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    נַ֫חַשׁ — נֵרִיָּהוּ


    נַ֫חַשׁ n.[m.] divination, enchantment, only abs. נ׳ Nu 23:23 (JE; ‖ קֶסֶם), and pl. abs. נְחָשִׁים Nu 24:1 (JE), both in story of Balaam.BDB נַ֫חַשׁ.2


    † II. [נָחַשׁ] vb. only
    Pi. practise divination, divine, observe signs (denom. from נָחָשׁ according to NöZeitschr. f. Völkerpsychol. i (1860), 413 BauSem. Rel., i. 287 LagBN 188 GerberVerb. Denom. 29; otherwise WeSkizzen iii. 147 MeChrest. Targ. s.v. BAES 48 (agst. him v. Sta Th Lz, April 28, 1894, 235); chief difficulty is that Aramaic, which has נַהֵשׁ, has no נָחָשׁ, cf. RSJPh. xiv. 115;—NH Qal Pt. נוֹחֵשׁ, and Pi.; Aramaic Pa. נַחֵשׁ, ܢܰܚܶܫ all = divine, learn by omens; perhaps cp. also Arabic نَحِسَ be unlucky Lane275 cf. Mel.c.);—Pf. 3 ms. וְנִחֵשׁ 2 K 21:6 2 Ch 33:6; 1 s. נִחַ֫שְׁתִּי Gn 30:27; Impf. יְנַחֵשׁ Gn 44:5, 15; 3 mpl. יְנַחֲשׁוּ 1 K 20:33, וַיְנַחֵ֑שׁוּ 2 K 17:17; 2 mpl. תְּנַתֲשׁוּ Lv 19:26; Inf. abs. נַחֵשׁ 1 K 20:33; Pt. מְנַחֵשׁ Dt 18:10 (cf. especially RSJPh. xiv. 113 ff.);— 1. practise divination Gn 44:5 (J; by means of cup, i.e. by hydromancy), with implied power to learn secret things v 15; condemned by proph. writer 2 K 21:6 = 2 Ch 33:6 (+ עוֹנֵן וְעָשָׂה אוֹב וְיִדְּעֹנִים), 2 K 17:17 (‖ וַיִּקְסְמוּ קְסָמִים), forbidden in D and H: Dt 18:10 (+ קֹסֵם קְסָמִים מְעוֹנֵן וּמְכַשֵּׁף), Lv 19:26 (H; ‖ תְּעוֹנֵנ֑וּ). 2. observe the signs or omens Gn 30:27 (J); so prob. יְנַחֲשׁוּ 1 K 20:33 now the men were observing the signs.
    BDB נָחַשׁ.2


    † I. נָחָשׁ n.m. Gn 3:1 serpent (NH id.; Arabic حَنَشٌ serpent, viper (Lane406 anything hunted) is cp. by LagM i. 230; BN 50, 188 BAES 48, but improb.; Arabic نَحِسَ v. sub [נָחַשׁ] infr.; on formation cf. LagBN 50);—abs. נ׳ Am 5:19 +; cstr. נְחָשׁ Nu 21:9 + 2 times; pl. נְחָשִׁים Nu 21:6 Je 8:17;—
    1. serpent: a. as biting, Am 5:19 Ec 10:8, in spite of charm (לַחַשׁ) v 11 [cf. Ecclus 12:13], Je 8:17 (+ צִפְעֹנִים; fig. of enemies); so הַנְּחָשִׁים הַשְּׂרָפִים Nu 21:6 (deadly; JE; cf. JacobArab. Dicht. iv. 10 ff.), and sg. v 9, also (coll.) v 7 cf. נ׳ שָׂרָף Dt 8:15 (+ עַקְרָב); נ׳ fig. of oppressor, מִשֹּׁרֶשׁ נָחָשׁ יֵצֵא צֶפַע וּפִרְיוֹ שָׂרָף מְעוֹפֵף Is 14:29; fig. of Dan Gn 49:17 (poem in J; ‖ שְׁפִיפֹן); חֲמַת נ׳ ψ 58:5 (sim. of perniciousness of ungodly), cf. נ׳ 140:4; sim. of effect of wine Pr 23:32 (‖ צִפִעֹנִי). b. rod becomes נ׳ Ex 4:3 (J), cf. 7:15 (E); דֶּרֶךְ נ׳ עֲלֵי צוּר Pr 30:19. c. נ׳ (appar.) as hissing Je 46:22 (in sim., cf. Gie); as eating dust Is 65:25 cf. Mi 7:17 (in sim.; v. also Gn 3:14). d. as crafty tempter Gn 3:1, 2, 4, 13, 14.
    2. נ׳ (הַ)נְּחשֶׁת, bronze image of serpent Nu 21:9(×2) 2 K 18:4 (cf. נְחֻשְׁתָּן).
    3. mythol. נ׳ בָּרִחַ Jb 26:13 fleeing serpent, of eclipse-dragon (cf. לִוְיָתָן 3:6); also לִוְיָתָן נ׳ בָּרִחַלִוְיָתָן נ׳ עֲקַלָּתוֹן Is 27:1 (symbol. of world-powers); נ׳ of sea-monster Am 9:3.—נ׳ c. vb. נָשַׁךְ bite Nu 21:6 + 8 times. On supernat. character of serpents in Arabic belief v. NöZeitschr. für Völkerpsychol. i (1860), 412—416 RSKinship 197; Sem i. 421 f., 2d ed. 442 WeSkizzen iii. 147; Arab. Heid. 2, 152 f. JacobArab. Dicht. iv. 5.
    BDB נָחָשׁ.2


    III. נחשׁ (√ of foll., meaning unknown).BDB נחשׁ².2


    † II. נָחָשׁ n.pr.m.
    1. king of Ammon 1 S 11:1(×2), 2; 12:12 2 S 10:2 1 Ch 19:1, 2; perhaps also 2 S 17:27; 𝔊 Ναας.
    2. father of Abigail and Zeruiah 2 S 17:25, si vera l.; 𝔊 Ναας, but 𝔊L Ιεσσαι (cf. 1 Ch 2:16); WeGesch. 2, 57 Anm. 1 Löhr defend נחשׁ; dub. WeSm HPS.
    3. giving name to a city עִיר נ׳ 1 Ch 4:12, 𝔊 πόλεως Ναας; 𝔊L Ηρναας.
    BDB נָחָשׁ².2


    IV. נחשׁ (poss. √ of foll., si vera l.; but precise meaning uncertain; GeiUrschrift 392 cp. Arabic نَخَسَ [= goad, prick; نِخَاسٌ a certain piece of perforated wood (Frey)], NH נְחשֶׁת [bottom of vessel, Levy NHWB iii. 374]).BDB נחשׁ³.2


    נַחְשׁוֹן n.pr.m. son of aminadab, of Judah, brother-in-law of Aaron Ex 6:23 Nu 1:7; 2:3; 7:13, 17; 10;14 (all P), Ru 4:20(×2) 1 Ch 2:10, 11. 𝔊 Ναασσων (DHMZMG xxxvii (1883), 15 cp. Sab. tribal name נחסן).BDB נַחְשׁוֹן.2


    I. נְחֹ֫שֶׁת137 n.m. 1 K 7:45 (cf. AlbrechtZAW xvi (1896), 108; f. 1 Ch 18:8) copper, bronze (NH = BH; Ph. נחשׁת; Palm. נחשא Lzb 322; Syriac ܢܚܳܫܳܐ 𝔗 נְחָשָׁא, Arabic نُحَاسٌ Ethiopic ናሕስ (so also OEth. DHMEpigr. Denkm. aus Abess. (1894), 52); WMMAs. u. Eur. 127 cites Egyptian teḥost, copper (= tenḥost), as loan-wd. from נְחשֶׁת + fem. art.);—נ׳ abs. Gn 4:22 +; cstr. Ex 38:29; sf. נְחָשְׁתִּי La 3:7, נְחֻשְׁתֵּךְ Ez 16:36, נְחֻשְׁתָּהּ 24:11, נְחֻשְׁתָּם 2 K 25:13 + 2 times; du. נְחֻשְׁתַּ֫יִם Ju 16:21 + 6 times;—
    1. copper, as ore Dt 8:9, cf. Zc 6:8; worked by artificer Gn 4:22 (J) 1 K 7:14(×2) 2 Ch 24:12; material—doubtless hardened with alloy, prob. tin, making bronze, cf. NowArch. i. 243 BenzArch. 214—of armour 1 S 17:5, 6 1 K 14:27, utensils 2 K 25:14 = Je 52:18, Lv 6:21 Nu 17:4 + very often, altar 2 K 16:14, 15 Ex 38:30; 39:39, etc., and other objects Nu 21:9(×2) (JE), 2 K 18:4 1 K 4:13; 7:15 ff. +, especially in description of tabernacle and temple; cast 1 K 7:14; polished מְמֹרָט v 45, מָרוּק 2 Ch 4:16 (cf. Lv 6:21); and shining מֻצְהָב Ezr 8:27. On נ׳ קָלָל Ez 1:7 Dn 10:6 v. קלל; נ׳ as spoil of war 2 S 8:8 2 K 25:13 = Je 52:17, 20 etc.
    2. fetters of copper or bronze, usually du. Ju 16:21 2 S 3:34 2 K 25:7 = Je 39:7; 52:11 2 Ch 36:6, also 33:11; sg. only la 3:9 (fig. of oppression).
    3. as less in value than gold but more than wood Is 60:17(×2) fig. of worthless people Je 6:28 (+ בַּרְזֶל), id. (as dross of silver) Ez 22:18 (+ בְּדִיל, בַּרְזֶל, עוֹפֶרֶה).—On Ez 16:36 v. IV. נחשׁ.
    4. fig. of pitiless sky Dt 28:23.
    BDB נְחֹ֫שֶׁת.2


    † II. [נְחֹ֫שֶׁת] n.[f.] sf. נְחֻשְׁתֵּךְ Ez 16:36 where context (‖ עֶרְוָה) favours meaning lust, harlotry, or specif. sens. obscoen. (Co [citing Ki Ra] Berthol, v. also Da); text perhaps crpt. (cf. Nö ZMG xi (1886), 730); Sm proposes תַּזְנוּתַיִךְ, so appar. Toy Hpt; Or בָּשְׁתֵּךְ.BDB נְחֹ֫שֶׁת².2


    נְחֻשְׁתָּא n.pr.f. mother of king Jehoiakin 2 K 24:8; 𝔊 Νεσθα, A Ναισθα, 𝔊L Νεεσθαν.BDB נְחֻשְׁתָּא.2


    נְחֻשְׁתָּן n.pr. given to bronze serpent 2 K 18:4 prob. = bronze-god (so Thes, v. also BaudRel. i. 288; cf. נְחַשׁ נְחשֶׁת v 4 Nu 21:9(×2));—chief arg. ag. this are vocalization of 𝔊 Νεσθαλει, A 𝔊L Νε(ε)σθαν, and comparat. unimportance of material of wh. image was made; others think of נָחָשׁ serpent (Nö ZMG xiii (1888), 482 תן + נחשׁ, Kload loc. יתן + נחשׁ); LagBN 188, 205 thinks loan-wd.BDB נְחֻשְׁתָּן.2


    † I. נַ֫חַת n.[f.] (appar. m. Jb 36:16, but v. infr.) quietness, rest (under this √ Thes Ol § 164 c Sta§ 201 dii. 172 f.; > sub נחת DlProl 118 ff.);—נ׳ Is 30:15 + 2 times, נָ֑חַת Jb 17:16 + 2 times; cstr. נַ֫חַת Jb 36:16;—
    1. quietness, quiet attitude Is 30:15 (‖ הַשְׁקֵט); דִּבְרֵי חֲכָמִים בְּנ׳ נִשְׁמָעִים Ec 9:17; opp. עָמָל וּרְעוּת רוּחַ 4:6; opp. רָגַז, שָׂחַק Pr 29:9; of comfort of one’s table, i.e. its satisfying plenty, וְנ׳ שֻׁלְחָֽנְךָ מָלֵא דָ֑שֶׁן Jb 36:16 the comfort of thy table, which (i.e. the table) was full of fat(Di, cf. Bu; > that which is set on thy table shall be, etc. De al., making נ׳ subj. of מָלֵא, and so masc.).
    2. rest of death Jb 17:16; read נֵחָ֑ת (𝔊 Du Dr), √ נחת = descend (cf. 21:13). of a still-born child Ec 6:5.—ii, iii. נַחַת v. נחת.
    BDB נַ֫חַת.2


    [נָחֵת] vb. (Aramaic and poet.) go down, descend (Aramaic נְחֵת, ܢܚܶܬ; Palm. נחת Lzb 323);—
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יֵחַת Je 21:13; 3 fs. תֵּ֫חַת Pr 17:10, וַתִּנְחַת ψ 38:3; 3 mpl. יֵחַ֑תּוּ Jb 21:13 (forms יֵחַת, יֵחַתּוּ v. also חתת);— 1. go down, descend, to attack Je 21:13; into She’ôl Jb 21:13. 2. fig. descend in chastisement ψ 38:3 (hand of י׳; ‖Niph. v. infr.); sq. בְּ descend into i. e. make impression on, Pr 17:10 (of reproof).
    Niph. Pf. 3 mpl. נִחֲתוּ sq. בְּ = penetrate ψ 38:3, (of arrows of י׳).
    Pi. Pf. 3 ms. consec. וְנִחַת 2 S 22:35 (v. Ges§ 145, 7); = 3 fs. וְנִחֲתָה ψ 18:35; Inf. abs. נַחֵת ψ 65:11;—cause to descend = press down, according to most, in וְנ׳ קֶשֶׁת נְחוּשָׁה זְרֹעֹתָ֑י 2 S 22:35 = ψ 18:35 so that my arms press down, stretch, a bow of bronze, but dub.; Bu conj. Hiph. יַנְחִת; HPS וַיָּ֫שֶׁת and makes my arms a bow of bronze; of pressing down, smoothing out, furrows of land ψ 65:11.
    Hiph. Imv. הַנְחַת Jo 4:11 thither bring down thy heroes, י׳! (on form cf. Ges§ 64 R. 3i. 314 f.).
    BDB נָחֵת.2


    † II. נַ֫חַת n.[m.] descent;—only cstr., of י׳’s arm in judgment Is 30:30.—i. נַחַת v. sub נוח.BDB נַ֫חַת².2


    [נָחֵת] adj. descending;—mpl. נְחִתִּים (on form cf. Köii. 81), 2 K 6:9 (to battle); but read prob. with Th Klo Benz after 𝔊 נֶחְבִּים hidden.BDB נָחֵת².2


    † III. נַ֫חַת n.pr.m.
    1. son of Reuel, grandson of Esau Gn 36:13, 17 (P; 𝔊 Ναχομ, Ναχοθ, 𝔊L Ναχεθ), 1 Ch 1:37 (𝔊 Ναχες, A 𝔊L Ναχεθ).
    2. grandson of Elkanah 1 Ch 6:11, 𝔊 Καιναθ, 𝔊L Νααθ;—prob. crpt. for תּוֹחַ v 19, or תֹּחוּ 1 S 1:1 (v. these words and Wede Gent. 37 f. [who proposes תַּחַת for נַחַת], Dr 1 S 1:1).
    3. an overseer, Hezekiah’s time 2 Ch 31:13, 𝔊 Μαεθ, A Ναεθ, 𝔊L Νααθ.
    BDB נַ֫חַת³.2


    נָטָה215 vb. stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend (NH id., incline, spread tent, etc.; Arabic نطو, نَطَا stretch out);—
    Qal137 Pf. 3 ms. נ׳ Gn 33:19 +; 3 fs. נָֽטְתָה Nu 22:33; 2 ms. נָטִיתָ Ex 15:12; 3 pl. נָטוּ ψ 21:12 Is 45:12, נָטָ֫יוּ ψ 73:2 Qr, etc.; Impf. יִטֶּה Jb 15:29, juss. יֵט Zp 2:13; וַיֵּט Gn 12:8 +, וַיֶּט־ Gn 26:27 +; 3 fs. תִּטֶּה Jb 31:7, וַתֵּט Nu 22:23 +; 2 ms. juss. תֵּט Pr 4:5, 27; Impf. Is אָט Jb 23:11; 3 mpl. וַיִּטּוּ 1 S 8:3; 1 pl. נִטֶּה Nu 20:17; Imv. נְטֵה Ex 8:1 +; Inf. cstr. נְטוֹת Ju 19:8 + 4 times, נְטֹת Ex 23:2; sf. נְטֹתִי Ex 7:5, נְטוֹתוֹ ψ 109:23; Pt. act. נֹטֶה Je 10:20 + 6 times, נוֹטֶה Ez 25:16 + 3 times; sf. נוֹטֵיהֶם Is 42:5; pass. נָטוּי ψ 62:4 + 2 times, + ψ 73:2 (v. infr.); fs. נְטוּיָה Is 5:25 + 24 times; pl. נְטֻיוֹת Is 3:16 Qr (Kt נטוות):— 1. a. stretch out, extend, hand, rod, usually c. acc. + עַל of direction Ex 9:22, 23; 10:12, 13, 21, 22 (all E), 7:19; 14:16, 21, 26, 27 (all P), abs. Jos 8:19 (JE), Ex 8:12 (P); c. ב of dart or rod נ׳ בַּכִּידוֹן אֶל־ Jos 8:18(×2) (JE), נ׳ יָֽדְךָ בְּמַטֶּ֔ךָ עַל־ Ex 8:1 (P), cf. v 2 and (עַל om.) v 13 (all P), Jos 8:26 (JE); fig. of hostility to God נ׳ יָדוֹ אֶל־ Jb 15:25; especially of God stretching out his hand over (עַל), often with idea of against, i. e. in judgment, Is 5:25; 23:11 Zp 1:4; 2:13 Ez 6:14 + 7 times Ez, Ex 7:5 (P); c. אֶל־ against Je 51:25, cf. sword Ez 30:25; abs. Ex 15:12 (song); pt. pass. נ׳ גָּרוֹן Is 3:16 outstretched of neck; often זְרוֹע נְטוּיָה arm stretched out (of י׳) to deliver, Dt 4:34 + 14 times (v. זְרוֹעַ); אֶזְרוֹעַ נ׳ Je 32:21; יָד נ׳, to oppose, Je 21:5; עוֹד יָדוֹ נְטוּיָה in judgment, Is 5:25 (‖ לֹא שָׁב אַפּוֹ), so 9:11, 16, 20; 10:4 (all ‖ id.), cf. 14:27; הַיָּד הַנְּטוּיָה עַל־ v 26; נָטִיתִי יָדִי Pr 1:24 (of wisdom’s appeal; ‖ קָרָאתִי). b. stretch line and plummet, c. עַל, 2 K 21:13 (subj. י׳; fig. of destruction), cf. Is 34:11 La 2:8; line, of artisan’s measurements (abs.) Is 44:13, and (c. עַל) Jb 38:5. c. = offer, only שָׁלוֹשׁ אֲנִי נֹטֶה עָלֶיךָ 1 Ch 21:10 three things do I offer unto thee (so read prob. also ‖ 2 S 24:12, v. נטל). 2. Spread out, i. e. pitch, tent Gn 12:8; 26:25; 35:21 (all J), 33:19 (E), Ju 4:11, cf. Je 43:10; fig. of establishing people Je 10:20; of sacred tent Ex 33:7 (JE), 2 S 6:17 = 1 Ch 16:1, 1 Ch 15:1 2 Ch 1:4; obj. heavens (spread out by י׳ as tent) Je 10:12 + 9 times, cf. Jb 26:7; obj. likeness of firmament in Ezek.’s vision Ez 1:22. 3. Bend, turn, incline: a. intrans., of wady Nu 21:15 (JE; c. לְ); turn aside, of Balaam’s ass 22:23 (מִן־הַדֶּרֶךְ), v 33 (מִפָּנַי), cf. v 33 (לְפָנַי); c. adv. acc. 22:26, so of Isr. 20:17, and (c. מֵעָלָיו) v 21; c. ב into, 21:22; of individ. 2 S 2:19 (לָלֶכֶת עַל), v 21 (עַל), Je 14:8 (c. inf.); cf. Gn 38:1 (עַד), v 16 (אֶל־); fig. of deviating from path of loyalty 1 K 2:28 (c. אַחֲרֵי), cf. Ju 9:3 (of heart), or of righteousness Ex 23:2 [yet on text cf. Bu ZAW xi (1891), 113 Ry ad loc.], 1 S 8:3 (all c. אַחֲרֵי); c. מִן Jb 31:7 ψ 44:19, cf. Pr 4:5 and (c. adv. acc.) v 27; מֵעִם י׳ 1 K 11:9 (of heart), cf. ψ 119:51, 157; incline, of heart, c. לְ 1 S 14:7 (read לְבָֽבְךָ נָטָה לוֹ or נֹטֶה ל׳ Th We Dr Klo Bu HPS Löhr); decline, of shadow on dial 2 K 20:10 (‖ הָלַךְ, opp. אֲחֹרַנִּית שׁוּב), fig. of failing life ψ 102:12; 109:23; of day Ju 19:8 + v 9 (text emend., v. GFM); bend down יִטֶּה לָאָרֶץ Jb 15:29, לִנְטוֹת בָּאָרֶץ ψ 17:11; appar. וַיֵּט בְּכחַ Ju 16:30 and he bowed with all his might (after וַיִּלְפֹּת, וַיִּסָּמֵךְ; al. stretched himself, i. e. gave a thrust, Be GFM, but vb. less often intrans. in this sense); of י׳, וַיֵּט אֵלַי ψ 40:2 and he inclined unto me. b. less often trans., bend, bow, וַיֵּט שִׁכְמוֹ לִסְבֹּל Gn 49:15 (Issachar under fig. of ass); קִיר נָטוּי ψ 62:4 (sim. of fate of wicked; ‖ גָּדֵר הַדְּחוּיָה); here belongs also prob. וַאֲנִי כִּמְעַט נָטוּי רַגְלָ֑י ψ 73:2 (Kt) and I was almost prostrated as to my feet (i.e. by stumbling; Qr נָטָיוּ Pf. 3 mpl. but needless, cf. Ol Bae; ‖ כְּאַיִן שֻׁפְּכֻה אֲשֻׁרָֽי׃); נָטִיתִי לִבִּי ψ 119:112 I have inclined my heart (c. inf.); of י׳, שָׁמַיִם וַיֵּרַ֑ד וַיֵּט 2 S 22:10 = ψ 18:10; also fig., hold out, extend unto, of י׳, obj. חֶסֶד Gn 39:21 (J), שָׁלוֹם, etc., Is 66:12 (both c. אֶל־); of men רָעָה ψ 21:12 (עַל).
    Niph. be stretched out;—Pf. 3 mpl. נִטָּ֫יוּ Nu 24:6 (JE; cf. ii. נַחַל); Impf. 3 ms. יִנָּטֶה עַל־ Zc 1:16 (of measuring line, for building); stretch themselves out, i. e. grow long, 3 mpl. יִנָּטוּ Je 6:4 (of shadows, ‖ פָּנָה הַיּוֹם).
    Hiph.75 Pf. הִטָּה Ezr 7:28 ψ 116:2, sf. הִטָּ֫הוּ; 3 fs. sf. הִטַּ֫תּוּ Pr 7:21; 1 s. הִטִּיתִי Pr 5:13; 3 pl. הִטּוּ Am 5:12 + 8 times; 2 mpl. הִטִּיתֶם Je 25:4; 35:15; Impf. יַטֶּה Is 31:3, וַיַּט 2 S 19:15 Ezr 9:9; 2 ms. תַּטֶּה Ex 23:6 + 3 times, juss. תַּט ψ 27:9; 141:4; 1 s. אַטֶּה Je 6:12 ψ 49:5, אָ֑ט Jb 23:11, וְאַט Ho 11:4, but read perhaps וָאַט (cf. Now) as Je 15:6; etc.; Imv. הַטֵּה 2 K 19:16 + 7 times, הַט ψ 17:6 + 5 times ψψ Pr; fs. הַטִּי Gn 24:14 ψ 45:11; mpl. הַטּוּ Jos 24:23 + 3 times; Inf. cstr. לְהַטּוֹת Is 10:8 + 4 times, לְהַטֹּת Ex 23:2; sf. לְהַטּוֹתָהּ Nu 22:23; Pt. מַטֶּה Dt 27:19; mpl. מַטִּים ψ 125:5, cstr. מַטֵּי Mal 3:5;— 1. rarely stretch out (as Qal 1), hand Is 31:3 (of י׳ in hostility), c. עַל Je 6:12; 15:6. 2. rarely spread out cloth on (אֶל) rock 2 S 21:10; as Qal 2: tent 16:22 (+ ל pers.), tent-curtains (fig. of growth) Is 54:2. 3. usually turn, incline, c. acc., in many senses: a. lit. turn ass into (acc.) road Nu 22:23 (JE); take aside 2 S 3:27 (acc. pers. + אֶל־), 6:10 (acc. rei + acc. = to) = 1 Ch 13:13 (אֶל־); incline, turn jar of water Gn 24:14 (J; to give drink); intrans. only יַטּוּ עַל־ Am 2:8 on garments taken in pledge they recline, and הַטּוּ מִנֵּי־אֹרַח Is 30:11 turn aside, out of the path (i. e. do not interfere with us; ‖ סוּרוּ מִנֵּי־דֶרֶךְ). b. fig., הַמַּטִּים עֲקַלְקַלּוֹתָם ψ 125:5 those turning aside their crooked (ways), i. e. making their ways crooked; cf. (neg.) Jb 23:11. c. turn, = influence, heart 2 S 19:15; turn (away) heart (cause to apostatize) 1 K 11:2, 4 (c. אַחֲרֵי), v 3 (abs.); לֵב subj., c. acc. pers. Is 44:20 cf. Jb 36:18 (acc. pers.); of persuasion, c. acc. pers. Pr 7:21 (‖ תַּדִּיחֶנּוּ). d. incline one’s own heart unto (אֶל) God and his commands, Jos 24:23 (E), cf. Pr 2:2 (ל); subj. י׳, 1 K 8:58 ψ 119:36, c. עַל־ Pr 21:1; neg. (c. ל) ψ 141:4. e. especially incline the ear, of men (in obedience to God), usually ‖ שָׁמַע: abs. Je 7:24 + 6 times Je (all neg.), so 25:4; 44:5 (+ inf.), Is 55:3; to inspired teacher Pr 4:20 (‖ הִקְשִׁיב), 5:1 (‖ id.) v 13 (all c. ל), 22:17 ψ 45:11; 78:1 (‖ הַאֲזִינָה); to receive revelation ψ 49:5; of God, listening to men, sometimes ‖ שָׁמַע: 2 K 19:16 = Is 37:17, Dn 9:18, c. ל ψ 17:6; also (c. אֶל־) 31:3; 71:2; 102:3, c. לְ 88:3; 116:2, abs. 86:1; once וְאַט אֵלָיו Ho 11:4 and I used to incline etc. (either rare intrans., or obj. om., e.g. אָזְנִי; read perhaps וָאַט (וָאֵט?) and I inclined, after וָאֶהְיֶה). f. bend down heavens, of י׳ (cf. Qal 3 b), ψ 144:5; = hold out, extend unto (from above, עַל) Ezr 7:28; 9:9 (obj. חֶסֶד). g. thrust aside, especially c. acc. מִשְׁפָּט, of perverting or wresting justice: Ex 23:6 (E), 1 S 8:3 Dt 16:19; 24:17; 27:19 La 3:35, cf. Am 2:7; לְהַטּוֹת אָרְחוֹת מִשְׁפָּט Pr 17:23; also c. acc. pers. לְהַטּוֹת מִדִּין דַּלִּים Is 10:2 Am 5:12; Is 29:21 Mal 3:5, יַטּוּ אֶבְיֹנִים מִדָּ֑רֶךְ Jb 24:4, לְהַטּוֹת צַדִּיק בַּמִּשְׁפָּט Pr 18:5; here belongs prob. לְהַטֹּת Ex 23:2 (E; abs.), perhaps ins. מִשְׁפָּט (cf. Bu ZAW xi. (1891), 113 Ryad loc.). h. thrust away, of י׳, אַל־תַּט בְּאַף עַבְדֶּ֑ךָ ψ 27:9; cf. עֲוֹנוֹתֵיכֶם הִטּוּ־אֵלֶּה Je 5:25 your iniquities have thrust away (deprived you of) these (harvests).
    BDB נָטָה.2


    [נָטִיל] adj. laden, only pl. cstr. נְטִילֵי כָ֑סֶף Zp 1:11 those laden with silver.BDB נָטִיל.2


    [נָטִיעַ] n.[m.] plant;—only pl. נְטִעִים ψ 144:12 (fig. of vigorous sons).BDB נָטִיעַ.2



    נֵ֫טֶל n.[m.] burden, weight;—נ׳ cstr., of sand, Pr 27:3 (‖ כֹּבֶד).BDB נֵ֫טֶל.2


    נָטַל vb. lift, bear (rare synon. of נָשָׂא; Biblical Aramaic 𝔗 נְטַל lift; hence specif., Syriac ܢܛܰܠ sustulit (aquam), further, be heavy; also borrowed and denom. forms in Arabic and NH, cf. Frä 65 f.);—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. נ׳ La 3:28; Impf. 3 ms. יִטּוֹל Is 40:15; Pt. act. נוֹטֵל 2 S 24:12;—lift, c. acc. Is 40:15 (fig. subj. י׳); lift over thee (על) i.e. offer 2 S 24:12, but read נוֹטֶה (as ‖ 1 Ch 21:10) We Bu HPS; lift (and lay) upon (עַל) La 3:28.
    Pi. Impf. sf. וַיְנַטְּלֵם Is 63:9 and he bare them, fig. of י׳ bearing his people (‖ וַיְנַשְּׂאֵם).
    BDB נָטַל.2


    [נֶ֫טַע] n.[m.] plantation, planting, plant;—abs. נָ֑טַע Jb 14:9; cstr. נְטַע Is 5:7; sf. נִטְעֵךְ Is 17:11; pl. cstr. נִטְעֵי Is 17:10;—
    1. plantation Is 5:7 (fig. of Judah, planted by י׳); 17:10 (fig. of idolatry), so
    2. act of planting Is 17:11.
    3. plant Jb 14:9 (in sim.).
    BDB נֶ֫טַע.2


    נָטַע vb. plant (NH id., and deriv.; cf. Sab. נטעת pavilion [? as planted, established] DHM ZMG xxxvii. (1883), 337, 349);—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. Nu 24:6 +, 2 ms. נָטָ֑עְתָּ Dt 6:11, sf. 3 mpl. נְטַעְתָּם Je 12:2; 1 s. נָטַ֫עְתִּי Je 45:4 + 2 times, וְנָטַעְתִּ֫י Je 42:10 Ec 2:5, sf. נְטַעְתִּיךְ Je 2:21, וּנְטַעְתִּיו consec. 2 S 7:10 = וּנְטַעְתִּיהוּ 1 Ch 17:9, וּנְטַעְתִּים consec. Am 9:15 + 2 times, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יִטַּע Dn 11:45, וַיִּטַּע Gn 2:8 + 2 times, sf. וַיִּטָּעֵ֫הוּ Is 5:2; 2 ms. תִּטַּע Dt 16:21 + 2 times, sf. 3 fs. וַתִּטָּעֶ֑הָ ψ 80:9; sf. 3 mpl. וַתִּטָּעֵ֫מוֹ Ex 15:17, וַתִּטָּעֵם ψ 44:3, etc.; Imv. נִטְעוּ Je 29:5 + 3 times; Inf. לִנְטֹעַ Is 51:16 Je 18:9, לִנְטוֹעַ Je 1:10; 31:28, לָטַעַת Ec 3:2; Pt. act. נוֹטֵעַ Je 11:17, נֹטַע ψ 94:9 (shewing orig. a according to LagBN 84); pl. נֹטְעִים Je 31:5; pass. נָטוּעַ Ec 3:2, pl. נְטוּעִים Ec 12:11;— 1. plant, c. acc. of tree or vine Nu 24:6 (JE; subj. י׳), Gn 21:33 (J), Lv 19:23 (H), Is 44:14 ψ 106:16 (subj. י׳), Ec 2:5 also (fig. of people) Je 2:21; 11:17 ψ 80:9, 16; c. acc. of vineyard Gn 9:20 (J), Am 5:11; 9:14; 2 K 19:29 = Is 37:30; Zp 1:13; Dt 20:6; 28:30, 39 Je 31:5(×3); 35:7; Ez 28:26; Is 65:21; Pr 31:16 ψ 107:37; Ec 2:4; olive trees and vineyards Dt 6:11 Jos 24:13 (D); garden Gn 2:8 (י׳), Je 29:5, 28; so c. acc. אֲשֵׁרָה כָּל־עֵץ Dt 16:21; נ׳ נִטְעֵי נַעֲמָנִים Is 17:10 (fig. of idolatry); abs. (lit.) Is 65:22; Ec 3:2(×2) (opp. עָקַר); c. 2 acc. Is 5:2 (plant vineyard with vine). 2. plant, fig. = establish, usually of establishing people, c. acc. 2 S 17:10 = 1 Ch 17:9 Am 9:15 (opp. נָתַשׁ), Ez 36:36; Ex 15:17 (song), especially Je 24:6; 32:41 (ב loc.), 42:10 (opp. נָתַשׁ), 45:10 (opp. id., ψ 44:3 (all of establishing Isr.); of establishing wicked Je 12:2; abs. of establishing people Je 1:10; 18:9; 31:28; more lit., establish heavens Is 51:16 (‖ לִיסֹד אֶרֶץ); plant i.e. fix (late use) tents Dn 11:45; מַשְׂמְרוֹת נְטוּעִים Ec 12:11 nails planted, i.e. fixed in; even נ׳ אֹזֶן ψ 94:9 he that planted the ear.
    Niph. Pf. 3 pl. נִמָּ֑עוּ Is 40:24 be planted, fig., = be established.
    BDB נָטַע.2


    נְטָעִים n.pr.loc. 1 Ch 4:23, 𝔊 Αζαειμ, A Αταειμ, 𝔊L Εταειμ.BDB נְטָעִים.2


    [נָטַף] vb. drop, drip, fig. (especially of prophet) discourse (NH id.; 𝔗 נְטַף drop, drip; Syriac ܢܛܰܦ drip, ܛܘܽܦܬܳܐ drop (NöSyriac Gr. § 105) etc.; Arabic نَطَفَ id.; Ethiopic ነጥበ id., ነጠፈ colare (stillando), expercolare);—
    Qal Pf. 3 mpl. נָֽטְפוּ Ju 5:4 + 2 times; נָטָ֑פוּ Ju 5:4; Impf. 3 fs. תִּטֹּף Jb 29:22; 3 mpl. יִטְּפוּ Jo 4:18; 3 fpl. תִּטֹּפְנָה Pr 5:3 Ct 4:11; Pt. נֹטְפוֹת Ct 5:13;—drop, drip, usually trans., c. acc., of clouds dropping water (מַיִם), in storm Ju 5:4, ‖ heavens v 4 (obj. om.), ψ 68:9 (id.; all theoph); of hands dripping myrrh (מוֹר) Ct 5:5; in predict. יִטְּפוּ עָסִיס Jo 4:18 the mts. shall drip must; fig. of (seductive) speech נֹפֶת תִּטּ׳ Pr 5:3 the lips of the strange woman drop honey, so perhaps Ct 4:11 (Bu of kisses); שִׂפְתוֹתָיו נ׳ מוֹר 5:13 his lips drip myrrh (perhaps of sweet breath). Intrans. only עָלֵימוֹ תִּטֹּף מִלָּתִי Jb 29:22 upon them my speech used to drop.
    Hiph. Pf. 3 mpl. וְהִטִּיפוּ consec. Am 9:13; Impf. 2 ms. תַּטִּיף Am 7:16; 1 s. אַטִּף Mi 2:11; 3 mpl. יַטִּיפ֑וּן v 6; 2 mpl. תַּטִּיפוּ v 6, תַּטִּפוּ v 6; Pt. מַטִּיף Mi 2:11; Inf. הַטֵּף Ez 21:2;— 1. drip, וְהִטּ׳ עָסִיס Am 9:13 shall drip must (= Qal Jo 4:18). 2. of speech, especially prophecy, discourse: c. עַל against, Am 7:16 (‖ הִנָּבֵא), c. אֶל־ toward, Ez 21:2 (‖ id.), v 7 (‖ id.); c. ל concerning Mi 2:11 cf. v 11;—אַל־תַּטִּפוּ יַטִּיפ֑וּן לֹא־יַטִּפוּ לָאֵלֶּה Mi 2:6 ‘talk not’so they talk‘they (read ye?) shall not talk of these things’ (where תַּטּ׳, יַטִּפוּ ref. to prophets).
    BDB נָטַף.2


    † I. [נָטָף] n.m. drop;—נִטְפֵי־מָ֑יִם Jb 36:27 (‖ מָטָר, rain).BDB נָטָף.2


    † II. נָטָף n.[m.] an odorif. gum (gathered in drops), used in sacred incense Ex 30:34 (P). Identif. dub.; 𝔊 στακτή, 𝔙 stacte, i.e. (Hesych.) a kind of myrrh, so Kn, cf. RiHWB; Rosenm Thes Ke al. storax; Rabb. opobalsamum (cf. Di ad loc. NowArch. ii. 64, 248).BDB נָטָף².2


    [נִי] n.[m.] si vera l., wailing (AV RV) ( = נְהִי);—וְנָֽשְׂאוּ אֵלַיִךְ בְּנִיהֶם קִינָה Ez 27:32, but improb.; 𝔊 𝔖 בְּנֵיהֶם, v. MV; so Co, who, however, del. as gloss, cf. Buhl Berthol.BDB נִי.2


    [נִיב] n.[m.] fruit;—ניב cstr. Is 57:19 Qr, v. supr.; נִיבוֹ Mal 1:12 of offerings to י׳ as fruit of his table (‖ אכלו).BDB נִיב.2


    נִיד n.m.(v. infr.) quivering motion of lips;—only cstr. נ׳ שְׂפָתַי Jb 16:5 the motion of my lips (in expressing sympathy).—MT makes subj. of יחשׂך, but read prob. אחשׂך, v. חשׂך.BDB נִיד.2


    נִידָה n.f. id. (on form cf. Ges§ 20, 3, R. 1ii. 1, 497);—of Jerusalem La 1:8 (= נִדָּה v 17).BDB נִידָה.2


    נִידָה v. נִדָּה sub נדד.BDB נִידָה².2


    נִיחֹחַ and (Lv 1:9) נִיחוֹחַ43 n.[m.] a quieting, soothing, tranquillizing (cf. i. נַחַת Jb 36:16) (ריח ניחח also Ecclus 45:16 c; on format. v. Ol§ 187 b Sta§ 233 BaNB § 142ii. 1, 151, 489, where, after PhilippiBAS ii. 362, ִי expl. as dissim. from וֹ);— abs. נ׳ Gn 8:21 +; sf. נִיחֹחִי Nu 28:2, נִיחֹחֲכֶם Lv 26:31, נִיחוֹחֵיהֶם Ez 20:28;—a soothing, tranquilizing, only in phr. רֵיח נ׳ = soothing, tranquillizing odour of sacrifices acceptable to י׳ Gn 8:21 (J), Ex 29:18, 25, 41 Lv 1:9, 13, 17 + 32 times P. Ez 20:41; of sacrif. to idols † Ez 6:13; 16:19; 20:28.BDB נִיחֹחַ.2


    נִין n.[m.] offspring, posterity;—abs. Jb 18:19 Is 14:22; sf. נִינִי Gn 21:23 (all ‖ נֶכֶד).BDB נִין.2


    † I. נִיר n.[m.] lamp;—always fig. לְמַעַן הֱיוֹת־נ׳ לְדָוִיד 1 K 11:36, i.e. that his family may remain on the throne; cf. 15:4; 2 K 8:19 = 2 Ch 21:7; = happiness, delight (cstr.) נִר רְשָׁעִים Pr 21:4 (so Vrss Thes Buhl Now Wild, > Ew Del SS Frankenb = ii. נִיר sub i. [נִיר] infr.).BDB נִיר.2


    נָכוֹן n.pr.m. only in גֹּרֶן נ׳ 2 S 6:6; 𝔊 Νωδαβ, A Ναχων, 𝔊L Ορνα τοῦ Ἰεβουσαίου;=כִּידֹן 1 Ch 13:9.BDB נָכוֹן.2


    נְסִבָּה n.f. turn of affairs;—abs. 2 Ch 10:15 (= סִבָּה q.v., ‖ 1 K 12:15).BDB נְסִבָּה².2


    נֵעָה n.pr.loc. in Zebulun; הַנֵּעָה Jos 19:13. 𝔊 Αοζα, A Αννουα, 𝔊L Νουα; site unknown.BDB נֵעָה.2


    נֹעָה n.pr.f. a daughter of Zelophahad (of Manasseh), Nu 26:33; 27:1; 36:11 Jos 17:3 𝔊 Νουα.BDB נֹעָה.2


    † I. [נָפָה] n.f. sieve or ther winnowing implement, Di Du Schwinge, CheHpt. fan (as swung);—only cstr. לַהֲנָפָה גוֹיִם בְּנָ֫פַת שָׁוְא Is 30:28 to swing nations in a sieve of worthlessness.BDB נָפָה.2


    II. [נָפָה] n.f. height;—only cstr. in combin. נָפַת דּוֹר Jos 12:23 = נ׳ דֹּאר 1 K 4:11, pl. cstr. נָפוֹת ד׳ Jos 11:2; cf. ii. דּוֹר, and Di Jos 11:2; v. also [נֶפֶת].BDB נָפָה².2


    [נֶ֫פֶת] n.f. id.,—only הַנָּ֑פֶת Jos 17:11 (but read perhaps הַנָּפֹת, from foregoing, v. Di; 𝔊 Μαφετα, A Ναφεθα, 𝔊L Νοφεθ, cf. 12:23 [supr. sub ii נָפָה], 𝔊L Ναφαθδωρ).—נֹפֶת honey, v. נפת.BDB נֶ֫פֶת.2


    נֶפְתּוֹחַ n.pr.loc. Μαφθω, Ναφθω, in מֵי נ׳ Jos 15:9; 18:15 (P), on border of Judah and Benj.; usually identif. with spring Liftâ, near Jerus. to the NW., v. BuhlGeogr. 101. נַפְתֻּחִים v. p. 661.BDB נֶפְתּוֹחַ².2


    [נַפְתּוּלִים] n.[m.]pl. wrestlings (cf. √ Niph. Pf.);—cstr. נַפְתּוּלֵי א׳ Gn 30:8 wrestlings of God, i.e. mighty wrestlings.BDB נַפְתּוּלִים².2


    נַפְתָּלִי51 n.pr.m. et trib. Naphtali, Νεφθαλει(μ), etc. (interpr. as my wrestling Gn 30:8; perhaps orig. crafty, cunning one);—
    1. second son of Jacob and Bilhah Gn 30:8 (J), 35:25; 46:24 (P), 1 Ch 2:2, cf. Gn 49:21 (poem).
    2. as a tribe of Isr.: a. Ju 1:33; 4:10; 5:18; Dt 33:23(×2) +; so (Hex, only P) בְּנֵי נ׳ Ju 4:6; Nu 1:42 + 6 times, מַטֵּה נ׳ Nu 2:29; 1 K 7:14 + 5 times, מַטֵּה בְּנֵי נ׳ Nu 10:27; 34:28; Jos 19:39; שַׁעַר נ׳ Ez 48:34 (in new Jerus.); אֶרֶץ נ׳ 1 K 15:20; 2 K 15:29, cf. Is 8:23; קֶדֶשׁ נ׳ Ju 4:6; הַר נ׳ Jos 20:7; גְּבוּל נ׳ Ez 48:4, יָ֫מָּה נ׳ v 3; עָרֵי נ׳ 2 Ch 16:4. b. as territorial name Dt 34:2 (JE) 1 K 4:15; 1 Ch 12:41 (van d. H. v 40), 2 Ch 34:6; Ju 6:35; 7:23 might be a or b.
    BDB נַפְתָּלִי.2


    I. נֵר43 n.m. Ex 25:37 lamp;—נ׳ abs. Ex 27:20 +, cstr. 1 S 3:3 +; sf. נֵרִי ψ 18:29, †נֵירִי2 S 22:29, etc.; pl. נֵרוֹת abs. Lv 24:4 +; cstr. Ex 39:37; sf. נֵרֹתֶיהָ Ex 25:37(×2) +, נֵרֹתֵיהֶם 1 Ch 28:15 2 Ch 4:20;—lamp in shrine at Shiloh 1 S 3:3; especially of lamps in temple 1 K 7:49 + 7 times Ch, and in tabern. Ex 25:37(×2) + 15 times P; cf. in Zech.’s vision Zc 4:2(×2) as token of merrymaking Je 25:10; used in search Zp 1:12, cf. (fig.) נֵר י׳ נִשְׁמַת אָדָם Pr 20:27; used in household work Pr 31:18; fig. of prosperity נ׳ יִשְׂרָאֵל 2 S 21:17 (embodied in David); also Jb 18:6; 21:17; 29:3 ψ 18:29 = 2 S 22:29, ψ 132:17 Pr 13:9; 20:20; 24:20; of God’s word as a guide ψ 119:105, cf. Pr 6:23.BDB נֵר.2


    † II. נֵר n.pr.m. 𝔊 Νηρ:
    1. father of Abner 1 S 14:50, 51; 26:5, 14 2 S 2:8, 12; 3:23, 25, 28, 37 1 K 2:5, 32; 1 Ch 26:28.
    2. father of Kish 1 Ch 8:33; 9:36, 39.
    BDB נֵר².2


    נֵרִיָּהוּ, נֵרִיָּה n.pr.m. father of Baruch: נֵרִיָּהוּ Je 36:14, 32; 43:6; 45:1, = father of Seraiah 51:59; נֵרִיָּה 32:12, 16; 36:4, 8; 43:3; 𝔊 Νηριου; cf. Gray Prop. N. 294.BDB נֵרִיָּהוּ.2

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