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    ס — סִיר²


    ס Samekh, fifteenth letter; used as numeral 60 in postB. Heb.BDB ס.2


    סְאָה n.f. (v. infr.) se’āh, a measure of flour, grain, etc. (√ unknown; perhaps foreign word; NH id.; Aramaic סְאָה, סָאתָא, ܣܳܐܴܐ, ܣܶܐܴܐ, ܣܰܐܬܳܐ (Gk. σάτον, LewyFremdwörter 116 f.));—abs. סְאָה־ 2 K 7:1, 16, וּסֳאָה־ v 18 (Baer Ginsb cf. Ges§ 10 h); du. סָאתַיִם 1 K 18:32 + 3 times; pl. סְאִים Gn 18:6; 1 S 25:18;—always c. appos. of thing measured, Gn 18:6 (J), 1 S 25:18 1 K 18:32; 2 K 7:1(×2), 16(×2), 18(×2) (where appar. masc., perhaps after anal. of other measures of capacity, הִין, חֹמֶר, כֹּר, etc., AlbrechtZAW xvi (1896), 95);—סַאסְּאָה Is 27:8 v. סאסא.—On size of seʾāh = 1/3 ephah, = 12.148 litres (= 10.696 qts.), v. NowArch. i. 203 BenzArch. 183.BDB סְאָה.2


    [סְאוֹן ?] n.[m.BDB סְאוֹן.2


    [סָאַן] vb. prob. denom. tread, tamp;—only
    Qal Pt. סֹאֵן בְּרַעַשׁ Is 9:4 (v. foregoing).
    BDB סָאַן.2


    [סֵאסֵא] vb.
    Pilpēl , whence Inf. בְּסַאסְאָהּ (MT בְּסַאסְּאָה) Is 27:8 = by driving her (it) away (conj. from ‖ בְּשַׁלְּחָהּ), according to Hi Ew Di Du CheHpt. Am RVm > = בִּסְאָה סְאָה by the seʾāh, the seʾāh, i.e. (Ges§ 123 c, 133 k) by exact measure Vrss (not 𝔊, Ges De cf. AV RV, which is prob. Rabbin. conceit. (On format. cf. טאטא, and v. Ges§ 55 f. Sta§§ 112 a Anm. 2; 238.)
    BDB סֵאסֵא.2


    סְבָא n.pr.m. 1st son of Cush, poet. and late;—Gn 10:7 (P) (𝔊 Σαβα, as שְׁבָא) = 1 Ch 1:9 (𝔊 id., but B Σαβατ); = nation (or territory) ψ 72:10 (𝔊 Σαβα; + שְׁבָא, 𝔊 Αραβων), so (+ כּוּשׁ, ‖ מִצְרַיִם) Is 43:3 (𝔊 Σοηνη); clearly situated in south; most prob. = λιμὴν Σαβά, and Σαβαὶ πόλις εὐμεγέθης, in Adulic gulf on W. coast of Red Sea; v. Straboxvi. 4.8.10 Ptol iv. 7, 7 f. DiGn Bae ψ DuIs; > Meroë JosAnt. ii, 10, 2 al.BDB סְבָא.2


    [סָבָא] vb. imbibe, drink largely (NH id.; Aramaic סְבָא id. (rare); cf. Assyrian sabû, 3 DlHWB;—Arabic سَبْأٌ wine, is prob. loan-wd. and سَبَأَ import foreign wine denom., Frä 157 f.);—
    Qal Impf. 1 pl. cohort. נִסְבְּאָה Is 56:12; Pt. act. סֹבְא Dt 21:20; Pr 23:21; pl. סובאים Ez 23:42 Kt (Qr סָבָאִים, v. infr.); cstr. סֹבְאֵי Pr 23:20; pass. סְבוּאִים Na 1:10;—imbibe, c. acc. שֵׁכָר Is 56:12; pt. act. = subst. wine-bibber, drunkard Dt 21:20; Pr 23:21 (both + זוֹלֵל); fully, סֹבְאֵ׳ יָי֑ן 23:20 (+ זֹלֲלֵי בָשָׂר); so also Ez 23:42 Kt (Qr perhaps n.gent., so 𝔖 AV, v. infr.), which read Sm RV SgfrKau Da; Co thinks dittogr. of מוּבָאִים, but perhaps the reverse (ToyHpt om. מוּבָאִים); > Berthol (q.v.) מִסְּבָא; other conj. v. in Sm; וּכְסָבְאָם סְבוּאִים Na 1:10 is prob. corrupt, pt. pass. of person dub., and sense obscure; del. both as dittogr. GunkelZAW xiii (1893), 235 Now; om. in transl. We Kau. On Ho 4:18 v. סֹבֶא.
    BDB סָבָא.2


    [סֹ֫בֶא] n.m. Is 1:22 drink, liquor;—only sf. סָבְאֵךְ Is 1:22; סָבְאָם Ho 4:18 (but v. infr.), Na 1:10 (but v. סָבָא);—liquor (appar. strong, choice) Is 1:22; סָר ס׳ Ho 4:18 their liquor (i.e. their drunkenness) is gone Thes Hi Che RVm, but very dub., 𝔊 quite diff. (ἡρέτισεν Χαναναίους), We GuKau Now om. in transl.; conj. of HoutsmaTTijdschr ix (1875), 60 סֹד סֹבְאִים, a company of wine-bibbers, makes good sense.BDB סֹ֫בֶא.2


    [סָבָא] only pl. סָבָאִים Ez 23:42 Qr =drunkards, wine-bibbers(?) so Thes al., but v. סְבָאִים.BDB סָבָא².2


    סְבָאִים n.pl.gent. Sebāʾim, 𝔊 οἱ Σαβαειμ, A Σεβωειμ;—וּס׳ אַנְשֵׁי מִדָּה Is 45:14 (+ כּוּשׁ, ‖ מִצְרַיִם, cf. 43:3 supr.); this perhaps intended also by Ez 23:42 Qr (v. סָבָא), perhaps confounding it with שְׁבָא, cf. 𝔖.BDB סְבָאִים.2


    סָבַב vb. turn about, go around, surround (NH id., Pi. Hiph., and deriv.; Aramaic סוֹבְבָא rim, border; Arabic سَبَبٌ rope, سَبِيبٌ lock of hair; poss. also سَبٌّ ii. prepare a means of attaining sthg. Lane1284);—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. ס׳ Ez 42:19 +; 1 s. סַבֹּ֫תִי 1 S 22:22 (but v. infr.), סַבּ֫וֹתִי Ec 2:20; 7:25; 3 pl. סָֽבְבוּ Jos 6:15 + 1 S 14:21; 2 S 24:6 (v. infr.), sf. סְבָבוּנִי ψ 18:6 +, סַבּוּנִי 88:18 + 2 times, סַבֻּנִי 2 S 22:6; 2 mpl. וְסַבֹּתֶם consec. Jos 6:3, etc.; Impf. יָסֹב 1 K 7:15 +, sf. יְסֻבֵּנִי ψ 49:6; oftener יִסֹּב 1 S 5:8 +, וַיִּסֹּב Gn 42:24 +; 3 mpl. יָסֹ֫בּוּ Jb 16:13, וַיָּסֹ֫בּוּ Jos 6:14 +, 3 fpl. תְּסֻבֶּינָה Gn 37:7, etc.; Imv. ms. סֹב 1 S 22:18, fs. סֹ֫בִּי Is 23:16, etc.; Inf. cstr. לִסְבֹּב Nu 21:4, סֹב Dt 2:3; Pt. סוֹבֵב 2 K 6:15 +, הַסֹּבֵיב 8:21 (Ginsb הִסְבִּיב Kt, הַסֹּבֵב Qr), etc.;— 1. turn, intrans. (Impf. of form יִסֹּב in this sense only): a turn about, often as preliminary to something else 1 S 15:12, 27 (sq. inf.), 1 Ch 16:43 (id.; וַיָּ֫שָׁב in ‖ 2 S 6:20) + 1 S 14:21 (read סָֽבְבוּ גַם for MT סָבִיב וְגַם, 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 Th We, etc.), Je 41:14a (+ שׁוב v b, but 𝔊 om. v a cf. Gie), Ec 1:6(×2); of door, Pr 26:14 turn on (עַל) its hinge (cf. Niph. Ez 26:2); turn (toward one) 1 S 22:17, 18(×2) 2 S 18:30x2; Ct 2:17 (v. Bu); also c. אֶל־ 2 S 14:24(×2) + 24:6 (read סָֽבְבוּ for סָבִיב We Dr Bu Kit HPS; Klo יָסֹבּוּ, cf. Löhr), Ez 42:19 Ec 1:6, אֶל־אַחֲרָ֑י 2 K 9:18, 19; of cup of י׳, it shall come round unto (עַל־, with hostile implic.; עָבַר עַל La 4:22) Hb 2:16; of Jordan, turn לְאָחוֹר ψ 114:3, 5; turn about from (מֵעַל) Gn 42:24, (מִן) 1 S 18:11, + אֶל־ 17:30; so of inheritance Nu 36:7 it shall not go about from (מִן) tribe to (אֶל־) tribe, also v 9 (לְ for אֶל־); cf. (abs.) וַתִּסֹּב הַמְּלוּכָה וַתְּהִי לְאָחִי 1 K 2:15 (cf. Hiph. 1 b); = be brought round, c. acc. loc. 1 S 5:8 (of ark). b. turn = change, only Zc 14:10 (of land, changed like [כְּ, i.e. into] a plain), cf. Hiph. 1 c. c. fig. turn (in a new direction) to do something (inf.) Ec 2:20; 7:25.—ψ 71:21 is dub.; Bae reads וְתָשֻׁב for וְתִסֹּב after 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙; Hup-Now Che al. sub a. supr.: turn, comfort me.—Jb 10:8 read אַחַר תִּסֹּב for MT יחד סביב De al. 2. a. march, or walk, around, c. acc. (city) Jos 6:3, 4, 7, 14, 15(×2) (all JE), ψ 48:13; poss. also נָסֹב 1 S 16:11 (of marching about altar? so HPS; turn to do something else Th), but cf. תסוב Ecclus 32:1 sit about a table (v. SchechterBS p. 56, and cf. מֵסַב), or read נֵשֵׁב Weir in Dr Kit Bu Löhr (perhaps). b. go partly round, circle about, skirt, c. acc. (land) Nu 21:4 (JE) Ju 11:18, also Dt 2:1, 3; of rivers Gn 2:11, 13. c. make a round, or circuit, go about to, c. acc. loc. 1 S 7:16; go about in (בְּ) 2 Ch 17:9, cf. also (c. בְּ) 23:2 Ct 3:5; 5:7 Ec 12:5, so c. acc. Is 23:16; = make a circuitous march 2 K 3:9 (c. acc. דֶּרֶךְ).—Vid. also 2 S 5:23 1 Ch 14:14 Hiph. 2 a. d. surround, encompass, abs. Gn 37:7 (E); c. acc. Jb 40:22; with hostile purpose, 2 K 6:15 Ec 9:14 (both of siege), cf. 2 K 3:25; acc. om. Ju 16:2, cf. 2 S 18:15; c. acc. rei + עַל־ pers. Ju 20:5; c. עַל־ pers. alone Jb 16:13 2 Ch 18:31; c. אֶל־ pers. 2 K 8:21 = 2 Ch 21:9; often fig. in poetry, c. acc. Ho 7:2 2 S 22:6 = ψ 18:6, ψ 22:13, 17; 49:6; 88:18; 118:10, 11(×2), 12; so also ψ 17:11 (Kt סְבָבוּנִי, Qr סְבָבוּנוּ; on text v. especially Hup-Now); lit. of cord surrounding (measuring circumf. of), c. acc. 1 K 7:15 = Je 52:21, 1 K 7:23 = 2 Ch 4:2; of ornaments, etc., surrounding something (acc.) 1 K 7:24 2 Ch 4:3; surround one with something (2 acc.) 1 K 5:17 ψ 109:3; acc. + בְּ instr. Ho 12:1; ס׳ לָעֹפֶל 2 Ch 33:14 (i.e. build a wall around it).—1 S 22:22 read חַבְתִּי (√ חוּב), 𝔊 𝔖 Th We Dr Kit Bu Löhr HPS.
    Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נָסַב Jos 15:3 +; 3 fs. נָסֵ֫בָּה Ez 26:2 (Ges§ 67 t St§ 410 bi. 342); וְנָֽסְבָה 41:7 (but read וְנוֹסְפָה Ew Sm Co ToyHpt, cf. Berthol); 3 pl. נָסַ֫בּוּ Gn 19:4 +; Impf. 3 mpl. יִסַּ֫בּוּ Ez 1:9 + 5 times;— 1. a. turn oneself against (עַל־), close round upon (עַל) Gn 19:4 (J) Jos 7:9 (JE); c. acc. Ju 19:22. b. turn round (from a direct course), of wheels Ez 1:9, 12, 17; 10:11(×2), also v 16 (but dub., Co ישׁבו, ToyHpt leave, Symm ἀπελείποντο); נָסַ֫בָּה אֵלַי Ez 26:2 of Jerus. under fig. of door (Sm Co Berthol ToyHpt). c. especially of boundary (Hex only P): turn round from (מִן), toward (לְ) Nu 34:4, + ה loc. Jos 18:14; c. מִן + ה loc. + אֶל־ 15:10; c. מִן alone Nu 34:5; c. ה loc. alone Je 31:39 Jos 15:3; 16:6; circle about, skirt, c. acc. Jos 19:14. 2. pass. be turned over to (לְ, into the power of, Je 6:12.
    Pi. Inf. cstr. סַבֵּב אֶת־פְּנֵי הַדָּבָר 2 S 14:20 to change, transform, the aspect of the matter. Poʿ. Impf. 3 ms. sf. יְסֹבְבֵנִי Jon 2:4, 6, יְסֹבְבֶנְהוּ Dt 32:10, יְסוֹבְבֶנּוּ ψ 32:10; 3 fs. תְּסוֹבֵב Je 31:22, etc.;—encompass, surround (poet. and chiefly late):— 1. encompass (with protection), c. acc. Dt 32:10 (י׳ subj.), c. 2 acc. חֶסֶד יְסוֹבְבֶנּוּ ψ 32:10, cf. v 7 (but 2nd obj. here dub.); similarly נְקֵבָה תְּסוֹבֵב נָּ֑בֶר Je 31:22 i.e. either shall protect (so most) or (Che, cf. Gf) the woman (fig. of Isr.), instead of holding aloof (הַבַּת הַשּׁוֹבֵבָה v 22), will, in the new future which י׳ creates, with affection press round her divine husband. 2. come about, assemble round (acc. pers. י׳) ψ 7:8. 3. march or go about, city (acc.) ψ 55:11; 59:7, 15; altar (in solemn procession) 26:6; go about in (בְּ) city Ct 3:2. 4. enclose, envelop, c. acc. pers. Jon 2:4, 6 (of waters).
    Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הֵסֵב 2 K 16:18 +; 2 ms. הֲסִבֹּ֫תָ 1 K 18:37; 3 pl. הֵסַ֫בּוּ 1 S 5:9, 10, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. וַיַּסֵּב Ex 13:18 +, sf. וַיְסִבֵּ֫נִי Ez 47:2; 3 mpl. וַיַּסֵּ֫בּוּ Ju 18:23 + 2 times; 1 pl. נָסֵב 2 Ch 14:6, cohort. נָסֵ֫בָּה 1 Ch 13:3; Imv. ms. הָסֵב 2 S 5:23 1 Ch 14:14 (but v. infr.); fs. הָסֵ֫בִּי Ct 6:5; Inf. cstr. הָסֵב 2 S 3:12 1 Ch 12:23; Pt. מֵסֵב Je 21:4; perhaps also pl. sf. מְסִבָּ֑י ψ 140:10 (Ginsb);— 1. a. turn (trans.), cause to turn: turn face (acc.) Ju 18:23 1 K 8:14 = 2 Ch 6:3 (all = turn toward); = turn round face 1 K 21:4, + אֶל־הַקִּיר 2 K 20:2 = Is 38:2; + מִן Ez 7:22 (subj. י׳), 2 Ch 29:6 (of neglect), 35:22 (of avoiding battle); turn away eyes from (מִן), Ct 6:5; turn (back), change heart 1 K 18:37 (recall from apostasy; + אֲחֹרַנִּית), Ezr 6:22 (+ עַל־); turn back, reverse (weapons) Je 21:4. b. bring over (i.e. to allegiance), c. acc. + אֶל־ pers., 2 S 3:12 1 Ch 12:24 (van d. H. v 23); of י׳, turn over kingdom to (לְ) 1 Ch 10:14 (cf. Qal 1 a, 1 K 2:15). c. turn into, of changing name, 2 acc. 2 K 23:34 = 2 Ch 36:4, 2 K 24:17. d. = bring round, c. acc. 1 S 5:8, 9; + מִן 2 S 20:12; + אֶל־ 1 S 5:10 1 Ch 13:3; + acc. loc. 2 K 16:18 (sense obscure). 2. a. cause to go around: of carrying ark around city (2 acc.) Jos 6:11 (JE; but Qal 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙); lead round, i.e. by a round-about way, acc. pers. + acc. דֶּרֶךְ Ex 13:18 (E) Ez 47:2; c. acc. + inf. of purpose 2 Ch 13:13; acc. om., lead round toward (אֶל־) 2 S 5:23, away from (מֵעַל־)1 Ch 14:14 (where, however, perhaps read as S, so Be Öt, and, in both, סֹב for הָסֵב Dr KitKau Hpt Bu HPS Löhr). b. surround with (acc.) wall, 2 Ch 14:6 (acc. of city om.). c. perhaps also encompass (as foe), מְסִבָּ֑י ψ 140:10 those encompassing me (others sub מֵסַב infr.).
    Hoph. Impf. 3 ms. יוּסָּ֑ב Is 28:27; Pt. fpl. cstr. מֻסַבֹּת Ex 28:11; 39:6; מוּסַבֹּת v 13 Nu 32:38 (v. infr.); מוּסַבּוֹת Ez 41:24;— 1. be turned, of cart wheel, c. עַל־ upon, over; מוּסַבּוֹת דְּלָתוֹת Ez 41:24 pt. appar. as gerundive, that can be turned, movable (Ges§ 116 e; Co reads צלעות מ׳, cf. ToyHpt); מוּס׳ שֵׁם Nu 32:38 turned (i.e. changed) as to name, but gloss, v. Di. 2. surrounded, i.e. set, of jewels (pt. cstr.) Ex 28:11; 39:6, 13 (all P).
    BDB סָבַב.2


    סִבָּה n.f. turn of affairs;—only abs. הָֽיְתָה סִבָּה מֵעִם י׳ 1 K 12:15 it was a turn (an ordering) from י׳ (= נְסִבָּה q.v., in ‖ 2 Ch 10:15).BDB סִבָּה.2


    סָבִיב336 subst., used mostly as adv. and prep., circuit, round about:—cstr. סְבִיבAm 3:11; pl. cstr. סְבִיבֵיJe 32:44; 33:13, sf. סְבִיבֶיךָ etc. (10 times), much oftener סְבִיבוֹת Ex 7:24 + 22 times, סְבִיבוֹתַי, תֶיךָ-, etc., Dt 17:14, etc. (48 times):—
    1. in sg.:— a. as subst. 1 Ch 11:8 מן־המלוא וְעַד־הַסָּבִיב and to the parts round about. b. as adv.acc. סָבִיב (in) a circuit, i.e. round about, Gn 23:17 בְּכָל־גְּבֻלוֹ סָבִיב Ex 19:12; 25:11, 24, 25, Lv 1:5, 11 עַל הַמִּזְבֵּחַ סָבִיב, Ju 20:29 1 K 3:1; 5:11 ψ 3:7 אֲשֶׁר ס׳ שָׁתוּ עָלָ֑י, 12:9 34:8 + often; sometimes doubled, for the sake of emphasis, 2 Ch 4:3, Ez 8:10 עַל הַקִּיר ס׳ ס׳, 37:2; 40:5 and often in Ez 40—43. c. as prep.: (a) †Am 3:11 צַר וּסְבִיב הָאָרֶץ distress, and that in the circuit of (= round about) the land (but read prob. with 𝔖 יְסֹבֵב will encircle). (b) סָבִיב לְ׳ Ex 16:13; 40:33 Nu 1:50, 53; 2:2 Ju 7:21 1 K 6:5; 18:32, 35 Ez 41:10, 16 Jb 19:12 ψ 34:8; 78:28; 125:2(×2) י׳ סָבִיב לְעַמּוֹ, 128:3 Ct 3:7 Na 3:8. (c) strangely, סָבִיב אֵת1 K 6:5 (om.𝔊), Ez 43:17. d. מִסָּבִיב42, from round about, from every side, Ez 16:33, 37; 23:22; 37:21, but usually (מִן 1 c) = on every side, Je 4:17 הָיוּ עָלֶיהָ מִסָּבִיב, Is 42:25 וַתְּלַהֲטֵהוּ מ׳, Jo 4:11, 12; †מָגוֹר מִסָּבִיב terror on every side! Je 6:25; 20:3, 10; 46:5; 49:29 ψ 31:14, cf. La 2:22; especially in the Deut. phrases אוֹיְבִים מ׳, or הֵנִיחַ מ׳ (sometimes in combin.), as Dt 12:10 והניח לכם מכל־אויביכם מ׳, 25:19 Jos 21:42 וַיָּנַח י׳ לָהֶם מ׳, 23:1 Ju 2:14; 8:34 1 S 12:11 +; מִסָּבִיב לְ from round about, †Nu 16:24, 27.—On 1 S 14:21 2 S 24:6 Jb 10:8 v. סָבַב.
    2. In plur.:a.סְבִיבִים: (a) in masc. sense, those round about, ψ 76:12 כָּל־סְבִיבָיו יֹבִילוּשַׁי, 89:8 Je 48:17, 39. (b) in neuter sense, the parts round about, Je 49:5 מִכָּל־סְבִיבָ֑יִךְ, בִּסְבִיבֵי ירושׁלם 32:44; 33:13; 21:14 וְאָֽכְלָה כָּל־סְבִיבֶיהָ, 46:14; with the force of a prep., ψ 50:3 וסביביו נשׂערה מאד, 97:2 La 1:17. b. סְבִיבוֹת: (a) as subst. (α) circuits, Ec 1:6 ועל סביבותיו שָׁב הָרוּחַ; (β) the parts round about, Nu 22:4 ילחכו הקהל את־כל־סְבִיבֹתֵינוּ, Je 17:26; 50:32 (cf. 21:14 supr.); with ref. to their inhabitants, ψ 44:19 = 79:4 לעג וקלם לסב׳, Ez 16:57; 28:24 Dn 9:16. (b) with the force of a prep. Ex 7:24 סְבִיבֹת הַיְאֹר lit. (in) the circuits of the Nile = round about the Nile, Nu 11:24, 31, 32; 35:2 סְבִיבֹתֵיהֶם, Ju 7:18 1 S 26:5, 7 2 K 6:17 סביבֹת אלישׁע, ψ 18:12; 27:6 על אֹיְבַי סביבותי, etc.; often idiom. preceded by אשׁר, as Gn 35:5 הערים אשׁר סביבותיהם 41:48 Lv 25:44 Nu 16:34 Dt 6:14; 13:8; 17:14; 21:2 +. In the same sense מִסְּבִיבוֹתָם + Ez 28:26.
    BDB סָבִיב.2


    סְבַךְ n.[m.] thicket;—abs. בַּסְּבַךְ (נֶאֱחַז) Gn 22:13 (so Ginsb; Baer בַּסֲבַךְ, van d. H. בַּסְּבָךְ) a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; pl. cstr. סִֽבְכֵי הַיַּעַר Is 9:17 thickets of the forest, 10:34.BDB סְבַךְ.2


    [סְבֹךְ] n.[m.] id.;—cstr. בִּֽסֲבָךְ־עֵץ ψ 74:5 in the thicket of trees; sf. מִסֻּבְּכוֹ Je 4:7 (abode of lion; on בְּ v. Ges§ 20 h; on—Köii. 1, 512).BDB סְבֹךְ.2


    [סָבַךְ] vb. interweave (‖ form to שׂבך q.v.);—
    Qal Pt. pass. pl. סִירִים סְבֻבִים Na 1:10 interwoven (entangled) thorns (cf. Da); GunkelZAW xiii (1893), 235 proposes (after 𝔊 𝔗 Vollers) כְּסוּחִים i.e. cut off, away (Is 33:12) cf. Now; text very dub.
    Pu. Impf. 3 mpl. עַל־גַּל שָׁרָשָׁיו יְסֻבָּ֑כוּ Jb 8:17 are interwoven (in a tangled mass).
    BDB סָבַךְ.2


    סִבְּכַי n.pr.m. a captain of David; 𝔊 Σοβοχαι, etc.; 2 S 21:18 = 1 Ch 20:4, 1 Ch 11:29 + ‖ 2 S 23:27 where read ס׳ for MT מְבֻנַּ׳ Th We Dr Klo Bu Kit Löhr cf. HPS (B ἐκ τῶν υἱῶν, but 𝔊L Σαβενι); also 1 Ch 27:11.BDB סִבְּכַי.2


    סֵ֫בֶל n.[m.] load, burden;—abs. Ne 4:11 ψ 81:7 (enforced burden); cstr. id., = burdensome labour (of corvée) 1 K 11:28.—Vid. also סַבָּל.BDB סֵ֫בֶל.2


    סַבָּל n.[m.] burden-bearer, (late);—only abs. ס׳ coll. Ne 4:4; 2 Ch 2:1, 17; mpl. abs. סַבָּלִים 2 Ch 34:13;—נֹשֵׂא סַבָּל 1 K 5:29 is certainly wrong; 𝔊 αἴροντες ἄρσιν, 𝔙 qui onera portabant, hence prob. נֹשֵׂא סֵ֫בֶל; > אִישׁ סַבָּל, as ‖ 2 Ch 2:1.BDB סַבָּל.2


    [סָבַל] vb. bear a heavy load (NH id.; Ar. סְבַל, ܣܒܰܠ id.; cf. also sub זבל p. 259 b supr.);—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. סְבָלָם Is 53:4; 1 pl. סָבָ֑לְנוּ La 5:7;—Impf. 3 ms. יִסְבֹּל Is 53:11; 1 s. אֶסְבֹּל 46:4; 3 mpl. sf. יִסְבְּלֻהוּ 46:7; Inf. cstr. לִסְבֹּל Gn 49:15;—bear a load, וַיֵּט שִׁכְמוֹ לִסְבֹּל Gn 49:15 (poem in J; of Issachar under fig. of ass); of carrying an idol Is 46:7; of י׳ carrying Isr. v 4, 4; servant of י׳ carrying load of pain 53:4 and guilt v 11; Isr. bearing iniquities of fathers La 5:7.
    Pu. Pt. pl. מְסֻבָּלִים laden, ψ 144:14 (i.e. pregnant Ges Hi Ew Hup-Now Che al.; perhaps better fatted EpsteinZAW 1913, 226—7 𝔊 Aq Symm 𝔙 𝔙).
    Hithp. Impf. וְיִסְתַּבֵּל הֶחָגָב Ec 12:5 stuffs itself, grows fat 𝔊 𝔙 (v. חָגָב).
    BDB סָבַל.2


    [סֹ֫בֶל] n.m. Is 10:27 burden (always fig. of burden of tyranny);—only sf. סֻבֳּלוֹ, Is 10:27 (v. reff. on סֻבְּכוֹ, [סְבֹךְ]), עֹל ס׳ 9:3; 14:25 (in all conceived as burden resting on shoulders).BDB סֹ֫בֶל.2


    [סִבְלָה] n.f. burden;—pl. cstr. סִבְלֹת מִצְרַיִם Ex 6:6 (P), of the heavy labours imposed on Isr. by Egyptian, v 7; sf. סִבְלֹתֵיכֶם 5:4 (J), סִבְלֹתָם 1:11; 5:5 (both J), 2:11 (E); (cf. ψ 81:7, סֵבֶל).BDB סִבְלָה.2


    סִבֹּ֫לֶת n.f. prob. flowing stream, only Ju 12:6 dial. form of i. שִׁבֹּלֶת (> ear of wheat); cf. MarquardtZAW viii (1888), 151 ff. but also GFM Bu; v. I. שִׁבֹּלֶת.BDB סִבֹּ֫לֶת.2


    סִבְרַ֫יִם n.pr.loc. city between the border of Damascus and that of Hamath Ez 47:16; identif. by v. KasterenRev.Bibl. Internat. 1895, 23 ff. with Khirbet Sanbariye on the river Ḥâṣbâni, SW. of Hermon, cf. BuhlGeogr. 67, 238, but this appar. too far SW.; 𝔊 Σεβραμ, A Σεφραμ. A city Šabaraʾin is named in Bab. Chron i. 28 (SchrKB ii. 276); but location not given.BDB סִבְרַ֫יִם.2


    סַבְתָּה, סַבְתָּא n.pr.gent. 3rd ‘son’ of Cush according to Gn 10:7 (ה—ָ), = 1 Ch 1:9 (א—ָ); identif. with Σαββαθα [Periplus maris Erythr.27], Σαυβαθα Ptol vi. 7, 38, or Σαβατα [Straboxvi. 42], Sabota [PlinNH vi. § 155, xii. 63], old commercial city of S. Arabia, by Tuch Ku, but this = Sab. שבות (not ס׳) Levy-OsZMG xix (1865), 253; xx (1866), 273, cf. HalJAs 7, iv. 525; GlaserSkizze ii. 252 f. proposes Σαφθα (Ptol vi. 7, 30), near W. shore of Pers. Gulf; 𝔊 Σαβαθα, Σαβατα, Σεβαθα. All uncertain conjectures.BDB סַבְתָּה.2


    סַבְתְּכָא n.pr.gent. 5th ‘son’ of Cush according to Gn 10:7 = 1 Ch 1:9 (ה—ָ according to Baer; א—ָ, as Gn, van d. H. Ginsb); location quite unknown; 𝔊 Σαβακαθα, Σεβεκαθα.BDB סַבְתְּכָא.2


    [סָגַד] vb. prostrate oneself in worship (only Is 44, 46) (perhaps Aramaic loan-word in Heb., cf. NöZMG xli (1887), 719; Aramaic סְגֵד, ܣܓܶܕ, so Old Aramaic סגד, ܣܓܕܐ (Sachau) Lzb328; Ethiopic ሰገደ all id.; Arabic سَجَدَ be lowly, submissive, prostrate oneself in prayer, etc., مَسْجِدٌ mosque, Nab. מסגדא shrine(?) Lzb152.328, Syriac ܡܰܣܓܕܳܐ = Arabic; cf. WeSkizzen iii. 165; Heid. 141);—
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יִסְגּוֹד לוֹ Is 44:17 Kt he prostrateth himself to it (an idol; Qr יִסְגָּד־לוֹ + יִשְׁתַּחוּ, יִתְפַּלֵּל); וַיִּסְגָּד־לָ֑מוֹ v 15 (‖וַיִּשְׁתָּ֑חוּ); 1 s. לְבוּל עֵץ אֶסְגּוֹד v 19; 3 mpl. יסְגְּדוּ אַף־יִשְׁתַּחֲווּ 46:6 (abs.).—Cf. Biblical Aramaic סְגִד.
    BDB סָגַד.2


    סְגוֹר n.[m.] enclosure, encasement;—cstr. סְגוֹר לִבָּם Ho 13:8 the encasement of their heart (pericardium; i.e. their vitals).—סְגוֹר Jb 28:15 must = fine gold, si vera l., but v. סגר, Qal ad fin.; סְגֹר ψ 35:3 v. id., Qal 2 b.BDB סְגוֹר.2


    סִגִים, סִגִּים v. סִיג sub I. סוג.BDB סִגִים.2


    סגל (√ of foll.; cf. NH סְגוּלָּה as BH; סִגֵּל acquire property; Aramaic סְגוּלָא, ܣܓܽܘܠܴܐ, bunch of grapes, Assyrian sugullâte, herds; also Arabic سَجْلٌ [a full bucket, bucketful], share, portion).BDB סגל.2


    סְגֻלָּה n.f. possession, property (on format. v. BaNB § 95 bii. 1, 168);—abs. ס׳ Ex 19:5 + 5 times; cstr. סְגֻלַּת Ec 2:8; sf. סְגֻלָּתוֹ ψ 135:4;—
    1. valued property, peculiar treasure, which י׳ has chosen (בחר) and taken to himself; always of people of Israel, first Ex 19:5 (E; 𝔊 λαὸς περιούσιος = Tit 2:14; 1 Pet 2:9 λαὸς εἰς περιποίησιν = περιποίησις Eph 1:14 cf. BrMP 102; MA 52, 235); then עַם ס׳ Dt 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; later ס׳ alone, Mal 3:17 ψ 135:4.
    2. treasure (very late), of kings 1 Ch 29:3 (gold and silver), Ec 2:8.
    BDB סְגֻלָּה.2


    [סָגָן, סֶ֫גֶן] n.m. prefect, ruler (loan-word from Assyrian šaknu, prefect of conquered city or province (√ šakânu, set, appoint) DlHWB 659, cf. SchrCOT Is 41:25; appar. = NH סָגָן, סֶגֶן, Aramaic סִגְנָא a superior (not high) priest; Mand. אשגאנדא WBrandtMand. Schriften 169 a candidate for priesthood; cf. Jen in Brandtib.; hence perhaps Gk. ζωγάνης, cf. LewyFremdw. 129);—only pl. סְגָנִים Ez 23:6 + 14 times; sf. סְגָנֶיהָ Je 51:57 + v 58 (where read prob. סְגָנָיו 𝔊 Gie);—
    1. prefects of Assyr. and Bab. Ez 23:6, 12, 23 Je 51:23, 57 (all + פַּחוֹת), Is 41:25, of king of Medes Je 51:28 (+ פַּחוֹת).
    2. petty rulers, officials of Judah (only Ne Ezr in sources): disting. from חֹרִים nobles Ne 2:16; 4:8, 13; 5:7, 7:5; alone, 2:16; 12:40; 13:11; + יְהוּדִים 5:17 (v. also 2:16); + שָׂרִים Ezr 9:2. Cf. Biblical Aramaic סְגַן.
    BDB סָגָן.2


    II. סגר ( √ of foll.; cf. appar. Arabic سَجَرَ fill with water Lane 1308, سَاجِرٌ torrent that fills everything Id.ib.; Syriac ܣܰܓܪܳܐ imber vehemens, and Sam. אַסְגָּר cf. GeiNachgel. Schr. iv. 186).BDB סגר.2


    I. סָגַר vb. shut, close (NH id., Aramaic סְגַר, ܣܓܰܪ id.; Zinj. מסגרת prison Lzb328; Ph. סגר Pi. or Hiph. deliver over; poss. Ethiopic ሠገራት (prison) guard PräBAS i. 371);—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. ס׳ Gn 19:6 +, 3 pl. סָֽגְרוּ 2 Ch 29:7, סָֽגְר֑וּ ψ 17:10 (cf. Baer’s n., Ges§ 29 oii. 1, 535 Anm.), סָנָר֑וּ Gn 19:10 Jos 2:7; Impf. יִסְגֹּר Jb 12:14 Mal 1:10, 1 pl. cohort. נִסְגְּרָה Ne 6:10, etc.; Imv. ms. סְגֹר ψ 35:3 Is 26:20 (וּסֲגֹר Baer Ginsb), mpl. סִגְרוּ 2 K 6:32; Inf. cstr. לִסְגּוֹר Jos 2:5; Pt. act. סֹגֵר Is 22:22; f. סֹגֶּרֶת Jos 6:1 (but v. infr.); pass. סָגוּר 1 K 6:20 + 12 times;— 1. shut door (דֶּלֶת) Gn 19:10 (J) 2 K 6:32 Mal 1:10 Ne 6:10 2 Ch 28:24; 29:7; gate (שַׁעַר) Jos 2:7 (JE) Ez 46:12, cf. 44:1, 2(×2); 46:1, וַיְהִי הַשּׁ׳ לִסְגֹּר Jos 2:5 (JE), also (שַׁעַר om.) Jos 6:1 (si vera l.; סֹגֶרֶת dittogr. according to Buhl Lex 13); door after one (אַחֲרֵי), on leaving room Gn 19:6 (J); upon, behind, oneself, from within (בְּעַד q.v.) 2 K 4:4, 5, 33 Is 26:20 (fig.), also (דֶּלֶת om.) Ju 9:51 2 K 4:21; c. דֶּלֶת + בְּעַד upon one left inside Ju 3:23, and (דֶּלֶת om.) Gn 7:16 (J); fig. ס׳ דַּלְתֵי בִטְנִי Jb 3:10, cf. ס׳ רַחְמָהּ 1 S 1:5, ס׳ בְּעַד רַחְמָהּ v 6 abs. shut (opp. פָּתַח) Is 22:22(×2); metaph. חֶלְבָּמוֹ ס׳ ψ 17:10 their fat (i.e. gross, unreceptive heart) they have closed. 2. a. close in upon (בְּעַד) Ju 3:22 (fat upon blade of sword), so poss. also וַיִּסְגֹּר בָּשָׂר תַּחְתֶּנָּה Gn 2:21 (J) and flesh closed in, in place of it (usually and he closed flesh, i.e. closed the gap with flesh); ס׳ עֲלֵיהֶם הַמִּדְבָּר Ex 14:3 the wilderness hath closed in upon them; obj. om., יִסְגֹּר עַל־אִישׁ Jb 12:14 he closeth in upon a man, fig. of imprisonment. b. close up breach (פֶּרֶץ) [in wall] of city 1 K 11:27; poss. close up [path] (si vera l.) ψ 35:3 Vrss Ol De Bae; JDMich DeW Ew Hup-Now Che take סְגֹר here as weapon, usually 4 [Gk. σάγαρις] of Massagetae Herod. i. 215 cf. LagGes Abh. 203, also Egyptian sagartá (loan-word) Bondi 55; both improb., text prob. corrupt; SchwallyZAW xi (1891), 258 reads חֲגֹר > HalRev. Sém. iii (1894), 47 עוּרָה (cf. ψ 59:5). 3. Pt. pass., closed up = closely joined with tight seal, Jb 41:7 (of scales of crocodile). 4. elsewhere only Pt. pass. in זָהָב סָגוּר, only of temple adornment and utensils 1 K 6:20, 21; 7:49, 50; 10:21 = 2 Ch 9:20; 4:20, 22; perhaps read סָגוּר (abbrev. for ז׳ ס׳) Jb 28:15 (for MT סְגוֹר, so Hoffm Bu Du); cf. Assyrian ḫurâṣu sakru, sagiru, DlHWB 499.
    Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נִסְגַּר 1 S 23:7; Impf; 3 ms. יִסָּגֵר Ez 46:2; 3 fs. juss. תִּסָּגֵר Nu 12:14, וַתִּסָּגֵר v 15; 3 mpl. יִסָּנֵר֑וּ Is 45:1; 60:11, וַיִּסָּֽגְרוּ Ne 13:19; Imv. ms. הִסָּגֵר Ez 3:24;— 1. subj. pers. be shut up [in city] 1 S 23:7, מִחוּץ לַמַּחֲנֶה Nu 12:14, 15 (E); בְּתוֹךְ בַּיִת Ez 3:24. 2. be shut, closed, of city gates Ez 46:2 Is 45:1; 60:11 and (דלתות) Ne 13:19.
    Pi. Pf. 3 ms. סִגַּר 1 S 26:8 2 S 18:28; sf. סִגְּרַנִי 1 S 24:19; Impf. 3 ms. sf. יְסַגֶּרְךָ 1 S 17:46;—deliver up to (leave no other opening for one, shut one up to), cf. [מָגַן], מִגֵּן, p. 171 b supr.), only S: c. acc. pers. + בְּיַד 1 S 17:46; 24:19; 26:8; בְּיַד om. 2 S 18:28 (v. also Hiph.).
    Pu. Pf. 3 ms. סֻגַּר Is 24:10; 3 pl. סֻגְּרוּ Je 13:19, וְסֻגְּרוּ consec. Is 24:22; Pt. f. מְסֻגֶּ֫רֶת Jos 6:1;—be shut up: 1. of cities Je 13:19 (opp. פָּתַח), of beleaguered city Jos 6:1 (JE), of houses Is 24:10 (+ מִבּוֹא). 2. of prisoners עַל־מַסְגֵּר Is 24:22 = down into a dungeon. 3. of doors Ec. 12:4.
    Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הִסְגִּיר Lv 14:46 +; 2 ms. sf. הִסְגַּרְתַּ֫נִי ψ 31:9; 1 s. וְהִסְגַּרְתִּ֫י Am 6:8, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יַסְגִּיר Jb 11:10, וַיַּסְגֵּר ψ 78:48, 62; 2 ms. תַּסְגִּר Dt 23:16, juss. תַּסְגֵּר Ob 14, etc.; Inf. cstr. הַסְגִּיר Am 1:6, sf. הַסְגִּירוֹ 1 S 23:20, הַסְגִּירָם Am 1:9;— 1. deliver up to (cf. Pi., c. acc. obj. + בְּיַד 1 S 23:11, 12, 20; 30:15 Jos 20:5 (D) ψ 31:9 La 2:7; + לְ Am 1:9 ψ 78:50, 62, and (acc. pers. om.) Am 1:6; + אֶל־ Dt 23:16 Jb 16:11; c. acc. of animal + לְ ψ 78:48; c. acc. pers. alone Dt 32:30 Ob 14, acc. om. 1 S 23:12; c. acc. urb. alone Am 6:8. 2. shut up (late; chiefly Lv 13, 14, P): a. c. acc. pers. Lv 13:5, 11, 21, 26 cf. v 4, 31, 33, so (abs.) = imprison Jb 11:10; c. acc. rei Lv 13:54 cf. v 50. b. c. acc. הַבַּיִת Lv 14:38 and (indef. subj. v 46.
    BDB סָגַר.2


    סַגְרִיר n.[m.] steady, persistent rain (on format. cf. BaNB 215);—abs. יוֹם ס׳ Pr 27:15 a day of steady rain, rainy day.BDB סַגְרִיר.2


    סַד n.[m.] stocks, for confining feet of culprits (prob. loan-word from Aramaic סַדָּנָא סַדָּא, ܣܰܕܳܐ; NH סַד, pl. סַדִּין); = Lat. nervus, Gk. ποδοκάκη;—abs. שִׂים בַּסּ׳רַגְלַיִם Jb 13:27 (𝔊 κώλυμα), 33:11 (𝔊 ξύλον); (cf. syn. מַהְפֶּכֶת, and Gk. equiv. there cited).BDB סַד.2


    סָדִין n.[m.] linen wrapper (perhaps foreign word; cf. Assyrian sudinnu DlHWB 490, a garment; NH סָדִין, 𝔗 סְדִינָא, Syriac ܣܕܝܢ, ܣܕܝܢܐ (rare) Mk 15:46; > cf. Arabic سِدْنٌ, سَدِينٌ 2 (v. Lane 1335), or ܣܶܕܽܘܢܳܐ, Gk. [and 𝔊] σινδών, cf. Frä 48 LewyFremdw. 85);—abs. ס׳ Pr 31:24; pl. סְדִינִים Ju 14:12, 13 Is 3:23;—wrapper or rectangular piece of fine linen, worn as outer, or (at night) as sole garment (cf. GFM Ju 14:12), + חֲלִפֹת בְּגָדִים Ju 14:12, 13, in list of women’s finery Is 3:23, made and sold by the capable woman Pr 31:24.BDB סָדִין.2


    סְדֹם39 n.pr.loc. Sodom, important Canaanitish city named (usually) with Gomorrha (עֲמֹרָה, q.v.);—𝔊 Σόδομα (inflected Σοδόμων, Σοδόμοις):—ס׳ (on format. cf. LagBN 54), Gn 13:10, 12, 13 + 7 times Gn 18, 19, + סְדֹ֫מָה (ה loc.) Gn 10:19; 18:22; 19:1 (all J), + 8 times Gn 14; from 8th cent. onwards, used as illustrating י׳’s judgments, Am 4:11 Is 1:9; 13:19 Dt 29:22 Je 49:18; 50:40 Zp 2:9 La 4:6; as proverbial for open sin Is 3:9 Je 23:14, so metaph. קְצִינֵי ס׳ Is 1:10 (i.e. rulers as corrupt as in Sodom), גֶּפֶן ס׳ Dt 32:32 (i.e. wickedness like Sodom’s); Judah cp. with ס׳ to her disadvantage Ez 16:46, 48, 49, 53, 55, 56. Site prob. at S. end of Dead Sea, where are now Jebel Usdum (SW.), and Zoar SE. cf. Di Gn 19:20 ff. RobBR ii. 187 ff. GASmGeogr. 505 ff. BlankenhornZPV xix (1896), 53 ff. BdPal. 3, 146 BuhlGeogr. 117, 271, 274. Vid. also שִׂדִּים.BDB סְדֹם.2


    סדר ( √ of foll.; cf. Assyrian sadâru, arrange in order, sidru, sidirtu, 2 NH סָדַר arrange, order, Aramaic סְדַר, ܣܕܰܪ all c. deriv.).BDB סדר.2


    [סֵ֫דֶר] n.[m.] arrangement, order (on vocaliz. cf. Assyrian sidru, sidirtu, and BaNB § 77 c.);—only pl. לֹא סְדָרִים Jb 10:22 = disorder, confusion, of the dark underworld.BDB סֵ֫דֶר.2


    סהר ( √ of foll. = be round?; cf. NH סַ֫הַר a round place; Assyrian sîru, enclosing wall; also Ph. סהרו n.pr.loc.).BDB סהר.2


    סַ֫הַר n.[m.] roundness;—אַגַּן הַסּ׳ Ct 7:3 a bowl of roundness = a round bowl (in sim.).BDB סַ֫הַר.2


    סֹ֫הַר n.[m.] roundness (?);—only in בֵּית הַסּ׳ Gn 39:20(×2), 21, 22, 23 (all J), 40:3, 5 (RJ), the round house (name of a prison: but ס׳ perhaps an Egyptian word Hebraized, cf. Dr in HastingsDB ii. 768 n. and EbÄgM 318f.).BDB סֹ֫הַר.2


    סוֹא n.pr.m. (𝔊 Σηγωρ, A Σωα, 𝔊L Αδραμελεχ τὸν Αἰθίοπα τὸν κατοικοῦντα ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ (!); JosAnt. ix, 14, 1 Σωαν; 𝔙 Sua; all acc.), called מֶלֶךְ מִצְרַיִם 2 K 17:4, with whom Hoshea had intrigue; poss. = Šab-ʾ-ê, or Sib-ʾ-ê mentioned by Sargon (KB ii. 54, 1. 25, 26 COTad loc.) as a ruler (appar.) under Pirʾu of Muṣuri; hence SchrCOT l.c. proposes to read סֶוֶא, and, further identif. Šab-ʾ-ê = סֶוֶא with Šabaku, founder of 25th (Ethiop.) dynasty, cf. WiedÄg. Gesch. 583 f.; very uncertain is Wkl’s conj. of סוא = Sib-ʾ-ê as gneral of kg. Pirʾu of Muṣri in N Arabic (WklMVG 1898, 3 ff.).BDB סוֹא.2


    סוג Ez 22:18 v. following.BDB סוג.2


    I. [סוּג, seldom שׂוּג] vb. move away, backslide (שׂ׳ erron.; Arabic ((سوج), سَاجَ), go and come Lane 1459, سَوْجَانٌ abitus et adventus Frey (Kam.));—
    Qal Pf. 3 ms. סָג ψ 53:4; Impf. 1 pl. נָסוֹג ψ 80:19; Pt. act. cstr. סוּג Pr 14:14 (BaNB § 124 c Ges§ § 50 f, 72 p);—backslide, prove recreant to י׳, c. מִן ψ 80:19; so abs. 53:4; סוּג לֵב Pr 14:14 a backslider in heart.
    Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נָסוֹג ψ 44:19, נָשׂוֹג 2 S 1:22 (שׂ for ס); 1 s. נְסוּגֹתִי Is 50:5; 3 pl. נָסֹ֫גוּ Is 42:17 Je 38:22; Impf. 3 ms. יִסַּג Mi 2:6 (Ges§ 72 dd, but v. infr.); 3 mpl. יִסֹּ֫גוּ ψ 35:4 + 3 times, וַיִּסֹּ֫גוּ ψ 78:57; Inf. abs. נָסוֹג Is 59:13; Pt. pl. נְסוֹגִים Zp 1:6 Je 46:5;— 1. refl. turn oneself away, turn back: a. lit. of Jonathan’s bow 2 S 1:22, c. מִן (v HPS). b. fig. = prove faithless (as Qal): (1) of human friends, נס׳ אָחוֹר Je 38:22 (abs.); usually (2) נס׳ מֵאַחֲרֵי י׳ Zp 1:6 cf. Is 59:13; so abs. ψ 78:57 (+ בָּגַד), c. אָחוֹר Is 50:5 (‖ מָרִיתִי), ψ 44:19 (‖ נָטָה מִן).—לֹא יִסַּג כְּלִמּוֹת Mi 2:6 could mean reproaches do not depart, i.e. cease (Hi-St Che GASm Now RV); Now proposes also (emending foll. v.) shall not disgrace depart from Jacob’s house? BuhlLex 13 conj., plausibly, יַשִּׂיג (√ נשׂג) disgrace shall not overtake us. 2. be turned or driven back, be repulsed, of י׳’s foes: + אָחוֹר Je 46:5; Is 42:17 ψ 35:4; 40:15 = 70:3, 129:5.
    Hiph. 1. usually of displacing, moving back a boundary mark (גְּבוּל), Impf. 2 ms. תַּסִּיג Dt 19:14, juss. תַּסֵּג Pr 22:28; 23:10; 3 mpl. יַשִּׂיגוּ Jb 24:2 (שׂ for ס); Pt. מַסִּיג ג׳ Dt 27:17, מַסִּיגֵי ג׳ Ho 5:10. 2. remove, carry away, valuables, to rescue them, juss., 2 ms. תַּסֵּג Mi 6:14 si vera l. (on synt. v. Dr§ § 152, 1. 2; 155 Obs.).
    Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. וְהֻסַּג אָחוֹר מִשְׁפָּט Is 59:14 and justice is driven back (‖ צְדָקָה מֵרָחוֹק תַּעֲמֹד).
    BDB סוּג.2


    † II. [סוּג, שׂוּג] vb. fence about (Aramaic word; ܣܘܓ, ܣܳܓ sepsit, circumsepsit, clausit, ܣܝܳܓܳܐ sepes, cf. 𝔗 סיג Pa. fence about, סְיָיגָא fence; NH סוג fence about; Arabic سَيَاجٌ enclosure made with thorns, etc., around grape-vines, etc. Lane1460, سوّج ii. make a سِيَاجٌ );—only
    Qal Pt. pass. f. בִּטְנֵךְ עֲרֵמַת חִטִּים סוּגָה בַּשּׁוֹשַׁנִּים Ct 7:3 thy body a heap of wheat fenced about with lilies (cf. especially De Bu).
    Pilp. intens. Impf. 2 fs. תְּשַׂגְֿשֵׂ֑גִי Is 17:11 thou dost fence it carefully about (> make it grow, as if שׂוג = שׂגה, AE Ki Brd Du).
    BDB סוּג².2


    סוּגַר n.[m.] cage, prison (poss. loan-word from Assyrian šigaru, cage (BaNB 22); NH סוּגָר 6 or chain = Syriac ܣܽܘܓܳܪܳܐ (clog of) 6 whence Arabic سَاجُورٌ 6 (as loan-word), Frä 114 PräBAS i. 372);—וַיִּתְּגֻהוּ בַסּוּגַר Ez 19:9 and they put him into a cage.BDB סוּגַר.2


    סוד ( √ of foll.; perhaps kindred with יסד (cf. יסד Niph.), v. Köii. 1, 49; Ecclus 42:12 Hithp.הִסְתַּוֵּיד (margin הסתיד) converse, is perhaps denom.; Syriac ܣܘܳܕܳܐ, ܣܽܘܘܳܕ friendly, confidential speech, ὁμιλία, ܐܶܣܬܰܘܰܕ = ὁμιλεῖν; Sab. מסוד place of speaker, oracle, HomZMG xlvi (1892), 529, who finds connexion with سَيِّدٌ lord, chief (and سَادَ be lord), properly speaker; NH = BH).BDB סוד.2


    סוֹד n.[m.] council, counsel;—ס׳ abs. Pr 11:13 +; cstr. Je 6:11 +; sf. סוֹדִי Je 23:22 Jb 19:19; סוֹדוֹ Am 3:7 Pr 3:32; סֹדָם Gn 49:6;—
    1. council, in familiar conversation;— a. divan or circle of familiar friends, ס׳ בַּחוּרִים Je 6:11, ס׳ משׂחקים 15:17; מְתֵי סוֹדִי Jb 19:19 men of my intimate circle; (י׳) עמד בסוד Je 23:18, 22 in the intimate circle of י׳; בסוד אלוה Jb 15:8; in bad sense, ס׳ מְרֵעִים ψ 64:3. b. assembly, company, ס׳ יְשָׁרִים ψ 111:1 (‖ עֵדָה); סוֹד עמי Ez 13:9; ס׳ קדשׁים ψ 89:8 (of angels); in bad sense, בסוד בא Gn 49:6 (‖ קהל).
    2. counsel, taken by those in familiar conversation: a. counsel itself, מחשׁבות באין סוד Pr 15:22 thoughts without counsel; of intimate friendship, ψ 55:15 נַמְתִּיק סוֹד; in bad sense, of crafty plotting 83:4 יַעֲרִימוּ סוֹד. b. secret counsel, which may be revealed (גלה), Am 3:7 Pr 11:13; 20:19; 25:9. c. familiar converse with God, intimacy, ס׳ י׳ ליראיו ψ 25:14 intimacy with י׳ have those who fear him (‖ ברית), את־ישׁרים סודוֹ Pr 3:32 with the upright is his intimacy; here also Jb 29:4 (si vera l.) Di De al.; Siegf Du cf. Buhl Lex בְּסֹךְ when Eloah sheltered my tent.
    BDB סוֹד.2


    סוֹדִי n.pr.m. a Zebulunite Nu 13:10 ( = סוֹדִיָּה intimacy of Yah);—𝔊 Σουδ(ε)ι.—Vid. also בְּסוֹדְיָה p. 126 supr.BDB סוֹדִי.2


    סוה ( √ of foll.; cf. Ph. סוית curtain, veil? Bloch 46 Lzb 328).BDB סוה.2


    סוח ( √ of following; = סחה q.v.).BDB סוח.2


    סוּחַ n.pr.m. an Asherite 1 Ch 7:36; 𝔊 Χουχι, A 𝔊L Σουε.BDB סוּחַ.2


    סוּחָה n.f. offal;—abs. in sim. נִבְלָתָם כַּסּוּחָה בְּקֶרֶב חוּצוֹת Is 5:25.BDB סוּחָה.2


    סוֹטַי, סֹטַי n.pr.m.; בְּנֵי־סֹטַי among returned captives Ezr 2:55 = בְּנֵי סוֹטַי Ne 7:57; 𝔊 Σατει, Σουτει, 𝔊L Σωται.BDB סוֹטַי.2


    † I. [סוּךְ, סִיךְ] vb. pour in anointing, anoint (NH Aramaic סוּךְ anoint);—
    Qal Pf. 2 fs. וָסַכְתְּ consec. Ru 3:3; 1 s. סָ֑כְתִּי Dn 10:3; Impf. 2 ms. תָּסוּךְ Dt 28:40 Mi 6:15; 2 fs. תָּסוּכִי 2 S 14:2; 1 s. sf. וָאֲסֻכֵֿךְ Ez 16:9; 3 mpl. sf. וַיְסֻכוּם 2 Ch 28:15; also (prob.) 3 ms. וַיָּ֫סֶךְ 2 S 12:20 (Ges§ 73 f.); Inf. abs. סוֹךְ Dn 10:3; appar. Impf. pass. is יִיסָ֔ךְ read יוסך Sam. (Köi.436) Ex 30:32 (and not Hoph., cf. Gesl.c.);—anoint, in the toilet, often after washing; usually 1. refl. anoint oneself, 2 S 12:20; Ru 3:3, סוֹךְ לֹא־סָ֑כְתִּי Dn 10:3; + שֶׁמֶן as acc. mat. 2 S 14:2 Mi 6:15; Dt 28:40. 2. act., anoint another Ez 16:9 (בַּשֶּׁמֶן), 2 Ch 28:15. 3. pass., be poured, Ex 30:32 (P; subj. the sacred oil).
    BDB סוּךְ.2


    † II. [סוּךְ, סִיךְ] vb. hedge, or fence about, shut in (‖ form of שׂוּךְ; prob. not connected with Arabic شَوْكٌ, Ethiopic ሦክ thorns; poss. cf. Syriac ܣܳܟ finish, Pa. ܣܰܝܶܟ finish, conclude, comprehend, and Arabic سَكَّ close, close up, stop, stop up, lock up, Lane 1386);—
    Qal (al. Hiph., but cf. שׂוּךְ) Impf. 3 ms. וַיָּ֫סֶךְ אֱלוֹהַּ בַּעֲדוֹ Jb 3:23, c. acc. + בְּ instr. וַיָּ֫סֶךְ בִּדְלָתַיִם יָ֑ם 38:8 and (who) shut in the sea with doors? (Bi Bu וּמִי סָךְ, Me מִי סָךְ).
    BDB סוּךְ².2


    סְוֵנִים adj.gent.pl. Syenites, so (or סְוָנִים) read prob. for סִינִים (q.v.) Is 49:12.BDB סְוֵנִים.2


    † I. סוּס n.[m.] swallow or swift (cypselus, TristrFFP 82 ff.) (𝔗 סוּסְיָא Is 38:14);—as twittering Is 38:14 (in sim.); 𝔊 χελιδών, 𝔙 pullus hirundinis; so Je 8:7 Kt (Qr סִיס wrongly; perhaps to distinguish from foll., so Gie), 𝔊 id., 𝔙 hirundo.BDB סוּס.2


    II. סוּס138 n.m. Ex 15:1 horse (NH סוּס, סוּסָה, Aramaic סוּסְיָא, ܣܽܘܣܝܳܐ, Mand. סוסיא, Sin. id., Lzb 328; Assyrian sisû (sîsû?) DlHWB 506; Tel Am. su-u[su] WklTA. 191, 24; prob. foreign word cf. NöM 147 Erman Ägypten 649; Eng. tr. 490);—ס׳ abs. 1 K 20:20 +; cstr. Ex 15:19 +; pl. סוּסִים Gn 47:17 +, סֻסִים 2 S 15:1; cstr. סוּסֵי 2 K 2:11; sf. סוּסַי 1 K 22:4; 2 K 3:7, סוּסֶיךָ Mi 5:9 + 4 times, סוּסָיו Is 5:28 +, סוּסֵיכֶם Am 4:10, סוּסֵיהֶם Jos 11:6 +;—horse:
    1. non-Isr.; chariot-horses of Canaanites Ju 5:22 (cf. v 28 4:3, 13; עִקְבֵי ס׳; ס׳ coll., as often), Jos 11:4, 6, 9 (JE); horses as property of Egyptians Gn 47:17; Ex 9:3 (both J), cf. Zc 14:15; merchandise of Tyre Ez 27:14; chariot-horses of Egypt [cf. Hom Il. ix. 384], Ex 14:9, 23 (P), 15:1, 21 (poem), v 19 (P; on all v. Di), Dt 11:4; Is 31:1, 3; Je 46:4, 9; Ez 17:15; of Aram 1 K 20:1 + 11 times K (1 K 20:20 ridden, for flight), Assyr. Is 5:28 + 3 times, Chaldeans Je 4:13 + 6 times; other nations Na 3:2; Je 50:42 + 5 times; as ridden 1 K 20:20 (v. supr.), Je 8:23; Ez 38:4, 15 + 13 times (late).
    2. in Isr.; chariot-horses of Absalom 2 S 15:1, especially of Sol., and later, 1 K 5:6, 8; 10:25, 28, 29, and ‖ Chr; 18:5 and (as war-equipment) 22:4 2 K 3:7; 9:33; 10:2 Pr 21:31; סוּסֵי אֵשׁ 2 K 2:11 (Elijah), cf. 6:17; consecr. to sun 2 K 23:11 (cf. RSSem. 275; 2nd ed. 293); sign of luxury and apostasy Am 4:10; Ho 1:7; 1:4 Is 2:7 Mi 5:9 Zc 9:10, cf. Dt 17:6, 16, but v. Zc 14:20; in vision Zc 6:2(×2), 3(×2), 6; ridden 2 K 9:18, 19; 18:23 = Is 36:8, Am 2:15 + 4 times Is Je; in vision Zc 1:8(×2); שַׁעַר הַסּ׳ Je 31:40; Ne 3:28, cf. 2 K 11:16 = 2 Ch 23:15; property of returned exiles Ezr 2:66 = Ne 7:68 van d. H. (om. Mass. Baer Ginsb q.v.); description of horse Jb 39:19; in various sim. and fig. Am 6:12; Je 5:8; 8:6; 12:5; Ez 23:20; Is 63:13; Jo 2:4; Pr 27:3 ψ 32:9; 147:10.
    3. chariot-horses of י׳ Hb 3:15 (fig. of clouds), cf. Zc 10:3.—Cf. also חֲצַר סוּסִים, and פָּרָשׁ, רֶכֶשׁ.
    BDB סוּס².2


    [סוּסָה] n.f. mare;—c. sf. סֻסָתִי Ct 1:9.—Cf. also חֲצַר סוּסָה.BDB סוּסָה.2


    סוּסִי n.pr.m. (GrayProp. N. 92);—a Manassite Nu 13:11; 𝔊 Σουσ(ε)ι;—but text dub. NesEg. 209 Diad loc. (cf. Grayl.c.).BDB סוּסִי.2


    סוֹף n.m. Ec 7:2 end, late synon. of קֵץ;—ס׳ abs. Ec 3:11, cstr. 2 Ch 20:16 + 2 times; sf. סֹפוֹ Jo 2:26;—end of wady 2 Ch 20:16, of invading swarm Jo 2:20; of God’s work מֵרֹאשׁ וְעַד־סוֹף Ec 3:11; death as end of all men 7:2; = conclusion, sum of instruction 12:13. Cf. Biblical Aramaic.BDB סוֹף.2


    [סוּף] vb. come to an end, cease (𝔗 סוּף, Syriac (ܣܘܦ) ܣܳܦ, cease, stop (often), 𝔗 סוֹפָא, Syriac ܣܽܘܦܳܐ, NH סוֹף end);—
    Qal Pf. 3 pl. סָ֫פוּ ψ 73:19, וְסָפ֫וּ consec. Am 3:15; Impf. 3 ms. יָסוּף Est 9:28; 3 mpl. יָסֻ֫פוּ Is 66:17;—come to an end Am 3:15 Is 66:17 ψ 73:19 (+ תַּמּוּ), וְזִכְרָם לֹא־יָסוּף מִזַּרְעָם Est 9:28.
    Hiph. make an end of, only (if text correct) Impf. 1 s. (+ Inf. abs. אָסֹף, chosen for assonance, v. אסף), cohort. = juss. in form, אָסֹף אָסֵף Zp 1:2, אָסֵף v 3, 3, אָסֹף אֲסִיפֵם Je 8:13 (on these forms v. Gf Bö§ 988, 1i. 445, 446); but read perhaps, for אָסֵף, אֶאֱסֹף, We Buhl Lex 13, or אֹסֵף, Ges§§ 72 aa, 113 w n. 3 Now Zp 1:2, and in Je אָסֹף אֹסְפֵם Gesl.c. (against Gie v. Hi).
    BDB סוּף.2


    † I. סוּף n.m. Jon 2:6 reeds, rushes (coll.) (prob. loan-word from Egyptian ṭwfi, reeds, SteindorffBASi. 603 ErmanZMG xivi (1892), 122; Semitic according to WMMAs. u. Eur. 101);—
    1. rushes, in Nile Ex 2:3, 5 (E); קָנֶהוָסוּף Is 19:6 (of Egypt); Jon 2:6.
    2. usually in combin. יַם־סוּף prob. = sea of rushes or reeds (> sea of (city) Suph), which Gk. incl. in wider name θάλασσα ἐρυθρά, Red Sea (cf. Di Ex 13:18 and especially WMMAs. u. Eur. 42 f., who expl. as name orig. given to upper end of Gulf of Suez, extending into Bitter Lakes, shallow and marshy, whence reeds (prob. also reddish colour));—name applied only to arms of Red Sea; most often a. to Gulf of Suez Ex 10:19 Jos 2:10 (both J), Ex 13:18; 15:4, 22; 23:31 (all E), Dt 11:4 Jos 4:23; 24:6 (D), Nu 33:10, 11 (P), elsewhere late Ne 9:9 ψ 106:7, 9, 22; 136:13, 15. b. sometimes to Gulf of Akaba 1 K 9:26, and דֶּרֶךְ יַם־סוּף Nu 21:4 (E), prob. also 14:25 (E), Dt 1:40; 2:1; perhaps Ju 11:16 Je 49:21; poss. read מִיַּם־סוּף for מוֹל ס׳ Dt 1:1 (v. infr.).
    BDB סוּף².2


    † II. סוּף n.pr.loc. (si vera l.) named in defining loc. of Deut. law-giving Dt 1:1 (מוֹל סוּף, where מוֹל by dissimil. for מוּל); but read perhaps מִיַּם סוּף (𝔊 πλησίον τῆς ἐρυθρᾶς, 𝔊L + θαλάσσης, 𝔙 contra mare rubrum), v. i. סוּף. v. CheEB Red Sea.BDB סוּף³.2


    † I. סוּפָה n.f. storm-wind (that makes an end?);—abs. ס׳ Is 5:28 +; סוּפָ֫תָה Ho 8:7 (Ges§ 90 f.); sf. סוּפָֽתְךָ ψ 83:16; pl. סוּפוֹת Is 21:1;—storm-wind, כְּסַעַר בְּיוֹם ס׳ Am 1:14, Na 1:3 (‖ שְׂעָרָה), Is 17:13 (‖ רוּחַ), Jb 37:9 Is 21:1, as driving chaff Jb 21:18 (vb. גָּנַב; in sim.), sim. of rushing chariots Is 5:28; 66:15 Je 4:13, of ruin Pr 1:27 cf. 10:25; symbol. of י׳’s judgments, רוּחַ יִזְרָ֖עוּ וְס׳ יִקְצֹ֑רוּ Ho 8:7, ψ 83:16 (‖ סַעַר), Jb 27:20 (vb. גָּנַב), Is 29:6 (+ סְעָרָה).BDB סוּפָה.2


    † II. סוּפָה n.pr.loc. E. of Jordan;—only in phr. וָהֵב בְּס׳ in ancient poet. fragment Nu 21:14; TristrMoab 50 cp. Ṣāfieh (صافيه), SE. oasis of Dead Sea, but ס = ص is most improb.BDB סוּפָה².2


    סוּר and (Ho 9:12) [שׂוּר]300 vb. turn aside (NH Hiph. cause to turn aside, or apostatize; TelAm. sûru, n. rebel WklGloss.);—
    Qal161 Pf. 3 ms. סָר Ex 3:4 +; 3 fs. סָ֫רָה 1 S 16:14 +; 1 s. סָ֑רְתִּי ψ 119:102; 3 pl. סָרוּ Dt 9:12 +; 2 mpl. סַרְתֶּם v 16 +, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יָסוּר Gn 49:10 +, וַיָּ֫סַר Ju 4:18 +; 3 fs. תָּסוּר 1 S 6:3 +; 1 s. cohort. אָסֻ֫רָה Ex 3:3; 3 mpl. יָסֻ֫רוּ Ex 25:15 +, etc.; Imv. ms. סוּר 2 S 2:22 +, etc.; Inf. abs. סוֹר Dn 9:5, סֹר v 11; cstr. סוּר Is 7:17 +; sf. שׂוּרִי Ho 9:12 (Ges§ 6 k Now); Pt. סָר Jb 1:1 +; f. cstr. סָרַת Pr 11:22; mpl. cstr. סָרֵי Je 6:28 (or from סרר, or שָׂר); pass. f. סוּרָה Is 49:21, c. intrans. meaning (Ges§ 50 fii. 1, 137), pl. sf. סוּרַי Je 17:13 Qr; and cstr. סוּרֵי 2:21;— 1. turn aside, out of one’s course 1 S 6:12 Dt 2:27, from following, מֵאַחֲרֵי pers. 2 S 2:21, 22, abs. v 23, from attacking, מֵעַל 2 Ch 20:10; turn in unto (for shelter, refuge, etc.), c. אֶל־, Gn 19:2, 3 (J) Ju 4:18(×3); 19:11, 12 2 K 4:11, c. לְ Ju 20:8, c. שָׁם 18:3; 19:15, שָׁ֫מָה 18:15 2 K 4:8 (+ inf.), v 10; c. הֵ֫נָּה Pr 9:4, 16 (in fig.); for purpose implied Ex 3:3 (J) Ru 4:1(×2), or expr. by inf. Ex 3:4 (J) Ju 14:8 Je 15:5 (in fig.); especially fig. turn aside from right path, from י׳, his commands, etc., usually c. מִן Ex 32:8 (J) Ju 2:17 Dt 9:12 + 7 times D, Pr 13:14 + 5 times Pr, + 10 times elsewhere, + 2 Ch 8:15 (ins. מִן); c. מֵאַחֲרֵי 1 S 12:20 + 4 times; c. מֵעַל Je 32:40 Ez 6:9; מִן + יָמִין etc. Dt 5:29; 17:11 2 K 22:2 = 2 Ch 34:2; abs. (sometimes = revolt) ψ 14:3 Je 5:23 Dt 11:16; 17:17 (subj. לֵבָב), וְסוּרַי Je 17:13 Qr (> יסורי Kt) read prob. וְסוּרֶיךָ those revolting from thee (Ew Gie); סוּרֵי הַגֶּפֶן נָכְרִיָּה Je 2:21 degenerate (shoots) of the foreign vine (fig.); סָרַת טַעַם Pr 11:22 a woman turning aside as to discretion, shewing lack of it; also from wrong path, sins (of Jerob.), etc., c. מִן 2 K 3:3; 14:24 + 7 times 2 K; c. מֵעַל 2 K 10:31; 15:18; c. מֵאַחֲרֵי 2 K 10:29; †סָר מֵרָע (pt.) Jb 1:1, 8; 2:3 also Is 59:15; סוּר מֵרָע (inf. and imv.) Jb 28:28 Pr 3:7; 13:19; 16:6, 17 ψ 34:15; 37:27. 2. depart, usually c. מִן, of frogs Ex 8:7, flies v 25 (both J), sword 2 S 12:10; sceptre from Judah Gn 49:10 (poem in J): י׳’s hand 1 S 6:3, his kindness 2 S 7:15 (MT, but read אָסִיר 𝔊 𝔖 𝔙 ‖ 1 Ch 17:13 Th We Dr Klo Bu Kit HPS), his wrath Ez 16:42 (but del. Co Siegf Toy), depart from way = get out of the way, cease to obstruct Is 30:11, etc.; c. מִתּוֹךְ 1 S 15:6(×2); c. מֵעַל Is 7:17 Ju 16:19 Nu 12:10, etc.; of י׳ departing, מִן pers., Ho 9:12, מֵעַל Ju 16:20 1 S 28:16, מֵעִם 1 S 18:12; God, c. מִן Jb 21:14; 22:17, c. מֵעַל 1 S 28:15; רוּחַ י׳, c. מֵעִם 1 S 16:14; evil spirit, c. מֵעַל v 23; abs. depart [from Babyl.] Is 52:11(×2); = avoid contact La 4:15(×3); of wicked Jb 15:30 he shall not depart out of (מִנִּי) darkness, i.e. shall not avoid it, escape it; pt. pass. made to depart, thrust away, of Isr. under fig. of wife Is 49:21 (> act., according to BaNB § 124 c.). 3. of lifeless things = be removed, oppressor’s yoke, c. מֵעַל Is 14:25 cf. v 25 10:27; staves from (מִן) ark Ex 25:15; abs. iniquity Is 6:7; especially of בָּמוֹת 1 K 15:14; 22:44 2 K 12:4; 14:4; 15:4, 35 2 Ch 15:17; 20:33. 4. = come to an end, Am 6:7 Is 11:13.—For סָר אֶל־ 1 S 22:14 read שַׂר עַל־ 𝔊 Th Dr Klo Bu Kit Löhr HPS; in 15:32 Th HPS del. סָר (after 𝔊 𝔙 𝔖) as dittogr.; סָר סָבְאָם Ho 4:18 v. סֹבֶא; Ho 7:14 read יָסוֹ֫רוּ for יָס֫וּרוּ (√ סרר q.v.); Je 6:28, it is uncertain whether (סוֹרְרִים) סָרֵי belongs here, revolters among the rebellious, or sub סרר, or even = שָׂרֵי princes, chiefs (cf. 1 S 22:14).
    Poʿlel Pf. 3 ms. דְּרָכַי סוֹרֵר La 3:11 he turned aside my ways (my steps).
    Hiph.133 Pf. 3 ms. הֵסִיר 2 K 18:4 +; 2 ms. וַהֲסִרֹ֫תָ consec. (Dr§ 110 (5) Obs.) 1 K 2:31; 1 s. הֲסִירֹ֫תִי 2 K 23:27 +, וַהֲסִרֹתִ֫י 1 S 17:46 +; 3 pl. הֵסִ֫ירוּ 2 Ch 30:14, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יָסִיר Is 3:18 +, juss. יָסֵר Ex 8:4 +, וַיָּ֫סַר Gn 8:13 +; sf. וַיְסִרֵהוּ 1 S 18:13, וַיְסִרֶהָ 1 K 15:13, יְסִירֶנָּה Lv 3:4 +; 3 mpl. יָסִ֫ירוּ Is 5:23 +, etc.; Imv. ms. הָסֵר 1 K 20:24 +, הָסִיר Ez 21:31 (read הָסֵיר, הָסֵר); fs. הָסִ֫ירִי 1 S 1:14, etc.; Inf. abs. הָסֵר Gn 30:32 +; cstr. הָסִיר 2 K 6:32 +, etc.; Pt. מֵסִיר Is 3:1 + 3 times;— 1. cause to (turn aside,) depart, common word for remove, take away: c. מִן, Ex 8:4, 27; 33:23 (all J), 23:25 (E) Dt 7:15 1 S 28:3 Jos 7:13 (J) Ju 10:16 Is 3:1 ψ 18:23 (+ ‖ 2 S 22:23, read אָסִיר מִמֶּנִּי De Hup-Now HPS); shoulder from burden ψ 81:7; מֵסִיר אָזְנוֹ מִשְּׁמֹעַ Pr 28:9; + often, + Jb 33:17 (ins. מִן 𝔊 Ew Di De Hi Bu al.); c. מֵעַל, take off ring Gn 41:42 (E) Est 3:10, also 8:2 (abs.); garments Gn 38:14, 19 (J) Dt 21:13 Zc 3:4 1 S 17:39 (armour), also Ex 34:34 (P; abs.) and Ez 26:16 (Co ins. מֵעַל); take off head, מֵעַל 1 S 17:46, abs. 2 S 4:7; 16:9 2 K 6:32; c. מֵעַל also often fig. (from upon = from resting on, or burdening), plagues Ex 8:4; 10:17 (J), cf. Nu 21:7 (E), also 1 S 1:14 Am 5:23 1 K 2:31; reproach 1 S 17:26 Is 25:8; c. מֵעִם = from one’s presence 1 S 18:13, also of י׳ removing his kindness 1 Ch 16:13 + ‖ 2 S 7:15 (v. Qal 2); c. מֵעַל פָּנָיו, of י׳ removing Isr. 2 K 17:18, 23; 23:27; 24:3 Je 32:31; abs. 2 K 23:27; often abs., Gn 8:13 Noah removed the covering; remove = depose c. מִן 1 K 15:13 = 2 Ch 15:16 (v. מִן 7 b (b)), abs. 2 Ch 36:3, cf. Ju 9:29 Jb 34:20; remove בָּמוֹת, etc., 2 K 18:4, v 22 = Is 36:7 = 2 Ch 32:12, 2 K 23:19 2 Ch 30:14; 14:2, cf. 14:4; 17:5 (both c. מִן); = put away strange gods, etc., Gn 35:2 Jos 24:14, 23 (all E), 1 S 7:4, c. מִתּוֹךְ v 3 Is 58:9; once c. לְ, מֵסִיר שָׂפָה לְנֶאֱמָנִים Jb 12:20. 2. rarer uses are: put aside = leave undone Jos 11:15 (D); retract words Is 31:2 (of י׳); reject prayer ψ 66:20; abolish sacrifice Dn 11:31; turn one away מֵאַחֲרֵי, i.e. from following Dt 7:4; c. אֶל־ pers., remove the ark unto 2 S 6:10 = 1 Ch 13:13.
    Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. הוּסַר Lv 4:31 Dn 12:11; Impf. 3 ms. יוּסַר Lv 4:35; Pt. מוּסָר Is 17:1; pl. מוּסָרִים 1 S 21:7 (but final ם prob. dittogr. before מ We Dr Klo Kit HPS);—be taken away, removed: c. מִן Lv 4:35, מֵעַל v 31, מִלִּפְנֵי י׳ 1 S 21:7; מוּסָר מֵעִיר Is 17:1 Damascus is removed from being a city; abs. be abolished Dn 12:11 (cf. 11:31 Hiph.).
    BDB סוּר.2


    I. סוּר adj.verb. properly Pt. of סור q.v.BDB סוּר².2


    † II. סוּר n.pr. of a temple-gate;—שַׁעַר ס׳ 2 K 11:6 (> ‖ 2 Ch 23:5 שַׁעַר הַיְסוֹד, v. יְסוֹד), but del. ver. as gloss WeBleek’s Einl. 4:258 KmpKau Benz.BDB סוּר³.2


    [סוּת] n.[m.] vesture (NH, but dub.; v. Levy s. v.);—sf. 3 ms. סוּתֹה Gn 49:11 (poem in J; ‖ לְבֻשׁוֹ).BDB סוּת.2


    [סוּת] vb. Hiph. incite, allure, instigate (NH Hiph., id.);—
    Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. sf. הֱסִֽיתְךָ 1 S 26:19, הֲסִֽיתְךָ Jb 36:16; 3 fs. הֵסַ֫תָּה 1 K 21:25 (Ges§ 72 wi. 460); 3 pl. sf. הִסִּית֫וּךָ Je 38:22 (Ges§ 72 ee); Impf. 3 ms. יַסִּית 2 K 18:32 + 2 times, but also וַיָּ֫סֶת 2 S 24:1 1 Ch 21:1, sf. יְסִֽיתְךָ Dt 13:7 Jb 36:18, etc.; Pt. מַסִּית Je 43:3 2 Ch 32:11;— 1. a. incite to make a request (c. acc. pers. + inf.) Ju 1:14 (on text v. GFM) = Jos 15:18. b. allure וַיְסִיתֵם מִמֶּנּוּ 2 Ch 18:31 and God allured them away from him (si vera l.; del. cl. as gloss Be Kit); so also Jb 36:16 according to De Hi Bu al.; he allureth thee out of the mouth of distress, but Di Du freedom hath seduced thee; for meaning seduce, entice, cf. also v 18. 2. instigate, in bad sense, c. acc. pers., + בְּ against, 1 S 26:19 2 S 24:1 Je 43:3 Jb 2:3; c. acc. pers. alone 1 K 21:25 2 K 18:32 = Is 36:18, cf. 2 Ch 32:15, Dt 13:7 Je 38:22; + inf. 1 Ch 21:1 2 Ch 18:2; 32:11.
    BDB סוּת².2


    סוּת n. v. סוה.BDB סוּת³.2


    [סָחַב] vb. drag (Impf. consec. 1 s. ואסחב MI 18, sf. ואסחבה Ib 12:13; Ph. סחב Lzb 328; Arabic سَحَبَ, Ethiopic ሰሐበ );—
    Qal Pf. 1 pl. וְסָחַ֫בְנוּ consec. 2 S 17:13; Impf. 3 ms. sf. יִסְחָבוּם Je 49:20; 50:45; Inf. abs. סָחוֹב Je 22:19; cstr. לִסְחֹב Je 15:3;—drag, a city עַד־הַנַּחַל 2 S 17:13, corpses Je 15:3; 22:7—9, captives, under fig. of sheep dragged off by wild beast 49:20 = 50:45 (𝔊 pass., whence Schwally Gie suppose a Niph. יִסָּחֲבוּ).
    BDB סָחַב.2


    סְחָבָה n.f. rag, clout (stuff pulled or dragged about; > LagBN 143شَحُبَ, شَحَبَ become altered for the worse);—only pl. סְחָבוֹת Je 38:11, 12 (both ‖ מְלָחִים).BDB סְחָבָה.2


    [סָחָה] vb. scrape (Arabic سَحَا (سحو and سحى Lane1322, scrape off, clear away; cf. Talm. סְחוּתָא, סְחִיתָא refuse, 𝔗 סְחִיתָא dirt, dung);—only
    Pi. scrape clean, scour, Pf. 1 s. consec. וְסִחֵתִ֫י עֲפָרָהּ מִמֶּנָּה Ez 26:4 and I will scrape clean her dust from her.
    BDB סָחָה.2


    סְחִי n.[m.] offscouring;—ס׳ וּמָאוֹס תְּשִׂימֵנוּ La 3:45.BDB סְחִי.2


    סָחִישׁ n.[m.] grain that shoots up of itself in 2nd year (√ unknown);—‖ סָפִיחַ, 2 K 19:29 (= שָׁחִיסIs 37:30); on use of this for food, cf. Straboxi. 4, 3 (of Albanians).BDB סָחִישׁ.2


    [סָחַף] vb. prostrate (NH סחף, Aramaic סְחַף, ܣܚܰܦ (for ἐδαφίζω, Lk 19:44); Assyrian saḫâpu, throw down, overwhelm);—
    Qal Pf. מָטָר סֹחֵף Pr 28:3 a prostrating rain (beating down grain), וְאֵין לָ֑חֶם and (so) there is no bread.
    Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נִסְחַף אַבִּירֶיךָ Je 46:15 why are thy mighty ones (or, why is thy bull, i.e. Apis, Hi Ew Gf) prostrated? but read perhaps נָס חָף אַבִּירְךָ לֹא עָמַד (𝔊 Mich Gie Co) why hath Apis fled, thy bull doth not stand?
    BDB סָחַף.2


    [סַ֫חַר] n.m. Pr 3:14 traffic, gain;—cstr. סְחַר Is 23:3 + 2 times; sf. סַחְרָהּ Pr 3:14 + 3 times;—traffic, i.e. gain from traffic, Is 23:3, 18 (+ אֶתְנַנָּהּ), v 18; 45:14 Pr 3:14(×2); 31:18.BDB סַ֫חַר.2


    [סָחַר] vb. go around, about, travel about in (NH id., go about as merchant, pedlar, perhaps denom. from סוֹחֵר (Jastr); 𝔗 סְחַר, אַסְחַר 4 PS2593 (rare), especially Chr Pal. Aramaic v. SchwallyIdiot. 61 f.; Assyrian saḫâru, turn, surround, Tel Am. return WklTA Gloss.; 𝔗 surround (often), and deriv.; Arabic سَخَرَ is mock at, deride);—
    Qal Pf. 3 pl. סָֽחֲרוּ Je 14:18; Impf. 3 mpl. יִסְחֲרוּ Gn 34:21; 2 mpl. תִּסְחָ֑רוּ Gn 42:34; Imv. mpl. sf. סְחָרוּהָ Gn 34:10; Pt. סֹחֵר Gn 23:16, סוֹחֵר Pr 31:14; cstr. סֹחֵר Is 23:2; fs. sf. סֹחַרְתֵּךְ Ez 27:12, 16, 18 + סֹחֲרֹתַיִךְ v 15 (v. infr.); mpl. סֹחֲרִים Gn 37:28 + 2 times; cstr. סֹחֲרֵי 1 K 10:28 + 3 times; sf. סֹחֲרַיִךְ Is 47:15, -רָ֑יִךְ Ez 27:21, -רֶיהָ Is 23:8;— 1. go about, to and fro (i.e. go about one’s affairs, carry on one’s business) in, c. acc. אֶרֶץ Gn 42:34 (E), 34:10, 21 (P); c. אֶל־אֶרֶץ Je 14:18, but dub., 𝔊 Gf Hi Or CoHpt RothstKau journey unto a land which they have not known. 2. Pt. = subst. a trafficker, trader (who goes about with wares, etc.) Gn 23:16 (P), 37:28 (E), Is 23:2, 8; 47:15 1 K 10:28 = 2 Ch 1:16, Ez 27:21(×2), 36; 38:13; + תָּרִים 2 Ch 9:14; f., of a city or country, Ez 27:12, 16, 18; also in v 15 read סֹחֲרֹתַיִךְ for MT (ידך) סְחֹרַת Sm Co Berthol Toy. Peʿalʿal. Pf. 3 ms. לִבִּי סְחַרְחַר ψ 38:11 (Ges§ 55 e) my heart palpitates (+ עֲזָבַנִי כֹחִי).
    BDB סָחַר.2


    [סְחֹרָה] n.f. merchandise;—cstr. סְחֹוַת Ez 27:15, but v. סחר Pt..BDB סְחֹרָה.2


    סֹחֵרָה n.f. buckler;—ψ 91:4 (+ צִנָּה; fig. of י׳’s faithfulness).BDB סֹחֵרָה.2


    [סֹחֶ֫רֶת] n.f. a stone used (with marble) in paving (cf. Assyrian siḫru, a precious stone, DlHWB 495);—סֹחָ֑רֶת Est 1:6.BDB סֹחֶ֫רֶת.2


    [סֵט], סֵטִים v. שֵׂט sub שׂוט.BDB סֵט.2


    סִיג, שִׂיג n.[m.] 1. a moving back or away; 2. dross (what is removed from metal);—abs. סִיג Ez 22:18 Qr (סוג Kt), שִׂיג 1 K 18:27 (שׂ for ס, but v. infr.); pl. סִיגִים (van d. H. סִגִּים) Is 1:22 + 3 times; סִגִֿים Ez 22:18 + 2 times; sf. סִינָ֑יִךָ Is 1:25;—
    1. a moving back, away: שִׂיג לוֹ 1 K 18:27 om. 𝔊L, dittogr. for שִׂיחַ Klo Bur. there is a moving back to him = he has moved back, away (proposes of temporary withdrawal, diff. from דֶּרֶךְ journey).
    2. dross, usually of silver Pr 25:4 (מִכָּ֑סֶף), 26:23 (כֶּסֶף ס׳), so (fig. of Isr.) Is 1:22 cf. v 25, Ez 22:18b (סִיגִים כֶּסֶף MT, בְּתוֹךְ כ׳ ס׳ 𝔊 Co Berthol;—Co del. ס׳, not so Berthol Toy), cf. v 18a. 19; indef. ψ 119:119.
    BDB סִיג.2


    סִיג v. סוג.BDB סִיג².2


    סִיוָן n.pr. of 3rd month, Sîwān = May—June (loan-word from Assyrian-Bab. Simânu, cf. SchrCOT Ne 1:1 Muss-ArnoltJBL xi (1892), 82 ff.; Palm. סיון Lzb328 Cook84);—בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי הוּא־חֹדֶשׁ ס׳ Est 8:9.BDB סִיוָן.2


    סִיחוֹן, סִיחֹן n.pr.m. Sihon (on format. cf. LagBN 198);—סִיחוֹן Nu 21:27 + 18 times, סִיחֹן v 21 + 17 times;—king of Amorites, Nu 21:21 + 7 times Nu 21 (JE), 32:33 (R) Dt 1:4 + 10 times Dt, Ju 2:10 + 4 times Ju (D) + 13:21(×2), 27 (P), 11:19, 20(×2), 21 Je 48:45 1 K 4:19 Ne 9:22 ψ 135:11; 136:19. 𝔊 Σηων, 𝔊L Σιων.BDB סִיחוֹן.2


    † I. סִין n.pr.loc. Sin, i.e. Pelusium, E. frontier city of Egypt (Egyptian ʾImt = clay, of which סין is transl. (cf. Aramaic סְיָן clay), according to SteindorffBAS i. 599, who cp. Πηλούσιον (πηλός = dirt, mud), cf. BrugschDict. Géogr. 1081 ff.);—Ez 30:15 (𝔊 Σαιν acc.), + v 16, but here Co Toy read plausibly סון, i.e. סְוָן = Syene (v. [סְוָן], סְוֵנֵה), 𝔊 Συηνη.—On Pelusium v. Bd.Egyptian 4 (1898), 169.BDB סִין.2


    † II. סִין n.pr.loc. wilderness between Elim and Sinai, מִדְבַּר־סִין, according to P, Ex 16:1; 17:1 Nu 33:11, 12; 𝔊 Σειν, A 𝔊L Σιν; cf. EbGS 2. 155 ff. and especially Di Ex 16:1.BDB סִין².2


    סִינַי n.pr. mont. Sinai;—name of mt. of law-giving in J and especially P (חֹרֵב in E and especially D): Ju 5:5 ψ 68:9 Dt 33:2 (poem), also Ex 16:1 (P) usually הַר־סִינַי (־סִינָ֑י Lv 7:38 +), rarely J, Ex 19:20, 23 and perhaps 34:2, 4, elsewhere mostly P, 24:16; 31:18; 34:29, 32 Lv 7:38; 25:1; 27:34 and 26:46 (H), Nu 3:1; 28:6, also Ne 9:13; מִדְבַּר סִינַי (סִינָ֑י Nu 1:19 +), Ex 19:1, 2 Lv 7:38 Nu 1:1, 19; 3:4, 14; 9:1, 5; 10:12; 26:64; 33:15, 16 (all P);—in view of these facts, and of E’s use of חֹרֵב (q.v.), it is prob. that Ex 19:11, 18 (in E passages) are from R.—𝔊 Σ(ε)ινα. Identif. dub.; local tradition names Jebel Musa, mt. at S. end of peninsular between the two arms of Red Sea, so RobBR i, 90 ff., especially 119—122 cf. StanleySinai and Pal. 42 f. al., specif. its N. supr, Ras Ṣafṣâfeh; but LepsiusBriefe 345 ff., 416 ff. EbGSespecially 392 ff. al. advocate Serbal, NW. from Jebel Musa (on trad., cf. Ebib. 413 ff.); v. discussion Di Ex 19:1. Against both is the working of Egyptian mines in the penins. as late as the 19th dyn. (v. EbGS 135, 148 ff., 159, etc.), involving presence of soldiers there. This, and connex. with Midian (cf. also Ju 5:5), have led to search for Sinai further NE, near head of Gulf of Aḳaba, or even in Seir, so SayMonuments 263 ff., cf. GFM Ju 5:5; 6:1 and Yakut, cited by Id.179 n. §, also v. GallAltisr. Kultst. 12; on sanctity of mt. v. further RSSem i. 110f., 2nd ed. 117 f. SmRel.Gesch. 30.BDB סִינַי.2


    סֹינִי adj.gent. only c. art. = subst. Gn 10:17 = 1 Ch 1:15 a Canaanite people, in north, 𝔊 τὸν Ἀσενναῖον; cf. city Siânu, ‘on shore of sea,’ in Assyrian inscr. DlPa 282, Σιννᾶν (acc.) in possession of those holding Lebanon Straboxvi. 2. 8 (v. Di Gn).BDB סֹינִי.2


    סִינִים adj.gent.pl. = subst.; אֶרֶץ ס׳ Is 49:12, identif. with Chinese by Thes948—950 De CheComm. al.; but see v. RichthofenChina i. 436 f., 504, rev. by YuleAcad. xiii. 339; Di Du; T. de LacouperieBOR i. 45 ff., 183 ff., who thinks of Šina, at foot of Hindu Kush, but unlikely; read prob. סְוֵנִים (or סְוָנִים), so CheIntr. Is. 275, and Hpt., cf. already JDMich.BDB סִינִים.2


    סִיס Je 8:7 Qr v. I. סוּס.BDB סִיס.2


    סִיסְרָא21 n.pr.m. (GFM Ju 4:2; PAOS xix (1898), 160 cp. Hittite names in -sira);—
    1. general of Jabin, king of Hazor Ju 4:2 + 12 times Ju 4; appar. himself king 5:20, 26, 28, 30; cf. 1 S 12:9 ψ 83:10;—on ס׳ v. GFM Ju, 107 ff.; PAOS l.c.; 𝔊 Σ(ε)ισαρα.
    2. בְּנֵי־סִיסְרָא, returned exiles, Ezr 2:53 = Ne 7:55; 𝔊 Σεισαραθ, Σισαρα, etc.
    BDB סִיסְרָא.2


    סִיעָא, סִיעֲהָא n.pr.m. בְּנֵי־סִיעָא returned exiles Ne 7:47 = בְּנֵי־סִיעֲהָא Ezr 2:44; 𝔊 Ne Ασουια, א Ιασουια, A Σιαια, 𝔊L Ιωσιου; 𝔊 Ezr Σωηλ, A Ασαα, 𝔊L Ιωσια.BDB סִיעָא.2


    † I. סִיר n.m. Je 1:13 et f. 2 K 4:38 pot (probably foreign wd. (Egyptian?), Arabic زِيرٌ a large water-jar Lane1276 is perhaps loan-wd.; on Gk. deriv. σιρός, σίρινος, v. LewyFremdw. 107);—ס׳ abs. 2 K 4:38 +, cstr. Ex 16:3 +; pl. סִירֹת 38:3, סִירוֹת 1 K 7:45 +; sf. סִירֹתָיו Ex 27:3, סִירֹתֵיכֶם ψ 58:10;—pot:
    1. a. household utensil for boiling 2 K 4:38, 39, 40, 41(×2), ס׳ הַבָּשָׂר Ex 16:3 (P), Zc 14:21; ס׳ נָפוּחָ Je 1:13 (cf. נפח; in vision), symbol. of Jerus. Ez 11:3, 7, 11; 24:3, 6; fig. also ψ 58:10 (cf. Che); in sim. Mi 3:3 Jb 41:23 Ec 7:6. b. ס׳ רַחְצִי ψ 60:10 my washing-pot, 108:10.
    2. pots used in sanctuary, Ex 27:3; 38:3 (both P), 1 K 7:40 (read סִירוֹת for MT כִּיֹּרוֹת, so Codd. of ℌ 𝔊 𝔙 Th Ke Klo Kmp Benz), v 45 = 2 Ch 4:11, 16, 2 K 25:14 = Je 52:18, also Je 52:19 2 Ch 35:13 Zc 14:20.—Here belongs prob. סִרָה in בּוֹר הַסִּרָה, v. p. 92 b.
    BDB סִיר.2


    † II. [סִיר] n.[m.] thorn, hook (𝔗 id.; cf. סירם in Sab. n.pr. HomZMG xivi (1892), 532);—
    1. pl. סִירִיס, thorns, sign of desolation Is 34:13, a barrier Ho 2:8, on Na 1:10 v. [סָבַךְ]; כְּקוֹל הַסּ׳ תַּחַת הַסִּיר Ec 7:6 as the sound of thorns (crackling as they burn) under the pot.
    2. pl. סִירוֹת hooks Am 4:2 (cf. בּוּגָה sub דגה; ‖ צִנּוֹת; on realtion of meanings v. חוֹחַ, צֵן).
    BDB סִיר².2

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