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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

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    “As the health of invalids improves under judicious treatment, and they begin to enjoy life, they have confidence in those who have been instrumental in their restoration to health. Their hearts are filled with gratitude, and the good seed of truth will the more readily find a lodgment there and in some cases will be nourished, spring up, and bear fruit to the glory of God. One such precious soul saved will be worth more than all the means needed to establish such an institution....GSAM 359.5

    “Some who go away restored, or greatly benefited, will be the means of introducing our faith in new places, and raising the standard of truth where it would have been impossible to gain access had not prejudice first been removed from minds by a tarry among our people for the object of gaining health.”GSAM 359.6

    It was decided by a unanimous vote of our people assembled, that as soon as practicable a health institution should be opened in or near Battle Creek, and that it should be under the medical management of Dr. H. S. Lay, who had, in addition to his former medical education, spent over a year at an Eastern water-cure to learn the hydropathic methods of treating disease.GSAM 360.1

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