TETRICITY, n. Crabbedness; perverseness. [Not in use.]
TETTER, n. [L. titillo.]
1. In medicine, a common name of several cutaneous diseases, consisting of an eruption of vesicles or pustules, in distinct or confluent clusters, spreading over the body in various directions and hardening into scabs or crusts. It includes the shingles, ring-worm, milky scale (crusta lactea.) scald head, etc.NWAD TETTER.2
2. In farriery, a cutaneous disease of animals, of the ring-worm kind, which spreads on the body in different directions, and occasions a troublesome itching.NWAD TETTER.3
TETTER, v.t. To affect with the disease called tetters.
TETTISH, a. Captious; testy. [Not in use.]
TEUTONIC, a. Pertaining to the Teutons, a people of Germany, or to their language; as a noun, the language of the Teutons, the parent of the German Dutch, and Anglo Saxon or native English.
Teutonic order, a military religious order of knights, established toward the close of the twelfth century, in imitation of the Templars and Hospitallers. It was composed chiefly of Teutons or Germans, who marched to the Holy Land in the crusades, and was established in that country for charitable purposes. It increased in numbers and strength till it became master of all Prussia, Livonia and Pomerania.NWAD TEUTONIC.2
TEW, v.t. To work; to soften. [Not in use.] [See Taw.]
1. To work; to pull or tease; among seamen.NWAD TEW.2
TEW, n. [probably tow.] Materials for any thing. [Not in use.]
1. An iron chain. [Not in use.]NWAD TEW.4
TEWEL, n. An iron pipe in a forge to receive the pipe of a bellows.
TEWTAW, v.t. To beat; to break. [Not in use.] [See Tew.]
TEXT, n. [L. textus, woven. See Texture.]
1. A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written. Thus we speak of the text or original of the Scripture, in relation to the comments upon it. Infinite pains have been taken to ascertain and establish the genuine original text.NWAD TEXT.2
2. A verse or passage of Scripture which a preacher selects as the subject of a discourse.NWAD TEXT.3
How oft, when Paul has serv’d us with a text,NWAD TEXT.4
Has Epictetus, Plato, Tully preach’d.NWAD TEXT.5
3. Any particular passage of Scripture, used an authority in argument for proof of a doctrine. In modern sermons, texts of Scripture are not as frequently cited as they were formerly.NWAD TEXT.6
4. In ancient law authors, the four Gospels, by way of eminence.NWAD TEXT.7
TEXT, v.t. To write, as a text. [Not much used.]
TEXT-BOOK, n. In universities and colleges, a classic author written with wide spaces between the lines, to give room for the observations or interpretation dictated by the master or regent.
1. A book containing the leading principles or most important points of a science or branch of learning, arranged in order for the use of students.NWAD TEXT-BOOK.2
TEXT-HAND, n. A large hand in writing; so called because it was the practice to write the text of a book in a large hand, and the notes in a smaller hand.
TEXTILE, a. [L. textilis.] Woven, or capable of being woven.
TEXTILE, n. That which is or may be woven.
TEXT-MAN, n. A man ready in the quotation of texts.
TEXTORIAL, a. [L. textor.] Pertaining to weaving.
TEXTRINE, a. Pertaining to weaving; as the textrine art.
TEXTUAL, a. Contained in the text.
1. Serving for texts.NWAD TEXTUAL.2
TEXTUALIST, TEXTUARY, n. One who is well versed in the Scriptures, and can readily quote texts.
1. One who adheres to the text.NWAD TEXTUALIST.2
TEXTUARY, a. Textual; contained in the text.
1. Serving as a text; authoritative.NWAD TEXTUARY.2
TEXTUIST, n. One ready in the quotation of texts.
TEXTURE, n. [L. textura, textus, from texo, to weave.]
1. The act of weaving.NWAD TEXTURE.2
2. A web; that which is woven.NWAD TEXTURE.3
Others, far in the grassy dale,NWAD TEXTURE.4
Their humble texture weave.NWAD TEXTURE.5
3. The disposition or connection of threads, filaments or other slender bodies interwoven; as the texture of cloth or of a spider’s web.NWAD TEXTURE.6
4. The disposition of the several parts of any body in connection with each other; or the manner in which the constituent parts are united; as the texture of earthy substances of fossils; the texture of a plant; the texture of paper, of a hat or skin; a loose texture; or a close compact texture.NWAD TEXTURE.7
5. In anatomy. [See Tissue.]NWAD TEXTURE.8
THACK, for thatch, is local. [See Thatch.]
THALLITE, n. [Gr. a green twig.] In mineralogy, a substance variously denominated by different authors. It is the epidote of Hauy, the delphinite of Saussure, and the pistacite of Werner. It occurs both crystallized and in masses.
THAMMUZ, n. The tenth month of the Jewish civil year, containing 29 days, and answering to a part of June and a part of July.
1. The name of a deity among the Phenicians.NWAD THAMMUZ.2
THAN, adv. This word is placed after some comparative adjective or adverb, to express comparison between what precedes and what follows. Thus Elijah said, I am not better than my fathers. Wisdom is better than strength. Israel loved Joseph more than all his children. All nations are counted less than nothing. I who am less than the least of all saints. The last error shall be worse than the first. He that denies the faith is worse than an infidel.
After more, or an equivalent termination, the following word implies less, or worse; after less, or an equivalent termination, it implies more or better.NWAD THAN.2
THANE, n. The thanes in England were formerly persons of some dignity; of these there were two orders, the king’s thanes, who attended the Saxon and Danish kings in their courts, and held lands immediately of them; and the ordinary thanes, who were lords of manors, and who had a particular jurisdiction within their limits. After the conquest, this title was disused, and baron took its place.
THANE-LANDS, n. Lands granted to thanes.
THANESHIP, n. The state or dignity of a thane; or his seignory.
1. To express gratitude for a favor; to make acknowledgments to one for kindness bestowed.NWAD THANK.2
We are bound to thank God always for you. 2 Thessalonians 1:3.NWAD THANK.3
Joab bowed himself and thanked the king. 2 Samuel 14:22.NWAD THANK.4
2. It is used ironically.NWAD THANK.5
Weigh the danger with the doubtful bliss,NWAD THANK.6
And thank yourself, if aught should fall amiss.NWAD THANK.7
THANK, THANKS, n. generally in the plural. Expression of gratitude; an acknowledgment made to express a sense of favor or kindness received. Gratitude is the feeling or sentiment excited by kindness; thanks are the expression of that sentiment. Luke 6:32-34.
Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57.NWAD THANK.9
Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15.NWAD THANK.10
He took bread and gave thanks to God. Acts 27:35.NWAD THANK.11
THANKED, pp. Having received expression of gratitude.
THANKFUL, a. Grateful; impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it. The Lord’s supper is to be celebrated with a thankful remembrance of his sufferings and death.
Be thankful to him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:4.NWAD THANKFUL.2
THANKFULLY, adv. With a grateful sense of favor or kindness received.
If you have liv’d, take thankfully the past’.NWAD THANKFULLY.2
THANKFULNESS, n. Expression of gratitude; acknowledgment of a favor.
1. Gratitude; a lively sense of good received.NWAD THANKFULNESS.2
The celebration of these holy mysteries being ended, retire with all thankfulness of heart for having been admitted to that heavenly feast.NWAD THANKFULNESS.3
THANKING, ppr. Expressing gratitude for good received.
THANKLESS, a. Unthankful; ungrateful; not acknowledging favors.
That she may feelNWAD THANKLESS.2
How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it isNWAD THANKLESS.3
To have a thankless child.NWAD THANKLESS.4
1. Not deserving thanks, or not likely to gain thanks; as a thankless office.NWAD THANKLESS.5
THANKLESSNESS, n. Ingratitude; failure to acknowledge a kindness.
An offering made in acknowledgment of mercy.NWAD THANK-OFFERING.2
THANKSGIVE, v.t. thanksgiv. [thanks and give.]
To celebrate or distinguish by solemn rites. [Not in use.]NWAD THANKSGIVE.2
THANKSGIVER, n. One who gives thanks or acknowledges a kindness.
THANKSGIVING, ppr. Rendering thanks for good received.
THANKSGIVING, n. The act of rendering thanks or expressing gratitude for favors or mercies.
Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if received with thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4:4.NWAD THANKSGIVING.3
1. A public celebration of divine goodness; also, a day set apart for religious services, specially to acknowledge the goodness of God, either in any remarkable deliverance from calamities or danger, or in the ordinary dispensation of his bounties. The practice of appointing an annual thanksgiving originated in New England.NWAD THANKSGIVING.4
THANK-WORTHY, a. [thank and worthy.] Deserving thanks; meritorious. 1 Peter 2:19.
THARM, n. Intestines twisted into a cord.
THAT, an adjective, pronoun or substitute.
1. That is a word used as a definitive adjective, pointing to a certain person or thing before mentioned, or supposed to be understood. “Here is that book we have been seeking this hour.” “Here goes that man we were talking of.”NWAD THAT.2
It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city. Matthew 10:15.NWAD THAT.3
2. That is used definitively, to designate a specific thing or person emphatically.NWAD THAT.4
The woman was made whole from that hour. Matthew 9:22.NWAD THAT.5
In these cases, that is an adjective. In the two first examples, the may be substituted for it. “Here is the book we have been seeking.” “Here goes the man we were talking of.” But in other cases, the cannot supply its place, and that may be considered as more emphatically definite than the.NWAD THAT.6
3. That is used as the representative of a noun, either a person or a thing. In this use, it is often a pronoun and a relative. When it refers to persons, it is equivalent to who, and when it refers to a thing, it is equivalent to which. In this use, it represents either the singular number or the plural.NWAD THAT.7
He that reproveth a scorner, getteth to himself shame. Proverbs 9:7.NWAD THAT.8
They that hate me without a cause, are more than the hairs of my head. Psalm 69:4.NWAD THAT.9
A judgment that is equal and impartial, must incline to the greater probabilities.NWAD THAT.10
They shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend. Matthew 13:41.NWAD THAT.11
4. That is also the representative of a sentence or part of a sentence, and often of a series of sentences. In this case, that is not strictly a pronoun, a word standing for a noun; but is, so to speak, a pro-sentence, the substitute for a sentence, to save the repetition of it.NWAD THAT.12
And when Moses heard that, he was content. Leviticus 10:20.NWAD THAT.13
That here stands for the whole of what Aaron had said, or the whole of the preceding verse.NWAD THAT.14
I will know your business, that I will.NWAD THAT.15
Ye defraud, and that your brethren. 1 Corinthians 6:8.NWAD THAT.16
That sometimes in this use, precedes the sentence or clause to which it refers.NWAD THAT.17
That be far from thee, to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked. Genesis 18:25.NWAD THAT.18
That here represents the clause in italics.NWAD THAT.19
5. That sometimes is the substitute for an adjective. You allege that the man is innocent; that he is not.NWAD THAT.20
6. That, in the following use, has been called a conjunction. “I heard that the Greeks had defeated the Turks.” But in this case, that has the same character as in No. 4. It is the representative of the part of the sentence which follows, as may be seen by inverting the order of the clauses. “The Greeks had defeated the Turks; I heard that.” “It is not that I love you less.” That here refers to the latter clause of the sentence, as a kind of demonstrative.NWAD THAT.21
7. That was formerly used for that which, like what.NWAD THAT.22
We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen. John 3:11. [This use is no longer held legitimate.]NWAD THAT.23
8. That is used in opposition to this, or by way of distinction.NWAD THAT.24
9. When this and that refer to foregoing words, this, like the Latin hie, and French ceci, refers to the latter, and that to the former. It is the same with these and those.NWAD THAT.25
Self-love and reason to one end aspire,NWAD THAT.26
Pain their aversion, pleasure their desire,NWAD THAT.27
But greedy that, its object would devour,NWAD THAT.28
This taste the honey, and not wound the flow’r.NWAD THAT.29
10. That sometimes introduces an explanation of something going before. “Religion consists in living up to those principles; that is, in acting in conformity to them.” Here that refers to the whole first clause of the sentence.NWAD THAT.30
11. “Things are preached, not in that they are taught, but in that they are published.” Here that refers to the words which follow it.NWAD THAT.31
So when that begins a sentence, “That we may fully understand the subject, let us consider the following propositions.” That denotes purpose, or rather introduces the clause expressing purposes, as will appear by restoring the sentence to its natural order. “Let us consider the following propositions, that, [for the purpose expressed in the following clause,] we may fully understand the subject.” “Attend that you may receive instruction;” that referring to the last member.NWAD THAT.32
In that, a phrase denoting consequence, cause or reason; that referring to the following sentence.NWAD THAT.33
THATCH, n. [L. tego; Eng. deck.] Straw or other substance used to cover the roofs of buildings, or stacks of hay or grain, for securing them from rain, etc.
THATCH, v.t. To cover with straw, reeds or some similar substance; as, to thatch a house or a stable, or a stack of grain.
THATCHED, pp. Covered with straw or thatch.
THATCHER, n. One whose occupation is to thatch houses.
THATCHING, ppr. Covering with straw or thatch.
THATCHING, n. The act or art of covering buildings with thatch, so as to keep out water.
THAUMATURGY, n. [Gr. a wonder, and work.]
The act of performing something wonderful.NWAD THAUMATURGY.2
1. To melt, dissolve or become fluid, as ice or snow. [It is remarkable that this word is used only of things that congeal by frost. We never say, to thaw metal of any kind.]NWAD THAW.2
2. To become so warm as to melt ice and snow; used of weather.NWAD THAW.3
THAW, v.t. To melt; to dissolve; as ice, snow, hail or frozen earth.
THAW, n. The melting of ice or snow; the resolution of ice into the state of a fluid; liquefaction by heat, of any thing congealed by frost.
THAWED, pp. Melted, as ice or snow.
THAWING, ppr. Dissolving; resolving into a fluid; liquefying; as any thing frozen.
THE, an adjective or definitive adjective.
1. This adjective is used as a definitive, that is, before nouns which are specific or understood; or it is used to limit their signification to a specific thing or things, or to describe them; as the laws of the twelve tables. The independent tribunals of justice in our country, are the security or private rights, and the best bulwark against arbitrary power. The sun is the source of light and heat.NWAD THE.2
This he calls the preaching of the cross.NWAD THE.3
2. The is also used rhetorically before a noun in the singular number, to denote a species by way of distinction; a single thing representing the whole. The fig tree putteth forth her green figs; the almond tree shall flourish; the grasshopper shall be a burden.NWAD THE.4
3. In poetry, the sometimes loses the final vowel before another vowel.NWAD THE.5
Th’ adorning thee with so much art,NWAD THE.6
Is but a barb’rous skill.NWAD THE.7
4. The is used before adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree. The longer we continue in sin, the more difficult it is to reform. The most strenuous exertions will be used to emancipate Greece. The most we can do is to submit; the best we can do; the worst that can happen.NWAD THE.8
THEARCHY, n. [Gr. God, and rule.] Government by God; more commonly called theocracy.
THEATER, THEATRE, n. [L. theatrum; Gr. to see.]
1. Among the ancients, an edifice in which spectacles or shows were exhibited for the amusement of spectators.NWAD THEATER.2
2. In modern times, a house for the exhibition of dramatic performances, as tragedies, comedies and farces; a play-house; comprehending the stage, the pit, the boxes, galleries and orchester.NWAD THEATER.3
3. Among the Italians, an assemblage of buildings, which by a happy disposition and elevation, represents an agreeable scene to the eye.NWAD THEATER.4
4. A place rising by steps or gradations like the seats of a theater.NWAD THEATER.5
Shade above shade, a woody theaterNWAD THEATER.6
Of stateliest view--NWAD THEATER.7
5. A place of action or exhibition; as the theater of the world.NWAD THEATER.8
6. A building for the exhibition of scholastic exercises, as at Oxford, or for other exhibitions.NWAD THEATER.9
Anatomical theater, a hall with several rows of seats, disposed in the manner of an amphitheater, and a table turning on a pivot in the middle, for anatomical demonstrations.NWAD THEATER.10
THEATINS, n. An order of regular priests in Naples, who have no property, nor do they beg, but wait for what providence sends them. They have their name from the chief of the order.
THEATRAL, a. Belonging to a theater. [Not in use.]
THEATRIC, THEATRICAL, a. Pertaining to a theater or to scenic representations; resembling the manner of dramatic performers; as theatrical dress; theatrical performances; theatrical gestures.
THEATRICALLY, adv. In the manner of actors on the state; in a manner suiting the stage.
THEAVE, THAVE, n. An ewe of the first year. [Local.]
THEE, pron. obj. case of thou.
THEE, v.i. To thrive; to prosper.
THEFT, n. The act of stealing. In law, the private, unlawful, felonious taking of another person’s goods or movables, with an intent to steal them. To constitute theft, the taking must be in private or without the owner’s knowledge, and it must be unlawful or felonious, that is, it must be with a design to deprive the owner of his property privately and against his will. Theft differs from robbery, as the latter is a violent taking from the person, and of course not private.
1. The thing stolen. Exodus 22:3-4.NWAD THEFT.2
THEFT-BOTE, n. In law, the receiving of a man’s goods again from a thief; or a compensation for them, by way of composition, and to prevent the prosecution of the thief. This in England subjects a person to a heavy fine, as by this means the punishment of the criminal is prevented.
THEIR, a pronom.
1. Their has the sense of a pronominal adjective, denoting of them, or the possession of two or more; as their voices; their garments; their houses; their land; their country.NWAD THEIR.2
2. Theirs is used as a substitute for the adjective and the noun to which it refers, and in this case, it may be the nominative to a verb. “Our land is the most extensive, but theirs is the best cultivated.” Here theirs stands as the representative of their land, and is the nominative to is.NWAD THEIR.3
Nothing but the name of zeal appearsNWAD THEIR.4
‘Twixt our best actions and the worst of theirs.NWAD THEIR.5
In this use, theirs is not in the possessive case, for then there would be a double possessive.NWAD THEIR.6
THEISM, n. [from Gr. God.] The belief or acknowledgment of the existence of a God, as opposed to atheism. Theism differs from deism, for although deism implies a belief in the existence of a God, yet it signifies in modern usage a denial of revelation, which theism does not.
THEIST, n. One who believes in the existence of a God.
THEISTIC, THEISTICAL, a. Pertaining to theism, or to a theist; according to the doctrine of theists.
THEM, pron. the objective case of they, and of both genders. [In our mother tongue, them is an adjective, answering to the, in the dative and ablative cases of both numbers. The common people continue to use it in the plural number as an adjective, for they say, bring them horses, or them horses are to be led to water.]
Go ye to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. Matthew 25:9.NWAD THEM.2
Then shall the king say to them on his right hand, come, ye blessed of my Father-- Matthew 25:34.NWAD THEM.3
THEME, n. [L. thema; Gr. to set or place.]
1. A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks. The preacher takes a text for the theme of his discourse.NWAD THEME.2
When a soldier was the theme, my nameNWAD THEME.3
Was not far off.NWAD THEME.4
2. A short dissertation composed by a student.NWAD THEME.5
3. In grammar, a radical verb, or the verb in its primary absolute sense, not modified by inflections; as the infinitive mode in English. But a large portion of the words called themes in Greek, are not the radical words, but are themselves derivative forms of the verb. The fact is the same in other languages.NWAD THEME.6
4. In music, a series of notes selected as the text or subject of a new composition.NWAD THEME.7
THEMSELVES, a compound of them and selves, and added to they by way of emphasis or pointed distinction. Thus we say, they themselves have done the mischief; they cannot blame others. In this case, themselves is in the nominative case, and maybe considered as an emphatical pronoun.
In some cases, themselves is used without they, and strands as the only nominative to the following verb. Themselves have done the mischief.NWAD THEMSELVES.2
This word is used also in the objective case after a verb or preposition. Things in themselves innocent, may under certain circumstances cease to be so.NWAD THEMSELVES.3
They open to themselves at length the way.NWAD THEMSELVES.4
1. At that time, referring to a time specified, either past or future.NWAD THEN.2
And the Canaanite was then in the land. Genesis 12:6.NWAD THEN.3
That is, when Abram migrated and came into Canaan.NWAD THEN.4
Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12.NWAD THEN.5
2. Afterward; soon afterward or immediately.NWAD THEN.6
First be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Matthew 5:24.NWAD THEN.7
3. In that case; in consequence. Galatians 3:29; Job 3:13.NWAD THEN.8
If all this be so, then man has a natural freedom.NWAD THEN.9
4. Therefore; for this reason.NWAD THEN.10
Now then be all thy weighty cares away.NWAD THEN.11
5. At another time; as now and then, at one time and another.NWAD THEN.12
6. That time.NWAD THEN.13
Till then we knewNWAD THEN.14
The force of those dire arms?NWAD THEN.15
THENCE, adv. thens.
1. From that place.NWAD THENCE.2
When you depart thence, shake off the dust of your feet. Mark 6:11.NWAD THENCE.3
It is more usual, though not necessary, to use from before thence.NWAD THENCE.4
Then will I send and fetch thee from thence. Genesis 27:45.NWAD THENCE.5
2. From that time.NWAD THENCE.6
There shall be no more thence an infant of days. Isaiah 65:20.NWAD THENCE.7
3. For that reason.NWAD THENCE.8
Not to sit idle with so great a giftNWAD THENCE.9
Useless, and thence ridiculous, about him.NWAD THENCE.10
THENCEFORTH, adv. thens’forth. [thence and forth.] From that time.
If the salt hath lost its savor, it is thenceforth good for nothing. Matthew 5:13.NWAD THENCEFORTH.2
This is also preceded by from, though not from any necessity.NWAD THENCEFORTH.3
And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him. John 19:12.NWAD THENCEFORTH.4
THENCEFORWARD, adv. [thence and forward.] From that time onward.
THENCEFROM, adv. [thence and from.] From that place. [Not in use.]
THEOCRACY, n. [Gr. God, and power; to hold.] Government of a state by the immediate direction of God; or the state thus governed. Of this species the Israelites furnish an illustrious example. The theocracy lasted till the time of Saul.
THEOCRATICICAL, a. Pertaining to a theocracy; administered by the immediate direction of God; as the theocratical state of the Israelites. The government of the Israelites was theocratic.
THEODICY, n. [L. dico, to speak.]
The science of God; metaphysical theology.NWAD THEODICY.2
THEODOLITE, n. [Gr. to run, and long.] An instrument for taking the heights and distances of objects, or for measuring horizontal and vertical angles in land-surveying.
THEOGONY, n. [Gr. God, and to be born.] In mythology, the generation of the gods; or that branch of heathen theology which taught the genealogy of their deities. Hesiod composed a poem concerning that theogony, or the creation of the world and the descent of the gods.
THEOLOGASTER, n. A kind of quack in divinity; as a quack in medicine is called medicaster.
THEOLOGIAN, n. [See Theology.] A divine; a person well versed in theology, or a professor of divinity.
THEOLOGIC, THEOLOGICAL, a. [See Theology.] Pertaining to divinity, or the science of God and of divine things; as a theological treatise; theological criticism.
THEOLOGICALLY, adv. According to the principles of theology.
THEOLOGIST, n. A divine; one studious in the science of divinity, or one well versed in that science.
THEOLOGIZE, v.t. To render theological.
1. v.i. To frame a system of theology. [Little used.]NWAD THEOLOGIZE.2
THEOLOGIZER, n. A divine, or a professor of theology. [Unusual.]
THEOLOGUE, for theologist, is not in use.
THEOLOGY, n. [Gr. God, and discourse.] Divinity; the science of God and divine things; or the science which teaches the existence, character and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice. Theology consists of two branches, natural and revealed. Natural theology is the knowledge we have of God from his works, by the light of nature and reason. Revealed theology is that which is to be learned only from revelation.
Moral theology, teaches us the divine laws relating to our manners and actions, that is, our moral duties.NWAD THEOLOGY.2
Doctrinal theology, teaches or explains the doctrines of religion, as objects of faith.NWAD THEOLOGY.3
Scholastic theology, is that which proceeds by reasoning, or which derives the knowledge of several divine things from certain established principles of faith.NWAD THEOLOGY.4
THEOMACHIST, n. [Gr. God, and combat.]
One who fights against the gods.NWAD THEOMACHIST.2
THEOMACHY, n. [supra.] A fighting against the gods, as the battle of the giants with the gods.
1. Opposition to the divine will.NWAD THEOMACHY.2
THEOPATHY, n. [Gr. God, and passion.] Religious suffering; suffering for the purpose of subduing sinful propensities.
THEORBO, n. A musical instrument made like a large lute, except that it has two necks or juga, the second and longer of which sustains the four last rows of chords, which are to give the deepest sounds. The theorbo has eight base or thick strings twice as long as those of the lute, which excess of length renders the sound exceedingly soft, and continues it a great length of time.
THEOREM, n. [Gr. to see.]
1. In mathematics, a proposition which terminates in theory, and which considers the properties of things already made or done; or it is a speculative proposition deduced from several definitions compared together.NWAD THEOREM.2
A theorem is a proposition to be proved by a chain of reasoning. A theorem is something to be proved; a problem is something to be done.NWAD THEOREM.3
2. In algebra or analysis, it is sometimes used to denote a rule, particularly when that rule is expressed by symbols.NWAD THEOREM.4
A universal theorem, extends to any quantity without restriction.NWAD THEOREM.5
A particular theorem, extends only to a particular quantity.NWAD THEOREM.6
A negative theorem, expresses the impossibility of any assertion.NWAD THEOREM.7
A local theorem, is that which relates to a surface.NWAD THEOREM.8
A solid theorem, is that which considers a space terminated by a solid, that is, by any of the three conic sections.NWAD THEOREM.9
THEOREMATIC, THEOREMATICAL, THEOREMIC, a. Pertaining to a theorem; comprised in a theorem; consisting of theorems; as theoremic truth.
THEORETIC, THEORETICAL, a. [See Theory.] Pertaining to theory; depending on theory or speculation; speculative; terminating in theory or speculation; not practical; as theoretical learning; theoretic sciences. The sciences are divided into theoretical, as theology, philosophy and the like, and practical, as medicine and law.
THEORETICALLY, adv. In or by theory; in speculation; speculatively; not practically. Some things appear to be theoretically true, which are found to be practically false.
THEORIC, n. Speculation.
THEORIC, for theoretic, is not now used. [See Theoretic.]
Theoric revenue, in ancient Athens, was the revenue of the state appropriated to the support of theatrical exhibitions.NWAD THEORIC.3
THEORIST, n. One who forms theories; one given to theory and speculation.
The greatest theorists have given the preference to such a government as that of this kingdom.NWAD THEORIST.2
THEORIZE, v.i. To form a theory or theories; to speculate; as, to theorize on the existence of phlogiston.
THEORY, n. [L. theoria; Gr. to see or contemplate.]
1. Speculation; a doctrine or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice. It is here taken in an unfavorable sense, as implying something visionary.NWAD THEORY.2
2. An exposition of the general principles of any science; as the theory of music.NWAD THEORY.3
3. The science distinguished from the art; as the theory and practice of medicine.NWAD THEORY.4
4. The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral; as Lavoisier’s theory of combustion; Smith’s theory of moral sentiments.NWAD THEORY.5
Theory is distinguished from hypothesis thus; a theory is founded on inferences drawn from principles which have been established on independent evidence; a hypothesis is a proposition assumed to account for certain phenomena, and has no other evidence of its truth, than that it affords a satisfactory explanation of those phenomena.NWAD THEORY.6
THEOSOPHIC, THEOSOPHICAL, a. Pertaining to theosophism or to theosophists; divinely wise.
THEOSOPHISM, n. [Gr. God, and comment; wise.]
Pretension to divine illumination; enthusiasm.NWAD THEOSOPHISM.2