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    ז — זֶ֫כֶר


    ז Zâyin, seventh letter; used as numeral 7 in modern Heb.; no evidence of this usage in OT times.BDB ז.2


    זאב (√ of foll.; according to Fl Bericht d. sächs. G. d. W. i. (1846—47) 430 f. = Kleinere Schriften iii. 212 f. i.q. Arabic ذَأَبَ drive away, and despise, drive or frighten away, whence ذِئْبٌ, ܕܺܐܒܳܐ, זְאֵב wolf, as driven or chased away; cf. HomNS 304 MV al.)BDB זאב.2


    † I. זְאֵב n.m. Is 11:6 wolf (NH id., Arabic ذِئْبٌ (jackal according to HomNS 303 ff.; but see RSZMG 1880, 373 and DoughtyArabic Deserta i. 327; ii, 144, 145) Aramaic דֵּיבָה, ܕܺܐܒܳܐ, Assyrian zîbu DlS 47; Ethiopic ዝእብ hyena Di1056 (on format. cf. LagBN 58); Ph. in cpd.n.pr. זיבקם)זְאֵב abs. Gn 49:27 + 2 times; cstr. Je 5:6; pl. זְאֵבִים Ez 22:27; cstr. זְאֵבֵי Hb 1:8 Zp 3:3;—wolf, never in narrative; in predictions of peace in Messian. age וְגָר זְאֵב עִם כֶּבֶשׂ Is 11:6 זְאֵב וְטָלֶה יִרְעוּ כְּאֶחָד Is 65:25; in simile, of Benjamin’s fierceness ב׳ זְאֵב יִטְרָ֑ף Gn 49:27; of fierce horses of Chaldeans חַדּוּ מִזְּאֵבֵי עֶרֶב Hb 1:8 (‖ קַלּוּ מִנְּמֵרִים); of princes of Judah כִּזְאֵבִים טֹרְפֵי טָ֑רֶף Ez 22:27; metaph. of enemies of Judah Je 5:6 זְאֵב עֲרָבוֹת (‖ אַרְיֵה, נָמֵר); of corrupt and oppressive judges שֹׁפְטֶיהָ זְאֵבֵי עֶרֶב Zp 3:3 (‖ אֲרָיוֹת שֹׁאֲגִים).BDB זְאֵב.2


    † II. זְאֵב n.pr.m. (wolf)—a prince of Midian, Ju 7:25(×3); 8:3 ψ 83:12; also in n.pr.loc. יֶקֶב־זְאֵב Ju 7:25 wine-vat of Zeeb.BDB זְאֵב².2


    זֹאת pron.f. v. זֶה.BDB זֹאת.2


    זבב (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic ذَبَّ go hither and thither (of a man); ذَبْذَبَ make to dangle, or move to and fro, of a thing suspended in the air; but in this sense perhaps denom.)BDB זבב.2


    זֶ֫בֶד (זֵ K3) n.m. endowment, gift, Gn 30:20a of. foregoing.BDB זֶ֫בֶד.2


    [זָבַד] vb. bestow upon, endow with (Arabic زَبَدَ; Aramaic זְבַד, ܙܒܰܕGn 30:20, ܙܶܒܕܳܐ dowry; in Sab. n.pr., v. sub זָבָד infr.; also in Palm. n.pr. נבוזבד Vog 73 and many others (זבד, זבדא, זבידא, זבדעתא, זברבל = Ζαβδιβηλος, etc.): see EutingSechs Inschr. aus Idalien p. 15), זְבָדַנִי אלהים אֹתִי זֶבֶר טוֹב Gn 30:20a (E), appar. in expl. of name Zebulun, cf. Thes Di; another expl. in v b, v. sub זבל.BDB זָבַד.2


    זָבָד n.pr.m. (he hath given, or a gift; cf. Sab. n.pr. זבדם Hal 168 DHMZMG 1883, 15, זביד DHMEpigr. Denkm. 50 = زُبَيْد; also NH n.pr. זביד)
    1. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 2:36, 37.
    2. an Ephraimite 1 Ch 7:21.
    3. one of David’s valiant men 1 Ch 11:41.
    4. one of the murderers of Joash of Judah 2 Ch 24:26 (𝔊 Ζαβελ, Ζαβεθ, Ζαβαθ), called יוֹזָכָר (q.v. sub הוה, יהוה) 2 K 12:22.
    5. name of three returned exiles who had taken strange wives: a. Ezr 10:27; b. v 33; c. v 43.
    BDB זָבָד.2


    זַבְדִּי n.pr.m. (cf. Arabic زَبْدٌ gift;? gift of י׳, vid. DrStud. Bib. i. 5 & reff.; perhaps my gift, gift to me: cf. זַבְדִּיאֵל; in NH n.pr. זבדי (זַבְדִּי or זַבְדַּי?) NT Ζεβεδαῖος, e.g. Mk 1:9, 𝔖 ܙܰܒܕܰܝ, Zebedee)
    1. grandfather of Achan, of Judah (𝔊 Ζαμβρ(ε)ι etc., 𝔊L Ζαβδ(ε)ι) Jos 7:1 (app. = זִמְרִי 1 Ch 2:6, 𝔊 Ζαμβρ(ε)ι) v 17, 18.
    2. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:19.
    3. an officer of David 1 Ch 27:27.
    4. a Levite Ne 11:17 (om. B; A Ζεχρι, 𝔊L Ζεχρει) prob. read זִכְרִי, as ‖ 1 Ch 9:15.
    BDB זַבְדִּי.2


    זַבְדִּיאֵל n.pr.m. (my gift is God)
    1. father of one of David’s officers 1 Ch 27:2.
    2. a prominent Hebrew in Nehemiah’s time Ne 11:14.
    BDB זַבְדִּיאֵל.2


    זְבַדְיָהוּ, זְבַדְיָה n.pr.m. (י׳ hath bestowed, cf. יְהוֹזָבָד, & reff., also זַבְדִּיאֵל supr.)זְבַדְיָהוּ
    1. Levites, a. 1 Ch 26:2; b. 2 Ch 17:8.
    2. an officer of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 19:11. זְבַדְיָה
    3. Benjamites, a. 1 Ch 8:15; b. 1 Ch 8:17.
    4. one of David’s men 1 Ch 12:8.
    5. an officer of David 1 Ch 27:7.
    6. a returning exile Ezr 8:8.
    7. one of priestly house Ezr 10:20.
    BDB זְבַדְיָהוּ.2


    זְבוּב n.m. Ec 10:1 fly (as moving to and fro in the air? cf. Fl NHWB i. 438 b; NH id., Assyrian zumbu, DlS 63 f.; Arabic دُبَابٌ, Aramaic דִּיבָבָא, ܕܶܒܳܐ, ܕܶܒܳܒܳܐ );—lit. only זְבוּבֵי מָוֶת Ec 10:1 i.e. dead flies; so AV RV Hi Now al.; > 𝔊 De al. death-bringing, deadly flies; זְבוּב metaph. of Egyptian army Is 7:18 (‖ דְּבוֹרָה, bee, of Assyrian); on בַּעַל זְבוּב v. בַּעַל II.4, p. 127 supr.BDB זְבוּב.2


    זבוד n.pr.m. a returned exile Ezr 8:14 Kt; Qr זַכּוּר, q.v. (B om.; A Ζαβουδ, i.e. זָבוּד; 𝔊L Ζακχουρ).BDB זבוד.2


    זָבוּד n.pr.m. (bestowed) an officer of Solomon 1 K 4:5.BDB זָבוּד.2


    זְבוּלֻן, זְבֻלוּן n.pr.m. Zebulun (on expl. of name given in E and J cf. זבד, זבל);—זְבוּלֻן Gn 49:13 + 25 times; זְבֻלוּן Ju 5:18 + 17 times; זְבוּלוּן Ju 1:30;—
    1. sixth son of Jacob and Leah Gn 30:20; 35:23; 46:14; 49:13 Ex 1:3 1 Ch 2:1.
    2. the tribe of Zebulun Nu 1:9 Dt 27:13; 33:18(×2) Ju 1:30; 4:10; 5:14, 18 Ez 48:26 1 Ch 12:34, 41; 27:19 2 Ch 30:11, 18; cf. שָׂרֵי ז׳ ψ 68:28; שַׁעַר ז׳ Ez 48:33; בְּנֵי ז׳ Nu 1:30; 2:7; 7:24; 26:26 Jos 19:10, 16 Ju 4:6; מַטֵּה ז׳ Nu 1:31; 2:7; 13:10; מַטֵּה בְּנֵי ז׳ Nu 10:16; 34:25.
    3. territory of the tribe אֶרֶץ ז׳ Ju 12:12, אַרְצָה ז׳ Is 8:23, גְּבוּל ז׳ Ez 48:27; also ז׳ alone Jos 19:27, 34 2 Ch 30:10, מַטֵּה ז׳ Jos 21:7, 34 1 Ch 6:48, 62.
    BDB זְבוּלֻן.2


    זְבוּלֹנִי adj.gent. Ju 12:11, 12; c. art. = n. coll. the Zebulonites Nu 26:27.BDB זְבוּלֹנִי.2


    I. זֶ֫בַח162 n.m. Ju 16:23 sacrifice, ז׳ abs. Gn 31:54 +; cstr. Ex 34:25 +; זָ֑בַח Lv 17:8 + 16 times; sf. זִבְחוֹ Lv 7:16 Ez 34:15, זִבְחֲכֶם Lv 19:6; pl. זְבָחִים Gn 46:1 +; cstr. זִבְחֵי Lv 17:5 +; sf. 3 mpl. זִבְחֵיהֶם Lv 17:5, זְבָחֵימוֹ Dt 32:38, זִבְחוֹתָםHo 4:19 etc.;—the common and most ancient sacrifice, whose essential rite was eating the flesh of the victim at a feast in which the god of the clan shared by receiving the blood and fat pieces. In the older literature it is distinguished from מִנְחָה and עֹלָה, in the later literature from חַטָּאת and אָשָׁם.
    I. general name for all sacrifices eaten at feasts:* Ph. זבח of an offering of bread and oil CIS i. 165. 12; 167. 8, cf. RSSem 205 (2nd ed. 222)1. of the God of Israel Gn 46:1 Ex 10:25; 18:12 (E) Ho 3:4; 6:6; 9:4 Am 5:25 Is 1:11; 19:21 Dt 12:27; 18:3 1 S 2:13, 29; 3:14; 6:15; 9:12, 13; 15:22(×2); 16:3, 5(×2) 2 S 15:12 1 K 8:62; 12:27 2 K 5:17; 16:15 ψ 40:7; 50:8; 51:18, 19 Pr 15:8; 21:3, 27 Is 43:23, 24; 56:7 Je 6:20; 7:21, 22; 17:26; 33:18 Ez 40:42; 44:11 1 Ch 29:21, 21 2 Ch 7:1, 4, 5, 12 Ne 12:43 Dn 9:27 Ec 4:17. They should be זִבְחֵי צֶדֶק sacrifices of righteousness (offered in righteousness by the righteous) Dt 33:19 ψ 4:6; 51:21; זִבְחֵי הַבְהָבַי sacrifices of gifts to me (י׳) Ho 8:13; the temple is בֵּית זָ֑בַח 2 Ch 7:12; they should not be ז׳ רִיב sacrifices of strife, where strife prevails Pr 17:1. 2. of other deities Ex 34:15 Nu 25:2 Dt 32:38 (JE) Ju 16:23 2 K 10:19, 24 Ho 4:19 Is 57:7 Ez 20:28; these are זִבְחֵי מֵתִים sacrifices to dead things (lifeless gods, opp. to י׳ as living) ψ 106:28.
    II. there are several kinds of זְבָחִים which are gradually distinguished: †1. the covenant sacrifice, between Jacob and Laban Gn 31:54 (E), with God ψ 50:5 (cf. Ex 24:5 1 S 11:5). †2. the passover זֶבַח חַג הַפֶּסַח Ex 34:25 (JE), זבח פסח Ex 12:27 (J); and prob. also זבחי Ex 23:18 (JE) = 34:25 (id.) †3. annual sacrifice זֶבַח הַיָּמִים 1 S 1:21; 2:19; 20:6, cf. ז׳ מִשְׁפָּחָה sacrifice of the clan 1 S 20:29. †4. thank offering ז׳ (הַ)תּוֹדָה Lv 7:12; 22:29 ψ 107:22; 116:17, which is given as ז׳ קָרְבָּנוֹ, זִבְחוֹ, הַזָּבַח Lv 7:16, 17; and as a variety of שְׁלָמִים Lv 7:13, 15; it is implied in זִבְחֵי תְרוּעָה ψ 27:6; yet זֶבַח is generic with תּוֹדָה 2 Ch 29:31(×2). 5. in ritual of H & P זבחים are defined by שׁלמים (q.v.) Lv 3:1 + 39 times Lv Nu, 1 S 10:8 1 K 8:63 2 Ch 30:22; 33:16 Pr 7:14, but sometimes (rarely) ז׳ alone is used in this sense, with or without suffix, where the meaning is plain from the context: Lv 17:5, 7, 8; 19:6; 23:37 (H) Nu 15:3, 5, 8 Jos 22:26, 29 (all P). These ritual offerings are of three varieties תּוֹדָה, נֶדֶר and נְדָבָה Lv 7:12, 16 (P); in the several lists זבחים are distinguished from תודות Am 4:4f. 2 Ch 29:31, from נדרים Nu 15:8 (P) Dt 12:6, 11 Jon 1:16, from נדבות Am 4:4 f. Dt 12:6 and from the more comprehensive שׁלמים Nu 15:8 Jos 22:27 (P). So also the sacrifice at the institution of the covenant at Horeb Ex 24:5 (JE) and the sacrifice at the installation of Saul 1 S 11:15 are defined as †זבחים שׁלמים. Thus ז׳ seems not only to be used for all these special forms but also to include other festal sacrifices not defined in the codes of law. The ritual was the same for the entire class. They were all sacrifices for feasts in which the flesh of the victim was eaten by the offerers, except so far as the officiating priests had certain choice pieces and the blood and fat pieces went to the altar for God. The sacrifice at the institution of the covenant at Horeb, the Passover victim, and the ram of consecration, were special, in that there was an application of a portion of the blood to the persons and things which were to be consecrated, Ex 12:22; 24:8 Lv 8:23. †6. the slaughter of hostile nations is also a זֶבַח offered by God Himself, in which the vultures devour the flesh of the victims Is 34:6 Je 46:10 Ez 39:17(×2), 19 Zp 1:7, 8. 7. the verb used with זֶבַח is ordinarily זָבַח but others also are found e.g. †עָשָׂה Nu 6:17; 15:3, 5, 8 Jos 22:23 (P) 1 K 12:27; 2 K 5:17; 10:24 Je 33:18 (cf. Sab. עסי דֿבח Hal 148 DHMZMG 1888, 374); †הֵבִיא Am 4:4 Dt 12:6, 11 Je 17:26, †הִגִּישׁ Am 5:25, †הִקְרִיב Lv 7:11, 16; 22:21 (all P), †עָבַד Is 19:21, †נָתַן Ec 4:17, יַעֲלָה עֹלָה אוֹ זֶבַח Lv 17:8 (H), בִּשֵּׁל ז׳ Ez 46:24, שָׁחַט אֶת־הָעוֹלָה וְהַזָּ֑בַח Ez 40:42 cf. 44:11.
    BDB זֶ֫בַח.2


    זָבַח134 vb. slaughter for sacrifice (NH id., Ph. זבח; Assyrian zibû DlPr 174 cf. LotzTP 174; Arabic ذَبَحَ, Sab. דֿבח CIS iv. 1, 2, No.; 74 l. 11, 12; Aramaic דְּבַח, ܕܒܰܚ, Ethiopic ዘብሐ )
    Qal112 Pf. ז׳ 1 K 8:63; 13:2, זָבַחְתָּ Ex 20:24 + 3 times, זָבַחְתִּי Ez 39:19, זָֽבְחוּ Ex 34:15 Lv 17:5, זְבַחְתֶּם Ex 8:24, זָבַחְנוּ Ex 8:23; Impf. וַיִזְבַּח Gn 31:54 + 14 times; 2 ms. sf. תִּוְבָּחֶנּוּ Dt 15:21, 2 fs. sf. וַתִּזְבָּחִים Ez 16:20, 1 s. אֶזְבַּח ψ 116:17, אֶזְבְּחָה ψ 27:6; 54:8 Jon 2:10; 2 mpl. תִּזְבְּחוּ Lv 19:5 + 2 times, תִּזְבָּ֑חוּ Lv 22:29 + 2 times; 1 pl. נִוְבְּחָה Ex 3:18 +, etc. (61 times Impf.); Imv. זְבַח ψ 50:14, זִבְחוּ Ex 8:21 ψ 4:6; Inf. cstr. זְבֹחַ 1 S 15:15 + 14 times, לִזְבּוֹחַ 2 Ch 11:16, בְּזָבְחוֹ 2 S 15:12; Pt. act. זֹבֵחַ Ex 13:15 + 8 times, זוֹבֵחַ Is 66:3, pl. זֹבְחִים Lv 17:5 + (20 times Pt.)— I. slaughter for sacrifice 1. c. acc. of a. kind of sacrifice ז׳ זֶבַח Gn 31:54 +, †פֶּסַח Dt 16:2, 5, 6, †שְׁלָמְים Dt 27:7 Jos 8:31, †תּוֹדָה ψ 50:14, 23, †עֹלוֹת ושׁלמים Ex 20:24 (E); cf. 23:18. b. victims, (α) animals †בָּקָר וָצֹאן 1 K 8:63 Nu 22:40, †צאן ובקר 2 Ch 18:2, †הַבְּרִיאָה Ez 34:3, †כָּל־פֶּטֶר רֶחֶם Ex 13:15 (J); †פָּרִים וְאֵילִים 1 Ch 15:26, שׁוֹר וָשֶׂה Dt 17:1; (β) mankind †בָּנִים וּבָנוֹת ψ 106:37 Ez 16:20, †זֹבְחֵי אָדָם sacrificers of mankind Ho 13:2 (so Ra AE Hi Wü MV men that sacrifice AV RV after Ki, so Pu Ew Ke Now Che SS). c.תּוֹעֲבַת מִצְרַיִם Ex 8:22(×2) (E), †מָשְׁחָת Mal 1:14. 2. absolute 1 S 1:3 + often 3. c. לְ of deity, †לְדָגוֹן Ju 16:23, †לַשְּׂעִירִם Lv 17:7 (H), †לַשֵּׁדִים Dt 32:17 ψ 106:37; other gods Ex 34:15 (JE) +; but usually ליהוה Ex 3:18 + 9 times JE, Lv 17:5; 19:5; 22:5 (all H, not elsewhere in P), Dt 15:21; 16:2; 17:1; 1 S 1:3 +; †לֵאלֹהֵי אָבִיו Gn 46:1 (E), לאלהים ψ 50:14, †לאדני Mal 1:14. 4. with local prep. בְּ Gn 31:54 (E) +, עַל Ex 20:24 (E) +; לפני Lv 9:4 (P) +, על פני השׂדה Lv 17:5 (H). II. slaughter for eating (connected also with sacrifice, as all eating of flesh among ancient Hebrews was sacrificial, RSSem 219) 1 S 28:24 (fat calf for Saul), Ez 34:3 (fat sheep for shepherds), 2 Ch 18:2 (sheep and oxen for Jehoshaphat, c. לְ of person); cf. Dt 12:15; v 21 (abs.), 1 K 19:21. III. slaughter in divine judgment Ez 39:17—19 c. acc. זִבְחִי (Gog and Magog as feast for vultures), 1 K 13:2 2 K 23:20 (priests of high-places on their own altars).
    Pi.22 Pf. זִבַּח 2 Ch 33:22, זִבְּחוּ ψ 106:38, זִבֵּ֑חוּ Ho 12:12; Impf. יְזַבֵּחַ Hb 1:16, יְזַבֵּ֑חוּ Ho 4:13, 14; 11:2 (7 times Impf.) Inf. cstr. לְזַבֵּחַ 1 K 12:32; Pt. מְזַבֵּחַ 1 K 3:3, pl. מְזַבְּחִים 2 Ch 5:6 + 8 times, מְזַבְּחוֹת 1 K 11:8;—sacrifice, 1. of the abundant sacrifices made to Yahweh by Solomon 1 K 8:5 = 2 Ch 5:6, and Hezekiah 2 Ch 30:22, and prob. intensive; but 2. elsewhere of sacrifice to other deities, possibly iterative in some cases, but certainly not in all: לַבְּעָלִים Ho 11:2, לֵאלֹהֵיהֶן 1 K 11:8, לַעֲגָלִים 12:32, לְחֶרְמוֹ Hb 1:16, לַעֲצַבֵּי כְנָ֑עַן ψ 106:38, לֵאלֹהֵי דַּרְמֶשֶׂק 2 Ch 28:23, לְכָל־הַפְּסִילִים 33:22; or in unlawful places עַל־רָאשֵׁי הֶהָרִים Ho 4:13 cf. v 14, בַּגִּלְגָּל 12:12, בַּבָּמוֹת 1 K 3:2, 3; 22:44 2 K 12:4; 14:4; 15:4, 35, 16:4 = 2 Ch 28:4. It is used without direct obj. Ho 4:14 and often; also c. acc. of victim שְׁוָרִים Ho 12:12 צֹאן וּבָקָר 1 K 8:5 = 2 Ch 5:6; sons and daughters ψ 106:38, זִבְחֵי שְׁלָמִים 2 Ch 30:22.
    BDB זָבַח.2


    † II. זֶ֫בַח n.pr.m. a Midianite king Ju 8:5, 6, 7, 10, 12(×2), 15(×2), 18, 21(×2) ψ 83:12, 𝔊 Ζεβεε.BDB זֶ֫בַח².2


    זַבַּי n.pr.m. (Palm. זבי VogNo. 28 (but this perhaps = loricatus, cf. ܙܰܒܳܐ lorica);* on Palm. זבי (prob. abbrev. from זבד …), v. Lzb 265 Cooke 273, 291. connex. with above √ uncertain)—Jew in Ezra’s time Ezr 10:28; 𝔊 Ζαβου(θ); cf. also Ne 3:20 Kt (𝔊 Ζαβου etc., but Qr זַכַּי v. זַכָּ֑י Ezr 2:9 = Ne 7:14).BDB זַבַּי.2


    זַבַּי v. sub זבב.BDB זַבַּי².2


    זבידה Kt, זְבוּדָּה Qr, n.pr.f. mother of Jehoiakim 2 K 23:36 זְביּדָּ֯ה בַת־פְּדָיָה מִן־רוּמָה; (‖ 2 Ch 36:5 om. MT); quite otherwise 𝔊B Ἰελλα, daughter of Ἐδειλ; in A the names are Εἰελδαφ & Εἰεδδιλα; 𝔊 2 Ch 36:5 Ζε(κ)χωρα & Νηρειου; 𝔊L (K & Ch) Ἀμιταλ & Ἰερεμιου (confusion with Zedekiah’s mother 24:18).BDB זבידה.2


    זְבִינָא n.pr.m. (bought; Aramaic, from √ זְבַן, buy, cf. Biblical Aramaic Dn 2:8)—name of one who had taken a strange wife Ezr 10:43.BDB זְבִינָא.2


    † I. זְבֻל n.[m.] elevation, height, lofty abode (NH זְבוּל temple);—בָּנוֹ בָּנִיתִי בֵּית זְבֻל לָ֑ךְ 1 K 8:13 = 2 Ch 6:2 (poet.; prob. from book of Jashar, cf. 𝔊 WeComp. 271 DrIntr. 182; on בֵּית־זְבֻל = Assyrian bît zabal, lofty house cf. COT 1 K 8:13 DlPr 62 f.); לְבַלּוֹת שְׁאוֹל מִזְּבֻל לוֹ ψ 49:15 text dub.; Ew Hi Ri Now read מַזְבּוּל (or מִזְבּוֹל, Ew) as n. = dwelling; Che prop. for מִזְּבֻל, [לְעוֹלָ]ם ז׳ Checrit. n.; זְבֻל קָדְשְׁךָ Is 63:15 (‖ שָׁמַיִם) the high abode of thy holiness (cf. Checrit. n.); of the lofty abode of sun and moon: שֶׁמֶשׁ יָרֵחַ עָמַד זְבֻ֑לָה Hb 3:11.BDB זְבֻל.2


    [זָבַל] vb. prob. exalt, honour (Assyrian zabâlu COTGloss. and id. on Gn 30:20 1 K 8:13, cf. DlPr 62 f. so De; Ph. n.pr.f. בעלאזבל (prob. = Baal has exalted) cf. אִיזֶבֶל p. 33 supr.; cf. Arabic زَبَلَ take up and carry; > NöZMG 1886, 729, who connects these vbs. with Syriac ܣܒܰܠ bear, carry, cf. Heb. סָבַל)
    Qal Impf. יִזְבְּלֵנִי אִישִׁי Gn 30:20b (J), my husband will honour me (in expl. of name Zebulun (v. infr.); on another appar. expl. in v a cf. זבד); > AV al. dwell with me, cf. Thes RobGes who derive dwell with from an assumed meaning be round (cf. דור); and others (cf. MV8, 9), who derive dwell as denom. from זְבֻל in sense dwelling.
    BDB זָבַל.2


    † II. זְבֻל n.pr.m. an officer of Abimelech Ju 9:28, 30, 36(×2), 38, 41.BDB זְבֻל².2


    זָג n.[m.] name of some comparatively insignif. product of vine (גֶּפֶן הַיַּיִן), the eating of which was included in prohibition to Nazirite; skin of grape, so Thes (after Onk Mishna Maaser. 5 § 4, Orla 1 § 8, cf. Sifre ad loc.): מֵחַרְצַנִּים וְעַד־זָ֖ג לֹא יֹאכֵ֑ל Nu 6:4 (NH זג, זוג; so called as transparent? cf. Aramaic זְגוּגִיתָא, ܙܰܓܽܘܓܺܝܬܳܐ glass, NH זַגָּג glazier (Arabic زُجَاجٌ glass, is a loan-wd. according to Frä64); cf. theory of √ in LagGes Abh. 41, Fll.c.: but in Heb. glass is זְכוֹכִית).BDB זָג.2


    זֵד adj. insolent, presumptuous:—ז׳ Pr 21:24; pl. זֵדִים Je 43:2 + 11 times;—always masc., and always of opposition to י׳, wickedness; with qualified noun expressed, only הָאֲנָשִׁים הַזֵּדִים Je 43:2, of opponents of Jerem.; elsewhere used substantively, as term. techn. for godless, rebellious men; once sg. זֵד יָהִיר לֵץ שְׁמוֹ Pr 21:24 a haughty, insolent one, scorner is his name (‖ עוֹשֶׂה בְּעֶבְרַת זָדוֹן); usually pl. Is 13:11 (גְּאוֹן ז׳; ‖ גַּאֲוַת עָרִיצִים); Mal 3:13 (‖ עֹשֵׂי רִשְׁעָה), v Mal 3:19 (‖ עֹשֵׁה רִשְׁעָה); and in ψ 86:14 (‖ עָרִיצִים), 119:21 (‖ הַשֹּׁגִים מִמִּצְוֹתֶיךָ), v 51, 69, 78, 85, 122; so prob. also ψ 19:14 גַּם מִזֵּדִים חֲשׂךְ עַבְדֶּ֑ךָ also from presumptuous men hold back thy servant (Ew Ol Hup CheRVm); >presumptuous sins De al. (AV RV).BDB זֵד.2


    זֶד, זָדוֹן v. sub זיד.BDB זֶד.2


    זָדוֹן n.m. Pr 11:2 insolence, presumptuousness (on format. cf. LagBN 204, Anm.), abs. ז׳ Dt 17:12 + 7 times; cstr. זְדוֹן Je 49:16 Ob 3; sf. זְדֹנְךָ 1 S 17:28;—
    1. insolence, presumption toward men; affirmed of David by Eliab 1 S 17:28 (‖ רֹעַ לְבָבֶ֑ךָ); usually
    2. of presumptuous godlessness (cf. זוּד, זֵד), exhibited in disobedience to priest or judge Dt 17:12; in false prediction 18:22; in gen. Pr 11:2 (opp. צְנוּעִים), 13:10; עֶבְרַת ז׳ Pr 21:24 (cf. זֵד); ז׳ לִבֶּ֑ךָ Je 46:16 (= Ob 3) presumption of thine heart; of Babylon personif. under fig. of ז׳ Je 50:31, 32; dub. is פָּרַח הַזּ׳ Ez 7:10 insolence hath blossomed (preceded by צָץ הַמַּטֶּה) i.e. either of Isr. as demanding punishment, or of Babylon as instr. of punishment.
    BDB זָדוֹן.2


    זֶה demonstr. pron. and adv. fem. זֹאת, once זֹאתה, Jer 26:6 Kt (also זֹה and זוֹ, q.v.); comm. זוּ (q.v.): this, here (the element ז = ذ = ܕ is widely diffused in the Semitic languages, as a demonstr. particle, often acquiring, like Engl. that, Germ. der, die, das, the force of a relative. Thus a. Ph. זֶ this (e.g. קבר ז this grave), also sometimes זן, f. זא, comm. אז (v. CIS I. i. 1:4, 5, 6, 12; 44:1; 88:2 etc.); Aramaic of Nineveh, Babylon, Têma, Egypt, זי as mark of the genit. [lit. that of] (CIS II. i. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., 65, 67—71, 113, 114, 141, 142, etc.), זנה this (ib. 113:22; 145 C2), f. זא 113:15; 145 B5; Aramaic of Zinijirli ז, זן, זנה this, זי which (DHMSendsch. 56); Ethiopic ዝ ze, this, f. ዛ , ዘ za, who (masc.), also (like זִי, and דִּי, דְּ [v. infr.]) in common use as a mark of the genitive; b. Arabic ذَا this, fem. ذِى, ذُو (gen. ذِى, acc. ذَا, fem. ذَاتُ), possessor of (lit. that of …, i.e. one who owns), or in the Ṭayyite dialect, who, which: from ذَا, with هَا lo! prefixed, هَاذَا this, f. هَاذِهِ, with the pron. element -k affixed, ذَاكَ = this: with ’al (= the art.) + a demonstr. element la prefixed, أَلَّذِى who, which (in origin = Heb. הַלָּזֶה this, q.v.); Sab. דֿן this, f. דֿת, דֿ who, which, f. דֿת (PräZMG. 1872, 419, DHMZMG. 1883, 338 f., also Epigr. Denkm. 65); c. Biblical Aramaic דִּי which, דֵּךְ, דִּכֵּן, דְּנָה (q.v.) this, f. דָּא (= זֹאת), דָּךְ; Palm. and Nab. די which, דנה this; 𝔗 דְּ which, דֵּין, דֵּיכֵי this, f. דָּא; with הא lo! prefixed, הָדֵין, הָדָא (Syriac ܗܳܢ, ܗܳܢܳܐ, contr. from ܗܳܕܶܢ), ܗܳܕܶܐ; Syriac ܕ who, which; Sam. ד who, which, דנ this, f. דה; Mand. ד who, which, דהֿ this (rare), more commonly האדין, האזין (NöMand § 80, 81). Alike in Heb. and the other dialects, the corresp. plur. is derived from a different source: Heb. אֵלָּה, Ph. אל, Ethiopic ’ellū, ’ellā, these, ’ella, who, Arabic أُولَى, these, أُولُوا, أُولَى owners of, Sab. אלן these, אל, אלי who, which, Aramaic אִלֵּין, with הא lo! prefixed, ܗܳܠܶܝܢ, Sam. ࠀࠋࠉࠍ, Mand. עלין. Only the Arabic اَلَّذِى forms its own pl. اَلَّذِينَ V. further WSG 107 ff.)
    1. standing alone: a. this one, sometimes contemptuously (especially with אֵת), Gn 2:23 לָזֹאת יִקָּרֵא אִשָּׁה כִּי מֵאִישׁ לֻקֳּחָה־זֹּאת, 5:29 זֶה יְנַחֲמֵנוּ …, 12:12; 38:28 Ex 10:7 עַד מָתַי יִהְיֶה זֶה לָנוּ לְמוֹקֵשׁ, 1 S 10:27 מַה יּוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ זֶה how shall this man save us? 16:8, 9; 21:16 that ye have brought אֶת־זֶה this fellow to play the madman against me? 25:21 in vain have I kept אֶת־כָּל־אֲשֶׁר לָזֶה all that this fellow hath etc. 2 S 13:17 אֶת־זֹאת, 1 K 22:27 אֶת־זֶה, Mi 5:4 Is 66:2; as a genit., Gn 29:27, 28 1 K 21:2; with a collective force Lv 11:4, 9 (= Dt 14:7, 9), v 21, 29 Ju 20:16, 17 (כָּל־זֶה), Jb 19:19 (with a plural verb). In a purely neuter sense (of an act, event, announcement, etc.) זאת is most common, as with עשׂה to do this Gn 3:14; 20:5, 6; 45:19 and often, שׁמעו זאת Am 8:4 Is 47:8; 48:1, 16; 51:21 al.; Gn 41:39 Ex 17:14 Dt 32:6 Ju 7:14; 21:3 לָמָההָֽיְתָה זֹאת (cf. Jb 1:13 ψ 118:23) 1 K 11:39 2 S 7:19 2 K 3:18 +; אֵין זֹאת 1 Sa 20:2b cf. Am 2:11; rarely so with אֶת־Jos 22:24 Je 9:11 ψ 92:7; as an accus. of limit., as regards this, in this, Ez 20:27; 36:37 Jb 19:26 (si vera l.), 33:12 in this thou art not just; (late) אַחֲרֵי זֹאתJb 42:16 Ezr 9:10, א׳ כל־זאת2 Ch 21:18; 35:20; pointing forward to a foll. a clause, Gn 42:18; 43:11 Nu 8:24; 14:35 Is 56:2 Jb 10:13 etc.; Ex 9:16 1 S 25:31 Is 1:12 מִי בִקֵּשׁ זאת מִיֶּדְכֶם רְמֹס חֲצֵרָֽי׃; to one introduced by כִּי 2 S 19:22 ψ 102:19; 119:50, 56 (see also בְּזֹאת 6 b β): but זֶה also sometimes occurs similarly Ex 13:8 Pr 24:12 Jb 15:17 Ne 2:2 Ec 1:17; 2:15 גם זה הבל (so v 19, 21, 23 +), 7:18(×2); of a concrete obj., Ex 30:31 2 K 4:43 מָה אֶתֵּן זֶה לִפְנֵי מֵאָה אִישׁ: in late Heb., Ne 13:6 בְּכָל־זֶה during all this, 2 Ch 32:9 אַחַר זֶה; pointing forwards La 5:17 f. to כִּי ψ 56:10 Je 22:21. (See also below, 6 g.) b. repeated זֶהזֶה, thisthat, the onethe other or (if indefinite) another, Gn 29:27 (זֹאת), Ex 14:20 וְלֹא קָרַב זֶה אֶל זֶה, 1 K 3:23; 22:20 Is 6:3; 44:5 (3 times), ψ 75:8 זֶה יַשְׁפִּיל וְזֶה יָרִים, Jb 1:16—18; 21:23, 25 +.
    2. In appos. to a subst.: a. preceding it (rare) Ex 32:1, 23 זֶה מֹשֶׁה, Ju 5:5 (= ψ 68:9) זֶה סִינַי this Sinai, Jos 9:12 זֶה לַחְמֵנוּ this our bread, 1 K 14:14 2 K 6:33 Is 23:13 זֶה הָעָם, ψ 34:7; 49:14; 104:25 זה הים גדול וג׳ this sea there is great and broad, 118:20 Ct 7:8 Ezr 3:12. (Cf. זוּ Hb 1:11.) b. following it:—(α) when the subst. is determined by a pron. affix, Gn 24:8 שְׁבוּעָתִי זֹאת, this my oath, Dt 5:29(26) O that לְבָבָם זֶה this their heart (their present temper) might continue always! 21:20 Jos 2:14, 20 דְּבָרֵנוּ זֶה, Ju 6:14 go בְּכֹחֲךָ זֶה in this thy strength, Dn 10:17 2 Ch 24:18 (Cf. אֵלָּה, a.) Rarely when it is undetermined, 2 K 1:2 חֳלִי זֶה (so 8:8, 9), ψ 80:15. (β) with the art., הַזֶּה, הַזֹּאת, after a subst. determained also by the art., Gn 7:1 בַּדּוֹר הַזֶּה, v 13 הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה, 12:7 הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת, 15:7; 17:21, 23 Dt 4:6 הגוי הגדול הזה, and continually. Not however after a n.pr., except such as are construed with the art., as הַיַּרְדֵּן הַזֶּה Gn 32:11 Dt 3:27; 31:2 Jos 1:2, 11; 4:22, הַלְּבָנוֹן הַזֶּה Jos 1:4, cf. Nu 27:12 = Dt 32:49 (2 K 5:20 הַזֶּה belongs to הָאֲרַמִּי): and hardly ever (2 Ch 1:10) after a noun with a pron. affix (Jos 2:17 מִשְּׁבֻעָתֵךְ הַזֶּה the gender of הזה shews that the text is in error: v. Dr§ 209 Obs.).
    3. More often as pred., as 1 S 24:17 הֲקוֹלְךָ זֶה, 2 K 3:23 דָּם זֶה this is blood, 9:37 זֹאת אִיזָֽבֶל׃, Ez 5:5 etc.; הֲזֶה Is 14:16, הֲזֹאת 23:7 La 2:15; often at the beginning or close of enumerations (especially P), descriptions, injunctions, etc., as Gn 5:1 זה ספר this is the book …, 9:12 זֹאת אוֹת הַבְּרִית, 17:10; 20:13 זֶה חַסְדֵּךְ אֲשֶׁר תַּעֲשִׂי עִמָּדִי, Lv 6:2, 13, 18; 7:1, 11 Dt 6:1; 33:1 Jos 13:2 Jb 27:13 Is 58:6 etc.; זה הדבר אשׁרEx 16:16; 35:4 Jos 5:4 Ju 20:9; 21:11 Is 37:22 Je 38:21 +, cf. זה אשׁרthis is what (or how) … Gn 6:15 Ex 29:38 Je 33:16; זֶה לְךָ הָאוֹת Ex 3:12 1 S 2:34 +; at the end, Lv 7:37; 11:46; 13:50 Nu 5:21; 7:17, 23 etc., Jos 19:8, 16, 23 etc., Is 14:26; 16:13 (זֶה הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר …), 17:14; 54:17 Je 13:25 ψ 109:20 Ct 5:16(×2) Jb 5;27, in the latter case sometimes with the force of such (i.e. such as has been described), 18:21; 20:29 (cf. אֵלֶּה ψ 73:12), ψ 24:6; 48:15 such (= such a one) is God, our God, for ever (Hi De) Zp 2:15; cf. Jb 14:3 אַף־עַל־זֶה upon one such as this (v 1, 2) dost thou open thy eyes?
    4. It is attached enclitically, almost as an adv., to certain words, especially interrog. pronouns, to impart, in a manner often not reproducible in Engl. idiom, directness and force, bringing the question or statement made into close relation with the speaker. (Contrast from this point of view מי זה and מי הוא: v. הוא 4 b.) Thus a. אֵי־זֶה15 where, then? Jb 28:12 אֵי־זֶה מְקוֹם בִּינָה, v 20 38:19 b (v. other exx. sub אַי 1 b, p. 32). b. מִי־זֶה, †1 S 17:55, 56 בֶּן־מִי־זֶה֖ הָעָֽלֶם׃ the son of whom, here, is the lad? Je 49:19 (= 50:44) וּמִי זֶה רֹעֶה אֲשֶׁר וג׳ and who (emph.) is the shepherd that etc., La 3:37 ψ 24:8 Who is the King of glory? (for which in v 10 the stronger מִי הוּא זֶה is said: so Je 30:21 Est 7:5), 25:12. Elsewhere, the rend. Who is this … is admissible: Is 63:1 Je 46:7 Jb 38:2; 42:3; cf. מִי־זֹאת Ct 3:6; 6:10; 8:5. c. מַה־זֶּה how, now? Gn 27:20 Ju 18:24 וּמַה־זֶּה תֹּאמְרוּ אֵלַי and how, now, do ye say to me …? 1 K 21:5 2 K 1:5; what, now? (τίποτε;) 1 S 10:11 מַה־זֶּה הָיָה לְבֶן־קִישׁ; עַל־מַה־זֶּה for what? Ne 2:4: contracted into מַזֶּה Ex 4:2. (Cf. Aramaic מָדֵין why? ܡܳܕܶܝܢ used as a conj. therefore, e.g. 2 S 18:22 𝔖, PS2013: both formed similarly.) d. מַה־זֹּאת in the phrase (עֲשִׂיתֶם, עָשִׂית) מַה־זֹּאת עָשִׂיתָ Gn 3:13; 12:18; 26:10; 29:25; 42:28 Ex 14:11 Ju 2:2 15:11 +. Either What, now, hast thou (have ye) done? (Fl De) or What is this (that) thou hast (ye have) done? (The Arabic grammarians dispute on the precise construction of the corresp. phrase in Arabic مَا ذَا صَنَعْتَ; De Gen. 3:13 (ed. 4), and especially FlKl.Schr. i. 356 Lane p. 948.) e. לָֽמָּה־זֶּה wherefore, now? Gn 18:13; 25:22; 32:30 Ex 5:22 Nu 11:20 + often Cf. Arabic لِهَا ذَا f. הַאַתָּה זֶה2 S 2:20 האתה זה עשׂהאל Art thou Asahel? 1 K 18:7, 17, without הֲ Gn 27:24; in an indirect question Gn 27:21. g. הִנֵּה זֶה behold, here … †1 K 19:5 (in narrative), Is 21:9 Ct 2:8, 9. Cf. Nu 13:17 (unusual) עֲלוּ זֶה בַּנֶּגֶב go up here in the South. h. עַתָּה זֶה, †1 K 17:24 עַתָּה זֶה יָדַעְתִּי now I know that …, 2 K 5:22 just now. Also i. prefixed to expressions denoting a period of time: Gn 27:36 he hath supplanted me זֶה פַעֲמַיִם now two times (so 43:10), 31:38 now, already twenty years, v 41 (זֶה־לִּי …), 45:6 Nu 14:22 now ten times, 22:28, 32 זֶה שָׁלשׁ רְגָלִים, Dt 8:2, 4 Jos 22:3 זֶה יָמִים רַבִּים, 2 S 14:2 +; Zc 7:3 זֶה כַּמָּה שָׁנִים already how many years! cf. Ru 2:7 Je 50:17.
    5. In poetry, as a relative pron. (rare: but see also זוֹ, זוּ): ψ 74:2 athe hill of Zion זה שׁכנת בּוֹ wherein thou dwellest, 78:54; 104:8 אל־מְקום זה to the place (st. c. Ges§ 130. 3) which … v 26 Pr 23:22 Is 25:9; = that which Jb 15:17, those who 19:19 (so once, Ex 13:8, even in prose). In some of the passages cited the punctuators, by coupling זה with the preceding subst., and separating it from what follows by a disj. accent (as הַר־זֶ֝֗ה), appear not to have recognised its relative sense, but to have construed, ‘this mountain, (which) thy right hand,’ etc.
    6. With prefixes (in special senses):— a. בָּזֶה15 in this (place), here, Gn 38:21, 22 Ex 24:14 Nu 23:1(×2) 1 S 1:26; 9:11 +; of time, then, †Est 2:13 Once בַּזֶּה 1 S 21:10. b. בְּזֹאת (α) with this = on these conditions, Gn 34:15, 22 1 S 11:2 Is 27:9; = herewith, thus provided Lv 16:3. (β) by or through this (especially with יָדַע), Gn 42:15, 33 Ex 7:17 Nu 16:28 Jos 3:10 ψ 41:12; so בָּזֹאת Mal 3:10. (γ) in spite of this, Lv 26:27 ψ 27:3, for which the fuller בְּכָל־זֹאת occurs, Is 5:25; 9:11, 16, 20; 10:4 ψ 78:32 Je 3:10 Ho 7:10. (δ) בָּזֹאת for this cause (late style) †1 Ch 27:24 2 Ch 19:2; in this matter 20:17. c. כָּזֶה (α) †Gn 41:38 הֲנִמְצָא כָזֶה אִישׁ אשׁר …, Is 56:12; 58:5 Je 5:9 גּוֹי אֲשֶׁר כָּזֶה (so v 29; 9:8). (β) כָּזֹה וְכָזֶה thus and thus, †Ju 18:4 2 S 11:25 1 K 14:5. d. כְּזֹאת the like of this = as follows, †Gn 45:23; כָּזֹאת the like of this = things such as these Ju 13:23 (c. השׁמיע), 15:7; 19:30 לא נראתה כָּזֹאת, 1 S 4:7 (cf. Je 2:10 2 Ch 30:26), 2 S 14:13 (c. חשׁב), Is 66:8 (c. שׁמע), Ezr 7:27; = accordingly, to that effect (c. דִּבֶּר) 2 Ch 34:22; = in like manner Ju 8:8; = thus (as has been described) 1 K 7:37 1 Ch 29:14 2 Ch 31:20; 32:15: כָּזֹאת וְכָזֹאת thus and thusJos 7:20 2 S 17:15(×2) 2 K 5:4; 9:12. e. מִזֶּה from here, hence Gn 37:17; 42:15; 50:25 Ex 11:1(×2) 13:3 Dt 9:12 + often: מִזֶּהמִזֶּה on one sideon the other side Ex 17:12 מזה אחד ומזה אחד, 25:19; 26:13; 32:15 מזה ומזה הם כתובים, Nu 22:24 1 S 14:4 1 K 10:19, 20 Zc 5:3 +; מִזֶּה וּמִזֶּה לְ on one side and on the other side ofEx 38:15 Jos 8:33 Ez 45:7; 48:21. f. עַל זֶה on this account (rare), La 5:17 (pointing forwards), Est 6:3. So עַל זֹאת Am 8:8 Mi 1:8 Je 2:12 (Jb 17:8) 4:8, 28 ψ 32:6; in late prose Ezr 8:23; 9:15; 10:2 Ne 13:14 2 Ch 16:9, 10; 29:9; 32:20. g. עִם זֶה in spite of thisNe 5:18.—On אֵי זֶה which? אֵי מִזֶּה whence? אֵי לָזֹאת how? v. sub אַי 2, p. 32; and on הַלָּז, הַלָּזֶה, הַלֵּזוּ, v. p. 229.
    Note.זֶה in 1 S 17:34 (in many edd.) is a typographical error (not a Kt) of Jacob b. Chayim’s Rabbin. Bible of 1525 for שׂה sheep, which has been perpetuated hence in other subseq. edd. The reading of MSS. and of the best ancient edd. is שֶׂה (cf. de RossiVar. Lect. ii. 151).
    BDB זֶה.2


    זֹה this (f.) = זֹאת (cf. זוֹ, in Mish. the regular fem. of זֶה)2 K 6:19 Ez 40:45 Ec 2:2, 24; 5:15, 18; 7:23; 9:13 (זאת does not occur in Ec); also in the phr. כָּזֹה וְכָזֶה (v. זה 6 c β).BDB זֹה.2


    זהב (√ of foll.; meaning dubious; cf. LagBN 55 Anm).BDB זהב.2


    זָהָב385 n.m. Gn 2:12 gold (NH id.; Arabic ذَهَبٌ, Sab. דֿהב e.g. Os29 DHMZMG 1883, 338; Aramaic דְּהַב, ܕܗܰܒ, Palm. דהבא VogNo. 23)ז׳ abs. Gn 2:11 + 364 times; cstr. Gn 2:12 + 6 times; sf. זְהָבִי 1 K 20:7 + 2 times; זְהָֽבְךָ 1 K 20:3, 5; זְהָבֶ֑ךָ Is 30:22; זְהָבוֹ Is 2:20; 31:7; זְהָבָם Ho 8:4 + 4 times;—gold,
    1. = gold-ore, gold in a raw state, Gn 2:11, 12 Je 10:9 Pr 17:3; 27:21 Jb 28:1 +; perhaps also 1 K 9:28; 10:11; 22:49 etc.; cf. עַפְרֹת ז׳ Jb 28:6 gold-dust v. also Zc 13:9 (sim. of tried people of י׳) and cf. Mal 3:3; likewise Jb 23:10 (sim. of Job’s purity, as shewn by divine tests); מִצָּפוֹן זָהָב Jb 37:22 is dub.; Ew De al. out of the North comes gold; others, however, golden light, brightness, of sun after clouds dispersed by north wind, 𝔊 Rabb. Da al.; or golden splendour of God coming from north BöÄ 76 Hi al.; Siegf conj. יהוה for זהב read perhaps זֹהַר Du and Dr.
    2. gold as wealth Gn 13:2 (J; + מִקְנֶה, כֶּסֶף) 24:34 (J; + צֹאן, בָּקָר, כֶּסֶף, עֲבָדִם, שְׁפָחֹת, גְּמַלִּים, חֲמֹרִים) cf. Ho 2:8 Is 2:7 Dt 8:13; 17:17 Jb 3:15; 31:24 Zc 14:14 Ezr 1:4, 6 +; in gen., as precious: נִבְחָר שֵׁם מֵעשֶׁר רָ֑ב מִכֶּסֶף וּמִזָּהָב חֵן טוֹב Pr 22:1 to be chosen is a name more than great riches, and good favour more than silver and than gold; Jb 28:17 (of wisdom) gold and glass do not equal it; ψ 19:10 (ordinances of י׳) which are more to be desired than gold; cf. 119:72, 127; also metaph. of princes and chief men of Zion La 4:1 (cf. v 2).
    3. gold as spoil of war Jos 6:19 (+ כֶּסֶף, כְּלֵי־נְחשֶׁת, בַּרְזֶל) so v 24, cf. 7:21, 24; 22:8 2 K 7:8 +.
    4. gold as merchandise Ez 27:22 (+ אֶבֶן יְקָרָה, רֹאשׁ כָּל־בֹּשֶׂם), cf. also gold from Ophir 1 K 9:28 etc. (v. sub 7 infr.)
    5. gold as costly gift: to a prophet מְלֹא בֵּיתוֹ כֶּסֶף וְז׳ (hypothet.), Nu 22:18; 24:13 (both E); brought by queen of Sheba to Solomon 1 K 10:2, 10 (both + אֶבֶן יְקָרָה and בְּשָׂמִים) = 2 Ch 9:1, 9; as tribute 2 K 23:35(×2) (cf. v 33; all + כֶּסֶף); as satisfaction for murder 2 S 21:4 (+ כֶּסֶף).
    6. gold as material: of (nose- or ear-)ring, נֶזֶם Gn 24:22 Ex 32:2, 3 Ju 8:24, 26 Pr 11:22; 25:12 Jb 42:11; of chain Gn 41:42, shields 2 S 8:7, images of emerods 1 S 6:4, 17 and mice v 4, 11, 18; תַּפּוּחֵי ז׳ בְּמַשְׂכִּיּוֹת כֶּסֶף Pr 25:11; גֻּלַּת ז׳ Ec 12:6; כְּלֵי־ז׳ Ex 3:22; 11:2; 12:35 1 S 6:8 ψ 105:37 etc.; כְּלֵי־כֶסֶף וּכְלֵי זָהָב Gn 24:53 as presents to a bride (+ בְּגָדִים); so of presents to secure king’s favour 2 S 8:10 (+ כְּלֵי נְחשֶׁת), and in list of yearly gifts or tribute to Sol. 1 K 10:25 = 2 Ch 9:24; as material of idols אֱלֹהֵי כֶסֶף וֵאלֹהֵי ז׳ Ex 20:23 cf. 32:31 Ho 8:4 Is 2:20; 30:22; 31:7 Dt 29:16 ψ 115:4; 135:15; as plating of idols Dt 7:25; especially as material of the furnishings of Solomon’s temple, or (oftener) the platings of temple, or parts thereof, or of its furnishings 1 K 6:20, 21(×3), 22(×2), 28; 7:48 + 10 times 1 K 6:7; also 2 Ch 3:5(×2), 6 + 14 times 2 Ch 3:4; cf. 1 Ch 28:14(×2) + 14 times 1 Ch 28. 29 (David’s preparation for temple); v. also 2 K 24:13 cf. 14:14 = 2 Ch 25:24, 2 K 25:15 = Je 52:19 (in accounts of plundering temple etc.); but more often still of furnishing and utensils of tabernacle, insignia of high-priest etc., Ex 25:3, 11, 24 + 97 times Ex 25—40, Lv 8:9 Nu 4:11; 8:4; (in case of large objects frequently of plating or sheathing, cf. 12 c infr.) Note the expressions תְּנוּפַת ז׳ ליהוה Ex 35:22 a wave-offering of gold, זְהַב הַתְּנוּפָה 38:24; also זְהַב הַתְּרוּמָה Nu 31:52 (all P) cf. Ezr 8:25, and (of offering to heathen god) יְכַבֵּד בְּזָהָב Dn 11:38.
    7. gold described by its source, especially gold from Ophir (cf. GlasSkizze ii. 357, ff. 368) 1 K 9:28; 10:11; 22:49 1 Ch 29:4 2 Ch 8:18; 9:10; so perhaps Je 10:9 (read אוֹפִיר for אוּפַז Ew Klo al.); זְהַב שְׁבָא ψ 72:15; on ז׳ פַּרְוָ֑יִם 2 Ch 3:6 v. פרוים; cf. further Gn 2:11, 12.
    8. gold defined By var. adj. and pts.: ז׳ שָׁחוּט beaten gold (v. שָׁחַט) 1 K 10:16, 17 = 2 Ch 9:15(×2), 16; ז׳ סָגוּר 1 K 6:20, 21; also 7:49, 50 10:21 = 2 Ch 4:20, 22; 9:21 (on meaning v. סָגַר); especially (but only P & Ch) ז׳ טָהוֹר pure gold Ex 25:11, 17, 24 + 21 times Ex 25, 28, 30, 37, 39 (of equipments of tabernacle and high priest’s insignia), 1 Ch 28:17 2 Ch 3:4; 9:17; cf. ז׳ טוֹב 2 Ch 3:5, 8; on ז׳ מוּפָז 1 K 10:18, AV best gold, cf. אוּפָז, פָּזַז.
    9. ז׳ as measure of weight and value: a. = gold-shekel, עֲשָׂרָה ז׳ מִשְׁקָלָם Gn 24:22; כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה ז׳ Nu 7:14 + 11 times Nu 7; אֶלֶף וּשְׁבַע־מֵאוֹת ז׳ Ju 8:26, cf. 1 K 10:16 2 K 5:5 2 Ch 9:15, 16; אַלְפֵי ז׳ וָכָ֑סֶף ψ 119:72; comp. further Jos 7:21; but also (only Ch) שֶׁקֶל expressed: שִׁקְלֵי ז׳ מִשְׁקַל שֵׁשׁ מֵאוֹת 1 Ch 21:25 (50 shekels of silver in ‖ 2 S 24:24); וּמִשְׁקָל לְמִסְמְרוֹת לִשְׁקָלִים חֲמִשִּׁים ז׳ 2 Ch 3:9. b. שְׁלשֶׁת מָנִים ז׳ 1 K 10:17 three minas of gold (v. מָנֶה). c. כִּכַּר ז׳ talent of gold 2 S 12:30 1 K 9:14 + (v. כִּכָּר). d. זָהָב דַּרְכְּמוֹנִים שֵׁשׁ־רִבֹּאוֹת וָאֶלֶף Ezr 2:69 cf. Ne 7:69, 70, 71; also וּכפֹרֵי ז׳ עֶשְׂרִים לַאֲדַרְכֹּנִים אָ֑לֶף Ezr 8:27 (v. דַּרְכְּמוֹן);—with the above should perhaps be compared הַזָּלִים ז׳ מִכִּיס Is 46:6 i.e. the gold used in making the god was the coin carried in the bag.
    10. ז׳ = golden oil, from colour, Zc 4:12.
    11. ז׳ often named with כֶּסֶף, and then, in earlier and sometimes in later writings, follows it: בַּכֶּסֶף וּבַזָּהָב Gn 13:2 (J), cf. 24:35, 53; 44:8 (all J), Ex 3:22; 11:2; 12:35 Nu 22:18; 24:13 (all E), Jos 6:19, 24 (JE), Dt 7:25; 17:17; 29:16 2 S 8:11; 21:4 1 K 7:51; 15:15, 18, 19 2 K 7:8; 16:8; 18:14; 20:13; 23:33, 35(×2) Ho 2:10; 8:4 Is 2:7; 60:9 Je 10:4 Zp 1:18 Ez 7:19; 38:13 Zc 6:11 Jo 4:5, Pr 22:1 ψ 105:37; 115:4; 135:15 2 Ch 1:15; 5:1 Ezr 1:4; 8:25 Dn 11:8 Ec 2:8 +; in later writings ז׳ often precedes Ez 28:4 Zc 14:14 Mal 3:3 1 Ch 18:10; 22:14, 16; 28:15, 16; 29:3, 4, 5, 7 2 Ch 9:14, 21; 24:14; 25:24 Ezr 1:11 ψ 119:72 Ct 1:11 Dn 11:38 +, and so in P, Ex 25:3; 31:4; 35:5, 32 Nu 31:32; yet also as early as Hb 2:19 1 K 10:22 2 K 25:15.
    12. the chief vbs. used with ז׳ are: a. עָשָׂה make of (c. 2 acc.) 1 K 7:48 (cf. v 49(×2), 50(×2)) 10:6; 12:28; 14:26 2 Ch 4:7, 8, 19; 12:9; 13:8, and especially in P (tabern.) Ex 25:11, 17, 18 + 35 times Ex 25—39; also sq. בְּ work in gold, לַעֲשׂוֹת בַּזּ׳ וּבַכֶּסֶף וּבַנְּחשֶׁת Ex 31:4; 35:32, also (+ בַּבַּרְזֶל, etc.), 2 Ch 2:6, 13; b. יָצַק (obj. טַבְּעֹת ז׳) Ex 25:12; 37:3, 13 (all P); c. צִפָּה overlay with (c. 2 acc.) 1 K 6:20, 21(×2), 22, 28, 30, 32, 35 (v 32, 35 one acc. om.), 10:18 2 Ch 3:4, 10; 9:17, and especially P (tabern.) Ex 25:11, 13, 24, 28 + 15 times Ex 26—37; in same sense d. וַיְחַפֵּהוּ ז׳ 2 Ch 3:5 cf. v 7, 8, 9, and e. תָּפוּשׂ ז׳ וָכֶסֶף Hb 2:19 encased in gold and silver; also f. בַּזּ׳ יְרַקְּעֶנּוּ Is 40:19; g. רדד Hiph., וַיָּ֫רֶדּ עַל־הַכְּרוּבִים וְעַל־הַתִּמֹּרוֹת אֶת־הַזּ׳ 1 K 6:32and he spread upon the cherubim and upon the palm-trees the gold; further h. בָּחַן try, Zc 13:9, cf. i. זִקַּק Mal 3:3.—On דִּי זָהָב, n.pr. v. p. 191; on מֵי זָהָב n.pr. v. sub מַיִם.
    BDB זָהָב.2


    [זָהַם] vb. be foul, loathsome, but only Pi., causat. (NH id., be foul, Pi. make foul; Aramaic זְהִים foul, ܙܰܗܶܡ make foul, fetid; Arabic زَهِمَ stink, be greasy)
    Pi. Pf. 3 fs. sf. 3 ms. וְזִהֲמַתּוּ חַיָּתוֹ לָ֑הֶם (consec.) Jb 33:20 his life maketh it, bread, loathsome to him (‖ ונפשׁו מַאֲכַל תַּאֲוָה). (On sf. v. Ges§ 131, 2, R. 4; Dr 1 S 21:14: according to Siegf the word is hopelessly corrupt.)
    BDB זָהַם.2


    זָ֑הַם n.pr.m. (from above √?) a son of Rehoboam, 2 Ch 11:19.BDB זָ֑הַם.2


    † I. [זָהַר] vb. be light, shining (Arabic زَهَرَ, زَهُرَ shine, adj. اَزْهَرُ bright (cf. LagBN 120); Aramaic זְהַר, ܙܗܰܪ; NH in deriv.; v. also sub II. זהר)
    Hiph. intrans. (late) send out light, shine, fig. of everlasting glory of teachers of righteousness: וְהַמַּשְׂכִּלִים יַזְהִרוּ כְּזֹהַר הָרָקִיעַ Dn 12:3 and they that make wise shall shine like the shining of the firmament (‖ וּמַצְדִּיקֵי הָרַבִּים כַּכּוֹכָבִים לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד).
    BDB זָהַר.2


    זֹ֫הַר n.[m.] shining, brightness (Arabic زُهْرَةٌ, NH זְהוֹר, cf. Aramaic זִיהֲרָא);—abs. Ez 8:2 כְּמַרְאֵה ז׳ like an appearance of shining (explained, v b, as resembling amber, חַשְׁמַל cf. 1:27); also cstr. Dn 12:3 v. foregoing.BDB זֹ֫הַר.2


    † II. [זָהַר] vb. only Hiph., Niph. (NH Hiph., admonish, cf. Aramaic זְהַר (Aph. Pa. etc.), ܙܗܰܪ (Arabic زَهَرَ viii. take care of, be mindful of is perhaps Aramaic loan-word, so TA cf. Lane).—Most identify with I. זהר = give light, enlighten, instruct, admonish; this possible, but not certain, meaning shine is late in Heb.; usual sense as given below is not enlighten, illumine mentally, but warn; v. also construction with two accusatives Ex 18:20);—
    Hiph. Pf. וְהִזְהִיר consec. Ez 33:3; sf. וְהִזְהִירֹה 2 K 6:10; 2 ms. הִזְהַרְתָּ Ez 3:19; 33:9, וְהִזְהַרְתָּ֫ Ez 3:17; 33:7, וְהִזְהַרְתָּ֫ה Ex 18:20, sf. הִזְהַרְתּוֹ Ez 3:18, 20, 21, וְהִזְהַרְתָּ consec. Ez 3:17; 33:7; וְהִזְהַרְתֶּם consec. 2 Ch 19:10; Inf. cstr. לְהַזְהִיר Ez 3:18; 33:8;—instruct, teach, warn: Ex 18:20 (E) teach them ordinances (2 acc.); 2 K 6:10 the place which (אֲשֶׁר) the man of God told him of (אָמַר־לוֹ) and warned him (sf.) of; elsewhere only Ez Ch; warn, give a warning to, always sq. acc. pers. only: Ez 3:18, 19, 20; 33:3; give them (acc.) a warning from me (מִמֶּנִּי, י׳ speaks) Ez 3:17; 33:7; warn the wicked (רָשָׁע) from (away from, מִן) his way Ez 3:18; 33:8, 9 warn the righteous (צַדִּיק) Ez 3:21 sq. Inf. in order that the righteous sin not, cf. 2 Ch 19:10 sq. acc. pers. + final cl. c. וְ.
    Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נִזְהָ֔ר Ez 3:21; 33:4, 5, 6; also נִזְהָ֖ר v 5 (read perhaps הִזְהִיר, so We Sm Co); Imv. הִזָּהֵר Ec 12:12; Inf. cstr. לְהִזָּהֵר Ec 4:13; Pt. נִזְהָר ψ 19:12;—be instructed, admonished, warned (pass. of Hiph.):—גַּם־עַבְדְּךָ נִזְהָ֣ר בָּהֶם ψ 19:12 yea thy servant, he is instructed (or warned) by them (i.e. lets himself be instructed or warned by the מִשְׁפְּטֵי י׳ v 10); in Ez distinctly take warning, abs. Ez 3:21 (cf. Hiph.) 33:4, 5a; so Ec 12:12 and, more generally, אֲשֶׁר לֹא יָדַע לְהִזָּהֵר Ec 4:13 who knoweth not how to take admonition; be warned, receive warning Ez 33:6 (of people, c. לֹא, i.e. if no warning be given them), also MT v 5 b, but read perhaps Hiph. (v. supr.) but he (i.e. the watchman) gave warning, he hath delivered his (own) soul.
    BDB זָהַר².2


    זוֹ i.q. זֹה (q.v.): only Ho 7:16 b זוֹ לַעְגָּם this (i.e. the falling by the sword, v a) is their derision; and (as relat.) ψ 132:12 וְעֵדֹ֤תִ֥י זֹוֹ and my testimony which … (neglecting the accentuation: v. De, and cf. the remark under זֶה 5).BDB זוֹ.2


    זוּ pron. (poet.), indeclinable.
    1. a demonstr. Hb 1:11 זוּ כֹחוֹ this his strength, ψ 12:8 מִן־הַדּוֹר זוּ (unusual, for הַזֶּה), 62:12 שְׁתַּיִם־זוּ שָׁמַעְתִּי these two things &c. (but better (WickesPoet. Acc. 64) שְׁ֖תֵּיִם ז֣וּ two things (are there) which &c.: v. 2).
    2. a relative, Ex 15:13 עַם־זוּ גָאָ֑לְתָּ the people which thou hast redeemed, v 16 Is 42:24 זוּ חָטָאנוּ לוֹ against whom we sinned, 43:21 ψ 9:16 (fem.) רֶשֶׁת־ז֥וּ טָ֜מָ֗נוּ so 31:5, 10:2; 17:9 (with a plural antecedent) מִפְּנֵי רְשָׁעִים זוּ שַׁדּוּנִי, 32:8; 68:29 (thou) who hast wrought for us! 142:4; 143:8. To most of these passages the remark made under זה 5 respecting the intention of the punctuators also applies: comp. De on ψ 9:16. (Cf. ذُو, used as an indeclin. relat. pron. = اَلَّذِى in the Ṭayyite dialect: thus أتى عليهم ذو أتى there has come upon them that which has come: ذحن ذو فعلنا كذا it is we who have done this. See SchuHariri Cons. ii. 75, Thes406, WAG i. 347, e, Lanep. 986, FlKl.Schr. i. p. 359.)
    BDB זוּ.2


    זִו appar. n.pr. of 2nd month, = c. April—May, named as month of beginning the temple-building; בְּחֹדֶשׁ זִו הוּא הַחֹדֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִי 1 K 6:1 = בְּיֶרַח זִ֑ו v 37; 𝔊B v 1 has simply ἐν μηνὶ τῷ δευτέρῳ, v 37 (in 𝔊 v 4) ἐν μηνὶ Νεισῷ καὶ τῷ δευτέρῳ μηνί; 𝔊 codd. ἐν μηνὶ Ζιου μηνὶ τῷ δευτέρῳ; 𝔊L (only v 37) ἐν δευτέρῳ μηνί, ἐν μηνὶ Ζιου;—(si vera l. comp. perhaps Aramaic זִיו ܙܝܺܘܳܐ brightness, freshness, so Biblical Aramaic Dn 2:31 +; cf. 𝔗 יֶרַח זִיו נִיצָנַיָּא month of brightness of flowers; Assyrian zîmu, DlPr 152 f. cf. NöZMG 1886, 732; Thes al. der. זִו, זִיו (= זְהִיו) from זהה in sense be bright, splendid, etc., cf. Arabic زَهَا increase, thrive (of seed-produce), زَهْوٌ a beautiful and bright, or fresh, plant; Aramaic זְהָא, adj. זָהוֹהָא haughty, proud; ܙܗܳܐ glory, boast, be magnificent; yet cf. Ol§ 174 ad fin.)BDB זִו.2


    זוֹ , זוּ , v. p. 262.BDB זוֹ².2


    זוֹב n.m. issue (Arabic ذَوْبٌ fluid, liquid; NH זוֹב, Aramaic דּוֹבָא in specif. sense of Heb.);—issue, flux, always from genitals (cf. Di Lv 15:2); only P: of man or woman Lv 15:33;—of man Lv 15:2, 3, 3(×2), 13, 15; of woman Lv 15:19 (דָּם יִהְיֶה זֹבָהּ בִּבְשָׂרָהּ, of monthly period); also v 25(×2), 26, 28, 30 (of morbid issue of blood, sometimes connected with the other; cf. Mat 9:20 etc.)BDB זוֹב.2


    [זוּב] vb. flow, gush (NH id., Aramaic דּוּב, דִּיב, ܕܳܒ, all used often in sense 4 infr.; Arabic ذَابَ (med. و) melt, dissolve, flow)—only
    Qal Impf. יָזוּב Lv 15:25 etc.; Pt. זָב Je 49:9 f. זָבָ֫ה Lv 15:19 etc.;— 1. flow, gush (poet.), of water from the smitten rock ψ 78:20 (‖ שָׁטַף), 105:41 (‖ הָלַךְ), Is 48:21 (‖ נָזַל). 2. Pt. freq. in זָבַת חָלָב וּדְבַשׁ (אֶרֶץ), mostly of promised land, Ex 3:8, 17; 13:5 (all J) 33:3 Nu 13:27; 14:8; 16:14 (all JE) Dt 6:3; 11:9; 26:9, 15; 27:3; 31:20 Jos 5:6 (D) Lv 20:24 (H) Je 11:5; 32:22 Ez 20:6, 15, of Egypt Nu 16:13; זָב עִמְקֵךְ Je 49:4 (fertile valley of Ammon). 3. fig. flow away = pine away (from hunger) La 4:9. 4. flow, of issue from woman (all P), Lv 15:25 יָזוּב זוֹב דָּמָהּ (v. זוֹב); especially have an issue (flux, gleet), of woman Lv 15:25 and 15:19 (תִּהְיֶה זָבָה); usually of man, 2 S 3:29 (‖ מְצֹרָע); elsewhere P, Lv 15:2 זָב מִבִּשָׂרוֹ; with cogn. acc. 15:33; ordinarily Pt. זָב one that has an issue Lv 15:4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 32 (all P), 22:4 (H; ‖ צָרוּעַ); also Nu 5:2 (P; ‖ id.)
    BDB זוּב.2


    זוג, זיג (appar. √ of foll.; 𝔗 NH זוג, זִיג is be clear, bright, transparent (ChWB Jastr391 a); others (so Thes) derive foll. from √ זגג with same meaning, v. infr. & Fl NHWBi. 560 b).BDB זוג.2


    זוג, זיג v. p. 259.BDB זוג².2


    זוּד v. זיד.BDB זוּד.2


    זוה (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic زَوَى put aside or away, draw together, contract).BDB זוה.2


    I. זוז (NH זוז move, Assyrian zâzu, move, rise, come forth cf. COT gloss.; also be agitated, enraged, V R 64, i, 1. 11).BDB זוז.2


    II. זוז (be abundant, cf. especially Assyrian zâzu, abundance, DlPr 67 f. ZimBP 94, 97; only as √ of foll.; perhaps related to I. זוז (cf. Thes), but this very dubious).BDB זוז².2


    זוּזִים n.pr.gent. an ancient trans-Jordanic people, dwelling in הָם Gn 14:5; otherwise unknown; abode appar. in (later) land of Ammon, between Bashan and Moab; commonly supposed = זַמְזֻמִּים q.v., in that case perhaps text error in one case or the other, cf. NöUntersuchungen z. Kritik d. A. T. 162.—(𝔊 ἔθνη ἰσχυρά).—On n.pr.loc. Ζιζα, زيزا, between Boṣra and Lejûn, cf. Kn Di ad loc., Tristr Moab 132 ff.BDB זוּזִים.2


    זוֹחֵת n.pr.m. a descendant of Judah (etym. and meaning unknown) 1 Ch 4:20 (v. also בֶּן־זוֹחֵת), 𝔊 Ζωαν, Ζωαβ, A Ζωχαθ, 𝔊L Ζαωθ.BDB זוֹחֵת.2


    [זָוִית] n.f. corner (late) (Aramaic זָוִיתָא, ܙܳܘܺܝܬܳܐ (often for Heb. פִּנָּה, מִקְצוֹעַ), hence, as loan-word (FräAramaic Fremdw. 11, 168) Arabic زَاوِيَةٌ );—Pl. abs. זָוִיּוֹת ψ 144:12; cstr. זָוִיֹּת Zc 9:15;—וּמָֽלְאוּ כַמִּזְרָק כְּזָוִיֹּת מִזְבֵּחַ Zc 9:15 simil. of warriors streaming with blood, v. Lv 1:5, 11 etc.; בְּנוֹתֵינוּ כְּז׳ וגו׳ ψ 144:12 our daughters like corner (-pillar)s, carved (so Che al., but v. ii. חטב) in palace-fashion.BDB זָוִית.2


    זָוִית v. sub זוה.BDB זָוִית².2


    I. זול (prob. √ of foll., Arabic زَالَ remove, depart).BDB זול.2


    † II. [זוּל] vb. lavish (cf. Aramaic זוּל, be cheap, of little value, lightly esteem; similarly זלל q.v.)
    Qal Pt. הַזָּלִים זָהָב מִכִּיס Is 46:6 (‖ כֶּסֶף בַּקָּנֶה יִשְׁקֹ֑לוּ).
    BDB זוּל.2


    [זוּלָה] n.[f.] proposes removal, only found in the st. c. as prep. and conj. except, only, save that—cstr. זוּלַת 2 K 24:14 and (with the obsolete case-ending ִי) זוּלָתִי Dt 1:36; 4:12 Jos 11:13 1 K 3:18; 12:20 ψ 18:32; with sf. זוּלָתִי Ho 13:4 Is 45:5, 21, זוּלָֽתְךָ, זוּלָתֶ֑ךָ 2 S 7:22 = 1 Ch 17:20 Is 26:13; 64:3 Ru 4:4, זוּלָתָהּ 1 S 21:10;—
    1. prep. except, besides, lit. with removal of … (syn. מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ψ 18:32 Is 45:21; בִּלְתִּי Ho 13:4; and cf. Dt 1:36 with Nu 32:12), Dt 1:36 זולתי כלב with the exception of Caleb, 1 S 21:10 אֵין אַחֶרֶת זוּלָתָהּ there is none other except it, 1 K 12:20 2 K 24:14 Ru 4:4: often in such phrases as, There is no God (or, Who is God?) except me (or thee), 2 S 7:22 18:32 Ho 13:4 Is 45:5, 21; 64:3. Always after a neg. or qu., except Is 26:13 אדנים זולתך lords other than thou. Connected inexactly with what precedes, ז׳ acquires the force of only, Dt 4:12 ye saw no form זוּלָתִי קוֹל save a voice = (there was) only a voice, 1 K 3:18.
    2. conj. Jos 11:13 except that he burnt Hazor alone.
    BDB זוּלָה.2


    [זוּן] vb. feed (NH. Biblical Aramaic id.; Syriac ࠆࠄࠍ );—
    Hoph. Pt. סוּסִים מוזנים Je 5:8 (Kt; i.e. מוּזָנִים; Qr מְיֻזָּנִים from יזן q.v.) well-fed horses, fig. of adulteres; DlPr 73 f. comp. Assyrian zanânu, be full (i.e. of sexual desire).
    BDB זוּן.2


    זוֹנָה v. זנה.BDB זוֹנָה.2


    זוּעַ vb. tremble, quake (Aramaic (incl. Biblical Aramaic) id., ܙܳܥ; cf. also Arabic زَاع impel, زَعْزَعَ move, agitate, shake (on these v. NöZMG 1886, 725), Assyrian , storm-wind (= Aramaic זוֹעָא) ZimBP 94);—
    Qal (late) Pf. 3 ms. זָע Est 5:9; Impf. 3 mpl. c. rel. שֶׁיָּזֻעוּ Ec 12:3;—tremble, quake, in presence of powerful superior Est 5:9 (sq. מִמֶּנּוּ); said of שֹׁמְרֵי הַבַּיִת in descr. of infirm old man Ec 12:3.
    Pilp. Pt. sf. מְזַעְזְעֶיךָ Hb 2:7; causat. and intens. they that shall violently shake thee, fig. of foes of Babylon, instruments of Yahweh’s judgment.
    BDB זוּעַ.2


    זְוָעָה and, by transpos., זַעֲוָה (Di Dt 28:25 cf. Sta§ 192 a) n.f. a trembling, i.e. object of trembling, terror: זְוָעָה Is 28:19, also Kt Je 15:4 + 4 times; זַעֲוָה Dt 28:25 Ez 23:46 (also Qr Je 15:4 + 4 times);—object of trembling, terror, fright; וְהָיִיתָ לְזַעֲוָה Dt 28:25 and thou shalt become a terror to all (לְכֹל) the kingdoms of the earth; וּנְתַתִּים לְז׳ וגו׳ Je 15:4; 29:18; 34:17 (‖ לְאָלָה וּלְשַׁמָּה וְלִשְׁרֵקָה וּלְחֶרְפָּה), also וּנְתַתִּים לְז׳ וגו׳ 24:9 (‖ לְחֶרְפָּה וּלְמָשָׁל לִשְׁנִינָה וְלִקְלָלָה), Ez 23:46 2 Ch 29:8.BDB זְוָעָה.2


    † I. [זוּר] vb. be a stranger (Arabic زَارَ (med. و incline toward, repair to, visit; ii. honour as visitor or guest; ix. decline, turn aside; زَاىِٔرٌ visitor; Aramaic זוּר, often = Heb. סוּר turn aside, turn aside to visit)—
    Qal Pf. 3 pl. זֹר֫וּ ψ 58:4 (Köi 445), זָ֫רוּ ψ 78:30 Jb 19:13; Pt. זָר Ex 30:33 + 27 times; f. זָרָה Ex 30:9 + 7 times; mpl. זָרִים Ho 5:7 + 30 times; fpl. זָרוֹת Pr 22:14; 23:33; sf. זָרָ֑יִךְ Is 29:5; 1. Pf. become estranged ψ 58:4, c. מן from Jb 19:13 ψ 78:30. 2. Pt. as adj. strange, or as noun stranger: a. to the family, of another household, אִישׁ זָר Dt 25:5, elsewhere זָר 1 K 3:18 Jb 19:15 Pr 6:1; 11:15; 20:16; 27:13; זָרִים ψ 109:11 Pr 5:10, 17; בנים זרים, children of another household than God’s Ho 5:7; especially of another family than priests’ אִישׁ זֶר Lv 22:12 (H) Nu 17:5 (P); זָר Lv 22:10, 13 (H) Ex 29:33; 30:33 Nu 3:10, 38; 18:7 (P); not belonging to the tribe of Levi, Nu 1:51; 18:4 (P). b. to the person, another Jb 19:27 Pr 14:10; 27:2; זָרָה (אִשָּׁה) strange woman, harlot Pr 2:16; 5:3, 20; 7:5; 22:14; 23:33. c. to the land, foreign, זָרִים foreigners (as such usually enemies) Ho 7:9; 8:7 Is 1:7(×2); 25:2, 5; 29:5; 61:5 Je 5:19; 30:8; 51:2, 51 La 5:2 Ez 7:21; 11:9; 16:32; 28:7, 10; 30:12; 31:12 Jo 4:17 Ob 11 Jb 15:19 ψ 54:5; אֵל זָר foreign god ψ 44:21; 81:10 = זָר Is 43:12; so זָרִים Dt 32:16 and (in fig.) Je 2:25; 3:13; מַיִם זָרִים foreign waters 2 K 19:24 Je 18:14; זְמֹרַת זָר Is 17:10 vine-slip of a stranger; כְּמוֹ־זָר נֶחְשָׁ֑בוּ Ho 8:12 they are regarded as foreign; מַעֲשֵׂהוּ זָר Is 28:21 his work is foreign (as if dealing with enemies). d. strange to the law; קְטֹרֶת זָרָה strange incense Ex 30:9 (P); אֵשׁ זָרָה strange fire Lv 10:1 Nu 3:4; 26:61 (P).
    Niph. Pf. נָזֹ֫רוּ Is 1:4 Ez 14:5; be estranged Is 1:4, pregn., sq. אָחוֹר (cf. RV); מֵעַל Ez 14:5.
    Hoph. Pt. מוּזָר estranged ψ 69:9.
    BDB זוּר.2


    † II. [זוּר, זִיר] vb. be loathsome, Bö§ 1142 (Arabic ذَارَ fastidivit, abhorruit; Assyrian zâru, hate Impf. izîru, DlPr 65 SchrCOT Gloss)—only
    Qal 3 fs. זָ֫רָה Jb 19:17 רוּחִי זָ֫רָה לְאִשְׁתִּי my breath is loathsome to my wife (וְחַנֹּתִי לְ in ‖ cl.); > most, who derive from i. זוּר, become strange and so repugnant.
    BDB זוּר².2


    † III. [זוּר] vb. press down and out (Aramaic זִיר press together, Syriac ܙܘܰܪ, ܙܳܪ compress; cf. Arabic زَيَّرَ twist the lip of a beast)
    Qal Pf. 3 pl. זֹ֫רוּ Is 1:6 (pass.; > √ זרר, Arabic زَرَّ draw forcibly together Ol§ 233c, 2451i 333); Impf. 3 ms. וַיָּ֫וַר Ju 6:38, 3 fs. sf. תְּזוּרֶהָ Jb 39:15; Pt. pass. f. זוּרֶה (= זוּרָה Ges§ 80 i) Is 59:5;—press (twist or wring) out a fleece Ju 6:38; not pressed out, of sore (fig. of continued disaster) Is 1:6; press under foot an egg, Jb 39:15 (‖ דּוּשׁ), Is 59:5 (pass.)
    BDB זוּר³.2


    זָזָא n.pr.m. (perhaps belongs under this √; comp. Assyrian n.pr. Zazâ ZimBP 97 cf. StrmAVNo. 2816)—a descendant of יְרַחְמְאֵל of Judah 1 Ch 2:33.BDB זָזָא.2


    זָזָא v. sub זוז.BDB זָזָא².2


    [זָחַח] vb. remove, displace (Arabic زَخَّ push, thrust away; comp. also Aramaic זוּחַ, ܙܳܚ move, move away (intrans.))
    Niph. Impf. וְלֹא־יִזַּח הַחֹשֶׁן מֵעַל הָאֵפוֹד Ex 28:28 and that the breast-piece be not displaced etc., 39:21 (both P).
    BDB זָחַח.2


    † I. [זָחַל] vb. shrink back, crawl away (Aramaic זְחַל crawl (also drap, drip, of water: so NH זָחַל), זָחֵיל worm; Syriac ܙܳܚܠܴܐ locust (as crawling); Arabic زَحَلَ withdraw, retire to a distance (v. Lane, Wetzst in De Hiob 2, 428), and Sab. זחֿל withdraw, humble oneself DHMZMG 1875, 610)
    Qal only Pt. pl. cstr. זֹחֲלֵי Dt 32:24 Mi 7:17;—crawl, of reptiles (pt.) זֹחֲלֵי עָפָר Dt 32:24 i.e. serpents (as poisonous), instruments of Yahweh’s judgment on Isr.; ז׳ ארץ Mi 7:17 id. (as crawling into the earth to hide), sim. of nations in fear of י׳.
    BDB זָחַל.2


    † II. [זָחַל] vb. fear, be afraid (Aramaic דְּחַל ܕܚܶܠ; cf. Arabic ذَحْلٌ rancour, malevolence;ZMG 1886, 741)—only
    Qal Pf. 1 s. זָחַלְתִּי Jb 32:6 therefore I feared (‖ וָאִירָא); > most, who derive from I. זָחַל = shrink away in fear, hold back (RV), cf. 𝔗 אִסְתְּפִיתִי Fl ChWB ii. 571.
    BDB זָחַל².2


    זֹחֶ֫לֶת n.f. meaning dub.; perhaps crawling thing, serpent (WeSkizzen iii. 171 cites Arabic Zuḫal = Saturn, in connex. with 1 K 1:9; cf. Lane & Wetzst in De Hiob 2, 428 on view that Zuḫal = he who withdraws, because of planet Saturn’s remoteness)—only c. art., in design. loc. עִם אֶבֶן הַזֹּחֶלֶת 1 K 1:9 (cf. אֶבֶן ad fin.)BDB זֹחֶ֫לֶת.2


    [זִיד, זוּד] vb. boil up, seethe, act proudly, presumptuously, rebelliously (NH Hiph. הזיד as Heb.; Aramaic of Zinjirli זד presumptuous, DHMSendsch. 56; Arabic زَادَ (med. ى) increase, exceed, exaggerate, e.g. in talk; also Sab. n.pr. זיד (زَيْد) DHMEpigr. Denkm. 44 זידאל Id. ib. 52 (on distinct. betw. זוד and זיד in Sab. v. Sab.Denkm. 64); perhaps also Sab. מזדודן great one, prince, e.g. SabDenkm 89)
    Qal Pf. 3 fs. זָ֫דָה Je 50:29; 3 pl. זָ֫דוּ Ex 18:11;—of Egyptians, בַּדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר זָדוּ עֲלֵיהֶם Ex 18:11 (E) in the matter as to which they acted presumptuously against them; of Babylon, אֶל־י׳ זָדָה Je 50:29 against י׳ hath she acted presumptuously.
    Hiph. Pf. 3 pl. הֵזִידוּ Ne 9:10 + 2 times; Impf. 3 ms. יָזִיד Dt 18:20, יָזִד Ex 21:14; וַיָּ֫זֶד Gn 25:29; 3 mpl. יְזִידוּן Dt 17:13; 2 mpl. וַתָּזִדוּ Dt 1:43; 1. boil, seethe, trans., וַיָּ֫זֶד יַעֲקֹב נָזִיד Gn 25:29 and Jacob boiled pottage. 2. act presumptuously, insolently, Ex 21:14 (JE) כִּי יָזִד אִישׁ עַל־רֵעֵהוּ לְהָרְגוֹ בְעָרְמָה when a man acteth presumptuously against his neighbour to slay him; usually against י׳; sq. vb. fin. Dt 1:43 and ye acted presumptuously and went up; sq. inf. 18:20 the prophet who shall presume to speak a word in my name; also abs. 17:13; elsewhere only Ne; of Egyptians 9:10 sq. עַל (= Qal Ex 18:11); abs. v 16 (‖ וַיַּקְשׁוּ אֶת־עָרְפָּם וְלֹא שָֽׁמְעוּ וגו׳); v 29 (‖ וְלֹא שָֽׁמְעוּ וגו׳).
    BDB זִיד.2


    [זֵידוֹן] adj. insolent, raging, only pl. and fig. הַמַּיִם הַזֵּידוֹנִים ψ 124:5.BDB זֵידוֹן.2


    † I. זִיז n.m. ψ 80:14 coll. moving things (i.e. beasts) (etym. & exact meaning still rather dub., cf. CheOP 472 and on ψ 50:11; Thes al. √ זוז; De ψ 50:11 comp. Assyrian zizânu, coll. reptiles, DlS 74 f. from a זִאזֵא cf. زَعْزَعَ move to and fro, agitate (cf. זוע); others comp. Assyrian zâzu, abundance v. II. זוז, so even Di Is 66:11; this hardly suits ψ 80:14; 𝔗 זִיזָא worm);—only cstr. זִיז שָׂדַי ψ 50:11 the moving things of the field, as all known to י׳ (‖ עוֹף הָרִים; also in v 10 חַיְתוֹ־יָ֑עַר, etc.); fig. of enemies of Isr. ψ 80:14 (‖ חֲזִיר מִיָּ֑עַר). On Assyrian zîzē, teats, v. RFHarperAJSL xiv (1897—1898), 174.BDB זִיז.2


    II. זִיז n.[m.] abundance, fulness: only מִזִּיז כְּבוֹדָהּ Is 66:11 that ye may suck out and be delighted, from the abundance of her glory (i.e. of Jerusalem) (so Di al.; > Che crit. n., and OP 472 f. Brd (cf. Ew ‘Euter’), who comp. vulg. Ar. zîza, udder (breast, teat); this suits vb. תָּמֹצּוּ and ‖ תִּינְקוּ וּשְׂבַעְתֶּם מִשֹּׁד, but is dub. in Heb., perh. not Shemit., v. Dozy i. 619 a and reff.; also LagProph. Chald. who proposes, plausibly, מִבִּיו, cf. Aramaic ܒܶܙܳܐ PS 502, ביזא; Arabic بزّ pap).BDB זִיז².2


    זִיז, זִיזָא, זִיזָה v. sub I. זוז.BDB זִיז³.2


    זִיזָא n.pr.m.
    1. a Simeonite 1 Ch 4:37.
    2. a son of Rehoboan 2 Ch 11:20.
    BDB זִיזָא.2


    זִיזָא v. זִיזָה sub I. זוז.BDB זִיזָא².2


    זִיזָה n.pr.m. a Levite 1 Ch 23:11, = זִינָא v 10 (read prob. זִיזָא, 𝔊 Ζιζα in both).BDB זִיזָה.2


    זִינָא n.pr.m. 1 Ch 23:10 = זִיזָה v 11 q.v.BDB זִינָא.2


    זִיעַ n.pr.m. a Gadite, 1 Ch 5:13, 𝔊 Ζουε, Ζεα.BDB זִיעַ.2


    זִיעַ v. sub זוע.BDB זִיעַ².2


    זִיף n.pr.
    1. n.pr.loc. a. city S.E. from Hebron, Jos 15:55 1 Ch 2:42 2 Ch 11:8, mod. Tell Zîf; RobBR i. 492, 498 Guérin Judée iii. 159 ff.: מִדְבַּר־ז׳ 1 S 23:14, 15; 26:2(×2); c. ה loc., זִ֫יפָה 1 S 23:24. b. city of southern Judah Jos 15:24, site unknown.
    2. n.pr.m. a son of יְהַלֶּלְאֵל of Judah 1 Ch 4:16, whether related to n.pr.loc. supr. does not appear. 𝔊 Ζαφα, Ζιφ(αι). (1 Ch 2:42 v. supr.)
    BDB זִיף.2


    זִיפָה n.pr.m. a son of יְהַלֶּלְאֵל 1 Ch 4:16 (זִיף וְזִיפָה (𝔊 Ζαιρα, Ζ(α)ιφα), cf. זִיף supr.)BDB זִיפָה.2


    [זִיפִי] adj.gent. of זִיף 1. a; only mpl. as n.pr.gent. זִפִים 1 S 23:19; 26:1; זִיפִים ψ 54:2 (title).BDB זִיפִי.2


    זִיקוֹת v. i. [זֵק].BDB זִיקוֹת.2


    זִיר v. זור.BDB זִיר.2


    זַ֫יִת n.m. ψ 52:10 olive-tree, olive (NH id.; Aramaic ܙܰܝܬܳܐ, זֵיתָא; Ethiopic ዘይት Arabic زَيْتُونٌ olive-tree, olive, زَيْتٌ olive-oil; v. LagM iii. 215 ff. HomAufsätze. u. Abh., 1892, 94, 99 ff.; √ dub.; Thes and most der. from assumed זהה be bright, fresh, luxuriant (v. sub זִו) + ת afformat. which is then treated as radical, cf. Sta§ 187 a; but this not certain, cf. Ol§ 119 b. 142 a; according to LagArmen. Stud. § 1347; ז׳ is Armen. loan-word, v. also LagMl.c.; LagBN 219, Anm.);—abs. ז׳ Gn 8:11, cstr. זֵית Dt 8:8 2 K 18:32; sf. זֵיתְךָ Dt 24:20, זֵיתֶ֑ךָ Ex 23:11 Dt 28:40; pl. זֵיתִים Dt 6:11, etc.;—
    1. olive-tree Ju 9:8, 9 (personif., in Jotham’s fable), Ho 14:7 (sim. of beauty), Jb 15:33 (as casting off its flowers, sim. of wicked man); in 2 S 15:23 ins. הַזּ׳ אֲשֶׁר (before הַמִּדְבָּר, read בַּמּ׳) 𝔊L Dr; also pl. of two olive-trees Zc 4:3, 11; ז׳ רַעֲנָן ψ 52:10 fresh, (thriving) olive-tree (sim. of prosperity), so Je 11:16; עֲלֵה־ז׳ Gn 8:11 (J) olive-branch, spring, cf. Ne 8:15 (here + עֲלֵי עֵץ־שֶׁמֶן, etc.); also pl. שְׁתִלֵי זֵיתִים ψ 128:3 olive-shoots (sim. of children); שִׁבֲּלֵי זֵיתִים Zc 4:12 olive-branches (in Zech.’s vision); זַיִת in representative or coll. sense, = olive-trees, groups of growing olive-trees, as property, source of wealth, olive-yards Ex 23:11 (JE; + כֶּרֶם), Ju 15:5 (+ id.); עֵץ־הַזַּיִת Hg 2:19 (+ הַגֶּפֶן וְהַתְּאֵנָה וְהָרִמּוֹן); also in phr. כִּחֵשׁ מַעֲשֵׂה־זַיִת Hb 3:17 the bearing, yield, of olive-trees (‖ וּשְׁדֵמוֹת לֹא־עָשָׂה אֹכֶל cf. also תְּאֵנָה and גֶּפֶן יְבוּל v a); specif. זֵית שֶׁמֶן, oil-yielding olive-trees Dt 8:8 cf. 2 K 18:32; נֹקֶף ז׳ striking or beating of olive-trees Is 17:6; 24:13 (sim. of desolation at judgment of י׳), cf. כִּי תַחְבֹּט זֵיתְךָ Dt 24:20; rather more often pl.; Am 4:9 (‖ גַּנּוֹת, כְּרָמִים, תְּאֵנִים), 1 S 8:14 (‖ שָׂדוֹת, כְּרָמִים), cf. also Dt 6:11; 28:40a Jos 24:13 2 K 5:26 1 Ch 27:28 Ne 5:11; 9:25.
    2. of fruit of olive-tree, olives: Dt 28:40b (c. שֶׁמֶן); תִּדְרֹךְ זַיִת Mi 6:15 (‖ שֶׁמֶן); also שֶׁמֶן זַיִת olive-oil Ex 27:20; 30:24 (P) Lv 24:2 (P).
    3. in designations of place: מַעֲלֵה הַזֵּיתִים 2 S 15:30 the ascent of the olive-trees (𝔊 ἐν τῇ ἀναβάσει τῶν ἐλαιῶν = Mount of Olives); הַר־הַזֵּיתִים Zc 14:4(×2) (𝔊 τὸ ὄρος τῶν ἐλαιῶν); the well-known hill E. of Jerus. (NT usually as Zc 14:4 𝔊, e.g. Mk 13:3; cf. also הָהָר 1 K 11:7 Ez 11:33 Ne 8:15; 𝔗 טוּר זֵיתַיָּא 2 K 23:13 cf. 2 S 15:30 Zc 14:4 etc.; 𝔗 Ct 8:5 טוּר מִשְׁחָא, and so Talm etc.)
    BDB זַ֫יִת.2


    זֵיתָן n.pr.m. (? olive-tree)—a Benjamite 1 Ch 7:10, 𝔊 Ζαιθαν, 𝔊L Ζηθα.BDB זֵיתָן.2


    זַךְ adj. pure, clean; abs. זַךְ Jb 8:6 + 5 times; זָ֛ךְ Ex 27:20 Lv 24:2; f. זַכָּה Ex 30:34 + 2 times;—
    1. lit., pure, i.e. unmixed, free from foreign substances, of olive oil Ex 27:20 Lv 24:2, of frankincense Ex 30:34 Lv 24:7 (all P and H).
    2. fig., pure, clean, righteous (only Jb Pr):—of man Jb 8:6 (‖ יָשָׁר); 33:9 (+ בְּלִי פָ֑שַׁע; ‖ חַף) as subst. = the pure, righteous וְזַךְ יָשָׁר פָּעֳלוֹ Pr 21:8 (opp. וָזָר֑ q.v.); of mode of life כָּל־דַּרְכֵי־אִישׁ זַךְ בְּעֵינָיו Pr 16:2; of mode of action (פָּעֳלוֹ) 20:11 (‖ יָשָׁר); of doctrine (לִקְחִי) Jb 11:4 (‖ בַּר הייתי); of prayer 16:17 (‖ לֹא חָמָס בְּכַפָּ֑י).
    BDB זַךְ.2


    זָךְ, זַךְ v. sub זכך.BDB זָךְ.2


    [זָכָה] vb. be clear, clean, pure, always in moral sense (Assyrian zakû ZimBP; Aramaic דְּכָא, ܕܟܳܐ, ܕܟܺܝ; cf. Arabic ذَكَا be bright (of a fire), pungent (of an odour); be acute, quick of mind)
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יִזְכֶּה Jb 15:14; 25:4; 2 ms. תִּזְכֶּה ψ 51:6; 1 s. interrog. הַאֶזְכֶּה Mi 6:11;— 1. be clean, pure, of man, in the sight of God, Jb 15:14; 25:4 (in both ‖ יצדק; cf. also זַכּוּ 15:15; 25:5). 2. be clear, be justified = be regarded as just, righteous, of God, ψ 51:6 (‖ תצדק), Mi 6:11.
    Pi. Pf. 1 s. זִכִּיתִי ψ 73:13 Pr 20:9; Impf. יְזַכֶּה־ ψ 119:9:—make or keep clean, pure, obj. לְבָבִי ψ 73:13 (‖ אֶרְחַץ כַּפָּ֑י), obj. לִבִּי Pr 20:9 (‖ טָהַרְתִּי); obj. אֶת־אָרְחוֹ ψ 119:9.
    Hithp. Imv. m.pl. הִזַּכּוּ Is 1:16 make yourselves clean (‖ רַחֲצוּ);—on form cf. Ges§ 54, 2, b, Rem.Lgb. i, 345, 534 Sta§ 129 d.
    BDB זָכָה.2


    זְכוֹכִית v. sub זכך.BDB זְכוֹכִית.2


    זְכוֹכִית n.[f.] glass (𝔗 זכוכיתא; but v. Frä64); as precious (‖ זָהָב), yet of less value than wisdom Jb 28:17. (Baer as above; זְכוּכִית van d. H., al.)BDB זְכוֹכִית².2


    זַכּוּר n.pr.m. 𝔊 Ζακχυρ, Ζακχουρ, etc.:—
    1. a Reubenite Nu 13:4 (P).
    2. a Simeonite 1 Ch 4:26.
    3. Levites: a. 1 Ch 24:27. b. an Asaphite 1 Ch 25:2 (Σακχους), v 10 (Ζαχχουθ), Ne 12:35 (Ζακχουρ), cf. זִכְרִי supr. 3 c. c. Ne 10:13 cf. 13:13.
    4. companion of Ezra, Ezr 8:14 Qr (Kt זבוד, cf. supr. p. 256 a).
    5. contemp. of Nehemiah, Ne 3:2.
    BDB זַכּוּר.2


    [זָכוּר] n.m. male, i.q. זָכָר, but only c. sf.;—coll. כָּל־זְכוּרְךָ Ex 23:17 = 34:23 (both JE), = Dt 16:16, of attendance at feasts; כָּל־זְכוּרָהּ (of city refusing terms of peace) Dt 20:13 commanded to be slain (opp. הַנָּשִׁים, הַטַּף, etc., v 14).BDB זָכוּר.2


    זַכַּי n.pr.m. head of a family of returned exiles, זַכָּ֔י Ezr 2:9 (𝔊 Ζακχου, 𝔊L Ζακχαιου) = Ne 7:14 (𝔊 Ζαθου, A Ζακχουρ, 𝔊L Ζακχαιου); perhaps = זַכַּי Ne 3:20 q.v.; 𝔊 Ζαβ(ρ)ου, 𝔊L Ραββαι. Nes (privately) suggests that this might be abbrev. from זכריה.BDB זַכַּי.2


    [זָכַךְ] vb. be bright, clean, pure (kindred with foregoing. Only La Jb)
    Qal Pf. only 3 mpl. זַכּ֫וּ;— 1. be bright, shining, fig. of splendour of nobles ז׳ נְזִירִים מִשֶּׁלֶג La 4:7 (‖ צַחוּ מֵחָלָב). 2. be clean, pure in God’s sight, of heavens Jb 15:15, of stars 25:5 (‖ יַאֲהִיל of moon; cf. also יִזְכֶּה 15:14; 25:4).
    Hiph. cleanse, only Pf. 1 s. וַהֲזִכּוֹתִי בְּבֹר כַּפָּֽי ׃ Jb 9:30, fig. of making morally spotless (‖ הִתְרָחַצְתִּי).
    BDB זָכַךְ.2


    זֵ֫כֶר n.m. ψ 9:7 remembrance, memorial (cf. HptHbr. 1885, 230)ז׳ abs. ψ 111:4, cstr. Dt 25:19 +; זֶכֶר cstr. Ex 17:14 van d. H; sf. זִכְרִי Ex 3:15, זִכְרְךָ Is 26:8 +, זִכְרֶ֑ךָ ψ 6:6, זִכְרוֹ Ho 12:6 +, זִכְרָם Dt 32:26 +:—
    1. remembrance, memory: a. of persons or people, blotted out by their destruction, Ex 17:14 (E; c. מחה) = Dt 25:19, Dt 32:26 (השׁבית) ψ 34:17; 109:15 (both הכרית), ψ 9:7 (אבד), Jb 18:17 (אבד; ‖ שֵׁם), Is 26:14 (אבּד); cf. on other hand ז׳ עוֹלָם as portion of righteous ψ 112:6. b. of י׳ ψ 6:6; 102:13 (‖ אַתָּה = יהוה). c. of י׳’s character and works ψ 30:5; 97:12; 111:4; 145:7. d. remembrance of certain days, i.e. their observance Est 9:28 (יִמֵי הַפּוּרִים).
    2. memorial, by which one is remembered: a. nearly = שֵׁם, ז׳ צַדִּיק לִבְרָכָה Pr 10:7 (‖ שֵׁם), cf. also Ec 9:5 (c. נשׁכח); especially of י׳ Ex 3:15 (E), Ho 12:6 Is 26:8 ψ 135:13 (all ‖ שֵׁם). b. = renown (of Israel) Ho 14:8 (cf. VB).
    BDB זֵ֫כֶר.2


    † I. [זֶ֫כֶר] n.pr.m. only זָ֑כֶר 1 Ch 8:31 (𝔊 Ζαχουρ) = זְכַרְיָה 9:37 q.v. (cf. Ph. n.pr. זכר).BDB זֶ֫כֶר.2

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