T is the twentieth letter of the English Alphabet, and a close consonant. It represents a close joining of the end of the tongue to the root of the upper teeth, as may be perceived by the syllables at, et, ot, ut, in attempting to pronounce which, the voice is completely intercepted. It is therefore numbered among the mutes, or close articulations, and it differs from d chiefly in its closeness; for in pronouncing ad, ed, we perceive the voice is not so suddenly and entirely intercepted, as in pronouncing at and et. T by itself has one sound only, as in take, turn, bat, bolt, smite, bitter. So we are accustomed to speak; but in reality, t can be hardly said to have any sound at all. Its use, like that of all mute articulations, is to modify the manner of uttering the vocal sound which precedes or follows it.
When t is followed by h, as in think and that, the combination really forms a distinct sound for which we have no single character. This combination has two sounds in English; aspirated, as in think, and vocal, as in that.NWAD T.2
The letters ti, before a vowel, and unaccented, usually pass into the sound of sh, as in nation, motion, partial substantiate; which are pronounced nashon, moshon, parshal, substanshate. In the case, t loses entirely its proper sound or use, and being blended with the subsequent letter, a new sound results from the combination, which is in fact a simple sound. In a few words, the combination ti has the sound of the English ch, as in Christian, mixtion, question.NWAD T.3
T, as an abbreviation, stands for theologia; as, S.T.D. sanctoe theologioe doctor, doctor of divinity. In ancient monuments and writings, “T” is an abbreviature, which stands for Titus, Titius or Tullius. As a numeral, “T”, among the Latins, stood for 160, and with a dash over the top, for 160,000.
In music, “T” is the initial of tenor, vocal and instrumental; of tacet, for silence, as adagio tacet, when a person is to rest during the whole movement. In concertos and symphonies, it is the initial of tutti, the whole band, after a solo. It sometimes stands for tr. or trillo, a shake.NWAD T.5
TABARD, n. A short gown; a herald’s coat. [Not used in the U. States.]
TABARDER, n. One who wears a tabard.
TABASHEER, n. A persian word signifying a concretion found in the joints of the bamboo, said by Dr. Russel to be the juice of the plant thickened and hardened; by others, to be pure silex. It is highly valued in the E. Indies as a medicine, for the cure of bilious vomitings, bloody flux, piles, etc.
TABBIED, pp. Watered; made wavy.
TABBY, a. [See the Noun.] Brinded; brindled; diversified in color; as a tabby cat.
1. A kind of waved silk, usually watered. It is manufactured like taffeta, but is thick and stronger. The watering is given to it by the calendar.NWAD TABBY.3
2. A mixture of stone of shells and mortar, which becomes hard as a rock; used in Morocco.NWAD TABBY.4
TABBY, v.t. To water or cause to look wavy; as, to tabby silk, mohair, ribin, etc. This is done by a calendar without water.
TABBYING, n. The passing of stuffs under a calendar to give them a wavy appearance.
TABEFACTION, n. [L. tabeo, to waste, and facio, to make. See Tabefy.] A wasting away; a gradual losing of flesh by disease.
TABEFY, v.i. [Heb. to pine] To consume; to waste gradually; to lose flesh. [Little used.]
TABERD. [See Tabard.]
TABERNACLE, n. [L. tabernaculum, a tent, from taberna, a shop or shed, from tabula, a board; or rather from its root. See Table.]
1. A tent. Numbers 24:5; Matthew 17:4.NWAD TABERNACLE.2
2. A temporary habitation.NWAD TABERNACLE.3
3. Among the Jews, a movable building, so contrived as to be taken to pieces with ease and reconstructed, for the convenience of being carried during the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness. It was of a rectangular figure, thirty cubits long, ten broad, and ten high. The interior was divided into two rooms by a vail or curtain, and it was covered with four different spreads or carpets.NWAD TABERNACLE.4
It is also applied to the temple. Psalm 15:1.NWAD TABERNACLE.5
4. A place of worship; a sacred place.NWAD TABERNACLE.6
5. Our natural body. 2 Corinthians 5:1; 2 Peter 1:13-14.NWAD TABERNACLE.7
6. God’s gracious presence, or the tokens of it. Revelation 21:3.NWAD TABERNACLE.8
7. An ornamented chest placed on Roman catholic altars as a receptacle of the ciborium and pyxis.NWAD TABERNACLE.9
TABERNACLE, v.i. To dwell; to reside for a time; to be housed; as we say, Christ tabernacled in the flesh.
TABID, a. [L. tabidus, from tabeo, to waste.] Wasted by disease; consumptive.
In tabid persons, milk is the best restorative.NWAD TABID.2
TABIDNESS, n. State of being wasted by disease; consumptiveness.
TABLATURE, n. [from table.] Painting on walls and ceilings; a single piece comprehended in one view, and formed according to one design.
1. In music, the expression of sounds or notes of composition by letters of the alphabet or ciphers, or other characters not used in modern music. In a stricter sense, the manner of writing a piece for the lute, theorbo, guitar, base viol, or the like; which is done by writing on several parallel lines, (each of which represents a string of the instrument,) certain letters of the alphabet, referring to the frets on the neck of the instrument, each letter directing how some note is to be sounded.NWAD TABLATURE.2
2. In anatomy, a division or parting of the skull into two tables.NWAD TABLATURE.3
TABLE, n. [L. tabula.]
1. A flat surface of some extent, or a thing that has a flat surface; as a table of marble.NWAD TABLE.2
2. An article of furniture, consisting usually of a frame with a surface of boards or of marble, supported by legs, and used for a great variety of purposes, as for holding dishes of meat, for writing on, etc.NWAD TABLE.3
The nymph the table spread.NWAD TABLE.4
3. Fare or entertainment of provisions; as, he keeps a good table.NWAD TABLE.5
4. The persons sitting at table or partaking of entertainment.NWAD TABLE.6
I drink to th’ general joy of the whole table.NWAD TABLE.7
5. A tablet; a surface on which any thing is written or engraved. The ten commandments were written on two tables of stone. Exodus 32:15-16.NWAD TABLE.8
Written--not on tables of stone, but on fleshly tables of the heart. 2 Corinthians 3:3.NWAD TABLE.9
6. A picture, or something that exhibits a view of any thing on a flat surface.NWAD TABLE.10
Saint Anthony has a table that hangs up to him from a poor peasant.NWAD TABLE.11
7. Among Christians, the table, or Lord’s table, is the sacrament, or holy communion of the Lord’s supper.NWAD TABLE.12
8. The altar of burnt-offering. Malachi 1:7.NWAD TABLE.13
9. In architecture, a smooth, simple member or ornament of various forms, most usually in that of a long square.NWAD TABLE.14
10. In perspective, a plain surface, supposed to be transparent and perpendicular to the horizon. It is called also perspective plane.NWAD TABLE.15
11. In anatomy, a division of the cranium or skull. The cranium is composed of two tables or lamins, with a cellular structure between them, called the meditallium or diploe.NWAD TABLE.16
12. In the glass manufacture, a circular sheet of finished glass, usually about four feet in diameter, each weighing from ten to eleven pounds. Twelve of these are called a side or crate of glass.NWAD TABLE.17
13. In literature, an index; a collection of heads or principal matters contained in a book, with references to the pages where each may be found; as a table of contents.NWAD TABLE.18
14. A synopsis; many particulars brought into one view.NWAD TABLE.19
15. The palm of the hand.NWAD TABLE.20
Mistress of a fairer tableNWAD TABLE.21
Hath not history nor fable.NWAD TABLE.22
16. Draughts; small pieces of wood shifted on squares.NWAD TABLE.23
We are in the world like men playing at tables.NWAD TABLE.24
17. In mathematics, tables are systems of numbers calculated to be ready for expediting operations; as a table of logarithms; a multiplication table.NWAD TABLE.25
18. Astronomical tables, are computations of the motions, places and other phenomena of the planets, both primary and secondary.NWAD TABLE.26
19. In chimistry, a list or catalogue of substances or their properties; as a table of known acids; a table of acidifiable bases; a table of binary combinations; a table of specific gravities.NWAD TABLE.27
20. In general, any series of numbers formed on mathematical or other correct principles.NWAD TABLE.28
21. A division of the ten commandments; as the first and second tables. The first table comprehends our more immediate duties to God; the second table our more immediate duties to each other.NWAD TABLE.29
22. Among jewelers, a table diamond or other precious stone, is one whose upper surface is quite flat, and the sides only cut in angles.NWAD TABLE.30
23. A list or catalogue; as a table of stars.NWAD TABLE.31
Raised table, in sculpture, an embossment in a frontispiece for an inscription or other ornament, supposed to be the abacus of Vitruvius.NWAD TABLE.32
Round Table. Knights of the round table, are a military order instituted by Arthur, the first king of the Britons, A.D. 516.NWAD TABLE.33
Twelve Tables, the laws of the Romans, so called probably, because engraved on so many tables.NWAD TABLE.34
To turn the tables, to change the condition or fortune of contending parties; a metaphorical expression taken from the vicissitudes of fortune in gaming.NWAD TABLE.35
To serve tables, to provide for the poor; or to distribute provisions for their wants. Acts 6:2.NWAD TABLE.36
TABLE, v.i. To board; to diet or live at the table of another. Nebuchadnezzar tabled with the beasts.
TABLE, v.t. To form into a table or catalogue; as, to table fines. In England, the chirographer tables the fines of every county, and fixes a copy in some open place of the court.
1. To board; to supply with food.NWAD TABLE.39
2. To let one piece of timber into another by alternate scores or projections from the middle.NWAD TABLE.40
TABLE-BED, n. [table and bed.] A bed in the form of a table.
TABLE-BEER, n. [table and beer.] Beer for the table, or for common use; small beer.
TABLE-BOOK, n. [table and book.] A book on which any thing is engraved or written without ink.
Put into your table-book whatever you judge worthy.NWAD TABLE-BOOK.2
TABLE-CLOTH, n. [table and cloth.] A cloth for covering a table, particularly for spreading on a table before the dishes are set for meals.
TABLED, pp. Formed into a table.
TABLE-LAND, n. [table and land.] Elevated flat land.
TABLE-MAN, n. [table and man.] A man at draughts; a piece of wood.
TABLER, n. One who boards.
TABLES, n. plu. A board used for backgammon.
TABLET, n. A small table or flat surface.
1. Something flat on which to write, paint, draw or engrave.NWAD TABLET.2
Through all Greece the young gentlemen learned to design on tablets of boxen wood.NWAD TABLET.3
The pillar’d marble, and the tablet brass.NWAD TABLET.4
2. A medicine in a square form. Tablets of arsenic were formerly worn as a preservative against the plague.NWAD TABLET.5
A solid kind of electuary or confection, made of dry ingredients, usually with sugar, and formed into little flat squares; called also lozenge and troche.NWAD TABLET.6
TABLE-TALK, n. [table and talk.] Conversation at table or at meals.
He improves by the table-talk.NWAD TABLE-TALK.2
TABLING, ppr. Boarding; forming into a table; letting one timber into another by scores.
TABLING, n. A forming into tables; a setting down in order.
1. The letting of one timber into another by alternate scores or projections, as in ship-building.NWAD TABLING.3
2. In sail-making, a broad hem made on the skirts of sails by turning over the edge of the canvas, and sewing it down.NWAD TABLING.4
TABOO, n. In the isles of the Pacific, a word denoting prohibition or religious interdict, which is of great force among the inhabitants.
TABOO, v.t. To forbid, or to forbid the use of; to interdict approach or use; as, to taboo the ground set apart as a sanctuary for criminals. Tabooed ground is held sacred and inviolable.
TABOR, n. [Eng. tap.] A small drum used as an accompaniment to a pipe or fife.
TABOR, TABER, v.i. To strike lightly and frequently.
Her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, taboring upon their breasts. Nahum 2:7.NWAD TABOR.3
1. To play on a tabor or little drum.NWAD TABOR.4
TABORER, n. One who beats the tabor.
TABORET, n. [from tabor.] A small tabor.
TABORIN, n. A tabor; a small drum.
TABRERE, n. A taborer.
TABRET, n. [See Tabor.] A tabor. 1 Samuel 18:6.
TABULAR, a. [L. tabularis, from tabula, table.]
1. In the form of a table; having a flat or square surface.NWAD TABULAR.2
2. Having the form of lamina or plates.NWAD TABULAR.3
3. Set down in tables; as a tabular list of substances.NWAD TABULAR.4
4. Set in squares.NWAD TABULAR.5
Tabular crystal, one in which the prism is very short.NWAD TABULAR.6
Tabular spar, in mineralogy, a species of limestone, generally of a grayish white color. It occurs either massive or crystallized, in rectangular four sides tables.NWAD TABULAR.7
Tabular spar is the schaalstein of Werner, and the prismatic augite of Jameson.NWAD TABULAR.8
TABULATE, v.t. To reduce to tables or synopses.
1. To shape with a flat surface.NWAD TABULATE.2
TABULATED, pp. Having a flat or square flat surface; as a tabulated diamond.
TACAMAHACA, TACAMAHAC, n. A tree of a sweet fragrance, planted in gardens as an ornament. It is of the genus Populus, [P. balsamifera.]
1. A resin brought from America in large oblong masses wrapped in flag leaves, of a light brown color, and an aromatic smell between that of lavender and must. It is obtained from the Fagara octandra, and it is said also, from the Populus balsamifera.NWAD TACAMAHACA.2
TACE, from L. taceo, a term used in Italian music, directing to be silent.
TACET, in music, is used when a vocal or instrumental part is to be silent during a whole movement.
TACH, TACHE, n. [See Tack.] Something used for taking hold or holding; a catch; a loop; a button. It is found in Scripture, but I believe is not now used in discourse or writing. Exodus 26:6, 11.
TACHYGRAPHY, n. [Gr. quick, and to write.] The art or practice of quick writing. [We now use stenography, and shorthand writing.]
TACIT, a. [L. tacitus, from taceo, to be silent, that is, to stop, or to close. See Tack.] Silent; implied, but not expressed. tacit consent is consent by silence, or not interposing an objection. So we say, a tacit agreement or covenant of men to live under a particular government, when no objection or opposition is made; a tacit surrender of a part of our natural rights; a tacit reproach, etc.
TACITLY, adv. Silently; by implication; without words; as, he tacitly assented.
TACITURN, a. [L. taciturnus.] Habitually silent; not free to converse; not apt to talk or speak.
TACITURNITY, n. [L. taciturnitas, from taceo, to be silent.]
Habitual silence or reserve in speaking.NWAD TACITURNITY.2
Too great loquacity, and too great taciturnity by fits.NWAD TACITURNITY.3
TACK, v.t. [Gr. to set, place, ordain.]
1. To fasten; to attach. In the solemn or grave style, this word now appears ludicrous; as, to get a commendam tacked to their sees.NWAD TACK.2
--And tack the center to the sphere.NWAD TACK.3
2. To unite by stitching together; as, to tack together the sheets of a book; to tack one piece of cloth to another. [In the familiar style, this word is in good use.]NWAD TACK.4
3. To fasten slightly by nails; as, to tack on a board or shingle.NWAD TACK.5
TACK, TACHE, n. A spot. [Not used.]
TACK, n. A small nail.
1. A rope used to confine the foremost lower corners of the courses and stay-sails, when the wind crosses the ship’s course obliquely; also, a rope employed to pull the lower corner of a studding sail to the boom. Hence,NWAD TACK.8
2. The part of a sail to which the tack is usually fastened; the foremost lower corner of the courses. Hence,NWAD TACK.9
3. The course of a ship in regard to the position of her sails; as the starboard tack, or larboard tack; the former when she is close-hauled with the wind on her starboard, the latter when close hauled with the wind on her larboard.NWAD TACK.10
To hold tack, to last or hold out.NWAD TACK.11
Tack of a flag, a line spliced into the eye at the bottom of the tabling, for securing the flag to the halliards.NWAD TACK.12
TACK, v.i. To change the course of a ship by shifting the tacks and position of the sails from one side to the other.
TACK, n. In rural economy, a shelf on which cheese is dried. [Local.]
Tack of land, the term of a lease. [Local.]NWAD TACK.15
TACKER, n. One who tacks or makes an addition.
TACKET, n. A small nail.
TACKING, ppr. Changing a ship’s course.
1. A machine for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and blocks, called a pulley.NWAD TACKLE.2
2. Instruments of action; weapons.NWAD TACKLE.3
She to her tackle fell.NWAD TACKLE.4
3. An arrow.NWAD TACKLE.5
4. The rigging and apparatus of a ship.NWAD TACKLE.6
Tackle-fall, the rope, or rather the end of the rope of a pulley, which falls and by which it is pulled.NWAD TACKLE.7
Ground-tackle, anchors, cables, etc.NWAD TACKLE.8
Gun-tackle, the instruments for hauling cannon in or out.NWAD TACKLE.9
Tack-tackle, a small tackle to pull down the tacks of the principal sails.NWAD TACKLE.10
TACKLE, v.t. To harness; as, to tackle a horse into a gig, sleigh, coach or wagon. [A legitimate and common use of the word in America.]
1. To seize; to lay hold of; as, a wrestler tackles his antagonist; a dog tackles the game. This is a common popular use of the word in New England, though not elegant. But it retains the primitive idea, to put on, to fall or throw on. [See Attack.]NWAD TACKLE.12
2. To supply with tackle.NWAD TACKLE.13
TACKLED, pp. Harnessed; seized.
1. Made of ropes tacked together.NWAD TACKLED.2
My man shallNWAD TACKLED.3
Bring thee cords, made like a tackled stair.NWAD TACKLED.4
TACKLING, ppr. Harnessing; putting on harness; seizing; falling on.
TACKLING, n. Furniture of the masts and yards of a ship, as cordage, sails, etc.
1. Instruments of action; as fishing tackling.NWAD TACKLING.3
2. Harness; the instruments of drawing a carriage.NWAD TACKLING.4
TACKSMAN, n. One who holds a tack or lease of land from another; a tenant or lessee. [Local.]
TACT, n. [L. tactus, from tango, [for tago,] to touch.]
1. Touch; feeling; formerly, the stroke in beating time in music.NWAD TACT.2
2. Peculiar skill or faculty; nice perception or discernment.NWAD TACT.3
TACTIC, TACTICAL, a. [See Tactics.] Pertaining to the art of military and naval dispositions for battle, evolutions, etc.
TACTICIAN, n. [See Tactics.] One versed in tactics.
TACTICS, n. [Gr. to set, to appoint. See Tack.]
1. The science and art of disposing military and naval forces in order for battle and performing military and naval evolutions. In the most extensive sense, tactics, la grande tactique of the French, comprehends every thing that relates to the order, formation and disposition of armies, their encampments, etc.NWAD TACTICS.2
2. The art of inventing and making machines for throwing darts, arrows, stones and other missile weapons.NWAD TACTICS.3
TACTILE, TACTIL, a. [L. tactilis, from tango, to touch.] Tangible; susceptible of touch; that may be felt; as tactile sweets; tactile qualities.
TACTILITY, n. Tangibleness; perceptibility of touch.
TACTION, n. [L. tactio, tango, to touch.] The act of touching; touch.
TADORNA, n. A name of the shel-drake, vulpanser, or borough-duck.
TAD-POLE, n. [L. pullus, young.] A frog in its first state from the spawn; a porwiggle.
TAFELSPATH, n. A lamellar mineral of a yellowish grey or rose white, forming masses of prisms interlaced in the gang, chiefly lime and silex.
TAFFEREL, n. The upper part of a ship’s stern, which is flat like a table on the top, and sometimes ornamented with carved work.
TAFFETA, n. A fine smooth stuff of silk, having usually a remarkable gloss. Taffetas are of all colors.
TAG, n. [L. digitus.]
1. A metallic point put to the end of a string.NWAD TAG.2
2. Something mean and paltry; as tag-rag people. [Vulgar.]NWAD TAG.3
3. A young sheep. [Local.]NWAD TAG.4
TAG, v.t. To fit with a point; as, to tag lace.
1. To fit one thing to another; to append to.NWAD TAG.6
His courteous hostNWAD TAG.7
Tags every sentence with some fawning word.NWAD TAG.8
2. To join or fasten.NWAD TAG.9
TAG, n. A play in which the person gains who tags, that is, touches another. This was a common sport among boys in Connecticut formerly, and it may be still. The word is inserted here for the sake of the evidence it affords of the affinity of languages, and of the original orthography of the Latin tango, to touch, which was tago. This vulgar tag is the same word; the primitive word retained by the common people. It is used also as a verb, to tag. [See Touch.]
TAG-SORE, n. A disease in sheep.
TAG-TAIL, n. [tag and tail.] A worm which has its tail of another color.
1. The part of an animal which terminates its body behind. In many quadrupeds, the tail is a shoot or projection covered with hair. In fowls, the tail consists of feathers, or is covered with them, which serve to assist in the direction of their flight. In fishes the tail is formed usually by a gradual sloping of the body, ending in a fin. The tail of a fish may assist the animal in steering, but its principal use is to propel the fish forward. It is the instrument of swimming.NWAD TAIL.2
2. The lower part, noting inferiority.NWAD TAIL.3
The Lord will make thee the head, and not the tail. Deuteronomy 28:13.NWAD TAIL.4
3. Any thing hanging long; a catkin.NWAD TAIL.5
4. The hinder part of any thing.NWAD TAIL.6
5. In anatomy, that tendon of a muscle which is fixed to the movable part.NWAD TAIL.7
6. In botany, the tail of a seed, is a downy or feathery appendage to certain seeds, formed of the permanent elongated style.NWAD TAIL.8
7. Horse’s tail, among the Tartars and Chinese, is an ensign or flag; among the Turks, a standard borne before the grand visier, bashaws and the sangiacs. For this purpose, it is fitted to a half-pike with a gold button, and is called toug. There are bashaws of one, two and three tails.NWAD TAIL.9
8. In heraldry, the tail of a hart.NWAD TAIL.10
9. In music, the part of a note running upwards or downwards.NWAD TAIL.11
10. The extremity or last end; as the tail of a storm.NWAD TAIL.12
Tail of a comet, a luminous train which extends from the nucleus in a direction opposite to the sun.NWAD TAIL.13
To turn tail, is to run away; to flee.NWAD TAIL.14
Tail of a lock, on a canal, the lower end, or entrance into the lower pond.NWAD TAIL.15
Tail-piece, of a violin, is a piece of ebony attached to the end of the instrument, to which the strings are fastened.NWAD TAIL.16
TAIL, n. In law, an estate in tail is a limited fee; an estate limited to certain heirs, and from which the other heirs are precluded. Estates tail are general or special; general, where lands and tenements are given to one, and to the heirs of his body begotten; special, where the gift is restrained to certain heirs of the donee’s body, as to his heirs by a particular woman names. [See Entail.]
TAIL, v.t. To pull by the tail.
TAILAGE, TALLIAGE, n. Literally, a share; hence, a tax or toll.
TAILED, a. Having a tail.
TAILINGS, n. plu. [from tail.] The lighter parts of grain blown to one end of the heap in winnowing. [Local.]
TAILOR, n. One whose occupation is to cut out and make men’s garments.
TAILOR, v.i. To practice making men’s clothes.
TAILORESS, n. a female who makes garments for men.
TAILORING, n. The business of a tailor.
TAINT, v.t. [L. tingo; Gr. to dye, literally to dip, primarily to thrust, the sense of L. tango; and n not being radical, the real word is tego or tago, coinciding with Eng. duck; hence its sense in extinguo. See Dye, Attaint and Tinge.]
1. To imbue or impregnate, as with some extraneous matter which alters the sensible qualities of the substance.NWAD TAINT.2
The spaniel struckNWAD TAINT.3
Stiff by the tainted gale--NWAD TAINT.4
2. More generally, to impregnate with something odious, noxious or poisonous; as, putrid substances taint the air.NWAD TAINT.5
3. To infect; to poison. The breath of consumptive lungs is said to taint sound lungs.NWAD TAINT.6
4. To corrupt, as by incipient putrefaction; as tainted meat.NWAD TAINT.7
5. To stain; to sully; to tarnish.NWAD TAINT.8
We come not by the way of accusationNWAD TAINT.9
To taint that honor every good tongue blesses.NWAD TAINT.10
6. To corrupt, as blood; to attaint. [Not in use.] [See Attaint.]NWAD TAINT.11
TAINT, v.i. To be infected or corrupted; to be touched with something corrupting.
I cannot taint with fear.NWAD TAINT.13
1. To be affected with incipient putrefaction.NWAD TAINT.14
Meat soon taints in warm weather.NWAD TAINT.15
TAINT, n. Tincture; stain.
1. Infection; corruption; depravation. Keep children from the taint of low and vicious company.NWAD TAINT.17
2. A stain; a spot; a blemish on reputation.NWAD TAINT.18
3. An insect; a kind of spider.NWAD TAINT.19
TAINTED, pp. Impregnated with something noxious, disagreeable to the senses or poisonous; infected; corrupted; stained.
TAINTFREE, a. [taint and free.] Free from taint or guilt.
TAINTING, ppr. Impregnating with something foul or poisonous; infecting; corrupting; staining.
TAINTLESS, a. Free from taint or infection; pure.
TAINTURE, n. [L. tinctura.] Taint; tinge; defilement; stain; spot. [Not much used.]
TAJACU, TAJASSU, n. The peccary or Mexican hog.
TAKE, v.t. pret. took; pp. taken. [L. doceo. This word seems to be allied to think, for we say, I think a thing to be so, or I take it to be so. It seems also to be allied to Sax. teogan, to draw, to tug, L. duco; for we say, to take a likeness, and to draw a likeness. We use taking also for engaging, attracting. We say, a child takes to his mother or nurse, and a man takes to drink; which seem to include attaching and holding. We observe that take and teach are radically the same word.]
1. In a general sense, to get hold or gain possession of a thing in almost any manner, either by receiving it when offered, or by using exertion to obtain it. Take differs from seize, as it does not always imply haste, force or violence. It more generally denotes to gain or receive into possession in a peaceable manner, either passively or by active exertions. Thus,NWAD TAKE.2
2. To receive what is offered.NWAD TAKE.3
Then I took the cup at the Lord’s hand. Jeremiah 25:17.NWAD TAKE.4
3. To lay hold of; to get into one’s power for keeping.NWAD TAKE.5
No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge. Deuteronomy 24:6.NWAD TAKE.6
4. To receive with a certain affection of mind. He takes it in good part; or he takes it very ill.NWAD TAKE.7
5. To catch by surprise or artifice; to circumvent.NWAD TAKE.8
Men in their loose unguarded hours they take,NWAD TAKE.9
Not that themselves are wise, but others weak.NWAD TAKE.10
6. To seize; to make prisoner. The troops entered, slew and took three hundred janizaries.NWAD TAKE.11
This man was taken of the Jews. Acts 23:27.NWAD TAKE.12
7. To captivate with pleasure; to engage the affections; to delight.NWAD TAKE.13
Neither let her take thee with her eyelids. Proverbs 6:25.NWAD TAKE.14
Cleombrotus was to taken with this prospect, that he had no patience.NWAD TAKE.15
8. To get into one’s power by engines or nets; to entrap; to ensnare; as, to take foxes with traps; to take fishes with nets, or with hook and line.NWAD TAKE.16
9. To understand in a particular sense; to receive as meaning. I take your meaning.NWAD TAKE.17
You take me right.NWAD TAKE.18
Charity, taken in its largest extent, is nothing else but the sincere love to God and our neighbor.NWAD TAKE.19
10. To exact and receive.NWAD TAKE.20
Take no usury of him or increase. Leviticus 25:36.NWAD TAKE.21
11. To employ; to occupy. The prudent man always takes time for deliberation, before he passes judgment.NWAD TAKE.22
12. To agree to; to close in with; to comply with.NWAD TAKE.23
I take thee at thy word.NWAD TAKE.24
13. To form and adopt; as, to take a resolution.NWAD TAKE.25
14. To catch; to embrace; to seize; as, to take one by the hand; to take in the arms.NWAD TAKE.26
15. To admit; to receive as an impression; to suffer; as, to take a form or shape.NWAD TAKE.27
Yet thy moist clay is pliant to command;NWAD TAKE.28
Now take the mold--NWAD TAKE.29
16. To obtain by active exertion; as, to take revenge or satisfaction for an injury.NWAD TAKE.30
17. To receive; to receive into the mind.NWAD TAKE.31
They took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13.NWAD TAKE.32
It appeared in his face that he took great contentment in this our question.NWAD TAKE.33
18. To swallow, as meat or drink; as, to take food; to take a glass of wine.NWAD TAKE.34
19. To swallow, as medicine; as, to take pills; to take stimulants.NWAD TAKE.35
20. To choose; to elect. Take which you please. But the sense of choosing, in this phrase, is derived from the connection of take with please. So we say, take your choice.NWAD TAKE.36
21. To copy.NWAD TAKE.37
Beauty alone could beauty take so right.NWAD TAKE.38
22. To fasten on; to seize. The frost has taken the corn; the worms have taken the vines.NWAD TAKE.39
Wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him, and he foameth-- Mark 9:18.NWAD TAKE.40
23. To accept; not to refuse. He offered me a fee, but I would not take it.NWAD TAKE.41
Ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer. Numbers 35:31.NWAD TAKE.42
24. To adopt.NWAD TAKE.43
I will take you to me for a people. Exodus 6:7.NWAD TAKE.44
25. To admit.NWAD TAKE.45
Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore. 1 Timothy 5:9.NWAD TAKE.46
26. To receive, as any temper or disposition of mind; as, to take shame to one’s self; to take delight; to take pride or pleasure.NWAD TAKE.47
27. To endure; to bear without resentment; or to submit to without attempting to obtain satisfaction. He will take an affront from no man. Cannot you take a jest?NWAD TAKE.48
28. To draw; to deduce.NWAD TAKE.49
The firm belief of a future judgment is the most forcible motive to a good life, because taken from this consideration of the most lasting happiness and misery.NWAD TAKE.50
29. To assume; as, I take the liberty to say.NWAD TAKE.51
30. To allow; to admit; to receive as true, or not disputed; as, to take a thing for granted.NWAD TAKE.52
31. To suppose; to receive in thought; to entertain in opinion; to understand. This I take to be the man’s motive.NWAD TAKE.53
He took that for virtue and affection which was nothing but vice in disguise.NWAD TAKE.54
You’d doubt his sex, and take him for a girl.NWAD TAKE.55
32. To seize; to invade; as, to be taken with a fever.NWAD TAKE.56
33. To have recourse to; as, the sparrow takes a bush; the cat takes a tree. [In this sense, we usually say, the bird takes to a bush, the squirrel takes to a tree.]NWAD TAKE.57
34. To receive into the mind.NWAD TAKE.58
Those do best, who take material hints to be judged by history.NWAD TAKE.59
35. To hire; to rent; to obtain possession on lease; as, to take a house or farm for a year.NWAD TAKE.60
36. To admit in copulation.NWAD TAKE.61
37. To draw; to copy; to paint a likeness; as a likeness taken by Reynolds.NWAD TAKE.62
38. To conquer and cause to surrender; to gain possession of by force or capitulation; as, to take an army, a city or a ship.NWAD TAKE.63
39. To be discovered or detected. He was taken in the very act.NWAD TAKE.64
40. To require or be necessary. It takes so much cloth to make a coat.NWAD TAKE.65
To take away, to deprive of; to bereave; as a bill for taking away the votes of bishops.NWAD TAKE.66
By your own law I take your life away.NWAD TAKE.67
1. To remove; as, to take away the consciousness of pleasure.NWAD TAKE.68
To take care, to be careful; to be solicitous for.NWAD TAKE.69
Doth God take care for oxen? 1 Corinthians 9:9.NWAD TAKE.70
1. To be cautious or vigilant.NWAD TAKE.71
To take care of, to superintend or oversee; to have the charge of keeping or securing.NWAD TAKE.72
To take a course, to resort to; to have recourse to measures.NWAD TAKE.73
The violence of storming is the course which God is forced to take for the destroying of sinners.NWAD TAKE.74
To take one’s own course, to act one’s pleasure; to pursue the measures of one’s own choice.NWAD TAKE.75
To take down, to reduce; to bring lower; to depress; as, to take down pride, or the proud.NWAD TAKE.76
1. To swallow; as, to take down a potion.NWAD TAKE.77
2. To pull down; to pull to pieces; as, to take down a house or a scaffold.NWAD TAKE.78
3. To write; as, to take down a man’s words at the time he utters them.NWAD TAKE.79
To take from, to deprive of.NWAD TAKE.80
I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee. 1 Samuel 17:46.NWAD TAKE.81
1. To deduct; to subtract; as, to take one number from another.NWAD TAKE.82
2. To detract; to derogate.NWAD TAKE.83
To take heed, to be careful or cautious.NWAD TAKE.84
Take heed what doom against yourself you give.NWAD TAKE.85
To take heed to, to attend to with care. Take heed to thy ways.NWAD TAKE.86
To take hold, to seize; to fix on.NWAD TAKE.87
To take in, to inclose; to fence.NWAD TAKE.88
1. To encompass or embrace; to comprise; to comprehend.NWAD TAKE.89
2. To draw into a smaller compass; to contract; to brail or furl; as, to take in sail.NWAD TAKE.90
3. To cheat; to circumvent; to gull. [Not elegant.]NWAD TAKE.91
4. To admit; to receive; as, a vessel will take in more water. The landlord said he could take in no more lodgers.NWAD TAKE.92
5. To win by conquest. [Not in use.]NWAD TAKE.93
6. To receive into the mind or understanding.NWAD TAKE.94
Some bright genius can take in a long train of propositions.NWAD TAKE.95
To take in hand, to undertake; to attempt to execute any thing. Luke 1:1.NWAD TAKE.96
To take notice, to observe; or to observe with particular attention.NWAD TAKE.97
1. To show by some act that observation is made; to make remark upon. He heard what was said, but took no notice of it.NWAD TAKE.98
To take oath, to swear with solemnity, or in a judicial manner.NWAD TAKE.99
To take off, to remove, in various ways; to remove from the top of any thing; as, to take off a load; to take off one’s hat, etc.NWAD TAKE.100
1. To cut off; as, to take off the head or a limb.NWAD TAKE.101
2. To destroy; as, to take off life.NWAD TAKE.102
3. To remove; to invalidate; as, to take off the force of an argument.NWAD TAKE.103
4. To withdraw; to call or draw away.NWAD TAKE.104
Keep foreign ideas from taking off the mind from its present pursuit.NWAD TAKE.105
5. To swallow; as, to take off a glass of wine.NWAD TAKE.106
6. To purchase; to take from in trade.NWAD TAKE.107
The Spaniards having no commodities that we will take off--NWAD TAKE.108
7. To copy.NWAD TAKE.109
Take off all their models in wood.NWAD TAKE.110
8. To imitate; to mimic.NWAD TAKE.111
9. To find place for; as more scholars than preferments can take off.NWAD TAKE.112
To take off from, to lessen; to remove in part. This takes off from the deformity of vice.NWAD TAKE.113
To take order with, to check. [Not much used.]NWAD TAKE.114
To take out, to remove from within a place; to separate; to deduct.NWAD TAKE.115
1. To draw out; to remove; to clear or cleanse from; as, to take out a stain or spot from cloth; to take out an unpleasant taste from wine.NWAD TAKE.116
To take part, to share. Take part in our rejoicing.NWAD TAKE.117
To take part with, to unite with; to join with.NWAD TAKE.118
To take place, to happen; to come, or come to pass.NWAD TAKE.119
1. To have effect; to prevail.NWAD TAKE.120
Where arms take place, all other pleas are vain.NWAD TAKE.121
To have effect; to prevail.NWAD TAKE.122
Where arms take place, all other pleas are vain.NWAD TAKE.123
To take effect, to have the intended effect; to be efficacious.NWAD TAKE.124
To take root, to live and grow; as a plant.NWAD TAKE.125
1. To be established; as principles.NWAD TAKE.126
To take up, to lift; to raise.NWAD TAKE.127
1. To buy or borrow; as, to take up goods to a large amount; to take up money at the bank.NWAD TAKE.128
2. To begin; as, to take up a lamentation. Ezekiel 19:1.NWAD TAKE.129
3. In surgery, to fasten with a ligature.NWAD TAKE.130
4. To engross; to employ; to engage the attention; as, to take up the time.NWAD TAKE.131
5. To have final recourse to.NWAD TAKE.132
Arnobius asserts that men of the finest parts took up their rest in the christian religion.NWAD TAKE.133
6. To seize; to catch; to arrest; as, to take up a thief; to take up vagabonds.NWAD TAKE.134
7. To admit.NWAD TAKE.135
The ancients took up experiments upon credit.NWAD TAKE.136
8. To answer by reproof; to reprimand.NWAD TAKE.137
One of his relations took him up roundly.NWAD TAKE.138
9. To begin where another left off.NWAD TAKE.139
Soon as the evening shades prevail,NWAD TAKE.140
The moon takes up the wondrous tale.NWAD TAKE.141
10. To occupy; to fill; as, to take up a great deal of room.NWAD TAKE.142
11. To assume; to carry on or manage for another; as, to take up the quarrels of our neighbors.NWAD TAKE.143
12. To comprise; to include.NWAD TAKE.144
The noble poem of Palemon and Arcite--takes up seven years.NWAD TAKE.145
13. To adopt; to assume; as, to take up current opinions.NWAD TAKE.146
They take up our old trade of conquering.NWAD TAKE.147
14. To collect; to exact a tax.NWAD TAKE.148
15. To pay and receive; as, to take up a note at the bank.NWAD TAKE.149
To take up arms,NWAD TAKE.150
To take arms, To begin war; to begin resistance by force.NWAD TAKE.151
To take upon, to assume; to undertake. He takes upon himself to assert that the fact is capable of proof.NWAD TAKE.152
1. To appropriate to; to admit to be imputed to; as, to take upon one’s self a punishment.NWAD TAKE.153
To take side, to join one of two differing parties; to take an interest in one party.NWAD TAKE.154
To take to heart, to be sensibly affected by; to feel any thing sensibly.NWAD TAKE.155
To take advantage of, to catch by surprise; or to make use of a favorable state of things to the prejudice of another.NWAD TAKE.156
To take the advantage of, to use any advantage offered.NWAD TAKE.157
To take air, to be divulged or made public; to be disclosed; as a secret.NWAD TAKE.158
To take the air, to expose one’s self to the open air.NWAD TAKE.159
To take a course, to begin a certain direction or way of proceeding.NWAD TAKE.160
To take leave, to bid adieu or farewell.NWAD TAKE.161
To take breath, to rest; to be recruited or refreshed.NWAD TAKE.162
To take aim, to direct the eye or a weapon to a particular object.NWAD TAKE.163
To take along, to carry, lead or convey.NWAD TAKE.164
To take a way, to begin a particular course or direction.NWAD TAKE.165
TAKE, v.i. To move or direct the course; to resort to, or to attach one’s self; to betake one’s self. The fox being hard pressed took to the hedge. My friend has left his music and taken to books.
The defluxion taking to his breast, wasted his lungs.NWAD TAKE.167
1. To please; to gain reception. The play will not take, unless it is set off with proper scenes.NWAD TAKE.168
Each wit may praise it for his own dear sake,NWAD TAKE.169
And hint he writ it, if the thing should take.NWAD TAKE.170
2. To have the intended or natural effect.NWAD TAKE.171
In impressions from mind to mind, the impression taketh.NWAD TAKE.172
3. To catch; to fix, or be fixed. He was inoculated, but the infection did not take.NWAD TAKE.173
When flame taketh and openeth, it giveth a noise.NWAD TAKE.174
To take after, to learn to follow; to copy; to imitate; as, he takes after a good pattern.NWAD TAKE.175
1. To resemble; as, the son takes after his father.NWAD TAKE.176
To take in with, to resort to.NWAD TAKE.177
To take for, to mistake; to suppose or think one thing to be another.NWAD TAKE.178
The lord of the land took us for spies. Genesis 42:30.NWAD TAKE.179
To take on, to be violently affected; as, the child takes on at a great rate.NWAD TAKE.180
1. To claim, as a character.NWAD TAKE.181
I take not on me here as a physician.NWAD TAKE.182
To take to, to apply to; to be fond of; to become attached to; as, to take to books; to take to evil practices.NWAD TAKE.183
1. To resort to; to betake to.NWAD TAKE.184
Men of learning who take to business, discharge it generally with greater honesty than men of the world.NWAD TAKE.185
To take up, to stop.NWAD TAKE.186
Sinners at last take up and settle in a contempt of all religion. [Not in use.]NWAD TAKE.187
1. To reform. [Not in use.]NWAD TAKE.188
To take up with, to be contented to receive; to receive without opposition; as, to take up with plain fare.NWAD TAKE.189
In affairs which may have an extensive influence on our future happiness, we should not take up with probabilities.NWAD TAKE.190
1. To lodge; to dwell. [Not in use.]NWAD TAKE.191
To take with, to please. The proposal takes well with him.NWAD TAKE.192
TAKEN, ta’kn. pp. of take. Received; caught; apprehended; captivated, etc.
TAKER, n. One that takes or receives; one who catches or apprehends.
1. One that subdues and causes to surrender; as the taker of captives or of a city.NWAD TAKER.2
TAKING, ppr. Receiving; catching; getting possession; apprehending.
1. a. Alluring; attracting.NWAD TAKING.2
TAKING, n. The act of gaining possession; a seizing; seizure; apprehension.
1. Agitation; distress of mind.NWAD TAKING.4
What a taking was he in, when your husband asked what was in the basket?NWAD TAKING.5
TAKINGNESS, n. The quality of pleasing.
TALAPOIN, n. In Siam, a priest, or one devoted to religion; also, a species of monkey.
TALBOT, n. A sort of dog, noted for his quick scent and eager pursuit of game. [The figure of a dog is said to be borne in the arms of the Talbot family.]
TALCK, TALC, n. A species of magnesian earth, consisting of broad flat smooth lamins or plates, unctuous to the touch, of a shining luster, translucent, and often transparent. By the action of fire, the lamins open a little, the fragment swells, and the extremities are with difficulty fused into a white enamel. When rubbed with resin, talck acquires positive electricity. Its prevailing colors are white, apple-green and yellow.
Of this mineral, Jameson’s sixth subspecies of rhomboidal mica, there are two kinds, common and indurated.NWAD TALCK.2
TALCKITE, n. A species of talck of a loose form.
TALCKOUS, a. Talcky. [But talcous or talckous is ill formed.]
TALCKY, a. Like talck; consisting of talck; as a talcky feel; a talcky substance.
1. Containing talck.NWAD TALCKY.2
TALE, n. [See Tell.] A story; a narrative; the rehearsal of a series of events or adventures, commonly some trifling incidents; or a fictitious narrative; as the tale of a tub. Marmontel’s tales; idle tales. Luke 24:11.
We spend our years as a tale that is told Psalm 90:9.NWAD TALE.2
1. Oral relation.NWAD TALE.3
2. Reckoning; account set down. Exodus 5:8.NWAD TALE.4
In packing, they keep a just tale of the number.NWAD TALE.5
3. Number reckoned.NWAD TALE.6
--The ignorant who measure by tale, not be weight.NWAD TALE.7
4. A telling; information; disclosure of any thing secret.NWAD TALE.8
Birds--are aptest by their voice to tell tales what they find.NWAD TALE.9
In thee are men that carry tales to shed blood. Ezekiel 22:9.NWAD TALE.10
5. In law, a count or declaration. [Tale, in this sense, is obsolete.]NWAD TALE.11
6. In commerce, a weight for gold and silver in China and other parts of the E. Indies; also, a money of account. In China, each tale is 10 maces=100 candareens-1000 cash.NWAD TALE.12
TALE, v.i. To tell stories.
TALEBEARER, n. [tale and bear.] A person who officiously tells tales; one who impertinently communicates intelligence or anecdotes, and makes mischief in society by his officiousness.
Where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. Proverbs 26:20.NWAD TALEBEARER.2
TALEBEARING, a. Officiously communicating information.
TALEBEARING, n. The act of informing officiously; communication of secrets maliciously.
TALEFUL, a. Abounding with stories.
TALENT, n. [L. talentum; Gr. to bear, allied to L. tollo. The word is said to have originally signified a balance or scales.]
1. Among the ancients, a weight, and a coin. The true value of the talent cannot well be ascertained, but it is known that it was different among different nations. The Attic Talent, the weight, contained 60 Attic minae, or 6000 Attic drachmae, equal to 56 pounds, eleven ounces, English troy weight. The mina being reckoned equal to f3 4s. 7d. sterling, or fourteen dollars and a third nearly, the talent was of the value of f193 15s sterling, about $861 dollars. Other computations make it f225 sterling.NWAD TALENT.2
The Romans had the great talent and the little talent; the great talent is computed to be equal to f99 6s. 8d. sterling, and the little talent to f75 sterling.NWAD TALENT.3
2. Talent, among the Hebrews, was also a gold coin, the same with a shekel of gold; called also stater, and weighing only four drachmas.NWAD TALENT.4
But the Hebrew talent of silver, called cicar, was equivalent to three thousand shekels, or one hundred and thirteen pounds, ten ounces and a fraction, troy weight.NWAD TALENT.5
3. Faculty; natural gift or endowment; a metaphorical application of the word, said to be borrowed from the Scriptural parable of the talents. Matthew 25:14-30.NWAD TALENT.6
He is chiefly to be considered in his three different talents, as a critic, a satirist, and a writer of odes.NWAD TALENT.7
‘Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts.NWAD TALENT.8
4. Eminent abilities; superior genius; as, he is a man of talents.NWAD TALENT.9
[Talent, in the singular, is sometimes used in a like sense.]NWAD TALENT.10
5. Particular faculty; skill. He has a talent at drawing.NWAD TALENT.11
6. [Sp. talante, manner of performing any thing, will, disposition.] Quality; disposition.NWAD TALENT.12
TALENTED, a. Furnished with talents; possessing skill or talents.