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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    LION-METTLED, a. Having the courage and spirit of a lion.

    LION’S FOOT, n. A plant of the genus Catananche.

    LION’S LEAF, n. A plant of the genus Leontice.

    LION’S TAIL, n. A plant of the genus Leonurus.

    LIP, n. [L. labium, labrum.]

    1. The edge or border of the mouth. The lips are two fleshy or muscular parts, composing the exterior of the mouth in man and many other animals. In man, the lips, which may be opened or closed at pleasure, form the covering of the teeth, and are organs of speech essential to certain articulations. Hence the lips, by a figure, denote the mouth, or all the organs of speech, and sometimes speech itself. Job 2:10.NWAD LIP.2

    2. The edge of any thing; as the lip of a vessel.NWAD LIP.3

    3. In botany, one of the two opposite divisions of a labiate corol. The upper is called the helmet, and the lower the beard. Also, an appendage to the flowers of the orchises, considered by Linne as a nectary.NWAD LIP.4

    To make a lip, to drop the under lip in sullenness or contempt.NWAD LIP.5

    LIP, v.t. To kiss.

    LIP-DEVOTION, n. Prayers uttered by the lips without the desires of the heart.

    LIP-GOOD, a. Good in profession only.

    LIPLABOR, n. Labor or action of the lips without concurrence of the mind; words without sentiments.

    LIPOGRAM, n. [Gr. to leave, and a letter.]

    A writing in which a single letter is wholly omitted.NWAD LIPOGRAM.2

    LIPOGRAMMATIST, n. One who writes any thing, dropping a single letter.

    LIPOTHYMOUS, a. [See Lipothymy.] Swooning; fainting.

    LIPOTHYMY, n. [Gr. to fail, and soul.]

    A fainting; a swoon.NWAD LIPOTHYMY.2

    LIPPED, a.

    1. Having lips.NWAD LIPPED.2

    2. In botany, labiate.NWAD LIPPED.3

    LIPPITUDE, n. [L. lippitudo, from lippus, blear-eyed.]

    Soreness of eyes; blearedness.NWAD LIPPITUDE.2

    LIPWISDOM, n. Wisdom in talk without practice; wisdom in words not supported by experience.

    LIQUABLE, a. [See Liquate.] That may be melted.

    LIQUATION, n. [L. liquatio. See Liquate.]

    1. The act or operation of melting.NWAD LIQUATION.2

    2. The capacity of being melted; as a substance congealed beyond liquation.NWAD LIQUATION.3

    LIQUATE, v.i. [L. liquo.] To melt; to liquefy; to be dissolved. [Little used.]

    LIQUEFACTION, n. [L. liquefactio, from liquefacio.]

    1. The act or operation of melting or dissolving; the conversion of a solid into a liquid by the sole agency of heat or caloric. Liquefaction, in common usage, signifies the melting of any substance, but by some authors it is applied to the melting of substances, which pass through intermediate states of softness before they become fluid, as tallow, was, resin, etc.NWAD LIQUEFACTION.2

    2. The state of being melted.NWAD LIQUEFACTION.3

    LIQUEFIABLE, a. That may be melted, or changed from a solid to a liquid state.

    LIQUEFIER, n. That which melts any solid substance.

    LIQUEFY, v.t. [L. liquefacio. See Liquid.]

    To melt; to dissolve; to convert from a fixed or solid form to that of a liquid, and technically, to melt by the sole agency of heat or caloric.NWAD LIQUEFY.2

    LIQUEFY, v.i. To be melted; to become liquid.

    LIQUEFYING, ppr. Melting; becoming liquid.

    LIQUESCENCY, n. [L. liquescentia.] Aptness to melt.

    LIQUESCENT, a. Melting; becoming fluid.

    LIQUEUR, n. A spirituous cordial.

    LIQUID, a. [L. liquidus, from liquo, to melt; lix and lug.]

    1. Fluid; flowing or capable of flowing; not fixed or solid. But liquid is not precisely synonymous with fluid. Mercury and air are fluid, but not liquid.NWAD LIQUID.2

    2. Soft; clear; flowing; smooth; as liquid melody.NWAD LIQUID.3

    3. Pronounced without any jar; smooth; as a liquid letter.NWAD LIQUID.4

    4. Dissolved; not obtainable by law; as a liquid debt. Obs.NWAD LIQUID.5

    LIQUID, n.

    1. A fluid or flowing substance; a substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure, and which flows on an inclined plane; as water, wine, milk, etc.NWAD LIQUID.7

    2. In grammar, a letter which has a smooth flowing sound, or which flows smoothly after a mute; as l and r, in bla, bra. M and n are also called liquids.NWAD LIQUID.8

    LIQUIDATE, v.t. [L. liquido.]

    1. To clear from all obscurity.NWAD LIQUIDATE.2

    Time only can liquidate the meaning of all parts of a compound system.NWAD LIQUIDATE.3

    2. To settle; to adjust; to ascertain or reduce to precision in amount.NWAD LIQUIDATE.4

    Which method of liquidating the amercement to a precise sum, was usually performed in the superior courts.NWAD LIQUIDATE.5

    The clerk of the commons’ house of assembly in 1774, gave certificates to the public creditors that their demands were liquidated, and should be provided for in the next tax bill.NWAD LIQUIDATE.6

    The domestic debt may be subdivided into liquidated and unliquidated.NWAD LIQUIDATE.7

    3. To pay; to settle, adjust and satisfy; as a debt.NWAD LIQUIDATE.8

    Kyburgh was ceded to Zuric by Sigismond, to liquidate a debt of a thousand florins.NWAD LIQUIDATE.9

    LIQUIDATED, pp. Settled; adjusted; reduced to certainty; paid.

    LIQUIDATING, ppr. Adjusting; ascertaining; paying.

    LIQUIDATION, n. The act of settling and adjusting debts, or ascertaining their amount or balance due.

    LIQUIDATOR, n. He or that which liquidates or settles.


    1. The quality of being fluid or liquid.NWAD LIQUIDITY.2

    2. Thinness.NWAD LIQUIDITY.3

    LIQUIDNESS, n. The quality of being liquid; fluency.

    LIQUOR, n. lik’or [L. liquor.]

    A liquid or fluid substance. [See Liquid.] Liquor is a word of general signification, extending to water, milk, blood, say, juice, etc.; but its most common application is to spirituous fluids, whether distilled or fermented, to decoctions, solutions, tinctures.NWAD LIQUOR.2

    LIQUOR, v.t. To moisten; to drench. [Little used.]

    LIQUORICE. [See Licorice.]

    LISBON, n. A species of wine exported from Lisbon, in Portugal.

    LISNE, n. A cavity or hollow. [Not in use.]

    LISP, v.i.

    To speak with a particular articulation of the tongue and teeth, nearly as in pronouncing th. Lisping is particularly noticed in uttering th for s, as yeth for yes. It is most common in children.NWAD LISP.2

    I lisped in numbers, for the numbers came.NWAD LISP.3

    LISP, v.t. To pronounce with a lisp; as, she lisped a few words.
    LISP, n. The act of lisping, as in uttering an aspirated th for s.

    LISPER, n. One that lisps.

    LISPING, ppr. Uttering with a lisp.

    LISPINGLY, adv. With a lisp.

    LIST, n. [L. licium.]

    1. In commerce, the border, edge or selvage of cloth; a strip of cloth forming the border, particularly of broadcloth, and serving to strengthen it.NWAD LIST.2

    2. A line inclosing or forming the extremity of a piece of ground, or field of combat; hence, the ground or field inclosed for a race or combat. Hence, to enter the lists, is to accept a challenge or engage in contest. Hence,NWAD LIST.3

    3. A limit or boundary; a border.NWAD LIST.4

    4. In architecture, a little square molding; a fillet; called also a listel.NWAD LIST.5

    5. A roll or catalogue, that is, a row or line; as a list of names; a list of books; a list of articles; a list of ratable estate.NWAD LIST.6

    6. A strip of cloth; a fillet.NWAD LIST.7

    Civil list, in Great Britain and the United States, the civil officers of government, as judges, embassadors, secretaries, etc. Hence it is used for the revenues or appropriations of public money for the support of the civil officers.NWAD LIST.8

    LIST, v.t. [from list, a roll.]

    1. To enroll; to register in a list or catalogue; to enlist. The latter is the more elegant word. Hence,NWAD LIST.10

    2. To engage in the public service, as soldiers.NWAD LIST.11

    They in my name are listed.NWAD LIST.12

    3. To inclose for combat; as, to list a field.NWAD LIST.13

    4. To sew together, as strips of cloth; or to form a border.NWAD LIST.14

    5. To cover with a list, or with strips of cloth; as, to list a door.NWAD LIST.15

    6. To hearken; to attend; a contraction of listen, which see.NWAD LIST.16

    LIST, v.i. To engage in public service by enrolling one’s name; to enlist. [The latter is the more elegant word. See Enlist.]
    LIST, v.i. [See the noun.]

    Properly, to lean or incline; to be propense; hence, to desire or choose.NWAD LIST.19

    Let other men think of your devices as they list.NWAD LIST.20

    The wind bloweth where it listeth. John 3:8.NWAD LIST.21

    LIST, n. In the language of seamen, an inclination to one side. The ship has a list to port.

    LISTED, pp.

    1. Striped; particolored in stripes.NWAD LISTED.2

    2. Covered with list.NWAD LISTED.3

    3. Inclosed for combat.NWAD LISTED.4

    4. Engaged in public service; enrolled.NWAD LISTED.5

    LISTEL, n. A list in architecture; a fillet.

    LISTEN, v.i. lis’n.

    1. To hearken; to give ear; to attend closely with a view to hear.NWAD LISTEN.2

    On the green bank I sat, and listened long.NWAD LISTEN.3

    2. To obey; to yield to advice; to follow admonition.NWAD LISTEN.4

    LISTEN, v.t. lis’n. To hear; to attend.

    LISTENER, n. One who listens; a hearkener.

    LISTER, n. One who makes a list or roll.

    LISTFUL, a. Attentive. Obs.

    LISTING, ppr. Inclosing for combat; covering with list; enlisting.

    LISTLESS, a. Not listening; not attending; indifferent to what is passing; heedless; inattentive; thoughtless; careless; as a listless hearer or spectator.

    LISTLESSLY, adv. Without attention; heedlessly.

    LISTLESSNESS, n. Inattention; heedlessness; indifference to what is passing and may be interesting.

    LIT, pret. of light. The bird lit on a tree before me.

    I lit my pipe with the paper.NWAD LIT.2

    [This word, though used by some good writers, is very inelegant.]NWAD LIT.3

    LITANY, n. [Gr. supplication, to pray.]

    A solemn form of supplication, used in public worship.NWAD LITANY.2

    Supplications for the appeasing of God’s wrath, were by the Greek church termed litanies, by the Latin, rogations.NWAD LITANY.3

    LITE, a. Little. [Not in use.]

    LITER, n. [Gr.] A French measure of capacity, being a cubic decimeter, containing, according to Lunier, about a pint and a half old French measure. The liter is equal to 60.02800 cubic inches, or nearly 2 1/8 wine pints.

    LITERAL, a. [L. litera, a letter.]

    1. According to the letter; primitive; real; not figurative or metaphorical; as the literal meaning of a phrase.NWAD LITERAL.2

    2. Following the letter or exact words; not free; as a literal translation.NWAD LITERAL.3

    3. Consisting of letters.NWAD LITERAL.4

    The literal notation of numbers was known to Europeans before the ciphers.NWAD LITERAL.5

    LITERAL, n. Literal meaning. [Not used.]

    LITERALISM, n. That which accords with the letter.

    LITERALITY, n. Original or literal meaning.

    LITERALLY, adv.

    1. According to the primary and natural import of words; not figuratively. A man and his wife cannot be literally one flesh.NWAD LITERALLY.2

    2. With close adherence to words; word by word.NWAD LITERALLY.3

    So wild and ungovernable a poet cannot be translated literally.NWAD LITERALLY.4

    LITERARY, a. [L. literarius.]

    1. Pertaining to letters or literature; respecting learning or learned men; as a literary history; literary conversation.NWAD LITERARY.2

    2. Derived from erudition; as literary fame.NWAD LITERARY.3

    3. Furnished with erudition; versed in letters; as a literary man.NWAD LITERARY.4

    4. Consisting in letters, or written or printed compositions; as literary property.NWAD LITERARY.5

    LITERATE, a. [L. literatus.] Learned; lettered; instructed in learning and science.

    LITERATI, n. plu. [L. literatus.] The learned; men of erudition.

    LITERATOR, n. [L.] A petty schoolmaster.

    LITERATURE, n. [L. literatura.] Learning; acquaintance with letters or books. Literature comprehends a knowledge of the ancient languages, denominated classical, history, grammar, rhetoric, logic, geography, etc. as well as of the sciences. A knowledge of the world and good breeding give luster to literature.

    LITH, n. A joint or limb. Obs.

    LITHANTHRAX, n. [Gr. a stone, and a coal.]

    Stone-coal, a black, compact, brittle, inflammable substance, of laminated texture, more or less shining.NWAD LITHANTHRAX.2

    LITHARGE, n. [L. lithargyros, Gr. the spume or scum of silver.]

    A semi-vitreous oxyd of lead, produced in refining silver by cupellation with lead. It appears in the form of soft flakes, or semi-transparent shining plates.NWAD LITHARGE.2

    LITHE, a. That may be easily bent; pliant; flexible; limber; as the elephant’s lithe proboscis.

    LITHE, v.t.

    1. To smooth; to soften; to palliate. Obs.NWAD LITHE.3

    2. To listen. Obs.NWAD LITHE.4

    LITHENESS, n. Flexibility; limberness.

    LITHER, a.

    1. Soft; pliant. Obs.NWAD LITHER.2

    2. Bad; corrupt. Obs.NWAD LITHER.3

    LITHERLY, adv. Slowly; lazily. Obs.

    LITHERNESS, n. Idleness; laziness. Obs.

    LITHIA, n. A new alkali, found in a mineral called petalite, of which the basis is a metal called lithium.

    LITHIATE, n. [Gr. a stone.] A salt or compound formed by the lithic acid combined with a base.

    LITHIC, a. [supra.] Pertaining to the stone in the bladder. The lithic acid is obtained from a calculus in the bladder.

    LITHOBIBLION. [See Lithophyl.]

    LITHOCARP, n. [Gr. a stone, and fruit.] Fossil fruit; fruit petrified.

    LITHOCOLLA, n. [Gr. a stone, and glue.] A cement that unites stones.

    LITHODENDRON, n. [Gr. stone, and tree.] Coral; so called from its resembling a petrified branch.

    LITHOGENESY, n. [Gr. stone, and generation.]

    The doctrine or science of the origin of minerals composing the globe, and of the causes which have produced their form and disposition.NWAD LITHOGENESY.2

    LITHOGLYPHITE, n. [Gr. stone, and to engrave.]

    A fossil that presents the appearance of being engraved or shaped by art.NWAD LITHOGLYPHITE.2

    LITHOGRAPHER, n. [See Lithography.] One who practices lithography.

    LITHOGRAPHIC, LITHOGRAPHICAL, a. Pertaining to lithography.

    LITHOGRAPHICALLY, adv. By the lithographic art.

    LITHOGRAPHY, n. [Gr. stone, and to engrave or write.]

    The art of engraving, or of tracing letters, figures or other designs on stone, and of transferring them to paper by impression; an art recently invented by Mr. Sennefelder of Munich, in Bavaria.NWAD LITHOGRAPHY.2

    LITHOLOGIC, LITHOLOGICAL, a. [See Lithology.]

    Pertaining to the science of stones.NWAD LITHOLOGIC.2

    LITHOLOGIST, n. A person skilled in the science of stones.

    LITHOLOGY, n. [Gr. stone, and discourse.]

    1. The science or natural history of stones.NWAD LITHOLOGY.2

    2. A treatise on stones found in the body.NWAD LITHOLOGY.3

    LITHOMANCY, n. [Gr. stone, and divination.]

    Divination or prediction of events by means of stones.NWAD LITHOMANCY.2

    LITHOMARGA, LITHOMARGE, n. [Gr. stone, and L. marga, marl.]

    An earth of two species, friable and indurated, more siliceous than aluminous, distinguished by its great fineness and its fusibility into a soft slag.NWAD LITHOMARGA.2

    LITHONTRIPTIC, a. [Gr. stone, and to wear or break.]

    Having the quality of dissolving the stone in the bladder or kidneys.NWAD LITHONTRIPTIC.2

    LITHONTRIPTIC, n. A medicine which has the power of dissolving the stone in the bladder or kidneys; a solvent of stone in the human urinary passage.

    LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITOR, n. An instrument for triturating the stone in the bladder, so that it may be extracted without cutting; recently invented by Dr. Civiale.

    LITHONTRIPTY, LITHOTRITY, n. The operation of triturating the stone in the bladder, by means of an instrument called lithotritor.

    LITHOPHAGOUS, a. [Gr. stone, and to eat.]

    Eating or swallowing stones or gravel, as the ostrich.NWAD LITHOPHAGOUS.2

    LITHOPHOSPHOR, n. [Gr. stone.]

    LITHOPHOSPHORIC, a. Pertaining to lithophosphor; becoming phosphoric by heat.

    LITHOPHYL, n. [Gr. stone, and a leaf.]

    Bibliolite or lithobiblion, fossil leaves, or the figures of leaves on fossils.NWAD LITHOPHYL.2

    LITHOPHYTE, n. [Gr. stone, and a plant; literally, stone-plant.]

    Stone-coral; a name given to those species of polypiers, whose substance is stony. The older naturalists classed them with vegetables.NWAD LITHOPHYTE.2

    LITHOPHYTIC, a. Pertaining to lithophytes.

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