1. The great charter, so called obtained by the English barons from king John, A.D. 1215. This name is also given to the charter granted to the people of England in the ninth year of Henry III. and confirmed by Edward I.NWAD MAGNA_CHARTA.2
2. A fundamental constitution which guarantees rights and privileges.NWAD MAGNA_CHARTA.3
MAGNANIMITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.
1. Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; brave; disinterested; as a magnanimous prince or general.NWAD MAGNANIMOUS.2
2. Dictated by magnanimity; exhibiting nobleness of soul; liberal and honorable; not selfish.NWAD MAGNANIMOUS.3
There is an indissoluble union between a magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity.NWAD MAGNANIMOUS.4
MAGNANIMOUSLY, adv. With greatness of mind; bravely; with dignity and elevation of sentiment.
MAGNESIA, n. s as z. [Gr. the lodestone.]
1. A primitive earth, having for its base a metallic substance, called magnesium. It is generally found in combination with other substances. It is absorbent and antacid, and moderately cathartic.NWAD MAGNESIA.2
MAGNESIAN, a. Pertaining to magnesia, or partaking of its qualities.
MAGNESITE, n. Carbonated magnesia, or magnesia combined with silex. It occurs in amorphous masses, or in masses tuberous and spungiform; its color is yellowish gray, or white with spots, and dendritic delineations of blackish brown.
MAGNESIUM, n. The undecomposable base of magnesia.
MAGNET, n. [L. from Gr. Magnesia, in Asia Minor.] The lodestone; an ore of iron which has the peculiar properties of attracting metallic iron, of pointing to the poles, and of dipping or inclining downwards. These properties it communicates to iron by contact. A bar of iron to which these properties are imparted, is called an artificial magnet.
MAGNETIC, MAGNETICAL, a. Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as a magnetic bar of iron, or a magnetic needle.
1. Attractive.NWAD MAGNETIC.2
She that had all magnetic force along--NWAD MAGNETIC.3
MAGNETICALLY, adv. By means of magnetism; by the power of attraction.
MAGNETICALNESS, n. The quality of being magnetic.
MAGNETICS, n. The science or principles of magnetism.
MAGNETIFEROUS, a. Producing or conducting magnetism.
MAGNETISM, n. That branch of science which treats of the properties of the magnet, the power of the lodestone, etc.
1. Power of attraction; as the magnetism of interest.NWAD MAGNETISM.2
Animal magnetism, a sympathy supposed to exist between the magnet and the human body, by means of which the magnet is said to be able to cure diseases; or a fluid supposed to exist throughout nature, and to be the medium of influence between celestial bodies, and the earth and human bodies.NWAD MAGNETISM.3
MAGNETIZE, v.t. To communicate magnetic properties to any thing; as, to magnetize a needle.
Seven of Deslon’s patients were magnetized at Dr. Franklin’s house.NWAD MAGNETIZE.2
MAGNETIZE, v.i. To acquire magnetic properties; to become magnetic. A bar of iron standing some time in an inclined position, will magnetize.
MAGNETIZING, ppr. Imparting magnetism to.
MAGNIFIABLE, a. [See Magnify.] That may be magnified; worthy of being magnified or extolled.
MAGNIFIC, MAGNIFICAL, a. [L. magnificus.] Grand; splendid; illustrious.
MAGNIFICALLY, adv. In a magnificent manner.
MAGNIFICATE, v.t. To magnify or extol. [Not used.]
MAGNIFICENCE, n. [L. magnificentia.] Grandeur of appearance; greatness and splendor of show or state; as the magnificence of a palace or of a procession; the magnificence of a Roman triumph.
MAGNIFICENT, a. Grand in appearance; splendid; pompous.
Man he made, and for him builtNWAD MAGNIFICENT.2
Magnificent this world.NWAD MAGNIFICENT.3
1. Exhibiting grandeur.NWAD MAGNIFICENT.4
MAGNIFICENTLY, adv. With splendor of appearance, or pomp of show. The minister was magnificently entertained at court.
1. With exalted sentiments. We can never conceive too magnificently of the Creator and his works.NWAD MAGNIFICENTLY.2
MAGNIFICO, n. A grandee of Venice.
MAGNIFIER, n. [from magnify.] One who magnifies; one who extols or exalts in praises.
1. A glass that magnifies; a convex lens which increases the apparent magnitude of bodies.NWAD MAGNIFIER.2
MAGNIFY, v.t. [L. magnifico; magnus, great, and facio, to make.]
1. To make great or greater; to increase the apparent dimensions of a body. A convex lens magnifies the bulk of a body to the eye.NWAD MAGNIFY.2
2. To make great in representation; to extol; to exalt in description or praise. The embassador magnified the king and queen.NWAD MAGNIFY.3
3. To extol; to exalt; to elevate; to raise in estimation.NWAD MAGNIFY.4
Thee that dayNWAD MAGNIFY.5
Thy thunders magnified.NWAD MAGNIFY.6
The Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly. 1 Chronicles 29:25.NWAD MAGNIFY.7
To magnify one’s self, to raise in pride and pretensions.NWAD MAGNIFY.8
He shall magnify in his heart. Daniel 8:25.NWAD MAGNIFY.9
MAGNIFYING, ppr. Enlarging apparent bulk or dimensions; extolling; exalting.
MAGNILOQUENCE, n. [L. magnus, great, and loquens, speaking.]
A lofty manner of speaking; tumid, pompous words or style.NWAD MAGNILOQUENCE.2
MAGNITUDE, n. [L. magnitudo.] Extent of dimensions or parts; bulk; size; applied to things that have length, breadth or thickness.
1. Greatness; grandeur.NWAD MAGNITUDE.2
With plain heroic magnitude of mind.NWAD MAGNITUDE.3
2. Greatness, in reference to influence or effect; importance. In affairs or magnitude, disdain not to take counsel.NWAD MAGNITUDE.4
MAGNOLIA, n. The laurel-leafed tulip tree, of several species.
MAGPIE, n. [L. pica, with mag.] A chattering bird of the genus Corvus.
MAGUEY, a. A species of aloe in Mexico, which furnished the natives with timber for their buildings. Its leaves were used for covering the roofs of their houses, and for paper, clothing and cordage.
The maguey is a species of the Genus Agave, and is now cultivated in Mexico, for the purpose of preparing from its leaves a spirituous liquor called pulque.NWAD MAGUEY.2
MAHOGANY, n. A tree of the genus Swietenia, growing in the tropical climates of America. The wood is of a reddish or brown color, very hard, and susceptible of a fine polish. Of this are made our most beautiful and durable pieces of cabinet furniture.
MAHOMETAN, MOHAMMEDAN. This word and the name of the Arabian prophet, so called, are written in many different ways. The best authorized and most correct orthography seems to be Mohammed, Mohammedan. [See Mohammedan.]
MAHOUND, n. Formerly a contemptuous name for Mohammed and the devil, etc.
MAID, n. A species of skate fish.
1. An unmarried woman, or a young unmarried woman; a virgin.NWAD MAID.3
2. A female servant.NWAD MAID.4
3. It is used in composition, to express the feminine gender, as in maid-servant.NWAD MAID.5
MAIDEN, n. A maid; also, an instrument for beheading criminals, and another for washing linen.
MAIDEN, a. Pertaining to a young woman or virgin; as maiden charms.
1. Consisting of young women or virgins.NWAD MAIDEN.3
Amid the maiden throng.NWAD MAIDEN.4
2. Fresh; new; unused.NWAD MAIDEN.5
He fleshed his maiden sword.NWAD MAIDEN.6
MAIDEN, v.i. To speak and act demurely or modestly.
MAIDENHAIR, n. A plant of the genus Adiantum.
1. The state of being a maid or virgin; virginity.NWAD MAIDENHOOD.2
The modest lore of maidenhood.NWAD MAIDENHOOD.3
2. Newness; freshness; uncontaminated state.NWAD MAIDENHOOD.4
MAIDENLIKE, a. Like a maid; modest.
MAIDENLINESS, n. The behavior that becomes a maid; modesty; gentleness.
MAIDENLY, a. Like a maid; gentle; modest; reserved.
MAIDENLY, adv. In a maidenlike manner.
MAIDMARIAN, n. A dance; so called from a buffoon dressed like a man.
MAIDPALE, a. Pale, like a sick girl.
MAIL, n. [L. macula.]
1. A coat of steel net-work, formerly worn for defending the body against swords, poniards, etc. The mail was of two sorts, chain and plate mail; the former consisting of iron rings, each having four others inserted into it; the latter consisting of a number of small lamins of metal, laid over one another like the scales of a fish, and sewed down to a strong linen or leathern jacket.NWAD MAIL.2
2. Armor; that which defends the body.NWAD MAIL.3
We strip the lobster of his scarlet mail.NWAD MAIL.4
We read also of shirts of mail, and gloves of mail.NWAD MAIL.5
3. In ships, a square machine composed of rings interwoven, like net-work, used for rubbing off the loose hemp on lines and white cordage.NWAD MAIL.6
4. A rent. Also, a spot.NWAD MAIL.7
MAIL, n. A bag for the conveyance of letters and papers, particularly letters conveyed from one post office to another, under public authority.
MAIL, v.t. To put on a coat of mail or armor; to arm defensively.
1. To inclose in a wrapper and direct to a post office. We say, letters were mailed for Philadelphia.NWAD MAIL.10
MAIL-COACH, n. A coach that conveys the public mails.
MAILED, pp. Covered with a mail or with armor; inclosed and directed, as letters in a bundle.
1. a. Spotted; speckled.NWAD MAILED.2
MAILING, ppr. Investing with a coat of mail; inclosing in a wrapper and directing to a post office.
1. To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person less able to defend himself in fighting, or to annoy his adversary.NWAD MAIM.2
2. To deprive of a necessary part; to cripple; to disable.NWAD MAIM.3
You maim’d the jurisdiction of all bishops.NWAD MAIM.4
MAIM, n. [written in law-language, mayhem.]
1. The privation of the use of a limb or member of the body, so as to render the sufferer less able to defend himself or to annoy his adversary.NWAD MAIM.6
2. The privation of any necessary part; a crippling.NWAD MAIM.7
Surely there is more cause to fear lest the want thereof be a maim, than the use of it a blemish.NWAD MAIM.8
3. Injury; mischief.NWAD MAIM.9
4. Essential defect.NWAD MAIM.10
A noble author esteems it to be a maim in history. [Not used.]NWAD MAIM.11
MAIMED, pp. Crippled; disabled in limbs; lame.
MAIMING, ppr. Disabling by depriving of the use of a limb; crippling; rendering lame or defective.
MAIMEDNESS, n. A state of being maimed.
MAIN, a. [L. magnus.]
1. Principal; chief; that which has most power in producing an effect, or which is mostly regarded in prospect; as the main branch or tributary stream of a river; the main timbers of an edifice; a main design; a main object.NWAD MAIN.2
Our main interest is to be as happy as we can, and as long as possible.NWAD MAIN.3
2. Mighty; vast; as the main abyss.NWAD MAIN.4
3. Important; powerful.NWAD MAIN.5
This young prince, with a train of young noblemen and gentlemen, not with any main army, came over to take possession of his patrimony.NWAD MAIN.6
MAIN, n. Strength; force; violent effort; as in the phrase, “with might and main.”
1. The gross; the bulk; the greater part.NWAD MAIN.8
The main of them may be reduced to language and an improvement in wisdom--NWAD MAIN.9
2. The ocean; the great sea, as distinguished from rivers, bays, sounds and the like.NWAD MAIN.10
He fell, and struggling in the main--NWAD MAIN.11
3. The continent, as distinguished from an isle. We arrived at Nantucket on Saturday, but did not reach the main till Monday. In this use of the word, land is omitted; main for main land.NWAD MAIN.12
4. A hamper.NWAD MAIN.13
5. A course; a duct.NWAD MAIN.14
For the main, in the main, for the most part; in the greatest part.NWAD MAIN.15
MAIN, n. [L. manus, hand.] A hand at dice. We throw a merry main.
And lucky mains make people wise. [Not used.]NWAD MAIN.17
1. A match at cock fighting.NWAD MAIN.18
MAIN-LAND, n. The continent; the principal land, as opposed to an isle.
MAINLY, adv. Chiefly; principally.
He is mainly occupied with domestic concerns.NWAD MAINLY.2
1. Greatly; to a great degree; mightily.NWAD MAINLY.3
MAIN-MAST, n. The principal mast in a ship or other vessel.
MAIN-KEEL, n. The principal keel, as distinguished from the false keel.
MAINOR, n. [L. a manu, from the hand, or in the work.] The old law phrase, to be taken as a thief with the mainor, signifies, to be taken in the very act of killing venison or stealing wood, or in preparing so to do; or it denotes the being taken with the thing stolen upon him.
MAINPERNABLE, a. That may be admitted to give surety by mainpernors; that may be mainprized.
MAINPERNOR, n. In law, a surety for a prisoner’s appearance in court at a day. Mainpernors differ from bail, in that a man’s bail may imprison or surrender him before the stipulated day of appearance; mainpernors can do neither; they are bound to produce him to answer all charges whatsoever.
1. In law, a writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties for the prisoner’s appearance, and to let him go at large. These sureties are called mainpernors.NWAD MAINPRIZE.2
2. Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day.NWAD MAINPRIZE.3
MAINPRIZE, v.t. To suffer a prisoner to go at large, on his finding sureties, mainpernors, for his appearance at a day.
MAIN-SAIL, n. The principal sail in a ship. The main-sail of a ship or brig is extended by a yard attached to the main-mast, and that of a sloop, by the boom.
MAIN-SHEET, n. The sheet that extends and fastens the main-sail.
MAINSWEAR, v.i. To swear falsely; to perjure one’s self.
MAINTAIN, v.t. [L. manus and teneo.]
1. To hold, preserve or keep in any particular state or condition; to support; to sustain; not to suffer to fail or decline; as, to maintain a certain degree of heat in a furnace; to maintain the digestive process or powers of the stomach; to maintain the fertility of soil; to maintain present character or reputation.NWAD MAINTAIN.2
2. To hold; to keep; not to lose or surrender; as, to maintain a place or post.NWAD MAINTAIN.3
3. To continue; not to suffer to cease; as, to maintain a conversation.NWAD MAINTAIN.4
4. To keep up; to uphold; to support the expense of; as, to maintain state or equipage.NWAD MAINTAIN.5
What maintains one vice would bring up two children.NWAD MAINTAIN.6
5. To support with food, clothing and other conveniences; as, to maintain a family by trade or labor.NWAD MAINTAIN.7
6. To support by intellectual powers, or by force of reason; as, to maintain an argument.NWAD MAINTAIN.8
7. To support; to defend; to vindicate; to justify; to prove to be just; as, to maintain one’s right or cause.NWAD MAINTAIN.9
8. To support by assertion or argument; to affirm.NWAD MAINTAIN.10
In tragedy and satire, I maintain that this age and the last have excelled the ancients.NWAD MAINTAIN.11
MAINTAINABLE, a. That may be maintained, supported, preserved or sustained.
1. That may be defended or kept by force or resistance; as, a military post is not maintainable.NWAD MAINTAINABLE.2
2. That may be defended by argument or just claim; vindicable; defensible.NWAD MAINTAINABLE.3
MAINTAINED, pp. Kept in any state; preserved; upheld; supported; defended; vindicated.
MAINTAINER, n. One who supports, preserves, sustains or vindicates.
MAINTAINING, ppr. Supporting; preserving; upholding; defending; vindicating.
MAINTENANCE, n. Sustenance; sustentation; support by means of supplies of food, clothing and other conveniences; as, his labor contributed little to the maintenance of his family.
1. Means of support; that which supplies conveniences.NWAD MAINTENANCE.2
Those of better fortune not making learning their maintenance.NWAD MAINTENANCE.3
2. Support; protection; defense; vindication; as the maintenance of right or just claims.NWAD MAINTENANCE.4
3. Continuance; security from failure or decline.NWAD MAINTENANCE.5
Whatever is granted to the church for God’s honor and the maintenance of his service, is granted to God.NWAD MAINTENANCE.6
4. In law, an officious intermeddling in a suit in which the person has no interest, by assisting either party with money or means to prosecute or defend it. This is a punishable offense. But to assist a poor kinsman from compassion, is not maintenance.NWAD MAINTENANCE.7
MAIN-TOP, n. The top of the main-mast of a ship or brig.
MAIN-YARD, n. The yard on which the main-sail is extended, supported by the main-mast.
MAISTER, for master, is obsolete.
MAISTRESS, for mistress, is obsolete.
MAIZ, n. A plant of the genus Zea, the native corn of America, called Indian corn.
MAJA, n. A bird of Cuba, of a beautiful yellow color, whose flesh is accounted a delicacy.
MAJESTIC, a. [from majesty.] August; having dignity of person or appearance; grand; princely. The prince was majestic in person and appearance.
In his faceNWAD MAJESTIC.2
Sat meekness, hightened with majestic grace.NWAD MAJESTIC.3
1. Splendid; grand.NWAD MAJESTIC.4
Get the start of this majestic world.NWAD MAJESTIC.5
2. Elevated; lofty.NWAD MAJESTIC.6
The least portions must be of the epic kind; all must be grave, majestic and sublime.NWAD MAJESTIC.7
3. Stately; becoming majesty; as a majestic air or walk.NWAD MAJESTIC.8
MAJESTICAL, a. Majestic. [Little used.]
MAJESTICALLY, adv. With dignity; with grandeur; with a lofty air or appearance.
MAJESTY, n. [L. majestas, from the root of magis, major, more, greater.]
1. Greatness of appearance; dignity; grandeur; dignity of aspect or manner; the quality or state of a person or thing which inspires awe or reverence in the beholder; applied with peculiar propriety to God and his works.NWAD MAJESTY.2
Jehovah reigneth; he is clothed with majesty. Psalm 93:1.NWAD MAJESTY.3
The voice of Jehovah is full of majesty. Psalm 29:4.NWAD MAJESTY.4
It is applied to the dignity, pomp and splendor of earthly princes.NWAD MAJESTY.5
When he showed the riches of his glorious kingdom--the honor of his excellent majesty many days-- Esther 1:4.NWAD MAJESTY.6
2. Dignity; elevation of manner.NWAD MAJESTY.7
The first in loftiness of thought surpass’d,NWAD MAJESTY.8
The next in majesty--NWAD MAJESTY.9
3. A title of emperors, kings and queens; as most royal majesty; may it please your majesty. In this sense, it admits of the plural; as, their majesties attended the concert.NWAD MAJESTY.10
MAJOR, a. [L.] Greater in number, quantity or extent; as the major part of the assembly; the major part of the revenue; the major part of the territory.
1. Greater in dignity.NWAD MAJOR.2
My major vow lies here.NWAD MAJOR.3
2. In music, an epithet applied to the modes in which the third is four semitones above the tonic or key-note, and to intervals consisting of four semitones.NWAD MAJOR.4
Major and minor, in music, are applied to concords which differ from each other by a semitone.NWAD MAJOR.5
Major tone, the difference between the fifth and fourth, and major semitone is the difference between the major fourth and the third. The major tone surpasses the minor by a comma.NWAD MAJOR.6
MAJOR, n. In military affairs, an officer next in rank above a captain, and below a lieutenant colonel; the lowest field officer.
1. The mayor of a town. [See Mayor.]NWAD MAJOR.8
Aid-major, an officer appointed to act as major on certain occasions.NWAD MAJOR.9
Brigade-major. [See Brigade.]NWAD MAJOR.10
Drum-major, the first drummer in a regiment, who has authority over the other drummers.NWAD MAJOR.11
Fife-major, the first or chief fifer.NWAD MAJOR.12
Sergeant-major, a non-commissioned officer, subordinate to the adjutant.NWAD MAJOR.13
MAJOR, n. In law, a person of full age to manage his own concerns.
MAJOR, n. In logic, the first proposition of a regular syllogism, containing the principal term; as, no unholy person is qualified for happiness in heaven, [the major.] Every man in his natural state is unholy, [minor.] Therefore, no man in his natural state, is qualified for happiness in heaven, [conclusion or inference.]
MAJORATION, n. Increase; enlargement. [Not used.]
MAJOR-DOMO, n. [major and domus, house.] A man who holds the place of master of the house; a steward; also, a chief minister.
MAJOR-GENERAL, n. A military officer who commands a division or a number of regiments; the next in rank below a lieutenant general.
1. The greater number; more than half; as a majority of mankind; a majority of votes in Congress. A measure may be carried by a large or small majority.NWAD MAJORITY.2
2. Full age; the age at which the laws of a country permit a young person to manage his own affairs. Henry III. had no sooner come to his majority, than the barons raised war against him.NWAD MAJORITY.3
3. The office, rank or commission of a major.NWAD MAJORITY.4
4. The state of being greater.NWAD MAJORITY.5
It is not a plurality of parts, without majority of parts. [Little used.]NWAD MAJORITY.6
5. [L. majores.] Ancestors; ancestry. [Not used.]NWAD MAJORITY.7
6. Chief rank. [Not used.]NWAD MAJORITY.8
MAKE, v.t. pret. and pp. made.
1. To compel; to constrain.NWAD MAKE.2
They should be made to rise at an early hour.NWAD MAKE.3
2. To form of materials; to fashion; to mold into shape; to cause to exist in a different form, or as a distinct thing.NWAD MAKE.4
He fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf. Exodus 32:4.NWAD MAKE.5
God not only made, but created; not only made the work, but the materials.NWAD MAKE.6
3. To create; to cause to exist; to form from nothing. God made the materials of the earth and of all worlds.NWAD MAKE.7
4. To compose; to constitute as parts, materials or ingredients united in a whole. These several sums make the whole amount.NWAD MAKE.8
The heaven, the air, the earth, and boundless sea,NWAD MAKE.9
Make but one temple for the deity.NWAD MAKE.10
5. To form by art.NWAD MAKE.11
And art with her contending, doth aspireNWAD MAKE.12
T’excel the natural with made delights.NWAD MAKE.13
6. To produce or effect, as the agent.NWAD MAKE.14
Call for Sampson, that he may make us sport. Judges 16:25.NWAD MAKE.15
7. To produce, as the cause; to procure; to obtain. Good tillage is necessary to make good crops.NWAD MAKE.16
Wealth maketh many friends. Proverbs 19:4.NWAD MAKE.17
8. To do; to perform; to execute; as, to make a journey; to make a long voyage.NWAD MAKE.18
9. To cause to have any quality, as by change or alteration. Wealth may make a man proud; beauty may make a woman vain; a due sense of human weakness should make us humble.NWAD MAKE.19
10. To bring into any state or condition; to constitute.NWAD MAKE.20
See I have made thee a god to Pharaoh. Exodus 7:1.NWAD MAKE.21
Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Exodus 2:14.NWAD MAKE.22
11. To contract; to establish; as, to make friendship.NWAD MAKE.23
12. To keep; as, to make abode.NWAD MAKE.24
13. To raise to good fortune; to secure in riches or happiness; as when it is said, he is made for this world.NWAD MAKE.25
Who makes or ruins with a smile or frown.NWAD MAKE.26
14. To suffer.NWAD MAKE.27
He accuses Neptune unjustly, who makes shipwreck a second time.NWAD MAKE.28
15. To incur; as, to make a loss. [Improper.]NWAD MAKE.29
16. To commit; to do.NWAD MAKE.30
I will neither plead my age nor sickness in excuse of the faults which I made. [Little used.]NWAD MAKE.31
17. To intend or to do; to purpose to do.NWAD MAKE.32
Gomez, what mak’st thou here, with a whole brotherhood of city bailiffs? [Not used.]NWAD MAKE.33
We now say, what doest thou here?NWAD MAKE.34
18. To raise, as, profit; to gain; to collect; as, to make money in trade or by husbandry; to make an estate by steady industry.NWAD MAKE.35
19. To discover; to arrive in sight of; a seaman’s phrase, They made the land at nine o’clock on the larboard bow, distant five leagues.NWAD MAKE.36
20. To reach; to arrive at; as, to make a port or harbor; a seaman’s phrase.NWAD MAKE.37
21. To gain by advance; as, to make little way with a head wind; we made our way to the next village. This phrase often implies difficulty.NWAD MAKE.38
22. To provide; as, to make a dinner or entertainment.NWAD MAKE.39
23. To put or place; as, to make a difference between strict right and expedience.NWAD MAKE.40
24. To turn; to convert, as to use.NWAD MAKE.41
Whate’er they catch,NWAD MAKE.42
Their fury makes an instrument of war.NWAD MAKE.43
25. To represent. He is not the fool you make him, that is, as your representation exhibits him.NWAD MAKE.44
26. To constitute; to form. It is melancholy to think that sensual pleasure makes the happiness of a great part of mankind.NWAD MAKE.45
27. To induce; to cause. Self-confidence makes a man rely too much on his own strength and resources.NWAD MAKE.46
28. To put into a suitable or regular form for use; as, to make a bed.NWAD MAKE.47
29. To fabricate; to forge. He made the story himself.NWAD MAKE.48
30. To compose; to form and write; as, to make verses or an oration.NWAD MAKE.49
31. To cure; to dry and prepare for preservation; as, to make hay.NWAD MAKE.50
To make amends, to make good; to give adequate compensation; to replace the value or amount of loss.NWAD MAKE.51
To make account of, to esteem; to regard.NWAD MAKE.52
To make away, to kill; to destroy.NWAD MAKE.53
1. To make free with, to treat with freedom; to treat without ceremony.NWAD MAKE.54
To make good, to maintain, to defend.NWAD MAKE.55
I’ll either die, or I’ll make good the place.NWAD MAKE.56
1. To fulfill; to accomplish; as, to make good one’s word, promise or engagement.NWAD MAKE.57
2. To make compensation for; to supply an equivalent; as, to make good a loss or damage.NWAD MAKE.58
To make light of, to consider as of no consequence; to treat with indifference or contempt.NWAD MAKE.59
They made light of it, and went their way. Matthew 22:5.NWAD MAKE.60
To make love,NWAD MAKE.61
To make suit, to court; to attempt to gain the favor or affection.NWAD MAKE.62
To make merry, to feast; to be joyful or jovial.NWAD MAKE.63
To make much of, to treat with fondness or esteem; to consider as of great value, or as giving great pleasure.NWAD MAKE.64
To make of, to understand. He knows not what to make of the news, that is, he does not well understand it; he knows not how to consider or view it.NWAD MAKE.65
1. To produce from; to effect.NWAD MAKE.66
I am astonished that those who have appeared against this paper, have made so very little of it.NWAD MAKE.67
2. To consider; to account; to esteem.NWAD MAKE.68
Makes she no more of me than of a slave?NWAD MAKE.69
To make over, to transfer the title of; to convey; to alienate. He made over his estate in trust or in fee.NWAD MAKE.70
To make out, to learn; to discover; to obtain a clear understanding of. I cannot make out the meaning or sense of this difficult passage. Antiquaries are not able to make out the inscription on this medal.NWAD MAKE.71
1. To prove; to evince; to establish by evidence or argument. The plaintiff, not being able to make out his case, withdrew the suit.NWAD MAKE.72
In the passages from divines, most of the reasonings which make out both my propositions are already suggested.NWAD MAKE.73
2. To furnish; to find or supply. He promised to pay, but was not able to make out the money or the whole sum.NWAD MAKE.74
To make sure of, to consider as certain.NWAD MAKE.75
1. To secure to one’s possession; as, to make sure of the game.NWAD MAKE.76
To make up, to collect into a sum or mass; as, to make up the amount of rent; to make up a bundle or package.NWAD MAKE.77
1. To reconcile; to compose; as, to make up a difference or quarrel.NWAD MAKE.78
2. To repair; as, to make up a hedge. Ezekiel 13:5.NWAD MAKE.79
3. To supply what is wanting. A dollar is wanted to make up the stipulated sum.NWAD MAKE.80
4. To compose, as ingredients or parts.NWAD MAKE.81
Oh, he was all made up of love and charms!NWAD MAKE.82
The parties among us are made up of moderate whigs and presbyterians.NWAD MAKE.83
5. To shape; as, to make up a mass into pills.NWAD MAKE.84
6. To assume a particular form of features; as, to make up a face; whence, to make up a lip, is to pout.NWAD MAKE.85
7. To compensate; to make good; as, to make up a loss.NWAD MAKE.86
8. To settle; to adjust, or to arrange for settlement; as, to make up accounts.NWAD MAKE.87
9. To determine; to bring to a definite conclusion; as, to make up one’s mind.NWAD MAKE.88
In seamen’s language, to make sail, to increase the quantity of sail already extended.NWAD MAKE.89
To make sternway, to move with the stern foremost.NWAD MAKE.90
To make water, to leak.NWAD MAKE.91
To make words, to multiply words.NWAD MAKE.92
MAKE, v.i. To tend; to proceed; to move. He made towards home. The tiger made at the sportsman. Formerly authors used to make way, to make on, to make forth, to make about; but these phrases are obsolete. We now say, to make at, to make towards.
1. To contribute; to have effect. This argument makes nothing in his favor. He believes wrong to be right, and right to be wrong, when it makes for his advantage.NWAD MAKE.94
2. To rise; to flow toward land; as, the tide makes fast.NWAD MAKE.95
To make as if, to show; to appear; to carry appearance.NWAD MAKE.96
Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them, and fled. Joshua 8:15.NWAD MAKE.97
To make away with, to kill; to destroy.NWAD MAKE.98
To make for, to move towards; to direct a course towards; as, we apprehended a tempest approaching, and made for a harbor.NWAD MAKE.99
1. To tend to advantage; to favor. A war between commercial nations makes for the interest of neutrals.NWAD MAKE.100
To make against, to tend to injury. This argument makes against his cause.NWAD MAKE.101
To make out, to succeed; to have success at last. He made out to reconcile the contending parties.NWAD MAKE.102
To make up, to approach. He made up to us with boldness.NWAD MAKE.103
To make up for, to compensate; to supply by an equivalent.NWAD MAKE.104
Have you a supply of friends to make up for those who are gone?NWAD MAKE.105
To make up with, to settle differences; to become friends.NWAD MAKE.106
To make with, to concur.NWAD MAKE.107
MAKE, n. Structure; texture; constitution of parts in a body. It may sometimes be synonymous with shape or form, but more properly, the word signifies the manner in which the parts of a body are united; as a man of slender make, or feeble make,
Is our perfection of so frail a makeNWAD MAKE.109
As every plot can undermine and shake?NWAD MAKE.110
MAKE, n. [Eng. match; L. par.] A companion; a mate.
MAKEBATE, n. One who excites contention and quarrels.
MAKELESS, a. Matchless; without a mate.
MAKER, n. The Creator.
The universal Maker we may praise.NWAD MAKER.2
1. One that makes, forms, shapes, or molds; a manufacturer; as a maker of watches, or of jewelry; a maker of cloth.NWAD MAKER.3
2. A poet.NWAD MAKER.4
MAKEPEACE, n. A peace-maker; one that reconciles persons when are variance.
MAKEWEIGHT, n. That which is thrown into a scale to make weight.
MAKI, n. An animal of the genus Lemur.
The ring-tailed maki is of the size of a cat.NWAD MAKI.2
The common name of a subdivision of the Linnean genus Lemur, including the macauco, the mongooz, and the vari.NWAD MAKI.3
MAKING, ppr. Forming; causing; compelling; creating; constituting.
MAKING, n. The act of forming, causing or constituting.
1. Workmanship. This is cloth of your own making.NWAD MAKING.3
2. Composition; structure.NWAD MAKING.4
3. A poem.NWAD MAKING.5
MAL, MALE, as a previx, in composition, denotes ill or veil, L. malus. [See Malady.]
MALACHITE, n. [Gr. mallows, L. malva, soft, so names from its resembling the color of the leaf of mallows.]
An oxyd of copper, combined with carbonic acid, found in solid masses of a beautiful green color. It consists of layers, in the form of nipples or needles converging towards a common center. It takes a good polish and is often manufactured into toys.NWAD MALACHITE.2
MALACOLITE, n. [Gr. mallows, from its color.]
Another name for diopside, a variety of pyroxene.NWAD MALACOLITE.2