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    לָקַק — לֶ֫תֶךְ


    [לָקַק] vb. lap, lick (NH id., Pi.; Arabic لَقَّ lick, lap of dog (Wahrm));—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. לָֽקְקוּ 1 K 21:19; Impf. 3 ms. יָלֹק Ju 7:5(×2); 3 mpl. יָלֹ֫קּוּ 1 K 21:19, וַיָּלֹ֫קּוּ 1 K 22:38;—lap, יָלֹק בִּלְשׁוֹנוֹ מִן־הַמַּיִם Ju 7:5, like a dog v 5 (abs.); of dogs lapping up blood (acc.), 1 K 21:19(×2); 22:38.
    Pi. Pt. pl. c. art. הַמְֿלַקְקִים Ju 7:6 (בְּיָדָם אֶל־פִּיהֶם is erron. gloss, v. GFM), v 7; in both = lap, lap up (= Qal v 5).
    BDB לָקַק.2


    לקשׁ (√ of foll.; NH לקשׁ be late (Hiph. and deriv.); Aramaic ܠܰܩܶܫ make or do late, לְקִישָׁא, ܠܩܺܝܫܳܝܳܐ late; vulg Arabic لَقَسَ be late (Hauran), Wetzst in De Job 24:6, so ii. Wahrm; لَقِّيسَ late, DozySuppl. ii. 543).BDB לקשׁ.2


    לֶ֫קֶשׁ n.[m.] prob. after-growth, after-math, i.e. spring-crop (cf. GASm 12 Proph. i. 109);—only (2 times) Am 7:1, בִּתְחִלַּת עֲלוֹת הַלָּ֑קֶשׁ וְהִנֵּה לֶקֶשׁ אַחַר גִּזֵּי הַמֶּלֶךְ׃.—> Other interpr. are: late-rain growth (from מַלְקוֹשׁ q.v.), HoffmZAW iii. (1883) 116; leaf-and-herb-gathering in spring, We after KleinZPV iv. 1881, 83; Anderlindviii. 1886, 62.BDB לֶ֫קֶשׁ.2


    [לָקַשׁ] vb. only
    Pi. 3 mpl., prob. denom. from לֶקֶשׁ = take the aftermath, i.e. take everything (Wetzst in DeHiob 26, 6) (> Buhl ii. לקשׁ, cf. Arabic لَقَثَ schnell zusammenraffen [cf. Lane2668]);—despoil; וְכֶרֶם רָשָׁע יְלַקֵּֽשׁוּ׃ Jb 24:6 and the vineyard of the wicked (but read prob. עָשִׁיר the rich Bu Du) they despoil (‖ קָצַר).
    BDB לָקַשׁ.2


    לשׁד (√ of foll., cf. Arabic لَسَدَ suck, lick (Ethiopic ለስድ butter); so Thes and on ψ 32:4 De Bae, also Di Nu 11:8).BDB לשׁד.2


    [לָשָׁד] n.m. juice, juicy or dainty bit, dainty;—cstr. כְּטַעַם לְשַׁד הַשָּׁ֑מֶן Nu 11:8 (J) sim. of taste of manna (𝔊 ἐγκρίς, 𝔙 panis oleatus), i.e. a dainty prepared with oil (cf. Di); נֶהְפַּךְ לְשַׁדִּי בְּחַרְבֹנֵי קַיִץ ψ 32:4 my juice (sap, life-moisture) is transformed, etc.BDB לָשָׁד.2


    לָשׁוֹן n.m. Jos 7:21 and (more often) f. Is 28:11 tongue (NH id.; also Assyrian lišânu; Arabic لِسَانٌ; Ethiopic ልሳn; Aramaic לִשָּׁן, לִיּשָּׁן, ܠܶܫܳܢܳܐ (all li-); Zinj. לשן DHMSendsch. 59);—abs. ל׳ Ex 4:10 +; הַלָּשֹׁן Jos 15:2; cstr. לְשׁוֹן Jos 7:21 +; sf. לְשׁוֹנִי 2 S 23:2; לְשֹׁנוֹ Ex 11:7 + 2 times; לְשׁוֹנוֹ Ju 7:5; Est 1:22; לְשׁוֹנְךָ ψ 34:14; לְשׁוֹנְכֶם Is 59:3, etc.; pl. לְשֹׁנוֹת abs. ψ 31:21; Is 66:18; cstr. Zc 8:23; sf. לְשֹׁנֹתָם Gn 10:20, 31;—
    1. tongue of men, a. used in lapping Ju 7:5; cleaving to the palate (חֵק), in thirst La 4:4, so as to produce dumbness Jb 29:10 (‖ קוֹל נֶחְבָּא), ψ 137:6; Ez 3:26 (‖ נֶאֱלַם); cleaving to jaws (מַלְקוֹחַ) ψ 22:16; ל׳ בַּצָּמָא נָשָׁ֑תָּה Is 41:17 their tongue for thirst is parched; לְ׳ תִּמַּק בְּפִיהֶם Zc 14:12 (of י׳’s judgment); a choice morsel is held תַּחַת ל׳ Jb 20:12 (fig. of mischief), cf. ψ 10:7 (ready to be uttered), 66:17 (‖ פֶּה), Ct 4:11. b. usually as organ of speech, both good and bad (especially ψ Pr, often ‖ פֶּה, שָׂפָה);—כְּבַד ל׳ Ex 4:10 (J) heavy of tongue; מַעֲנֵה ל׳ Pr 16:1, מִלָּתוֹ עַל־לְשׁוֹנִי 2 S 23:2, cf. Pr. 31:26, ψ 139:4 (בִּל׳), הֲיֵשׁ בִּלְשׁוֹנִי עַוְלָה Jb 6:30; מָוֶת וְחַיִּים בְּיַד ל׳ Pr 18:21, cf. 21:23; 25:15; of (false) proph., הַלֹּקְחִים ל׳ Je 23:31; subj. of vb. of speaking, דִּבֶּר:—דִּבְּרָה לְשׁוֹנִי בְחִכִּי Jb 33:2 ψ 12:4; 37:30; cf. (Je 9:7 infr. and) ל׳..תְּמַהֵר לְדַבֵּר Is 32:4, לְשׁוֹנִי עֵט סֹפֵר מָהִיר ψ 45:2, i.e. as swift as a rapid scribe’s stylus; subj. of הָגָה Is 59:3; Jb 27:4 ψ 35:28; 71:24; subj. of נִשְׁבַּע Is 45:23; ל׳ תִּהֲלַךְ בָּאָרֶץ ψ 73:9; of hostile speech, insolence, etc., Jos 10:21 (JE; obj. of i. חָרַץ q.v., cf. 3 infr.), Je 18:18; Is 3:8; זַעַם ל׳ Ho 7:16 (but text dub., cf. We Now), ל׳ חֶרֶב חַדָּה ψ 57:6, cf. 64:4; שָֽׁנְנוּ ל׳ כְּמוֹ נָחָשׁ 140:4; כָּל־ל׳ תָּקוּם אִתָּךְ Is 54:17; הֶאֱרִיךְ ל׳ 57:4; further, Je 9:2, 4; as instr. of seductive flattery (הֶחֱלִיק), without בְּ, ψ 5:10; Pr 28:23, cf. חֶלְקַת לָ׳ נָכְרִיָּה Pr 6:24; of falsehood ψ 78:36 (cf. infr.); of slander (cf. לוֹשֵׁן) רָגַל עַל־ל׳ ψ 15:3, אִישׁ לָשׁוֹן 140:12, cf. לְ׳ סָ֑תֶר Pr 25:33; חָטָא בְּל׳ ψ 39:2; cf. 64:9 (text dub., v. Hup Che Bae); moral qualities ascribed to:—as arrogant ψ 12:5 (cf. v 4 supr.); as devising injuries, הַוּוֹת תַּחְשֹׁב ל׳ ψ 52:4, cf. לְ׳ הַוֹּת Pr 17:4; ל׳ תַּצְמִיד מִרְמָה ψ 50:19 nectere fraudem; נְצֹר ל׳ מֵרָ֑ע ψ 34:14 (‖ וּשְׂפָתֶיךָ מִדַּבֵּר מִרְמָה); often of lying tongue: לְשׁוֹן שֶׁקֶר Pr 6:17; 12:19; 21:6; 26:28 ψ 109:2; לְ׳ מִרְמָה 52:6; לָ׳ רְמִיָּה Mi 6:12 ψ 120:2, 3; לְ׳ תַּרְמִית Zp 3:13; לְ׳ תַּהְפֻּכוֹת Pr 10:31, and נֶהְפָּךְ בִּל׳ Pr 17:20; ל׳ עֲרוּמִים Jb 15:5; also ל׳ מִרְמָה דִּבֵּ֑ר Je 9:7; on the other hand לְ׳ צַדִּיק Pr 10:20; ל׳ חֲכָמִים 12:18; 15:2; מַרְפֵּה לָ׳ v 4; לְ׳ לִמּוּדִים Is 50:4.—Note phrases שׁוֹט ל׳ Jb 5:21 scourge of (the) tongue, רִיב לְשֹׁנוֹת ψ 31:21; פַּלַּג לְשׁוֹנָם ψ 55:10: also בַּעַל הַלּ׳ Ec 10:11 (of serpent-charmer), and וַתֵּעֲלוּ עַל־שְׂפַת ל׳ Ez 36:3.—On tongue of י׳ (once), v. 4 infr. †c. organ of singing, subj. of רָנַן ψ 51:16; 126:2; Is 35:6, עָנָה ψ 119:172.
    2. = language Dt 28:49 Je 5:15 and later, viz.: Ez 3:5, 6 (כִּבְדֵי ל׳, ‖ עִמְקֵי שָׂפָה, but del. 𝔊 Codd. Co SgfrKauAT), Is 28:11 (‖ ל׳ אַחֶרֶת, לַעֲגֵי שָׂפָה, fig. of י׳’s unintelligible dealings); עַםנִלְעַג ל׳ 33:19 (‖ עִמְקֵי שָׂפָה); 66:18 (‖ גּוֹיִם), Zc 8:23; Gn 10:5, 20, 31 (all P), Ne 13:24; Est 1:22(×2), 3:12, 8:9(×2) Dn 1:4.
    3. tongue of animals: dog Ex 11:7 (J; obj. of i. חָרַץ q.v.; cf. 1 b), ψ 68:24; adder Jb 20:16 (subj. of תַּהֲרֹג); crocodile 40:25.
    4. tongue of fire, devouring, כֶּאֱכֹל קַשׁ לְשׁוֹן אֵשׁ Is 5:24; cf. of י׳, וּלְשׁוֹנוֹ כְּאֵשׁ אֹכָ֑לֶת 30:27 (‖ שְׂפָתָיו מָֽלְאוּ זַעַם).
    5. = (tongue-shaped) wedge of gold Jos 7:21, 24 (JE). so Assyrian lišânu; v. MeissnerZAW xxiii (1903), 151 f. JohnsAssyrian Deeds 2, 281.
    6. = (tongue-shaped) bay of sea Is 11:15 Jos 15:2, 5; 18:19 (all P).
    BDB לָשׁוֹן.2


    לשׁך (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).BDB לשׁך.2


    לִשְׁכָּה n.f. room, chamber, hall, cell, lishka (NH id. 𝔗 לִשְׁכְּתָא; cf. also נִשְׁכָּה; on the lishka v. NowArch. ii. 37, 52, 79; BöGeogr. I, xvii. 438 (ed. Leusd.) comp. Gk. λέσχη, cf. RSSem. i. 236 (2nd ed. 254) al.);—ל׳ Ez 40:38 +; cstr. לִשְׁכַּת 2 K 23:11 +; c. ה loc. לִשְׁכָּ֑תָה 1 S 9:22; pl. לְשָׁכוֹת Ez 40:17 +; cstr. לִשְׁכוֹת Ne 10:38 +;—
    1. a. of room connected with a sanctuary (בָּמָה), where sacrif. meal was eaten 1 S 9:22, insert also prob. 1:18 (𝔊 We Dr Klo Bu). b. connected with Sol.’s temple, where wine offered to Rechabites Je 35:2, 4, cf. v 4(×2); one where prophecy read 36:10 (both these appar. open, cf. Gie Je 35:2); cf. לִשְׁכַּת נְתַן־מֶלֶךְ הַסָּרִיס.. בַּפַּרְוָרִים 2 K 23:11; used of Levites’ cells 1 Ch 9:33; = store-rooms v 26 (‖ אֹצָרוֹת, 23:28; 28:12 2 Ch 31:11. c. in Ezek.’s temple, cells for priests, singers, etc. Ez 40:17(×2), 38, 44, 45, 46 + 41:10 (del. Co Bthl), 42:1, 4, 7(×2), 8, 11 + v 12 (del. Co Bthl); in three tiers, cf. הַלְּ׳ הָעֶלְיוֹנֹת 42:5 (vid. v 3), (45:5 read עָרִים לָשֶׁבֶת 𝔊 Sm Co SgfrKauAT Bthl); ל׳ הַקֹּדֶשׁ for sacred uses 42:13(×3); 44:19; 46:19. d. in second temple, as store-rooms Ezr 8:29 Ne 10:38, 39 (‖ בֵּית הָאוֹצָר), v 40; used by individuals Ezr 10:6 Ne 13:5 (ל׳ גְּדוֹלָה), v 8, in gen. v 4, 9.
    2. of scribe’s room in royal palace Je 36:12, 20, 21.
    BDB לִשְׁכָּה.2


    † I. לֶשֶׁם n.[m.] a precious stone in h. p.’s breast-plate Ex 28:19; 39:12 (√ and meaning dub.; 𝔊 λιγύριον, JosephAnt. iii, 7, 5 λίγυρος, 𝔙 ligurius, and this (= λυγκούριον, lyncurion?) compared with carbuncle PlinNH viii. 57 (38); identif. with amber Demostratus in PlinNH xxxvii.11(2), or with jacinth (Rev 21:20) Braunde Vest. Sacerd. ii. 14 WinerRWB i. 332; cf. further, Di Ex 28:19).BDB לֶשֶׁם.2


    † II. לֶ֫שֶׁם n.pr.loc. variant of לַיִשׁ (whence WeDe gent. 37 Di read לֵשָׁם; LagBN 20 Anm. thinks ם remnant of Mimmation, לֶשֶׁם from לַיִשׁ = Laišum), old name of city דָּן (v. לַיִשׁ), Jos 19:47(×2) (cf. Di), 𝔊B Λαχεις, לֶשֶׁם דָּן = Λασεννδακ, A 𝔊L Λεσεν(μ).BDB לֶ֫שֶׁם.2


    לשׁן (√ of foll.; Thes conj. orig. meaning lick (cf. لسّ, لسب, لسم; also لَاسَ ‘sipped’), Hup-Now ψ 32:4).BDB לשׁן.2


    [לָשַׁן] vb. denom. use the tongue, only specif., slander;—Poʿel Pt. מְלָו֯שְׁנִי בַּסֵּתֶר רֵעֵהוּ ψ 101:5 (on form, cf. Ges§ 55 b, 90 lLgb. i. § 26).
    Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. juss. אַל־תַּלְשֵׁן עֶבֶד וגו׳ Pr 30:10.
    BDB לָשַׁן.2


    [לֶ֫שַׁע] n.pr.loc. near Sodom and Gomorrah, only לָ֑שַׁע Gn 10:19; 𝔊D Δασα; E𝔊L Λασα; site unknown; = Kallirrhoë, with hot-springs, JeromeQuaest in Gen. (10, 19), cf. BuhlGeogr.. 123 and reff.BDB לֶ֫שַׁע.2


    לַשָּׁרוֹן Jos 12:18 v. שָׁרוֹן.BDB לַשָּׁרוֹן.2


    לתח (√ of foll.; meaning unknown; Thes conj. spread out, cf. Sam. נתח spread out garment, v. also DiLex. Ethiopic 45 f., but this word very dubious).BDB לתח.2


    לתך (√ offoll., meaning unkn., cf. LagOr ii. 32 f.).BDB לתך.2


    לֶ֫תֶךְ n.[m.] a barley-measure (NH id., a corn-measure); only in חֹמֶר־שְׂעֹרִים וְל׳ שְׂעֹרִים Ho 3:2; according to 𝔙 = 1/2 כֹּר = 1/2 חֹמֶר (q.v.), cf. Mish. (LevyNHWB ii. 531), but this tradition is uncertain (cf. NowArch. i. 203); 𝔊 νέβελ οἴνου, for ל׳ שׂ׳.BDB לֶ֫תֶךְ.2

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