THYRSE, n. [L. thyrsus.] In botany, a species of inflorescence; a panicle contracted into an ovate form, or a dense or close panicle, more or less of an ovate figure, as in the lilac.
THYSELF, pron. [thy and self.] A pronoun used after thou, to express distinction with emphasis. “Thou thyself shalt go;” that is, thou shalt go and no other. It is sometimes used without thou, and in the nominative as well as objective case.
These goods thyself can on thyself bestow.NWAD THYSELF.2
1. An ornament or article of dress with which the ancient Persians covered their heads; a kind of turban. As different authors describe it, it must have been of different forms. The kings of Persia alone had a right to wear it straight or erect; the lords and priests wore it depressed, or turned down on the fore side. Xenophon says the tiara was encompassed with the diadem, at least in ceremonials.NWAD TIAR.2
2. An ornament worn by the Jewish high priest. Exodus 28:4.NWAD TIAR.3
3. The pope’s triple crown. The tiara and keys are the badges of the papal dignity; the tiara of his civil rank, and the keys of his jurisdiction. It was formerly a round high cap. It was afterward encompassed with a crown, then with a second and a third.NWAD TIAR.4
TIBIAL, a. [L. tibia, a flute, and the large bone of the leg.]
1. Pertaining to the large bone of the leg; as the tibial artery; tibial nerve.NWAD TIBIAL.2
2. Pertaining to a pipe or flute.NWAD TIBIAL.3
TIBURO, n. A fish of the shark kind.
TICE, for entice. [Not in use.]
TICK, n. Credit; trust; as, to buy upon tick.
TICK, n. A little animal of a livid color and globose-ovate form, that infests sheep, dogs, goats, cows, etc., a species of Acarus.
TICK, n. [L. tego; Eng. to deck.] The cover or case of a bed, which contains the feathers, wool or other material.
TICK, v.i. [from tick, credit.] To run upon score.
1. To trust.NWAD TICK.5
TICK, v.i. [L. tango, tago.] To beat; to pat; or to make a small noise by beating or otherwise; as a watch.
TICKBEAN, n. A small bean employed in feeding horses and other animals.
TICKEN, n. Cloth for bed-ticks or cases for beds.
1. A piece of paper or a card, which gives the holder a right of admission to some place; as a ticket for the play-house or for other exhibition.NWAD TICKET.2
2. A piece of paper or writing, acknowledging some debt, or a certificate that something is due to the holder.NWAD TICKET.3
3. A piece of paper bearing some number in a lottery, which entitles the owner to receive such prize as may be drawn against that number. When it draws no prize, it is said to draw a blank, and the holder has nothing to receive.NWAD TICKET.4
TICKET, v.t. To distinguish by a ticket.
TICKLE, v.t. [L. titillo, corrupted.]
1. To touch lightly and cause a peculiar thrilling sensation, which cannot be described. A slight sensation of this kind may give pleasure, but when violent it is insufferable.NWAD TICKLE.2
2. To please by slight gratification. A glass of wine may tickle the palate.NWAD TICKLE.3
Such a natureNWAD TICKLE.4
Tickled with good success.NWAD TICKLE.5
TICKLE, v.i. To feel titillation.
He with secret joy thereforeNWAD TICKLE.7
Did tickle inwardly in every vein.NWAD TICKLE.8
TICKLE, a. Tottering; wavering, or liable to waver and fall at the slightest touch; unstable; easily overthrown.
Thy head stands so tickle on thy shoulders, that a milkmaid, if in love, may sign it off.NWAD TICKLE.10
The state of NormandyNWAD TICKLE.11
Stands on a tickle point.NWAD TICKLE.12
[This word is wholly obsolete, at least in N. England. Ticklish is the word used.]NWAD TICKLE.13
TICKLENESS, n. Unsteadiness. [Not in use.]
TICKLER, n. One that tickles or pleases.
TICKLING, ppr. Affecting with titillation.
TICKLING, n. The act of affecting with titillation.
TICKLISH, a. Sensible to slight touches, easily tickled. The bottom of the foot is very ticklish, as are the sides. The palm of the hand, hardened by use, it not ticklish.
1. Tottering; standing so as to be liable to totter and fall at the slightest touch; unfixed; easily moved or affected.NWAD TICKLISH.2
Ireland was a ticklish and unsettled state.NWAD TICKLISH.3
2. Difficult; nice; critical; as, these are ticklish times.NWAD TICKLISH.4
TICKLISHNESS, n. The state or quality of being ticklish or very sensible.
1. The state of being tottering or liable to fall.NWAD TICKLISHNESS.2
2. Criticalness of condition or state.NWAD TICKLISHNESS.3
TICK-SEED, n. A plant of the genus Coreopsis, and another of the genus Corispernum.
TICKTACK, n. A game at tables.
TID, a. Tender; soft; nice.
TIDBIT, n. [tid and bit.] A delicate or tender piece.
TIDDLE, TIDDER, v.t. To use with tenderness; to fondle.
1. Time; season.NWAD TIDE.2
Which, at the appointed tide,NWAD TIDE.3
Each one did make his bride.NWAD TIDE.4
[This sense is obsolete.]NWAD TIDE.5
2. The flow of the water in the ocean and seas, twice in a little more than twenty four hours; the flux and reflux, or ebb and flow. We commonly distinguish the flow or rising of the water by the name of flood-tide, and the reflux by that of ebb-tide. There is much less tide or rise of water in the main ocean, at a distance from land, than there is at the shore, and in sounds and bays.NWAD TIDE.6
3. Stream; course; current; as the tide of the times.NWAD TIDE.7
Time’s ungentle tide.NWAD TIDE.8
4. Favorable course.NWAD TIDE.9
There is a tide in the affairs of men,NWAD TIDE.10
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.NWAD TIDE.11
5. Violent confluence. [Not in use.]NWAD TIDE.12
6. Among miners, the period of twelve hours.NWAD TIDE.13
7. Current; flow of blood.NWAD TIDE.14
And life’s red tide runs ebbing from the wound.NWAD TIDE.15
TIDE, v.t. To drive with the stream.
TIDE, v.i. To work in or out of a river or harbor by favor of the tide, and anchor when it becomes adverse.
TIDE-GATE, n. A gate through which water passes into a basin when the tide flows, and which is shut to retain the water from flowing back at the ebb.
1. Among seamen, a place where the tide runs with great velocity.NWAD TIDE-GATE.2
TIDE-MILL, n. [tide and mill.] A mill that is moved by tide water; also, a mill for clearing lands from tide water.
TIDES-MAN, n. An officer who remains on board of a merchant’s ship till the goods are landed, to prevent the evasion of the duties.
TIDE-WAITER, n. [tide and waiter.] An officer who watches the landing of goods, to secure the payment of duties.
TIDE-WAY, n. [tide and way.] The channel in which the tide sets.
TIDILY, adv. [from tidy.] Neatly; with neat simplicity; as a female tidily dressed.
TIDINESS, n. Neatness without richness or elegance; neat simplicity; as the tidiness of dress.
1. Neatness; as the tidiness of rooms.NWAD TIDINESS.2
TIDINGS, n. plu. News; advice; information; intelligence; account of what has taken place, and was not before known.
I shall make my master glad with these tidings.NWAD TIDINGS.2
Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10.NWAD TIDINGS.3
TIDY, a. [from tide, time, season.]
1. In its primary sense, seasonable; favorable; being in proper time; as weather fair and tidy.NWAD TIDY.2
2. Neat; dressed with neat simplicity; as a tidy lass; the children are tidy; their dress is tidy; that is primarily, proper for the time or occasion.NWAD TIDY.3
3. Neat; being in good order. The apartments are well furnished and tidy.NWAD TIDY.4
TIE, TYE, v.t. [L. taceo, to be silent.]
1. To bind; to fasten with a band or cord and knot.NWAD TIE.2
My son, keep thy father’s commandments-- bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. Proverbs 6:21.NWAD TIE.3
2. To fold and make fast; as, to tie a knot.NWAD TIE.4
3. To knit; to complicate.NWAD TIE.5
We do not tie this knot with an intention to puzzle the argument.NWAD TIE.6
4. To fasten; to hold; to unite so as not to be easily parted.NWAD TIE.7
In bond of virtuous love together tied.NWAD TIE.8
5. To oblige; to constrain; to restrain; to confine. People in their jealousy, may tie the hands of their ministers and public agents, so as to prevent them from doing good.NWAD TIE.9
Not tied to rules of policy, you findNWAD TIE.10
Revenge less sweet than a forgiving mind.NWAD TIE.11
6. In music, to unite notes by a cross line, or by a curve line drawn over them.NWAD TIE.12
To tie up, to confine; to restrain; to hinder from motion or action; as, to tie up the tongue; to tie up the hands.NWAD TIE.13
To tie down, to fasten so as to prevent from rising.NWAD TIE.14
1. To restrain; to confine; to hinder from action.NWAD TIE.15
TIE, n. A knot; fastening.
1. Bond; obligation, moral or legal; as the sacred ties of friendship or of duty; the ties of allegiance.NWAD TIE.17
2. A knot of hair.NWAD TIE.18
TIED, TYED, pp. Bound; fastened with a knot; confined; restrained; united, as notes.
TIER, n. A row; a rank; particularly when two or more rows are placed one above another; as a tier of seats in a church or theater. Thus in ships of war, the range of guns on one deck and one side of a ship, is called a tier. Those on the lower deck are called the lower tier, and those above, the middle or upper tiers. Ships with three tiers of guns are three deckers.
The tiers of a cable are the ranges of fakes or windings of a cable, laid one within another when coiled.NWAD TIER.2
Tier, in organs, is a rank or range of pipes in the front of the instrument, or in the interior, when the compound stops have several ranks of pipes.NWAD TIER.3
TIERCE, n. ters. A cask whose content is one third of a pipe, that is, forty gallons; or it may be the measure.
1. In Ireland, a weight by which provisions are sold. The tierce of beef for the navy, is 304 lb. and for India, 336 lb.NWAD TIERCE.2
2. In music, a third.NWAD TIERCE.3
3. In gaming, a sequence of three cards of the same color.NWAD TIERCE.4
4. A thrust in fencing.NWAD TIERCE.5
TIERCEL, TIERCELET, n. In falconry, a name given to the male hawk, as being a third part less than the female.
TIERCET, n. ter’cet. [from tierce.] In poetry, a triplet; three lines, or three lines rhyming.
TIFF, n. Liquor; or rather a small draught of liquor. [Vulgar.]
1. A pet or fit of peevishness.NWAD TIFF.2
[I know not where this word is used in the latter sense.]NWAD TIFF.3
TIFF, v.i. To be in a pet. [Low.]
TIFF, v.t. To dress. [Not in use.]
TIFFANY, n. [According to the Italian and Spanish Dictionaries, this word is to be referred to taffeta.]
A species of gauze or very thin silk.NWAD TIFFANY.2
Tiffe-de-mer, a species of sea plant, so called by Count Marsigli, from its resemblance to the heads of the Typha palustris, or cat’s tail. It has a smooth surface and a velvety look. It grows to two feet in highth, and is elegantly branched. It grows on rocks and stones, and when first taken out of the sea, is full of a yellow viscous water, but when this is pressed out and the substance is dried, it becomes of a dusky brown color.NWAD TIFFANY.3
TIG, n. A play. [See Tag.]
TIGE, n. The shaft of a column from the astragal to the capital.
TIGER, n. [L. tigris.] A fierce and rapacious animal of the genus Felis, one of the largest and most terrible of the genus, inhabiting Africa and Asia. The American tiger is the Felis onca. There is also the tiger cat or Felis capensis.
TIGER-FOOTED, a. Hastening to devour; furious.
TIGERISH, a. Like a tiger.
TIGER’S-FOOT, n. A plant of the genus Ipomoea.
TIGER-SHELL, n. [tiger and shell.] A name given to the red voluta, with large white spots. In the Linnean system, the tiger-shell is a species of Cypraea.
TIGH, n. In Kent, a close or inclosure.
TIGHT, a. [L. taceo; that is, close, closely compressed.]
1. Close; compact; not loose or open; having the joints so close that no fluid can enter or escape; not leaky; as a tight ship, or a tight cask.NWAD TIGHT.2
2. Close; not admitting much air; as a tight room.NWAD TIGHT.3
3. Sitting close to the body; as a tight coat or other garment.NWAD TIGHT.4
4. Close; not having holes or crevices; not loose; applied to many vessels, etc.NWAD TIGHT.5
5. Close; hard; as a tight bargain. [In common use in America.]NWAD TIGHT.6
6. Close; parsimonious; saving; as a man tight in his dealings. [In common use in America.]NWAD TIGHT.7
7. Closely dressed; not ragged.NWAD TIGHT.8
I’ll spin and card, and keep our children tight.NWAD TIGHT.9
8. Hardy; adroit.NWAD TIGHT.10
[Note. This is the taugt or taught of seamen, applied to a rope stretched. The primary sense is strained.]NWAD TIGHT.11
TIGHTEN, v.t. ti’tn. To draw tighter; to straiten; to make close in any manner.
TIGHTER, n. A ribin or string used to draw clothes closer. [Not used.]
1. More tight.NWAD TIGHTER.2
TIGHTLY, adv. Closely; compactly.
1. Neatly; adroitly.NWAD TIGHTLY.2
TIGHTNESS, n. Closeness of joints; compactness; straitness.
1. Neatness, as in dress.NWAD TIGHTNESS.2
2. Parsimoniousness; closeness in dealing.NWAD TIGHTNESS.3
TIGRESS, n. [from tiger.] The female of the tiger.
TIKE, n. A tick. [See Tick.]
TIKE, n.
1. A countryman or clown.NWAD TIKE.3
2. A dog.NWAD TIKE.4
TILE, n. [L. tegula; tego, to cover; Eng. to deck.]
1. A plate or piece of baked clay, used for covering the roofs of buildings.NWAD TILE.2
The pins for fastening tiles are made of oak or fir.NWAD TILE.3
2. In metallurgy, a small flat piece of dried earth, used to cover vessels in which metals are fused.NWAD TILE.4
3. A piece of baked clay used in drains.NWAD TILE.5
TILE, v.t. To cover with tiles; as, to tile a house.
1. To cover, as tiles.NWAD TILE.7
The muscle, sinew and vein.NWAD TILE.8
Which tile this house, will come again.NWAD TILE.9
TILE-EARTH, n. A species of strong clayey earth; stiff and stubborn land. [Local.]
TILED, pp. Covered with tiles.
TILE-ORE, n. A subspecies of octahedral red copper ore.
TILER, n. A man whose occupation is to cover buildings with tiles.
TILING, ppr. Covering with tiles.
TILING, n. A roof covered with tiles. Luke 5:19.
1. Tiles in general.NWAD TILING.3
TILL, n. A vetch; a tare. [Local.]
TILL, TILLER, n. A money box in a shop; a drawer.
TILL, prep. or adv.
1. To the time or time of. I did not see the man till the last time he came; I waited for him till four o’clock; I will wait till next week.NWAD TILL.4
Till now, to the present time. I never heard of the fact ill now.NWAD TILL.5
Till then, to that time. I never heard of the fact till then.NWAD TILL.6
2. It is used before verbs and sentences in a like sense, denoting to the time specified in the sentence or clause following. I will wait till you arrive.NWAD TILL.7
He said to them, occupy till I come. Luke 19:13.NWAD TILL.8
Certain Jews--bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. Acts 23:12.NWAD TILL.9
Mediate so long till you make some act of prayer to God.NWAD TILL.10
[Note.--In this use, till is not a conjunction; it does not connect sentences like and, or like or. It neither denotes union nor separation, nor an alternative. It has always the same office, except that is precedes a single word or a single sentence; the time to which it refers being in one case expressed by a single word, as now, or the, or time, with this, or that, etc., and in the other by a verb with its adjuncts; as, occupy till I come. In the latter use, till is a preposition preceding a sentence, like against, in the phrase, against I come.]NWAD TILL.11
TILL, v.t.
1. To labor; to cultivate; to plow and prepare for seed, and to dress crops. This word includes not only plowing but harrowing, and whatever is done to prepare ground for a crop, and to keep it free from weeds.NWAD TILL.13
The Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken. Genesis 3:23.NWAD TILL.14
2. In the most general sense, to till may include every species of husbandry, and this may be its sense in Scripture.NWAD TILL.15
TILLABLE, a. Capable of being tilled; arable; fit for the plow.
TILLAGE, n. The operation, practice or art of preparing land for seed, and keeping the ground free from weeds which might impede the growth of crops. Tillage includes manuring, plowing, harrowing and rolling land, or whatever is done to bring it to a proper state to receive the seed, and the operations of plowing, harrowing and hoeing the ground, to destroy weeds and loosen the soil after it is planted; culture; a principal branch of agriculture. Tillage of the earth is the principal as it was the first occupation of man, and no employment is more honorable.
TILLED, pp. Cultivated; prepared for seed and kept clean.
TILLER, n. One who tills; a husbandman; a cultivator; a plowman.
1. The bar or lever employed to turn the rudder of a ship.NWAD TILLER.2
2. A small drawer; a till.NWAD TILLER.3
3. Among farmers, the shoot of a plant, springing from the root or bottom of the original stalk; also, the sprout or young tree that springs from the root or stump.NWAD TILLER.4
4. A young timber tree. [Local.]NWAD TILLER.5
TILLER, v.i. To put forth new shoots from the root, or round the bottom of the original stalk; as we say, wheat or rye tillers; it spreads by tillering. The common orthography is tiller. Sir Joseph Banks writes it tillow.
TILLERING, ppr. Sending out new shoots round the bottom of the original stem.
TILLERING, n. The act of sending forth young shoots from the root or around the bottom of the original stalk.
TILLER-ROPE, n. The rope which forms a communication between the fore end of the tiller and the wheel.
TILLING, ppr. Cultivating.
TILLING, n. The operation of cultivating land; culture.
TILLMAN, n. A man who tills the earth; a husbandman.
TILLY-FALLY, TILLY-VALLY, adv. or a. A word formerly used when any thing said was rejected as trifling or impertinent.
1. A tent; a covering over head.NWAD TILT.2
2. The cloth covering of a cart or wagon.NWAD TILT.3
3. The cover of a boat; a small canopy or awning of canvas or other cloth, extended over the stern sheets of a boat.NWAD TILT.4
TILT, v.t. To cover with a cloth or awning.
TILT, n. [See the verb.] A thrust; as a tilt with a lance.
1. Formerly, a military exercise on horseback, in which the combatants attacked each other with lances; as tilts and tournaments.NWAD TILT.7
2. A large hammer; a tilt-hammer; used in iron manufactures.NWAD TILT.8
3. Inclination forward; as the tilt of a cask; or a cask is a-tilt.NWAD TILT.9
TILT, v.t. [L. tollo.]
1. To incline; to raise one end, as a cask, for discharging liquor; as, to tilt a barrel.NWAD TILT.11
2. To point or thrust, as a lance.NWAD TILT.12
Sons against fathers tilt the fatal lance.NWAD TILT.13
3. To hammer or forge with a tilt-hammer or tilt; as, to tilt steel to render it more ductile.NWAD TILT.14
4. To cover with a tilt.NWAD TILT.15
TILT, v.i. To run or ride and thrust with a lance; to practice the military game or exercise of thrusting at each other on horseback.
1. To fight with rapiers.NWAD TILT.17
Swords out and tilting one at other’s breast.NWAD TILT.18
2. To rush, as in combat.NWAD TILT.19
3. To play unsteadily; to ride, float and toss.NWAD TILT.20
The fleet swift tilting o’er the surges flew.NWAD TILT.21
4. To lean; to fall, as on one side.NWAD TILT.22
The trunk of the body is kept from tilting forward by the muscles of the back.NWAD TILT.23
TILT-BOAT, n. A boat covered with canvas or other cloth.
TILTED, pp. Inclined; made to stoop; covered with cloth or awning.
1. Hammered; prepared by beating; as steel.NWAD TILTED.2
TILTER, n. One who tilts; one who uses the exercise of pushing a lance on horseback; one who fights.
Let me alone to match your tilter.NWAD TILTER.2
1. One who hammers with a tilt.NWAD TILTER.3
TILTH, n. That which is tilled; tillage ground. [Not in use.]
1. The state of being tilled or prepared for a crop. We say, land is in good tilth, when it is manured, plowed, broken and mellowed for receiving the seed. We say also, ground is in bad tilth. When we say, land is in tilth, we mean in good condition for the seed; not in tilth, in a bad condition.NWAD TILTH.2
TILT-HAMMER, n. [tilt and hammer.] A heavy hammer used in iron works, which is lifted by a wheel.
TILTING, ppr. Inclining; causing to stoop or lean; using the game of thrusting with the lance on horseback; also, hammering with a tilt-hammer.
TIMBAL, n. A kettle drum.
TIMBER, n. [L. domus, a house; Gr. the body.]
1. That sort of wood which is proper for building or for tools, utensils, furniture, carriages, fences, ships and the like. We apply the word to standing trees which are suitable for the uses above mentioned, as a forest contains excellent timber; or to the beams, rafters, scantling, boards, planks, etc. hewed or sawed from such trees. Of all the species of trees useful as timber, in our climate, the white oak and the white pine hold the first place in importance.NWAD TIMBER.2
2. The body or stem of a tree.NWAD TIMBER.3
3. The materials; in irony.NWAD TIMBER.4
Such dispositions--are the fittest timber to make politics of.NWAD TIMBER.5
4. A single piece or squared stick of wood for building, or already framed.NWAD TIMBER.6
Many of the timbers were decayed.NWAD TIMBER.7
5. In ships, a timber is a rib or curving piece of wood, branching outward from the keel in a vertical direction. One timber is composed of several pieces united in one frame.NWAD TIMBER.8
TIMBER, v.t. To furnish with timber. [See Timbered.]
TIMBER, v.i. To light on a tree. [Not in use.]
1. In falconry, to make a nest.NWAD TIMBER.11
Timber or timmer of furs, as of martens, ermines, sables and the like, denotes forty skins; of other skins, one hundred and twenty.NWAD TIMBER.12
Timber of ermine, in heraldry, denote the ranks or rows of ermine in noblemen’s coats.NWAD TIMBER.13
TIMBERED, pp. or a. Furnished with timber; as a well timbered house. In the United States, we say, land is well timbered, when it is covered with good timber trees.
1. Built; formed; contrived. [Little used.]NWAD TIMBERED.2
TIMBER-HEAD, n. [timber and head.] In ships, the top end of a timber, rising above the gunwale, and serving for belaying ropes, etc.; otherwise called kevelhead.
TIMBERING, ppr. Furnishing with timber.
TIMBER-TREE, n. [timber and tree.] A tree suitable for timber.
TIMBER-WORK, n. [timber and work.] Work formed of wood.
TIMBER-YARD, n. [timber and yard.] A yard or place where timber is deposited.
TIMBRE, n. A crest on a coat of arms. It ought to be written timber.
TIMBREL, n. [L. tympanum.] An instrument of music; a kind of drum, tabor or tabret, which has been in use from the highest antiquity.
And Miriam took a timbrel in her hand--and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. Exodus 15:20.NWAD TIMBREL.2
TIMBRELED, a. Sung to the sound of the timbrel.
TIME, n. [L. tempus; tempora, the falls of the head, also tempest, etc. See Tempest. Time is primarily equivalent to season; to the Gr. wpa in its original sense, opportunity, occasion, a fall, an event, that which comes.]
1. A particular portion or part of duration, whether past, present or future. The time was; the time has been; the time is; the time will be.NWAD TIME.2
Lost time is never found again.NWAD TIME.3
God, who at sundry times, and in divers manners, spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets. Hebrews 1:1.NWAD TIME.4
2. A proper time; a season.NWAD TIME.5
There is a time to every purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:1.NWAD TIME.6
The time of figs was not yet. Mark 11:13.NWAD TIME.7
3. Duration.NWAD TIME.8
The equal and uniform flux of time does not affect our senses.NWAD TIME.9
Time is absolute or relative; absolute time is considered without any relation to bodies or their motions. Relative time is the sensible measure of any portion of duration, by means of motion. Thus the diurnal revolution of the sun measures a space of time or duration. Hence,NWAD TIME.10
4. A space or measured portion of duration.NWAD TIME.11
We were in Paris two months, and all that time enjoyed good health.NWAD TIME.12
5. Life or duration, in reference to occupation. One man spends his time in idleness; another devotes all his time to useful purposes.NWAD TIME.13
Believe me, your time is not your own; it belongs to God, to religion, to mankind.NWAD TIME.14
6. Age; a part of duration distinct from other parts; as ancient times; modern times. The Spanish armada was defeated in the time of Queen Elizabeth.NWAD TIME.15
7. Hour of travail.NWAD TIME.16
She was within one month of her time.NWAD TIME.17
8. Repetition; repeated performance, or mention with reference to repetition. The physician visits his patient three times in a day.NWAD TIME.18
9. Repetition; doubling; addition of a number to itself; as, to double cloth four times; four times four amount to sixteen.NWAD TIME.19
10. Measure of sounds in music; as common time, and treble time. In concerts, it is all important, that the performers keep time, or exact time.NWAD TIME.20
11. The state of things at a particular period; as when we say, good times, or bad times, hard times, dull times for trade, etc. In this sense, the plural is generally used.NWAD TIME.21
12. In grammar, tense.NWAD TIME.22
In time, in good season; sufficiently early.NWAD TIME.23
He arrived in time to see the exhibition.NWAD TIME.24
1. A considerable space of duration; process or continuation of duration. You must wait patiently; you will in time recover your health and strength.NWAD TIME.25
At times, at distinct intervals of duration. At times he reads; at other times, he rides.NWAD TIME.26
The spirit began to move him at times. Judges 13:25.NWAD TIME.27
Time enough, in season; early enough.NWAD TIME.28
Stanley at Bosworth-field, came time enough to save his life.NWAD TIME.29
To lose time, to delay.NWAD TIME.30
1. To go too slow; as, a watch or clock loses time.NWAD TIME.31
Apparent time, in astronomy, true solar time, regulated by the apparent motions of the sun.NWAD TIME.32
Mean time, equated time, a mean or average of apparent time.NWAD TIME.33
Siderial time, is that which is shown by the diurnal revolutions of the stars.NWAD TIME.34
TIME, v.t. To adapt to the time or occasion; to bring, begin or perform at the proper season or time; as, the measure is well timed, or ill timed. No small part of political wisdom consists in knowing how to time propositions and measures.
Mercy is good, but kings mistake its timing.NWAD TIME.36
1. To regulate as to time; as, he timed the stroke.NWAD TIME.37
2. To measure; as in music or harmony.NWAD TIME.38
TIMED, pp. Adapted to the season or occasion.
TIMEFUL, a. Seasonable; timely; sufficiently early. [Not much used.]
TIMEIST, n. In music, a performer who keeps good time.
TIME-KEEPER, n. [time and keeper.] A clock, watch or other chronometer.
TIMELESS, a. Unseasonable; done at an improper time.
Nor fits it to prolong the heav’nly feastNWAD TIMELESS.2
Timeless-- [Not used.]NWAD TIMELESS.3
1. Untimely; immature; done or suffered before the proper time; as a timeless grave. [Not used.]NWAD TIMELESS.4
TIMELINESS, n. [from timely.] Seasonableness; a being in good time.
TIMELY, a. Seasonable; being in good time; sufficiently early. The defendant had timely notice of this motion. Timely care will often prevent great evils.
1. Keeping time or measure. [Not used.]NWAD TIMELY.2
TIMELY, adv. Early; soon; in good season.
Timely advis’d, the coming evil shun.NWAD TIMELY.4
TIME-PIECE, n. [time and piece.] A clock, watch or other instrument to measure or show the progress of time; a chronometer.
TIME-PLEASER, n. s as z. [time and please.] One who complies with the prevailing opinions, whatever they may be.
TIME-SERVER, n. [time and serve.] One who adapts his opinions and manners to the times; one who obsequiously complies with the ruling power.