the evidences from Scripture and the providential events that step by step led the “pioneers”, those builders called for such a time as that, to come to a meaningful and logical conviction as to the message and the mission committed to them by God.GSAM 8.4

    (3) When major transitions in the anti-typical, real sanctuary service occur. Since God’s way “is in the sanctuary” (Psalm 77:13), it is critical to understand and follow by faith what God is doing to handle the sin problem. Particularly helpful in this is the parallel between the preceding major transition and the one in the Advent awakening. The Lord would have us reflect on what happened at the move from the courtyard to the holy place (from Calvary to the Ascension), and how the godly people of that time initially misunderstood what occurred, and thereby experienced a very trying disappointment, but finally came to see their place in the unfolding of God’s plan. Their experience shines a light on that of the believers in 1844 and following, at the transition from the holy place to the holy of holies (from Intercession to Intercessory Judgment).GSAM 8.5

    All three of the above criteria we see in the founding period outlined in Brother Loughborough’s account. We desire to grasp and partake of the same spirit of those who sought for truth “as for hid treasure”, found it, and committed all to its proclamation.GSAM 9.1

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